FWH :: Volume #7

#677: Mu Shou Association

„The dense ray all colors spray tuck dive of Emerald Forest direction surges likely, it as if has in the world the most complex color, each color is the collision of fate. Curls sword cry, such as wind like shade, elusive invisible, is everywhere. Is clearly opposite with it, scarlet sword light is so violent, dyes the scarlet rosy cloud the cloud of pearl defense line direction sky. Tian Xin City raising white light beam, it stands tall and erect palatially, can pick up the sky. Shivering whooshes the thorough marrow, told the common people the life, but pain. The will in world Emperor Saint, illuminates the Divine Country sky with the golden light, announced that his majestic kingly way, made all living things bowing.” 翡翠森方向的氤氲光芒像五彩的浪花翻腾涌动,它仿佛有着世上最纷繁复杂的色彩,每一种色彩都是宿命的碰撞。袅袅剑鸣,如风如影,空灵无形,却又无处不在。与之截然相反,血色剑光是如此暴烈,把珍珠防线方向天空的云彩染成赤霞。天心城升起白色光柱,它巍峨高耸,能托起天空。颤抖的嘶吼深入骨髓,告诉世人人生而痛苦。志在天下的帝圣,用金光照亮神国的天空,宣告他的堂皇王道,令众生拜伏。” —— «Byron Story» ——《拜伦见闻》 On this day is doomed to go down in history, I who witnesses the sky phenomenon, incomparably believes firmly this point. Please forgive me, I am so excited, probably was hit by electric current, the body can not help shiver to tremble. In that moment, I incomparably determined that a new time is lifting in front of me slowly. It comes so suddenly, does not have the least bit omen.” “这一天注定被载入史册,亲眼目睹天空异象的我,无比确信这一点。请原谅我,我如此激动,就好像被一股电流击中,身体情不自禁颤抖战栗。就在那一刻,我无比确定,一个新的时代正在我面前徐徐掀开。它来得如此突然,没有半点预兆。” —— «Wu Elder Memoirs» ——《吴长老回忆录》 Grandmaster is long-standing, the front door that however that leaf is to shut tightly, opens since then loudly.” 宗师由来已久,然而那扇是紧闭的大门,从此轰然打开。” «elemental force History» —《元力史》 Opening of each new times, is that mammoth. Places, some people can understand its beautiful, but more people were coerced to go downstream, does not distinguish the thing. 每一个新时代的开启,都是那么波澜壮阔。身处其中,有人能领略其美,但更多的人被裹挟顺流而下,不辨东西。 Fu Sisi thought over the two days like damn. 傅思思觉得这两天就像见鬼了一样。 Emerald Forest has the wars of unprecedented Grandmaster, two are in the peak Grandmaster, showdown about fate. Le Buleng becomes Grandmaster, making the person not think, but made people think in the unexpected reason. After all Le Buleng becomes „the world third, if said that who is most likely to promote Grandmaster, that belongs to him. 翡翠森发生规模空前的宗师之战,两位处于巅峰的宗师,关于宿命的对决。乐不冷成为宗师,令人没想到,但是又让人觉得意料之外情理之中。毕竟乐不冷被成为“天下第三”,倘若说谁最有可能晋升宗师,那非他莫属。 What ghost but afterward was sword cry? Tian Xin City's white light? Emperor Saint is unwilling, comes out to brush to have the feeling? 可是后来的剑鸣是什么鬼?还有天心城的白光?帝圣不甘寂寞,也出来刷一下存在感? Good, no matter the Tian Xin City's white light, is the Emperor Saint's golden light, although makes them fearful and apprehensive, but the distance is remote, is quite short to the impact that they have. 好吧,不管是天心城的白光,还是帝圣的金光,尽管让他们心惊肉跳,但是距离遥远,对他们产生的冲击比较短暂。 What is hateful is that sword cry and scarlet sword light, is away from them too to be really near. 可恨的是那剑鸣和血色剑光,距离他们实在太近。 