FWH :: Volume #7

#627: Grazing

Tingfeng has letter calling out has not dissipated in the dim light of night, in the distant place Canon Tower Alliance camp, a flame follows the thundering bang to shoot up to the sky, just like volcanic eruption. 听风有信”的嘶喊在夜色中还未消散,远处塔炮联盟营地内,一道火光伴随轰鸣巨响冲天而起,宛如火山喷发。 Venerable Volcano! 火山尊者! Three giant rock magma fireballs, fly the sky, delimits the combustion in the curtain of night the path, like the meteorite of dropping from the clouds, the front surface howls to pound toward the scarlet high sea of that piece of galloping. 三颗巨大的岩浆火球,飞上天空,在夜幕划出燃烧的轨迹,像从天而降的陨石,迎面朝那片奔腾的血色怒涛呼啸砸去。 Helian Tianxiao does not have the meaning that the least bit decelerates, as if has not seen. 赫连天晓没有半点减速的意思,仿佛没有看到。 Flank Song Xiaoqian loudly shouted: Archer!” 侧翼的宋小歉高喝:“弓箭手!” Both sides Silver Frost Unit archer, the movement delimits one, does not take the arrow, pulls open the spatial string. Sees only the surrounding cold air collection, a glittering and translucent carving ice arrow, appears on the bowstring. The attractive incorruptible arrow tail, likely is the snowflake of enlargement. 两旁的银霜部弓箭手,动作划一,也不取箭,拉开空弦。只见周围寒气汇集,一根晶莹剔透的冰箭,浮现在弓弦上。漂亮的冰霜箭尾,像是放大的雪花。 Puts!” “放!” Song Xiaoqian issues an order, stretches, several thousand bowstring sounds move, is similar. Several thousand ice-cold clear flowing light shoot up to the sky, leave behind the slender bright light mark, like the silk that can shine. The sky seems has an invisible palm, making these bright silk thread windings revolve, collects the ice storm that glistens beautifully. 宋小歉一声令下,绷,数千弓弦声动,如同一声。数千道冰冷晶莹的流光冲天而起,留下纤细明亮的光痕,就像会发光的蚕丝。天空好似有一张无形手掌,让这些明亮的丝线缠绕旋转,汇集成一道美丽闪亮的冰风暴。 The rock magma fireball and ice storm hit maliciously in the same place. 岩浆火球和冰风暴狠狠撞在一起。 Bang. 轰。 Innumerable rock magma raging fire blast out, from the sky blooms the beautiful fireworks, the next quarter, ruptured Silver Frost cold air freeze, all beauties and rays instantaneous hidden go. The flower of flame turns into incorruptible flower, flamings the red rock magma to turn ties completely the incorruptible rock, they look like the raindrop to fall to the ground, fall crush. 无数岩浆流火炸开,在空中绽放出美丽的烟花,下一刻,被爆裂的银霜寒气冻结,所有的美丽和光芒都瞬间隐去。火焰之花变成冰霜之花,炽红的岩浆变成结满冰霜的岩石,它们像雨点般落地,摔得粉碎。 Zhen Shen Peak of Spear of Heavy Cloud guarding, the ray was dim, battles day of soldiers to grasp the time rest. However Shi Xueman's tent, brilliantly illuminated, they gather, discussion tomorrow's fight. 重云之枪驻守的镇神峰,光芒昏暗,激战了一天的士兵们都在抓紧时间休息。但是师雪漫的营帐,灯火通明,他们聚集在一起,讨论明天的战斗。 Suddenly, Shi Xueman gains ground fiercely, mind shock. 忽然,师雪漫猛地抬头,心神剧震 very powerful fierce elemental force fluctuation! 好强烈的元力波动! Day and night howls the unceasing Metal Wind curtain, not only will cover the majority of sounds, will also cover the elemental force fluctuation of major part. However this elemental force fluctuates, is so intense, is unable to cover including the Metal Wind curtain! 