FWH :: Volume #7

#628: Blue Flowers Blue Flowers

The green entangles the gently weak crash earth, like a green feather. 青色缠枝轻柔无力地坠落大地,就像一根青色羽毛。 Blue Flowers Blue Flowers, carries my beautiful springtime. Entangles to entangle, presents as a gift me the fine jade melon.” 青花青花,载我韶华。缠枝缠枝,赠我琼瓜。” Duanmu Huanghun recited in a drawn-out voice delightfully of pleasant to hear. 端木黄昏曼声吟唱悦耳好听。 Blue Flowers spreads to all around at an exceptional pace, like the green rug, is spreading to all around. 青花以惊人的速度向四周蔓延,就像青色的地毯,在向四周扩散。 Helian Tianxiao thinks the top of the head Duanmu Huanghun sound like the fly repugnant. However he has to acknowledge that his judgment was correct a moment ago. 赫连天晓觉得头顶端木黄昏的声音就像苍蝇一样讨厌。但是他不得不承认,刚才他的判断非常正确。 The Duanmu Huanghun strength, surpasses general Master! 端木黄昏的实力,远超出一般的大师 As once one of the Five Way Heaven most top rich and powerful families, now the Emerald Forest most influential family, Duanmu Clan is Divine Country has attached great importance to collecting the information the goal. Duanmu Clan Blue Flowers Well-established, can trace Cultivation Era, it is said Blue Flowers mark of inspirational from chinaware. Duanmu Clan Blue Flowers Displays, truly has supported this view. 作为曾经五行天最顶级的豪门之一,如今翡翠森最具影响力的家族,端木家神国一直非常重视收集情报的目标。端木家的【青花】源远流长,可以追溯到修真时代,据说灵感来自瓷器的青花纹。端木家的【青花】施展起来,确实印证了这个说法。 Blue Flowers entangles is Duanmu Clan secret art Blue Flowers In, common most common style. 青花缠枝是端木家绝学青花】之中,最常见最普通的招式。 But Duanmu Huanghun Blue Flowers entangles Completely different, it is not the frail flat Blue Flowers mark, but is one living entangles a seedling, the bright desire drops. 可是端木黄昏的【青花缠枝】完全不同,它再也不是单薄扁平的青花纹,而是一根活生生的缠枝幼苗,鲜艳欲滴。 He feels the resistance from the ground. 他从地面感受到阻力。 Once Divine Wolf initiates the charge, all Divine Wolf officers blood spiritual power merge into one organic whole. Don't said the trivial grass, is a mountain peak before him, Helian Tianxiao has confidence it hits crushes! 神狼一旦发起冲锋,所有神狼将士血灵力融为一体。莫说区区小草,便是一座山峰在他面前,赫连天晓都有把握把它撞得粉碎! But, Helian Tianxiao incomparably feels the resistance clearly, resistance from tender incomparable Blue Flowers! 可是,赫连天晓无比清晰地感受到阻力,来自柔嫩无比的青花的阻力! He felt that as if has fallen into the mire, everywhere resistance, tendency obvious detention of charge. This is an extremely dangerous signal! To the charge, the speed and imposing manner are most essential, once they lose the speed, they will then lose any might. The reprecipitation heavy heavy axe, cannot brandish, cannot break out the blockhead. 他感觉仿佛掉进了泥沼之中,无处不在的阻力,冲锋的势头明显滞涩。这是一个极度危险的信号!对冲锋来说,速度和气势最为关键,一旦他们失去速度,他们便会失去任何威力。再沉重的重斧,挥舞不起来,也劈不开木头。 Must get rid of such region! 必须摆脱这样的境地! Helian Tianxiao drinks greatly: Silver Frost shield!” 赫连天晓大喝:“银霜掩护!” Song Xiaoqian does not have the least bit to hesitate, ordered decidedly: Silver Frost strolls in the snow!” 宋小歉没有半点迟疑,断然下令:“银霜踏雪!” In the battlefield, the function of Silver Frost protects the Divine Wolf's flank, when necessary, sacrificed itself to shield Divine Wolf. This is the Silver Frost Unit mission and responsibility. 在战场,银霜的作用就护住神狼的侧翼,在必要的时候,牺牲自己掩护神狼。这是银霜部的使命和职责。 Silver Frost wolf that the both sides dash about wildly, the mist of wolf hoof becomes even more strong. 