FWH :: Volume #7

#679: Blood eye

Sky over mountain valley, the Ai Hui's form is once for a while fuzzy erratically, his error building resembles the ice piece to melt galloping the river water, falls in torrents toward under. Sees only the innumerable scarlet long sword waterfall to drop from the clouds, low and deep sword cry as if innumerable wild beast roared the collection such as the tide like Tao. 山谷上空,艾辉的身影时不时模糊不定,他脚下的阙楼好像冰块融化成奔腾的河水,朝下方倾泄而下。只见数不清的血色长剑瀑布般从天而降,低沉的剑鸣仿佛无数野兽咆哮汇集如潮如涛。 The sound resounds does not have the omen, Sky Leaf Unit, is Mu Shou Association, makes any response without enough time. They only saw that wipes the monster different wild red light to drop from the clouds, is the iron hammer pounds into their field of vision likely. 声音响起得毫无预兆,无论是天叶部,还是牧首会,来不及做出任何反应。他们只见到一抹妖异狂暴的红光从天而降,像是铁锤砸入他们的视野。 Scarlet mighty current that the innumerable blood swords constitute the colored mist that runs upon mountain valley to fill. Five light beams that the mist fierce tuck dive, just vanished appear once more, the colored mist wells up toward five light beams above. 无数血剑构成的血色洪流一头撞上山谷弥漫的彩色雾气。雾气剧烈翻腾,刚刚消失的五根光柱再次浮现,彩色雾气朝五根光柱上方涌去。 Covers mountain valley like colored glaze variegated bright pentagon pavilion.! 一座如琉璃般斑斓剔透的五角亭笼罩山谷。! Mu Shou Association spends countless painstaking care, secret technique that builds. The request that although displays is very harsh, but has many invincible mights. 牧首会花费无数心血,打造出来的秘术。虽然施展的要求十分苛刻,但是有着诸多神威。 A moment ago seemed Five Elements Locking Pavilion of shackles, in an instant actually became the protective cap of both sides. 刚才好似牢笼的五行锁元亭,转眼间却成为双方的保护罩。 The pentagon pavilion ray is one light and one dark, probably the great mouths are inspiring fiercely, mountain valley sky all elemental force, were found time instantaneously. 五角亭光芒一明一暗,好像有一张巨嘴在猛地吸气,山谷上空所有的元力,瞬间被抽空。 Not any elemental force's! 一个没有任何元力的 The blood sword waterfall class of dropping from the clouds intrudes the invisible achromatic color, the tendency stagnates. 从天而降的血剑瀑流闯入无形无色的,势头一滞。 Mu Shou Association is the middle-aged person of head sees clearly the future, the mind trembles, did not shout darkly wonderfully, annoyed this greatly troublesome? Couple of days ago shook the world phenomenon under heaven frightening, a little horizontal people were guessing slightly that the blood light sword cry, ten had ** was Ai Hui. 牧首会为首的中年人看清来者,心神一颤,暗呼不妙,怎么惹来这个大麻烦?前两天震惊天下的天地异象,稍有点水平的人都在猜测,血光剑鸣,十有**就是艾辉 Although everybody cannot think through, how Ai Hui promotes Grandmaster. However his not inferior several other Grandmaster phenomenon, make everybody realize that brand-new Grandmaster appeared. 尽管大家都想不通,艾辉是如何晋升宗师的。但是他毫不逊色另外几位宗师的异象,却让大家意识到,一位全新的宗师出现了。 Moreover since Five Way Heaven was established, first Sword Grandmaster. 而且还是五行天成立以来,第一位剑宗 Nobody is willing to provoke Grandmaster. 没有人愿意招惹一位宗师 Grey robe middle-aged man unexpectedly loudly shouted: Ancestor holds on a minute to begin, my Mu Shou Association is the friend non- enemy, does not have the gratitude and grudges with sect!” 