At that time heard sword cry time, their within the body elemental force was uncontrolled stirs, nearly lost control at the scene, rested two double-hour to restore such as beginning. The fluctuation that scarlet sword light starts, making them think that places the storm the center, is hard to start. 当时听到剑鸣的时候,他们体内元力不受控制鼓荡,近乎当场失控,足足休息了两个时辰才恢复如初。血色剑光掀起的波动,让他们以为身处风暴的中心,举步维艰。 Such situation their first meeting. 这样的情况他们还是第一次遇到。 They frighten keep silent, but also thinks the big demon in them behind. 他们吓得噤若寒蝉,还以为大魔头就在他们身后。 Gradually relaxes, everybody was discussing that Grandmaster of this new promote, was most likely Sword of Thunderbolt Ai Hui. The intelligence analysis that since she knows, Fu Sisi approves of everybody's guess very much. Why however does not know, she thought that the scarlet sword light aura, gives her indistinct familiar feeling unexpectedly, making her recall a person. 逐渐放松下来,大家都在讨论,这位新晋的宗师,最有可能是雷霆之剑艾辉。从她知道的情报分析,傅思思很赞同大家的猜测。但是不知为何,她觉得血色剑光的气息,居然给她隐约的熟悉感,让她回忆起一个人。 Light of Master makes her be reborn , before letting her many memories become fuzzy. The Light of Master beforehand matter, she does not remember most probably. The only two people remember profoundly, the father of flying ash annihilation before her, that is called Chu Chaoyang Silver Ring Swordman. 大师之光让她脱胎换骨,也让她以前的许多记忆变得模糊。大师之光之前的事情,大半她都不记得。唯独两个人记忆深刻,在她面前飞灰湮灭的父亲,还有那个叫做楚朝阳银轮剑客 Chu Chaoyang is their Teacher sword art time not to be long, afterward also went into hiding, but why does not know, her impression is so profound. 楚朝阳担任他们的剑术老师时间并不长,后来也销声匿迹,但是不知为何,她的印象如此深刻。 Certainly is own misconception. 一定是自己的错觉吧。 Although Chu Chaoyang sword art is good, but compared to sword art Grandmaster of this new promote, the disparity was too big. 楚朝阳剑术虽然不错,但是比起这位新晋的剑术宗师,差距实在太大。 She takes back the mind: „Do Gui Hu their corpses have clue?” 她收回心神:“桂虎他们的尸体有没有线索?” The members stop discussing that shakes the head in abundance. 队员停止讨论,纷纷摇头。 No.” “没有。” Can be wild beast eats?” “会不会是野兽吃了?” wild beast ate will have left behind the skeleton . Moreover the scene did not have any trace of worry. Definitely some people are up to mischief!” 野兽吃了也会留下骸骨吧,而且现场没有任何撕咬的痕迹。肯定有人搞鬼!” The brutal reality lets Fu Sisi mind exhausted, this time mission twists and turns are unceasing, the accidental frequency sends. Until now, their mission still have achieved nothing. Ye Baiyi does not know the trace, Sky Leaf Unit that she leads, is the casualties is serious, the corpse of companion now suddenly vanishes. But they had not found any clues, Shi Beihai also suddenly disappear disappear without trace. 残酷的现实让傅思思心神俱疲,这次的任务波折不断,意外频发。到现在为止,他们的任务依然一无所获。叶白衣不知所踪,她所率的天叶部,却是伤亡惨重,就连同伴的尸体现在都突然消失。而他们还没有找到任何蛛丝马迹,师北海也突然消失得无影无踪 Fu Sisi in the heart has made the decision, after waiting, apologized to the madame, resigns from the duty of Vice-unit leader. 傅思思心中已做出决定,等回去之后就向夫人请罪,辞去副部首之职。 However at this moment, the mission moment had not ended, she must shoulder the responsibility of leader. 但是此刻,任务一刻没有结束,她就必须担负起首领的职责。 Where Shi Beihai can they hide to go? 