两侧狂奔的银霜狼,狼蹄的雾气变得愈发浓重。 huā lā huā lā! 哗啦哗啦 Before them, a snow and ice corridor rises straight from the ground, and extends to the front. 在他们面前,一条冰雪长廊拔地而起,并且向前方延伸。 Divine Wolf Unit leaps on , to continue to advance along the snow and ice corridor forward! 神狼部一跃而上,沿着冰雪长廊继续向前突进! The everywhere resistance vanishes, Divine Wolf restores the beforehand power and influence. 无处不在的阻力消失,神狼又恢复之前的威势。 Duanmu Huanghun bird's eye view under sky curtain of night, curled the lip, opens the mouth to recite in a drawn-out voice. 天空夜幕下的端木黄昏俯瞰此幕,撇了撇嘴,开口曼声吟唱。 General armored war horse, the beautiful woman has not married. Blue Flowers as before, old beautiful springtime.” “将军铁马,美人未嫁。青花依旧,老了韶华。” Blue Flowers all over entangles to bloom suddenly neatly, tender and beautiful green flowers are in full bloom, Caohai originally turns into sea of flowers instantaneously. When Duanmu Huanghun recited „the past peach blossom, all green flowers rupturing, the innumerable green flower petals, covered the entire battlefield, four danced in the air! 满山遍野的青花缠枝突然整齐绽放,一朵朵娇艳的青色花朵怒放,原本的草海瞬间变成花海。当端木黄昏吟唱到“当年桃花”时,所有的青色花朵蓬地爆裂,无数青色的花瓣,笼罩整个战场,四下飞舞! Is sending out the glimmer green flower petal, dances in the air like the snowflake thick fallingly, limitless, was singing the chilly colorful and beautiful song just like the beautiful woman lightly. 散发着微光的青色花瓣,像雪花般纷纷扬扬飞舞,无边无际,宛如美人在轻唱着凄艳而绝美的歌。 Helian Tianxiao stares the big eye, on the face shows the unbelievable facial expression. 赫连天晓瞪大眼睛,脸上露出难以置信的神情。 What Dao of Master is this? 这是什么大师之道 Is this wood elementalist method? 这是木修的手段? How possible? 怎么可能? The Divine Wolf's power and influence stagnates suddenly, the mind of officers was affected, including always gallops such as blood spiritual power of rivers, at this time presents the revolution impeded sign. 神狼的威势陡然一滞,将士们的心神受到影响,连一向奔腾如河流的血灵力,此时都呈现出运转不畅的迹象。 The so unthinkable style, so terrifying does Blue Flowers, how possibly stem from the hand of Master just promoted? 如此匪夷所思的招式,如此恐怖青花,怎么可能出自一位刚刚晋升的大师之手? Real his mother damn! 真他妈见鬼了! Helian Tianxiao nearly shouted abuse, he must break this move of Blue Flowers to entangle first, otherwise they can rush to enemy large camp, the despondency, the power and influence did not have, did that have what using? 赫连天晓险些破口大骂,他必须先破了这招青花缠枝,否则就算他们能冲到敌人大营,士气低落,威势全无,那又有何用? But at present, the time is importantly the most essential factor! 可是眼下,时间才是最重要最关键的因素! The opposite party obstructs resourcefully, wants to delay the time, was large camp won the victory the opportunity. 对方想方设法地阻挠,就是想拖延时间,为大营赢得胜利的机会。 Helian Tianxiao is well aware, has no alternative. Thought to capture in a single swift attack, has not thought that in the halfway kills Cheng Yaojin unceasingly, one after another, he is suppressing evil fire. 赫连天晓心知肚明,却无可奈何。本来以为能够一鼓而下,没想到半路里不断杀出程咬金,一个接一个,他心里憋着一股邪火。 Especially saw that Duanmu Huanghun that puts on airs the appearance that and keeps aloof, provokes the Helian Tianxiao heart evil fire more abundant. 尤其看到端木黄昏那番装腔作势、高高在上的模样,撩拨得赫连天晓心头邪火更盛。 When, trivial does Master, dare to play tricks in front of solemn Divine Wolf? 什么时候,一个区区大师,就敢在堂堂神狼面前装神弄鬼? The peach blossom your dies! 桃花你个去死! Being driven beyond the limits of forbearance Helian Tianxiao shouted angrily unexpectedly: Kills!” 