日夜呼啸不断的金风风幕,不仅会掩盖大部分的声音,还会掩盖绝大部分的元力波动。但是这股元力波动,如此强烈,连金风风幕都无法掩盖! elemental force fluctuation position... Behind! 元力波动的方位…后方! Her complexion changes suddenly. 她的脸色陡然大变。 Not is only she, this moment other people also feel this astonishing elemental force fluctuation. It is too intense, in Sun like dark night, effortlessly can catch. 不光是她,此刻其他人也感受到这股惊人的元力波动。它实在太强烈,就像黑夜中的太阳,毫不费力就能捕捉到。 Has the enemy!” “有敌人!” The sad and shrill warning resounds, the officers who is responsible for being on night duty suddenly plunders anxiously: Report! Discovery massive enemies!” 凄厉的警报陡然响起,负责值夜的将士急掠而来:“报!发现大量敌人!” Everybody runs out of the tent. 大家冲出营帐。 The distant place horizon, the mighty current of innumerable width back bat fish collection, is flying high-speed toward here. 远处天边,无数宽背蝠鱼汇集的洪流,正在朝这边高速飞来。 The quantity of sky wide back bat fish makes all people suck in an cold air/Qi, they do not doubt, the enemy puts in the fight all strengths. It is not right, is all beast camps, Divine Wolf Silver Frost? Where is at? 天空宽背蝠鱼的数量让所有人倒抽一口冷气,他们毫不怀疑,敌人把所有的力量都投入到战斗。不对,是所有的兽营,神狼银霜呢?在哪? Thinks that a moment ago that astonishing elemental force fluctuation, on everybody face the scarlet instantaneously becomes pale. 想到刚才那股惊人的元力波动,大家脸上血色瞬间变得苍白。 Do the enemies break through the curtain? 敌人是怎么突破风幕? Three Zhen Shen Peak rays quickly become bright, Bing Ren Unit and Tian Feng Unit were alarmed. 三座镇神峰的光芒倏地变得明亮,兵人部天锋部都被惊动。 Shi Xueman makes an effort to bite the lip, almost must break by biting the lip. Which quarter, not having made her so frightened, so despairs! The front is similar to the tide beast camp, as if momentarily can swallow them. 师雪漫用力咬着嘴唇,几乎要把嘴唇咬破。从来没有哪一刻,让她如此恐惧,如此绝望!前方如同潮水的兽营,仿佛随时能把他们吞噬。 Calm, calm! 冷静,冷静! Her first response stimulates to movement Zhen Shen Peak, returns to the body to rescue Ai Hui they, but she knows without enough time. 她第一反应就是催动镇神峰,返身去救艾辉他们,但是她知道来不及。 Once retreats, the enemy comes in swarms, Tian Feng Bing Ren cannot arrive absolutely, the defense line is instantaneous, everybody instead did not run away. She knows thoroughly the troops, knows the difficulty of retreating resists at risk of life is more difficult. Retreats has slightly, will form carelessly the rout. 而且一旦撤退,敌人蜂拥而至,天锋兵人绝对抵达不住,防线瞬间支离破碎,大家反而都逃不了。她熟谙军旅,知道撤退的难度比拼死抵抗更难。撤退稍有不慎,就会形成溃败。 If Ai Hui encounters such situation, what to do he can? 如果是艾辉遇到这样的情况,他会怎么办? The Shi Xueman spirit inspires, Ai Hui has met compared with this more difficult situation, he does not have desperate giving up, can oneself give up? Let alone, will the fellow of Ai Hui monstrous talent, how so be so easy dead? 师雪漫精神一振,艾辉所遇到过比这更艰难的情况,他也没有绝望放弃,自己又怎么能放弃?更何况,艾辉那么妖孽的家伙,怎么会这么容易死? Yes, will this fellow so be easy dead? 是啊,这家伙怎么会这么容易死? The disaster must lose the millenniums! 