师北海他们能躲到哪里去呢? She is rubbing the painful forehead, forcing oneself to calm down. If are Shi Beihai, will run away toward that side? She thinks very slowly, thinks carefully, wiredrawing cocoon straightens out own mentality very much probably little. 她揉着生疼的脑门,强迫自己冷静下来。假如自己是师北海,会往那边逃?她想得很慢,想得很仔细,好像抽丝剥茧般一点点理顺自己的思路。 Gradually, an inspiration is partly visible, she catches the key probably faintly. 渐渐,一丝灵感若隐若现,她好像隐隐抓到关键。 In this time, suddenly shouted loudly transmits: Sir, has the discovery!” 就在此时,忽然一声高呼传来:“大人,有发现!” A member toward the camp is grazing, but, his whole face happy expression, in the hand grabs clothes. 一名队员正朝营地飞掠而至,他满脸喜色,手上抓着一件衣服。 Fu Sisi stands suddenly, that is the Gui Hu clothes! 傅思思霍地站起来,那是桂虎的衣服! The recent discovery makes the exhausted people excited, everybody stands. 新发现让疲惫的众人兴奋起来,大家纷纷站起来。 Fu Sisi cold sound track: Which in discovers? Leads us to pass.” 傅思思冷声道:“在哪发现的?带我们过去。” She believes that disappearance of death member corpse, certainly is artificial. She does not know that the opposite party wants the corpse of member to have what using. Perhaps to explain the Light of Master mystery, perhaps out of other goal, but without a doubt, the opposite party fills with the evil intention to Sky Leaf Unit. 她坚信死亡队员尸体的消失,一定是人为。她并不知道,对方要队员的尸体有何用。也许是为了破解大师之光的奥秘,也许是出于别的目的,但是毫无疑问,对方对天叶部满怀恶意。 Has made so the matter of disrespecting to the person of dying, is unable to forgive! 对已死之人做出如此不敬之事,无法原谅! People figure like the electricity, everyone face darken, in the heart is full of the anger. 众人身形如电,每个人都脸色阴沉,心中充满愤怒。 Quick they then arrive to discover that the place of Gui Hu clothing, that is stretch of place of overgrowing with heather. 很快他们便来到发现桂虎衣物之地,那是一片灌木丛生之地。 Quick they had the new discovery near the shrubbery, a member discovered that soils and other places have the significant difference, immediately shouted loudly: Here!” 很快他们就在灌木丛附近有了新的发现,一名队员发现一处的泥土和其他地方有明显的区别,立即高呼:“这里!” Fu Sisi appears side him quickly, look ice-cold: Digs up here.” 傅思思倏地出现在他身边,眼神冰冷:“把这里挖开。” Several members look at each other one, then starts to dig. Shortly after the soil should bury newly, digs up very much with ease, when the picture in soil presents in everybody at present, the eyes of all people are flashing the angry flame. 几名队员对视一眼,便开始挖起来。泥土应该是新埋不久,很轻松就挖开,当泥土中的景象呈现在大家眼前,所有人的眼睛都闪动着愤怒的火焰。 Inside does not have the Gui Hu corpse, has piles of hashed meat. 里面没有桂虎的尸体,只有一堆堆碎肉。 Fu Sisi has squatted, changes the hashed meat slightly not affected. 傅思思蹲了下来,丝毫不受影响地翻动碎肉。 Wound creates with sharp cutting tool, the opposite party does not give vent to indignation.” “伤口是用锋利的刀具造成,对方不是泄愤。” She found the hand of Gui Hu, the Five Elements Ring mark of palm place is gouged by the opposite party. 她找到桂虎的手,手掌处的五行环印记被对方剜去。 Two possibilities \; first, they are seeking for the Light of Master mystery \; second, they are seeking to cope with our means.” “有两种可能,一是他们在寻找大师之光的奥秘,二是他们在寻找对付我们的办法。” The Fu Sisi intonation is calm, like was narrating one with they irregular matter. 傅思思的语调冷静,就像在叙述一件和他们不相干的事情。 A member said indignantly: Certainly is Shi Beihai they do!” 一名队员激愤道:“一定是师北海他们干的!” Right!” “没错!” Fu Sisi said: Also may be blood cultivator.” 