FWH :: Volume #7

#676: Echo

In the lotus flower, Dai Gang sits well, is entirely still. His facial expression is indifferent to fame or gain, cannot see the least bit to place the dangerous situation. 莲花之中,岱纲端坐,纹丝不动。他神情恬淡从容,看不出半点身处险境。 Yin Ruin Furnace is swallowing sunlight continuously, the range of covering, like a secluded from the world world. elemental force's supplements completely cuts off, black flame unceasingly is still corroding his vitality, this way, his dead end. 阴墟炉正在源源不断吞噬阳光,笼罩的范围,就像一个与世隔绝的世界。元力的补充彻底断绝,黑炎还在不断侵蚀他的生机,照这样下去,他死路一条。 Pā. 啪。 In the seed case of lotus flower under body, Lotus Seeds changes to a wisp of light smoke dissipation not to see, leaves behind a remnant pit. 身下的莲蓬内,一颗莲子化作一缕轻烟消散不见,留下一个残坑。 Each Lotus Seeds contains the pure and abundant vitality, is he usually spends the innumerable time concise obtained, each precious incomparable. In outside vitality isolated situation, he has to use to return to fresh Lotus Seeds. 每一颗莲子都蕴含精纯而充沛的生机,是他平日花费无数时间凝练所得,每一颗都珍贵无比。在外界生机被隔绝的情况下,他不得不动用返生莲子 Really removes firewood from under the pot! 真是釜底抽薪啊! Has challenged oneself Le Buleng for a lifetime, the distinguished merit that finally practice comes out, restrains own returning to live the lotus inborn, is this fate? 挑战了自己一辈子的乐不冷,最后修炼出来的奇功,天生克制自己的返生莲,这就是宿命么? The Dai Gang corners of the mouth show the smiling face, thinks interesting. 岱纲嘴角露出笑容,觉得有趣。 If 18 Lotus Seeds consume, then when is his fallen. However among his looks, cannot see the least bit to be anxious. 如果18颗莲子消耗完,便是他陨落之时。但是他神色间,看不出半点焦急。 Because he knows that Sun cannot forever the shining earth, not have what through ancient times not to extinguish. 因为他知道,太阳不会永远照耀大地,没有什么亘古不灭。 When the setting sun crash earth, moon rises the sky, the Yin Ruin Furnace might then meets the sharp decline, when that is he counter-attacks. 当夕阳坠落大地,月亮升上天空,阴墟炉的威力便会锐减,那就是他反攻之时。 One well will certainly look after Le Buleng. 自己一定会好好照顾乐不冷 Dai Gang that the corners of the mouth belt smiles is confident. 嘴角带笑的岱纲信心十足。 Suddenly, distant prolonged sword cry, resounds in his ear bank. sword cry not resounding sonorous, seems a sigh, it across the innumerable cloud gentle breeze, across the innumerable mountains canyons, is unexpected. Meanwhile, a vast and wild fluctuation, shoots up to the sky in the extremely remote place. 忽然,一声悠远绵长的剑鸣,在他耳畔响起。剑鸣并不响亮铿锵,好似一声叹息,它穿过无数云和风,穿过无数山川峡谷,不期而至。同时,一股浩大而狂暴的波动,在极遥远的地方冲天而起。 Is full of the provocation! 充满挑衅! The smiling face coagulates suddenly, has then gawked from commencing of action calm calm Dai Gang, frowned in a minute, on the face appears cannot the color of believing. 笑容骤然凝固,从战斗开始便镇定从容的岱纲愣了一下,片刻皱起眉头,脸上浮现不能置信之色。 Grandmaster? Who? 宗师?谁? His first response is Emperor Saint, but is quick he to deny this judgment. The Emperor Saint's aura he is not strange, will have the wild makings in long before the Emperor Saint's aura, however Emperor Saint already eliminated the smoke anger now, but is the air/Qi of majestic King. 他第一反应是帝圣,但是很快他就否定这个判断。帝圣的气息他并不陌生,在很早以前帝圣的气息之中还会有狂暴的气质,然而如今帝圣早就消去烟火气,而是堂堂皇皇的王者之气。 Difficultly to having new Grandmaster is born? 