忍无可忍的赫连天晓蓦地怒喝:“杀!” He raises the sickle in hand fiercely, cuts toward sky Duanmu Huanghun. 他猛地扬起手中的弯刀,朝天空的端木黄昏一斩。 The Divine Wolf officers roar with one voice: Kills!” 神狼将士齐声怒吼:“杀!” The red blade that glistens brightly is only billowing, just like flood the red blood wave, brings the sad and shrill keenly blowing, like the evil spirit that works loose from the bloodshed, throws toward sky Duanmu Huanghun. 鲜艳闪亮的红色刀光滚滚,宛如泛起的红色血浪,带起凄厉的尖啸,就像从血海挣脱的厉鬼,朝天空的端木黄昏扑去。 Blade glow flying upwards sky, the sad and shrill keenly blowing instead vanishes, entire battlefield all sounds all vanish, suddenly becomes exceptionally peaceful dignified. 刀芒飞升天空,凄厉的尖啸反而消失,整个战场所有的声音全都消失,突然变得异常安静凝重。 The green flower petal dances in the air, seemed attracted, from collects in all directions. 青色花瓣飞舞,仿佛受到吸引,从四面八方汇集而来。 pū pū pū . 噗噗噗 The green flower petal just approached the terrifying blade glow, in abundance explodes, broken to become Yipeng green broken glow. Blue Flowers of ground entangles a crazy growth, pesters Blue Flowers to entangle a wall, however in front of the scarlet blade glow, stick is frail on the photographic paper. 青色花瓣刚刚靠近恐怖的刀芒,就纷纷爆裂,碎成一蓬青色碎芒。地面的青花缠枝疯狂成长,纠缠成一道道青花缠枝墙,但是在血色刀芒面前,就像纸糊般脆弱。 The scarlet blade glow across expansive sky, hits Duanmu Huanghun maliciously! 血色刀芒横掠长空,狠狠击中端木黄昏 Duanmu Huanghun that Baiyi(white clothes) flutters explodes green broken glow loudly, the remaining power scarlet blade glow certainly has not submerged the nighttime sky. 白衣飘扬的端木黄昏轰然炸成一蓬青色碎芒,余势未绝的血色刀芒没入夜空。 The Helian Tianxiao corner of the eye jumps, was played! 赫连天晓眼角一跳,被耍了! A green flower petal of big dancing in the air they behind quietly collects Blue Flowers to entangle an embroidered ball in Xiaoshan (small mountain). Bang, Blue Flowers entangles an embroidered ball to disrupt, the Blue Flowers broken glow dances in the air, face whiten Duanmu Huanghun reveals figure, he has a lingering fear. 一大片飞舞的青色花瓣在小山他们身后悄然汇集成一个青花缠枝绣球。砰,青花缠枝绣球碎裂,青花碎芒飞舞,脸色苍白的端木黄昏露出身形,他心有余悸。 Narrow squeak! 好险! A moment ago he paid attention the eye, certainly must meet a cruel death by that blade stir. Collected the Divine Wolf officers strikes fully, he cannot block absolutely. Not only cannot block, was locked, the possibility that escapes is low. 要不是刚才他就留了个心眼,肯定要被那一刀轰动粉身碎骨。汇集了神狼将士的全力一击,他绝对挡不住。不仅挡不住,就连被锁定了,逃脱的可能性都非常小。 However he realized that these Tingfeng officers aura become more and more terrifying, courage immediately one strong, gains ground to throw out the chest, treads to be spatial and good. Baiyi(white clothes) is floating, the abundant god is handsome, seems a deity people. 不过他察觉到这些听风将士气息变得越来越恐怖,胆气顿时一壮,抬头挺胸,踏空而行。白衣飘飘,丰神俊朗,好似神仙中人。 Blue Flowers Blue Flowers......” 青花青花……” Duanmu Huanghun just shouted, has not started with enough time, then sees the blade in Helian Tianxiao hand to raise. The Duanmu Huanghun heart and liver trembled, has criticized one, changed to the Blue Flowers petal that danced in the air once more, dissipated in sea of flowers. 端木黄昏刚喊了一句,还没来得及发动,便看到赫连天晓手中的刀要扬起。端木黄昏心肝一颤,暗骂了一声,啪地再次化作飞舞的青花瓣,消散在花海之中。 On Sword of Thunderbolt, Gu Xuan they are looking for the opportunity patiently. 雷霆之剑上,顾轩他们正在耐心寻找机会。 