灰袍中年男子蓦地高喝:“艾宗且慢动手,我牧首会是友非敌,与艾宗从无恩怨!” The mountain valley above form to the words of grey robe man ignores, the blood sword mighty current hits an obstruction, not only has not made him be discouraged, instead arouses his ominous. 山谷上空的身影对灰袍男子的话置若罔闻,血剑洪流遇阻不仅没有让他气馁,反而激起他的凶性。 Only hears the sky to resound coldly snorted, the incline, but below blood sword mighty current starts to revolve suddenly swiftly, the Yin-Yang separation, seems two build astonishing pythons twines mutually. Each blood sword trembles buzz the cry, the red light rises suddenly, viscous like blood. 只听得天空响起一声冷哼,倾斜而下的血剑洪流忽倏开始旋转,阴阳分隔,好似两道体型惊人的巨蟒相互缠绕。每一道血剑震颤嗡鸣,红光暴涨,粘稠如血。 In blood sword whole body red light, illusion grows continually, whins the groan to be thin, if silent, as if resounds in the people moral nature. 血剑周身红光之中,幻象生生不息,哀嚎呻吟细若无声,又仿佛在众人心底响起。 The mountain valley people only thought that sky bloodshed piece broke an opening, the dreadful blood light must submerge them. They give birth to have no place to go nowhere the feeling, the vague whinning groan, making their heart trembles, mind shakes, the distracting thoughts grow thickly, is hard to practice moderation. 山谷众人只觉得天空血海片破了个口子,滔天血光要把他们淹没。他们生出无处可逃无处无处可躲之感,若有若无的哀嚎呻吟,让他们心悸神摇,杂念丛生,难以自持。 The grey robe man has a big shock. 灰袍男子大惊失色。 Mu Shou Association to cope with Blood of God organized, studies to blood cultivator's extremely profoundly. He has never seen so rich and pure blood light, this means unprecedented formidable and pure blood spiritual power. 牧首会是为了对付神之血而创办,对血修的研究极为深刻。他从未见过如此浓郁而纯粹的血光,这意味着前所未有强大而纯粹的血灵力 To his knowledge, cannot have such terrifying blood spiritual power in Blood of God any blood cultivator, does not have including Emperor Saint. 据他所知,在神之血没有任何一位血修能够拥有如此恐怖血灵力,连帝圣都没有。 How possible? 怎么可能? At that time saw the blood light time, he thought that Ai Hui perhaps is absorbed God Blood and so on fortuitous encounter. However now he has actually overthrown his guess, but if purely vast blood spiritual power, is Demonic God reappears simply! 当时看到血光的时候,他觉得艾辉说不定是吸收神血之类的奇遇。但是如今他却推翻了自己的猜测,如果纯粹而浩瀚的血灵力,简直是魔神重现! Being frightened of grey robe man in the heart can be imagined, but the opposite party does not pay attention to him completely, except for the resistance, he does not have any means. 灰袍男子心中的惊惶可想而知,但是对方完全不理会他,除了抵抗到底,他也没有任何办法。 When under clenches teeth, reverses the head fiercely, shouted to Fu Sisi: Collaborates?” 当下一咬牙,猛地扭转脑袋,冲着傅思思喊:“联手?” Fu Sisi also clear situation danger, although both sides must set at the opposite party a moment ago in the deathtrap, but faces Grandmaster, except for collaborating not any other means. 傅思思也明白处境的危险,尽管刚才双方还要置对方于死地,但是面对一位宗师,除了联手没有其他任何办法。 She nods without hesitation: Good!” 她毫不犹豫点头:“好!” They talked, expanded several fold compared with before the blood light sword class, twisting crushed, ran upon pentagon pavilion. 就两人对话的之间,比之前壮大数倍的血光剑流,把绞得粉碎,一头撞上五角亭 Thump! 咚! A dull thumping sound resounds in the people top of the head, the ear buzzes. 一声闷响在众人头顶响起,耳朵嗡嗡作响。 pentagon pavilion like maliciously had been hammered one by a great hammer, rocks fiercely. 五角亭就像被一把巨锤狠狠锤了一记,剧烈晃动。 