难到有新的宗师出世? This is makes him feel the unbelievable place. Such dozens years, have stepped into the boundary of Grandmaster, only then he and Emperor Saint. His here faces promotes Grandmaster Le Buleng to be in an extremely difficult situation newly, finally presented new Grandmaster in the distant place? 这才是让他感到难以置信的地方。这么几十年了,踏入宗师之境的只有他和帝圣。他这里面对新晋升宗师乐不冷狼狈不堪,结果在远方又出现了一个新的宗师 Really... 真是… Dai Gang does not know how should describe, but why does not know, in the heart raises indescribable excited, sees Le Buleng to promote Grandmaster when like him. 岱纲也不知道该怎么形容,但不知为何,地心中升起一股难以言喻兴奋,就像他看到乐不冷晋升宗师时一样。 Resembles... Probably many similar. 就好像…好像多了一个同类。 Catches the distant place formidable and strange fluctuation and aura carefully, this position... Probably is the region of battle... 仔细捕捉远方这股强大而陌生的波动和气息,这方位…好像是交战的地带… From sword cry, opposite party should be sword cultivation, has a name that Dai Gang can think. 从刚才的剑鸣来看,对方应该是一位剑修,岱纲能想到的只有一个名字。 Sword of Thunderbolt, Ai Hui! 雷霆之剑,艾辉 If is really Ai Hui, that is really great. 如果真的是艾辉,那真了不起。 Dai Gang some do not believe firmly, because Ai Hui was too young. 岱纲有些不确信,因为艾辉实在太年轻了。 Does not determine with Dai Gang's is different, Le Buleng knows instantaneously is Ai Hui. He and Ai Hui have contacted, can have the person of so intense sword intent, he cannot find out others except for Ai Hui. 岱纲的不确定不一样,乐不冷瞬间就知道是艾辉。他和艾辉接触过,能够拥有如此强烈剑意之人,除了艾辉他想不出别人。 Panic-stricken of in his heart does not reduce half minute similarly. 他心中的惊骇同样不减半分。 This fellow... The progressive speed is really... Too astonishing! 这家伙…进步的速度实在是…太惊人了! At once, he has mixed feelings, is filled with emotion. He quite appreciates to Ai Hui, but has not thought that Ai Hui can in such a short time, grow to the situation of so shocking everybody. 一时之间,他心情复杂,感慨万千。他对艾辉颇为欣赏,但是也没想到,艾辉能够在这么短的时间内,成长到如此惊世骇俗的地步。 However Le Buleng also quickly frowned, does not suit! 但是乐不冷也很快皱起眉头,不对劲! Le Buleng is profound to the Ai Hui's sword intent impression, like Ai Hui's nickname Sword of Thunderbolt, that is but purely boundless sword intent. Aura of the purest sword, is boundless with the thunder, mixes sword intent that becomes. 乐不冷艾辉的剑意印象非常深刻,就像艾辉的绰号雷霆之剑,那是纯粹而磅礴的剑意。最为纯粹的剑之气息,和雷霆磅礴霸道,糅合而成的剑意 Similarly is overbearing, thunder rules by force thoroughly the callousness of natural law, actually wild of non- bloodthirsty. 同样是霸道,雷霆的霸道透着自然法则的冷酷,却非嗜血的狂暴。 But now sword cry, although distant prolonged, the fluctuation that however shoots up to the sky, in wild of implication is passing the taste of bloodthirsty, seems hunger for a long time wild beast. 可是如今剑鸣虽然悠远绵长,但是冲天而起的波动,蕴含的狂暴之中透着嗜血之味,好似一头饥饿许久的野兽 Good thick smell of blood! 好浓的血腥味! Ai Hui had certainly problems! 艾辉一定是出了什么问题! Was could it be that the blood poison? 难道是中了血毒? Many doubts dodge to pass in the Le Buleng mind, but after the brain of his quickly then throwing. 诸多疑惑在乐不冷脑海中一闪而逝,但是他很快便抛之脑后。 The blood poison did not have any great, has tried Le Buleng of many paths, never has any evil division. From ancient to present, the world so is always fair, anything does not need to pay the price. If trades to be him, if can promote Grandmaster, under trivial blood poison where words? 中了血毒也没什么了不起,尝试过许多道路的乐不冷,从来没有什么邪正之分。