Divine Wolf the imposing manner is now vigorous, has Ai Hui management Sword of Thunderbolt to be able charging formation. That recorded the terrifying blade glow a moment ago, is lets their all people for it discoloration. However sees Duanmu Huanghun to avoid a tribulation, everybody heart relaxes immediately. 神狼现在气势雄浑,不是没有艾辉主持的雷霆之剑能够冲阵的。刚才那记恐怖的刀芒,更是让他们所有人为之色变。不过看到端木黄昏躲过一劫,大家心头顿时松一口气。 Ended ended, Duanmu Huanghun shut to close Yu Mingqiu! Started to recite poetry!” “完了完了,端木黄昏闭关闭成了郁鸣秋!都开始念诗了!” Beautiful springtime I understand, what melon is poor melon? Ate changed poor? Bangwan (Evening) so has been no wonder poor! The Boss will definitely not eat!” “韶华我懂,穷瓜是什么瓜?吃了就变穷吗?难怪傍晚一直这么穷!老大肯定不会吃!” Dares the poor melon certainly to be patted by a palm of the hand to the Boss! Right, who is that general?” “敢给老大穷瓜肯定要被一巴掌拍死!对了,那个将军是谁?” Manages his anything the khaki cloth! The key point is a beautiful woman! When did Bangwan (Evening) have the beautiful woman?” “管他什么将军呢!重点是美人!傍晚什么时候有美人了?” Actually what could it be that Bangwan (Evening) said is one?” 难道傍晚其实说的是自己?” „, Also could convince probably......” “哦,好像也说得通……” Talking at once teased to resound in Sword of Thunderbolt unceasingly, on the mouth teased, everybody exclaimed in surprise to Bangwan (Evening) incomparably, just went out so is fierce! They know that facing Divine Wolf scarlet mighty current, wants to prevent the moment, is not easy! 七嘴八舌的调侃声在雷霆之剑不断响起,嘴上调侃,大家心里对傍晚都惊叹无比,刚刚出关就这么厉害!他们知道,面对神狼血色洪流,想要阻挡片刻,是何等不容易! Unknowingly, the in the heart fear and desperate already vanished does not see, among their feelings is surging, with the heroic feelings that the enemy fights. 不知不觉,心中的恐惧和绝望早就消失不见,他们胸臆间激荡着的,是与敌一战的豪情。 Tingfeng has the heroics of letter, the combustion that volcano thunders, Blue Flowers entangles chilly colorful. 听风有信的壮烈,火山轰鸣的燃烧,青花缠枝的凄艳。 Nobody flinches, nobody pities the life, advances uninterruptedly, millions of people are all of one mind. 无人退缩,无人惜命,前赴后继,万众一心。 Is can, how not be proud? How can not be proud? 身为其中一员,怎能不自豪?怎能不骄傲? The life is alive, this war! 人生在世,本不过一战啊! Does not lose this to live. 不负此生。 Gu Xuan that the mood surges strong from by oneself calm, the Boss is not , the direction of Sword of Thunderbolt is directed by him. 心情激荡的顾轩强自让自己镇定,老大不在,雷霆之剑的指挥由他指挥。 He drinks one lowly: Shuts up!” 他低喝一声:“都闭嘴!” Sword of Thunderbolt is peaceful immediately, everybody facial expression is earnest, the innermost feelings surge continuous, fighting intent that the sparkling eye cannot cover up. The weariness of body vanishes into thin air, they thought that the whole body has the strength that cannot cause, because in their chests has one group of raging flames to burn. However they also need to be dormant, they must wait till the opportunity, to opportunity that the enemy strikes fatally. 雷霆之剑立即安静下来,大家神情认真,内心激荡不休,闪闪发光的眼睛是遮掩不住的战意。身体的疲倦不翼而飞,他们觉得浑身有使不完的力,因为他们的胸膛里有一团熊熊烈火在燃烧。但是他们还需要蛰伏,他们要等到机会,给敌人致命一击的机会。 Gu Xuan said in a low voice: „Side Zhiguang, Oblique Slash arrives. Senior Xiaoshan they, as soon as starts, we take advantage of opportunity to cut into!” 顾轩低声道:“志光,斜切到侧面。小山前辈他们一发动,我们就顺势切入!” The Shi Zhiguang jar sound responded, palm by with build completely not symmetric exquisite stimulated to movement sword hilt gently, his eye like the night stars, on the straightforward big face was actually quiet like the water. 