The grey robe man has a big shock: Quick! Pours into elemental force!” 灰袍男子大惊失色:“快!注入元力!” The Mu Shou Association member hurries to give pentagon pavilion to pour into elemental force, pentagon pavilion in imminent danger stabilizes. 牧首会成员慌忙给五角亭灌注元力,岌岌可危的五角亭重新稳定下来。 The attack is blocked arouses the Demonic God in the heart anger, meets an excellent incense burner with great difficulty, presents the flaw with the aid of the opposite party mind the instance, the changing from guest to host dove occupies the magpie nest, regains consciousness in this world again. 进攻受阻更是激起魔神心中的怒火,好不容易遇到一个绝佳的炉鼎,借助对方心神出现破绽的瞬间,反客为主鸠占鹊巢,重新在这个世界苏醒。 The later matter, not so was happy. 之后的事情,就不那么愉快了。 Treasure that one build laboriously, has become oneself incense burner protective umbrella, causing oneself unable to swallow the consciousness of incense burner, stalemate is unable to control the awkward position of this body completely. 自己辛辛苦苦打造的宝物,成了自己炉鼎的的保护伞,导致自己无法吞噬炉鼎的意识,陷入无法完全掌控这具身体的尴尬处境。 All the way he quickly by the Dammit incense burner suffering insanely. 一路上他都快被该死的炉鼎给折磨疯了。 Very allows to meet some game, so long as can swallow them, can expand own courage vigor. 好不容遇到一些猎物,只要能吞噬他们,就能壮大自己的血气。 He can that Dammit incense burner, write off thoroughly. 他就能把那个该死的炉鼎,彻底抹杀。 Has not thought that the attack hits an obstruction one after another, bonus is he knew perfectly well that he just regained consciousness, strength very frail, is far from the peak. However is Demonic God, he already custom regarded all living things is the ants, only then these ancient times cultivation, will make him feel the awe. 没想到进攻接连遇阻,饶是他明知自己刚刚苏醒,实力十分孱弱,远非巅峰时期。但是身为魔神,他早就习惯视众生为蝼蚁,只有那些更远古的修真者,才会让他感到敬畏。 Has not thought that he regards as the reptiles of ants, unexpectedly prevents his footsteps, how isn't he angry? 没想到他视为蝼蚁的爬虫们,居然阻挡他的脚步,他如何不恼怒? His raising the head fierce keenly blowing, demon sound puts on the brain, the blood sword red light quickly just like living, sways erratically, like red pinkeyes. 他仰首厉声尖啸,魔音穿脑,血剑红光倏地宛如活过来,飘摇不定,就像一朵朵红色的红眼。 They fly back to the sky quickly, circles erratically, just like scarlet clouds of one group of creeping motions. 它们倏地飞回天空,盘旋不定,宛如一团蠕动的血色云朵。 dōng dōng dōng. 咚咚咚 Suddenly resounds the sound to feel the rhythm, is beating a drum like some people, likely is the heartbeat of any monster. 忽然响起声音充满节奏感,就像有人在敲鼓,又像是什么怪物的心跳声。 Fu Sisi like by any thing staring , the whole body perspiration hair root root straight vertical stroke, the moral nature is giving birth to the intense dangerous feeling, takes the bull by the horns: Sky Elemental Shield!” 傅思思就像被什么东西给盯着,浑身汗毛根根直竖,心底生出强烈的危险感,当机立断:“天元盾!” Her right arm searches suddenly before the body raises, the five fingers open, in the mouth drinks lowly: Opens!” 她的右臂陡然探在身前扬起,五指张开,口中一声低喝:“开!” Sees only her palm mark to shine, Five Elements elemental force ring projects to the corner/horn pavilion under together, and elemental force ring turning round revolving expands rapidly, drifts like a light shield in the people top of the head. 只见她手掌印记亮起,一道五行元力环投射到角亭下方,元力环滴溜溜旋转并且急速扩大,就像一面光盾飘浮在众人头顶。 