从古至今,世界总是如此公平,没有什么不需要付出代价。如果换做他,倘若能够晋升宗师,区区血毒何在话下? Perhaps this is the price. 也许这就是代价吧。 Recovering Le Buleng, in the brain does not have the distracting thoughts again. Now to him, entire world has a person, he challenges the lifetime old enemy, Dai Gang. 回过神来的乐不冷,脑中再无杂念。如今对他而言,整个世界只有一个人,他挑战一生的宿敌,岱纲 Returning that the bird's eye view under is shutting tightly lives the lotus, Le Buleng in the heart fighting intent surging forward. No matter Ai Hui were blood poison anything, that sword cry was full of the provocation, he provocative intention that liked that not mincing! Probably was informing the world , the person stepped into this desolated cold and still domain. So-called Grandmaster, is not the world that two person three people monopolize. 俯瞰着下方紧闭的返生莲,乐不冷心中战意汹涌澎湃。不管艾辉是不是中了血毒还是什么,那一声剑鸣充满挑衅,他太喜欢那毫不掩饰的挑衅意图!好像在昭告世界,又有一个人踏入这个荒芜冷寂的领域。所谓宗师,再也不是两个人三个人独享的世界。 This conformed to the Le Buleng's temperament simply! 这简直太符合乐不冷的脾气了! Long sword cry, actually seems the fight bugle in the Le Buleng ear, making him one's blood bubbles up to the brim, lets his body trembling cannot help but. 悠长的剑鸣,在乐不冷耳中却好似战斗的号角,让他热血沸腾,让他身体不由自主的战栗。 The Dai Gang's intention he does not need to guess that can also know, but how? 岱纲的意图他不用猜也能知晓,但是那又如何? As if the black eye pupil of abyss, deeply does not see the bottom crazy, the Yin Ruin Furnace full play. kā kā kā, the Le Buleng whole body appears black cracks, this makes him seem like the chinaware sculpture that will soon disrupt. Each black crack seems connecting the abyss, purely and deep darkness. 仿佛深渊的黑色眼瞳,是深不见底的疯狂,阴墟炉全力运转。咔咔咔,乐不冷周身浮现一道道黑色裂纹,这让他看上去就像一个即将碎裂的瓷器雕塑。每一道黑色裂纹都仿佛连通着深渊,纯粹而深沉的黑暗。 The black liquid seeps out from the crack, seems the black blood, likely is the black rock magma. 黑色的液体从裂缝中渗出,好似黑色的血液,又像是黑色的岩浆。 Sigh. 呼。 The surface of black liquor ascends continuously black mist, the mist concentrates not to be loose. 黑色液体的表面升腾起一缕缕黑色的雾气,雾气凝而不散。 Le Buleng whole body black air/Qi winds around, as if abyss Demonic God. 乐不冷周身黑气缭绕,仿佛深渊的魔神 Palm empty that the black air/Qi winds around, the whole body black fog collection palm, condenses a black axe. Axe all over the body jet black like black ink, level plain. 黑气缭绕的手掌虚张,周身黑雾汇集掌心,凝聚成一把黑色斧头。斧头通体漆黑如墨,平实无华。 Le Buleng both hands grasp the axe, has lifted up high the top, jumps to leap, toward returning to the fresh lotus cuts! 乐不冷双手握斧,高举过顶,纵身跃下,向着返生莲斩去! The upper air deep place, Metal Wind howls lingeringly on faintly, the Emperor Saint surface in the Emerald Forest direction, sits cross-legged sits baseless. His both eyes shut, from the change of elemental force fluctuation is realizing the fights between distant place two Grandmaster. 高空深处,金风呼啸不绝于耳,帝圣面朝翡翠森方向,盘膝凭空而坐。他双目微闭,从元力波动的变化体会着远处两位宗师之间的战斗。 The Dai Gang's full of vitality he is not strange, Le Buleng's cloudy and cold elemental force fluctuates, makes him be interested greatly. 岱纲的勃勃生机他不陌生,乐不冷的阴冷元力波动,却让他大感兴趣。 Grandmaster is quite always scarce, present age also has to be able altogether language, already was lucky. But like wars of the two Grandmaster, is extremely precious rare, even if waits and sees to realize from experience from afar, is the extremely rare opportunity. 