傅思思道:“也有可能是血修。” She stands, said lightly: No matter, blood debts must be paid in blood.” 她站起来,淡淡道:“不管是谁,血债血还。” She has transferred the body, facing another female member Xu Lin: Can find them?” 她转过身子,面对另外一位女队员许琳:“能找到他们吗?” Xu Lin is good at tracing, so long as the opposite party stays behind the trace, she can find the opposite party through the mystique. 许琳擅长追踪,只要对方留下痕迹,她就能够通过秘法找到对方。 The Xu Lin nod said: I try.” 许琳点头道:“我试试。” She closes the eye, the both arms surround the front, double palm tigers mouth relative, elemental force ring shines in her. The elemental force ring ray circulation, the innumerable complex concentric pattern fluctuate erratically, her double palm shines one group of brown rays. That is earth elemental force, but with general earth elemental force deep sincere is different, its elemental force fluctuation is gentle lithe. 她闭上眼睛,双臂环抱胸前,双掌虎口相对,一圈元力环在她脚下亮起。元力环光芒流转,无数复杂的环纹变幻不定,她的双掌亮起一团棕色的光芒。那是土元力,但是和一般土元力的深沉厚重不一样,它的元力波动非常柔和轻盈。 Xu Lin raises the palm gently, is grasping sand dust like the hand, raises to airborne. 许琳轻轻扬起手掌,就像手中握着一把沙尘,扬向空中。 Floats really dust! 【浮真之尘】! In the jungle of cover, presents each and everyone light light spot. These light spot sizes vary, the position is also disorderly, some in ground, some on tree, the direction that but they extend is actually very consistent, aims at the deep woods. 茂密的丛林中,出现一个个淡淡的光斑。这些光斑大小不一,位置也非常凌乱,有的在地面,有的在树上,但是它们延伸的方向却是非常一致,指向森林深处。 Fu Sisi did not say a word, in the light spot direction, broke in the forest. 傅思思一言不发,沿着光斑的方向,冲入森林。 Other members follow. 其他队员紧随其后。 Has not walked far, they had discovered another earth pit, inside is burying corpse similarly by dismemberment. Moreover can look, technique that the opposite party uses, with beforehand entirely different. 没走多远,他们又发现了另一处土坑,里面埋葬着的尸体同样被肢解。而且看得出来,对方使用的手法,和之前截然不同。 The anger saves in each Sky Leaf Unit member in the heart. 怒火在每位天叶部队员心中积攒。 light spot becomes more and more clear bright, this means the mark that the enemy leaves behind is newer, means that they are away from the enemy to be getting more and more near. 光斑变得越来越清晰明亮,这意味着敌人留下的印记越新鲜,也意味着他们距离敌人越来越近。 Nobody spoke, their whole body worked off anger is increasing unceasingly, they only want to find the enemy now immediately, dismembered a body the opposite party. 没有人说话,他们周身杀气在不断攀升,他们现在只想马上找到敌人,把对方大卸八块。 Suddenly, Fu Sisi stops figure. 忽然,傅思思止住身形 light spot along the way, all vanishes to this place suddenly. 沿途的光斑,到此地突然全都消失。 This is small valley, all around grotesquely-shaped jagged rocks, the terrain is complex. 这是一处小山谷,四周怪石嶙峋,地形复杂。 Fu Sisi opens the mouth suddenly: Comes out, the fee such big strength, tempts here us, but also needs to reveal only part of the truth?” 傅思思忽然开口:“出来吧,费这么大的力气,把我们引诱到这里,还需要藏头露尾?” Already heard Miss Sisi the woman's head covering to be competent, today sees, really lives up to reputation.” “早就听闻思思小姐巾帼不让须眉,今日一见,果然名不虚传。” The hoarse sound resounds from a stone, a grey robe man walks, massive grey clothes elemental cultivator reveal figure, they take all around advantageous terrain, surrounds Sky Leaf Unit. 