石志光瓮声回应,手掌以和体型完全不相称的细腻轻轻催动剑柄,他的眼睛就像夜晚的星辰,粗豪大脸上却是沉静如水。 The vision of Sword of Thunderbolt members, closely is staring at Xiaoshan (small mountain) they. 雷霆之剑队员们的目光,紧紧盯着小山他们。 Not is only Sword of Thunderbolt, the attention of entire battlefield, they were captured by Xiaoshan (small mountain). 不光是雷霆之剑,整个战场的目光,都被小山他们吸引。 Because the elemental force fluctuation is too intense, swallowed to sweep across surrounding area several hundred li (0.5km) elemental force, spurted thinly wells up agitated! Before light group like sky lanterns flaminged the eye at this moment brightly, just like Sun that each and everyone hung. They are sending out white dazzling ray, illuminates the dark night shines like the daytime. 因为元力波动实在太强烈,吞噬席卷了方圆数百里的元力,何等喷薄汹汹涌!之前像孔明灯一样的光团此刻明亮炽目,宛如一个个高悬的太阳。它们散发着白晃晃的刺目光芒,把黑夜照得亮如白昼。 In light group, forms of visibling faintly. 光团之中,隐约可见的一道道身影。 The form little becomes fuzzy. 身影一点点变得模糊。 Helian Tianxiao feels the fluctuation of sky terrifying, but he has not gained ground, but leads the team to advance crazily. He is afraid himself to gain ground, independently will not launch the attack to the sky! 赫连天晓感受到天空恐怖的波动,但是他没有抬头,只是率领队伍疯狂突进。他害怕自己一抬头,就会不自主地对天空发起攻击! The extremely dangerous feeling covers his whole body, making him feel fearful and apprehensive. 极度危险的感觉笼罩他全身,让他感到心惊肉跳。 At that moment the best choice, breaks in the hostile camp. 当下最好的选择,就是冲入敌营。 Once breaks in the hostile camp, formidable killing move, will face the enemy and ourselves difficult minute of aspect. 一旦冲入敌营,再强大的杀招,也会面临敌我难分的局面。 The enemy all methods, to delay their footsteps, more like this jump over cannot stay! 敌人所有的手段,都不过是为了拖延他们的脚步,越是这样越不能停留! Until now, the enemy all methods of all display. 到现在为止,敌人所有的手段全都施展出来。 Sees enlarges, near at hand large camp in the field of vision unceasingly, Helian Tianxiao in the heart is excited. 看到在视野中不断放大、近在咫尺的大营,赫连天晓心中激动。 Annoying Blue Flowers sweeps across to come once more, but this time, Helian Tianxiao remains unmoved slightly. This Blue Flowers previous time is much weaker, let alone their present imposing manners got up, nobody can stop them. 烦人的青花再次席卷而来,但是这次,赫连天晓丝毫不为所动。这次青花比上次要弱得多,更何况他们现在的气势已经起来,无人能够阻拦他们。 Once the heavy axe were wielded, is easily accomplished! 重斧一旦被挥动,就是摧枯拉朽! In this time, sky again tarnish. 就在此时,天空重新变暗。 Um? 嗯? Helian Tianxiao gains ground subconsciously, Sun of sky vanishes does not see, their surrounding sceneries vanish do not see, sound of the wind encirclement slightly around them. 赫连天晓下意识抬头,天空的太阳消失不见,他们周围的景色消失不见,微微的风声环绕在他们四周。 sound of the wind is very slight, but Helian Tianxiao actually fine hair straight vertical stroke. 风声很细微,但是赫连天晓却汗毛直竖。 He raises the arm fiercely, fierce loudly shouted: Stops!” 他猛地扬起手臂,厉声高喝:“停!” The huge inertia leaves deep traces the ground plow, the soil splash. Divine Wolf Silver Frost anchors stiffly, everybody erratically looks around surprisedly. 巨大的惯性把地面犁出一道道深深的痕迹,泥土飞溅。神狼银霜硬生生停住,大家惊疑不定地四下张望。 Anything could not see, hearing has sound of the wind, sound of the wind slightly, is much gentler. 什么都看不到,入耳的只有风声,微微的风声,温柔得令人害怕。 Tingfeng has the letter, comes. 听风有信,如约而至。
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