宗师从来都极为稀少,当世还有能共语者,已然是幸运。而像这样两位宗师之战,更是极为珍贵罕见,哪怕远远观望体悟,亦是极为难得的机会。 Does not have the indication, distant prolonged sword cry suddenly but swiftly. 毫无征兆,一声悠远绵长的剑鸣忽倏而至。 Wild Metal Wind that all year long does not rest, is unable to prevent its slightest. 终年不歇的狂暴金风,无法阻挡它分毫。 Emperor Saint opens the eye, the both eyes none remaining rises suddenly, the facial expression indifferent face, changes countenance rarely. 帝圣睁开眼睛,双目精光暴涨,神情漠然的脸庞,罕见动容。 Void, he sets out to stand, turns around to the direction that sword cry resounds. 虚空之中,他起身而立,转身面向剑鸣响起的方向。 There is... War zone! 那里是…交战地带! sword cry? The Emperor Saint facial expression usually restores once again indifferently, he thinks arrived Ai Hui similarly. He has paid attention to this kid, although the strength is ordinary, but can be called present age strongest sword cultivation. Also is this kid, leads one group of new military recruits cannon fodders, blocks the step of his army stiffly. 剑鸣帝圣神情再度恢复平日的漠然,他同样想到了艾辉。他有关注过这个小家伙,虽然实力一般,但是称得上当世最强剑修。也就是这个小家伙,带领一帮菜鸟炮灰,硬生生挡住他大军的步伐。 Interesting kid! 有意思的小家伙! Since he has acknowledged continuously, he has neglected Ai Hui. However „” mistake of Emperor Saint to own not cares a whoop. If there is not remembered incorrectly, how long time Ai Hui becomes Master not. Grandmaster, Lord of the country, just promoted the Master not long kid to one, needs to attach great importance to? 他承认一直以来,他都忽略了艾辉。不过帝圣对自己的这个“错误”毫不在意。如果没记错的话,艾辉成为大师都没有多长的时间。一位宗师,一国之主,对一位刚刚晋升大师没有多久的小家伙,需要重视吗? Really pure sword intent! 真是纯粹的剑意啊! Emperor Saint in the heart praised without cease, has not thought that in time that this sword cultivation declined, can experience to so pure sword intent, was really lucky. 帝圣心中赞叹不已,没想到在这个剑修没落的时代,能够见识到如此纯粹的剑意,甚是幸运。 In the ancient times the wind of sword cultivation greatly! 大有古代剑修之风! However... 不过… God Blood? Can absorb God Blood, has not actually exploded the body to perish, the kid talent is good. 神血么?能够吸收神血,却没有爆体而亡,小家伙天赋不错嘛。 If discussed in this world, who most knew about God Blood that Emperor Saint did not pass on responsibilities. 若论这个世上,谁对神血最为了解,帝圣当仁不让。 Like this gain strength, then, will be very interesting. 这样获取的力量,接下来,会很有趣。 The Emperor Saint's corners of the mouth appear wipe to mean smiling face that is difficult to be bright. 帝圣的嘴角浮现一抹意味难明的笑容。 When sword cry resounds in Tian Xin City, immediately raises a piece of storm. 剑鸣天心城响起,立即掀起一片风浪。 How possible?” “怎么可能?” The Madame Ye facial expression blanch, is panic-stricken and despairs. 叶夫人神情发白,惊恐而绝望。 Emerald Forest Dai Gang and Le Buleng's battle, making her feel to shock, that is to shock of peak time Grandmaster terrifying strength. However she is happy, in the heart secretly rejoices, if can be mutually wounded, that is should better. 翡翠森岱纲乐不冷的交战,让她感到震撼,那是对巅峰期宗师恐怖力量的震撼。但是她乐见其成,心中暗喜,若果能两败俱伤,那是最好不过。 sword cry that but if suddenly comes, makes her feel that fears and despairs. 可是忽如其来的剑鸣,却让她感到恐惧和绝望。 Ai Hui! 艾辉 Since Sky Leaf Unit appears, Heaven Outside Heaven was almost integrated in the pouch by her, bows the head to surrender to her including the Gong Resident established aristocratic family like this. Can make her feel only to dread that has a name, that is Ai Hui! 