沙哑的声音从一处石头后面响起,一个灰袍男子走出来,紧接着大量的灰衣元修露出身形,他们占据四周有利地形,把天叶部都包围起来。 Fu Sisi unemotionally: Who are you?” 傅思思面无表情:“你是谁?” The grey robe man he he smiles: Trivial inexpensive name, why cares...” 灰袍男子呵呵一笑:“区区贱名,何必在意…” The voice has not fallen, his chest presents a blood hole, impressively is Fu Sisi lightning take action. 话音未落,他胸口出现一个血洞,赫然是傅思思闪电出手 On grey robe man face shows the strange smiling face: Murderous aura of Miss Sisi is really heavy.” 灰袍男子脸上露出诡异的笑容:“思思小姐的杀气真重。” , a light sound, the grey robe man seems the air bubble was shattered, vanishes does not see. 噗,一声轻响,灰袍男子好似气泡般破碎,消失不见。 Unexpectedly is false! 居然是假的! The Fu Sisi brow selects, opposite party makes in her heart sink discretely slightly, figure has not stopped, folds other grey clothes men on towards the mountain valley rock. Other Sky Leaf Unit members have not hesitated, they did not care that who this crowd is, they only want to rip these Dammit fellows crush. 傅思思眉头一挑,对方的谨慎让她心中微微一沉,身形没有丝毫停顿,折向山谷岩石上的其他灰衣人。其他天叶部队员也没有丝毫迟疑,他们根本不关心这群是谁,他们只想把这些该死的家伙撕得粉碎。 As for the ambush of opposite party? They not care a whoop. 至于对方的埋伏?他们毫不在意。 They have the absolute self-confidence to their strength, so long as the opposite party is not Grandmaster, they do not fear. 他们对自己的实力有绝对的自信,只要对方不是宗师,他们丝毫不惧。 Suddenly, the mountain valley valley shines the colorful ray, five color different light beams raise, they like the curving dragon bone, close up sky over mountain valley. Among the light beams, shines the light light screen, is stranded the Sky Leaf Unit people in inside impressively. 忽然,山谷谷底亮起五颜六色的光芒,五根颜色不同的光柱升起,它们就像弯曲的龙骨,在山谷上空合拢。光柱之间,亮起薄薄的光幕,赫然把天叶部众人困在里面。 Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth! 金木水火土 Fu Sisi has gawked, five light beams unexpectedly are five elemental force, five types of traps of elemental force builds? 傅思思愣了一下,五根光柱竟然是五种元力,五种元力搭建的陷阱? coldly snorted, the Five Elements elemental force ring mark of her palm shines suddenly, Five Elements elemental force ring surrounds her palm, the snow white slender palm becomes at the naked eye obvious speed transparent variegated. 冷哼一声,她手掌的五行元力环印记陡然亮起,五行元力环环绕她的手掌,雪白纤细的手掌以肉眼可见的速度变得透明斑斓。 The Fu Sisi imposing manner changes, just like changing a person, like one treasured sword of sheath, makes a great show of one's talents. 傅思思的气势一变,宛如变了一个人,就像一把出鞘的宝剑,锋芒毕露。 Does not know when appears in the expression that the grey robe man on rock shows to acclaim: Light of Master, is really great.” 不知何时出现在岩石上的灰袍男子露出赞叹的表情:“大师之光,真是了不起。” Fu Sisi rises straight from the ground, the imposing manner decidedly, and palm like the blade, cuts at the points of five elemental force light beam collections. 傅思思拔地而起,气势决然,并掌如刀,斩在五根元力光柱汇集之点。 Pīng! 乒! Just like the colored glaze shatter resounding, the elemental force light beam smashing, the colorful broken glow blasts out, like filling the air colored mist. 宛如琉璃破碎的脆响,元力光柱粉碎,五颜六色的碎芒炸开,就像弥漫的彩色雾气。 In the colored mist resounds the Fu Sisi ice-cold dense sound. 彩色雾气中响起傅思思冰冷森然的声音。 Originally you are Mu Shou Association remnant!” “原来你们是牧首会余孽!”
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