Other members also know that at this time is not retains, in abundance raises the right arm, the palm mark projects together the Five Elements light beam, illuminates the top of the head float that light shield.! 其他队员也知道此时不是保留的时候,纷纷扬起右臂,手掌印记投射出一道五行光束,照亮头顶漂浮的那面光盾。! In the shield surface, the Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth Five Elements ray shines one by one, beautiful ring-like apertures bloom. The Five Elements elemental force circulation continuous, grows continually, shield surface brilliance is reserved, just like essence. 盾面上,金木水火土五行光芒逐一亮起,一圈圈美丽的环形光圈绽放。五行元力流转不休,生生不息,盾面光华内敛,宛如实质。 Sky Elemental Shield brings some security senses to Fu Sisi. 天元盾傅思思带来一些安全感。 Sky Elemental Shield Five Elements mutual promotion of the five elements, without any shortcoming, even if there is breakage partially, can repair voluntarily. The Sky Elemental Shield five core nodes, are Five Elements elemental force that in their marks seals. 天元盾五行相生,没有任何缺点,即使局部有破损,也能够自行修复。天元盾的五个核心节点,是他们本身的印记中封存的五行元力 The Sky Leaf Unit member within the body Five Elements circulation, can absorb various world elemental force anytime and anywhere, this is their formidable reasons. But absorption elemental force, layer upon layer circulates after within the body, condenses wisp of extremely pure Five Elements elemental force, precipitates in the marks of their palm. 天叶部队员体内五行循环,能够随时随地吸取天地各种元力,这是他们强大的原因。而吸取的元力,经过体内层层循环,凝聚一缕极为精纯的五行元力,沉淀在他们手掌的印记之中。 This elemental force was called by them, represents above Five Elements. 这种元力被他们称之为,意指在五行之上。 sky elemental force is very precious, does not arrive at the life-saving time, no one is willing to use. 天元力十分珍贵,不到救命时刻,谁也不愿意动用。 The defense of Sky Elemental Shield is extremely powerful, indestructible. Even if Sky Elemental Shield that they display alone, in the Sky Leaf Unit internal test, almost nobody can destroy it by strength of the. 天元盾的防御极为强悍,坚不可摧。即使是他们单独施展的天元盾,在天叶部内部的测试中,几乎没有人能够凭借一己之力摧毁它。 But Sky Elemental Shield that the strength of collection people stimulates, is they to deal with the enemy of higher rank creates the secret technique. 而汇集众人之力激发的天元盾,更是他们为了对付更高级别的敌人而创造秘术。 Compared with the enemy of their higher rank, had Grandmaster. 比他们更高级别的敌人,只有宗师了。 Fu Sisi they have not thought that oneself unexpectedly really usefully to this move of one day. 傅思思他们万万没想到,自己竟然真的会有用到这一招的一天。 The sky creeping motion such as the colony such as the sword group of dark cloud, the shape fluctuates unceasingly. 天空蠕动如蜂群如乌云的剑群,形状不断变幻。 The mountain valley people are critical situation all, Fu Sisi was anxious the control to perspire, wait / etc., that shape, probably and probably was... Human eye that greatly shuts tightly! 山谷众人无不如临大敌,傅思思紧张得手心都出汗了,等等,那个形状,好像、好像是…一个巨大紧闭的人眼! Fu Sisi also indefinite time, the top of the head that only giant eye, suddenly opens. 傅思思还不确定的时候,头顶那只巨大的眼睛,忽然睁开。 In an instant, sky one dark, Sun is overshadowed, that is only limpid the bright actually pure scarlet one-eyed, attracts the mind of all people. 刹那间,天空一暗,太阳黯然失色,那只清澈剔透却又纯粹的血色独眼,吸引所有人的心神。 Dark red eye pupil center is the profoundest darkness. 深红的眼瞳中央是最深邃的黑暗。 