自从天叶部横空出世,天外天就几乎被她纳入囊中,连宫府这样的老牌世家都向她俯首投降。唯一能够让她感到忌惮,只有一个名字,那就是艾辉 Ai Hui grips the thorn in meat like one. 艾辉就像一根扎在肉里的刺。 How she is racking brains to think every day can cope with Ai Hui, does not affect the front war. 她每天都在绞尽脑汁思索着怎么才能对付艾辉,又不影响前线的战局。 To Tian Xin City, Ai Hui becomes Grandmaster, is the worst result. Sky Leaf Unit that she can take advantage, in front of Grandmaster, anything is not. 天心城而言,艾辉成为宗师,是最坏的结果。她所能依仗的天叶部,在宗师面前,什么都不是。 Suddenly, all cards in a hand and superiority, forfeit. 突然之间,所有的底牌、优势,都丧失殆尽。 How can Madame Ye not despair? 叶夫人如何能不绝望? Her brain blank, stands in that dull, is absentminded loses the vitality like one corpse. All plans, in the face of the absolute strength, are that frail and collapse at the first blow. 她大脑一片空白,呆呆站在那,失魂落魄就像一具失去生机的尸体。所有的谋划,在绝对的力量面前,是那么脆弱和不堪一击。 The entire Tian Xin City's high level, falls into the endless despair. Yesterday was flower-decked, ten thousand cities to come the aspect in Royal Court, probably is just an illusion air bubble, but now bubble broken. 整个天心城的高层,都陷入无尽的绝望之中。昨天还繁花似锦、万城来朝的局面,好像只不过是一个梦幻的气泡,而如今气泡破碎了。 How possible... 怎么可能… Does Ai Hui possibly become Grandmaster? 艾辉怎么可能成为宗师 He is only sword cultivation! 他只是个剑修啊! He is so young! 他那么年轻! Why... 为什么… When all people are disheartened, if dies, nobody notes, is breeding in the second batch of Light of Master Master lake, a Five Elements seed case of lotus flower place is sending out the light black air/Qi, the vitality is on the wane gradually. 就在所有人心灰若死的时候,没有人注意到,正在孕育第二批大师之光大师湖之中,一个五行莲蓬座散发着淡淡的黑气,生机正在逐渐凋零。 In the seed case of lotus flower place, the consciousness of kid pure chaos, feels the despair and frightened of mother. 莲蓬座内,小宝单纯混沌的意识,感受到母亲的绝望和恐惧。 He wants to open the mouth to comfort, but he cannot make any sound. He worries, he becomes anxious, what to do he does not know should. 他想开口安慰,但他发不出任何声音。他着急起来,他变得焦躁,他不知道该怎么办。 Desperately and starts to cover him frightened, he is afraid, the fear loses mother. 绝望和恐惧开始笼罩他,他害怕起来,害怕失去母亲。 No! 不! The innermost soul is whooshing, is being drowned sinks likely under water is away from the water to watch the final wail that the sky sends out. The boundless fear is wrapping him, like the sea, his consciousness starts to pull out leaves. 灵魂深处在嘶吼,像是溺水者沉在水底隔着水看着天空发出的最后哀鸣。无边的恐惧包裹着他,就像大海一样,他的意识开始抽离。 In the Master lake, the each and everyone Five Elements seed case of lotus flower place is withering, form that in the seed case of lotus flower place rolls up, only remaining bones of the dead. 大师湖上,一个个五行莲蓬座正在枯萎,莲蓬座里面蜷缩的身影,只剩下白骨。 Several hundred seed case of lotus flower places wither to vanish, only remaining lake in the heart Yang, a seed case of lotus flower place alone stands in that such as the jade does not have the flaw generally pure white. 数百个莲蓬座枯萎消失,只剩下湖心中央,一个莲蓬座孤零零地立在那,如玉一般洁白无瑕。 "Ah! ” “啊!” A man is bringing whooshing of shivering, resounds from everyone moral nature deep place. 一声男子带着颤抖的嘶吼,从每个人心底深处响起。 Dazzling white light beam shoots up to the sky, such as the sword punctures the clouds. 耀眼的白色光柱冲天而起,如剑刺破云霄。 Vibrates the world. 震动天下。
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