The strange feeling lacking in vigilance, like violently poisonous spreads in the Fu Sisi body. 诡异的麻痹感,就像剧毒般在傅思思身体蔓延。 Under last intelligence, she bites one's tongue fiercely, the fierce ache and smell of blood make her sober, she gets angry the sound to shout: Do not look at Blood Eye!” 在最后一丝灵智之下,她猛地一咬舌头,剧烈的疼痛和血腥味让她清醒过来,她怒声呼喊:“不要看血眼!” The intense fear occupies her whole body, they face what monster is? 强烈的恐惧占据她全身,他们面对的到底是什么怪物? Other Sky Leaf Unit members have been reminded, as if awakening from a dream, on each face reveals color with amazement. 天叶部其他队员得到提醒,如梦初醒,每个人脸上都露出骇然之色。 The Mu Shou Association member average strength obviously wants to be lower, on many faces appears the strange smiling face, faint trace bloodstain continuously seeps out from their whole body various places, the moment is similar to the brook flows. The blood leading current keleck are more, the rich viscous blood is wrapping their bodies, only reveals a face. On their faces does not have the color of least bit pain, instead shows the facial expression that enjoys extremely joyfully, looks makes person in the heart be scared. 牧首会的成员平均实力显然要低许多,许多人脸上浮现诡异的笑容,丝丝缕缕的血迹从他们全身各处渗出,片刻便如同溪流汩汩流淌。血越流越多,浓郁粘稠的鲜血包裹着他们的身体,只露出一张脸。他们脸上没有半点痛楚之色,反而露出极为愉悦享受的神情,看得让人心中发毛。 Pa! 啪! The Mu Shou Association member who a whole body blood wraps explodes, blood splash. 一名浑身鲜血包裹的牧首会成员爆裂,鲜血飞溅。 The report resounds unceasingly, the bonus is they have seen various frigid scenes, but this makes them feel the fear at present. 爆裂声不断响起,饶是他们见过各种惨烈的场面,但是眼前这一幕还是让他们感到恐惧。 Grey robe middle-aged man reminded fierce: Careful should not be stained with blood!” 灰袍中年男子厉声提醒:“小心不要沾到血!” The voice has not fallen, sees only the ground rupturing splash the blood, suddenly floats. 话音未落,只见地面爆裂飞溅的鲜血,忽然漂浮起来。 Bunch blood float in airborne, like every large or small, perfectly round bright bead. These blood beads cannot see the least bit impurity, like most perfect ruby carving. 一团团鲜血漂浮在空中,就像一颗颗大大小小,浑圆剔透的珠子。这些血珠看不到半点杂质,就像最完美的红宝石雕刻而成。 pū pū pū , blood bead in airborne unceasing collection. 噗噗噗,血珠在空中不断汇集。 Fu Sisi thinks to have a parched mouth, the heartbeat quickly, what thing is this? 傅思思觉得口干舌燥,心跳得更快,这到底是什么东西? The grey robe man sees collects the strong blood group unceasingly, the complexion changes quickly: Quick! Burns down them!” 灰袍男子看到不断汇集壮大的血团,脸色倏地大变:“快!烧掉它们!” On anxious Fu Sisi, heard the severity of grey robe middle-aged man to drink, heart sudden contraction. Although does not know that is anything, but she from the expression of grey robe man, listens to be anxious and fear. 本来就紧张的傅思思,听到灰袍中年男子的厉喝,心脏急遽收缩。虽然不知道到底是什么,但是她从灰袍男子的语气中,听出焦急和恐惧。 Fu Sisi said decidedly: You stand firm Sky Elemental Shield!” 傅思思断然道:“你们稳住天元盾!” She takes back the palm, facing this from the sky creeping motion strong blood group, she thinks own heartbeat quickly. 她收回手掌,面对这个在空中蠕动壮大的血团,她觉得自己心跳得很快。 Sky that huge Blood Eye, the rotation, as if reveals several points of callous happy expression slowly. 天空那个巨大的血眼,缓缓转动,似乎流露出几分冷酷的笑意。 As if was ridiculing naive of below these fellows. 似乎在嘲笑下方那些家伙的天真。
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