祸害都要遗千年啊! Shi Xueman sweeps away flurriedly, the state of mind is calm, the judgment of her situation is clearer. Today if Ai Hui died, rear area also ended, that defense line three did not live. But their defense line was broken through, the rear person did not live same. 师雪漫慌乱一扫而空,心绪平静下来,她形势的判断更加清晰。今天如果艾辉死了,后方也完了,那防线三部也活不了。而他们防线被突破,后方的人也一样活不了。 Either lives together, either dies together. 要么一起生,要么一起死。 Thinks that she frightened also disappears finally. 这么一想,她最后一点恐惧也消失。 Does not attend to the companion alone escaping this matter, the North Sea(Beihai) Shi Clan person may unable to do! 不顾同伴独自逃命这种事情,北海师家人可做不出来! She rapidly makes the resolution: Qian Dai Zu Yan, you support Canon Tower Alliance!” 她迅速做出决断:“钱代祖琰,你们去支援塔炮联盟!” Fatty already could not repress, thinks that Ai Hui will encounter the danger, he has no interest to fight. He admires Shi Xueman, because of a Shi Xueman lecture of major issue of principle, such person is honourable. He does not have the major issue of principle, he is Fatty that lives luckily, he a little small is small not. 胖子早就按捺不住,一想到艾辉会遇到危险,他就无心战斗。他佩服师雪漫,因为师雪漫讲大是大非,这样的人值得尊敬。他没有大是大非,他就是一个幸运活下来的胖子,他就那么一点小是小非。 In his mind, all people do not have Ai Hui to be important. 在他心目中,所有人都没艾辉重要。 Fatty and Zu Yan depart urgent. 胖子祖琰火急离去。 Restores calm Shi Xueman to show her decisiveness. She is very clear, at this time the close combat strength of rear need, can resist Divine Wolf Silver Frost, obtains the opportunity of respite. However she is clearer, she gathers the manpower now, returns to the body support again, absolutely without enough time. 恢复冷静的师雪漫展现出她的果断。她很清楚,此时后方需要的近战力量,能够抵挡神狼银霜,获得喘息之机。但是她更清楚,她现在聚集人手,再返身支援,绝对来不及。 She judges, the enemy should be starts to charge! 她判断,敌人应该是开始冲锋! But that is intense makes the elemental force fluctuation of person palpitation, lets she remembered had looked secret about Central 3 Units. 而那股强烈得令人心悸的元力波动,让她想起了曾经看过的一些关于中央三部秘辛 It is not able to make up for the rear inferiority, superiority that rear area that expansion had, this is her resolution. 无法弥补后方的劣势,那就扩大后方已经拥有的优势,这便是她的决断。 When Fatty Zu Yan rushes, war had ended, Canon Tower Alliance collapsed, who goes to be also useless. When if they arrive, war had not ended, means that both sides are refusing to budge, they can greatly strengthen the Canon Tower Alliance strength. 倘若胖子祖琰赶到时,战局已经结束,塔炮联盟已经崩溃,那谁去也没有用。而倘若两人抵达时,战局没有结束,意味着双方在僵持,他们俩就能大大增强塔炮联盟的力量。 The pressure that the defense line faces although is very big, but Shi Xueman still has the confidence to resist. 防线面临的压力虽然很大,但是师雪漫依然有信心抵挡。 On the vitality uncertain chaotic situation, Shi Xueman bets the last hope. 在生机渺茫的乱局上,师雪漫赌上最后一点希望。 Performs the human affairs to listen to the destiny. 尽人事听天命。 Ke Ning shouts crazily, allowing soldiers to enter Cannon Tower. 柯宁疯狂地呼喊,让士兵们进入塔炮 The intense fear covers his body and mind, he feels to suffocate, cannot breathe. However he knows that this moment any time, is the companion trades with the blood. 强烈的恐惧笼罩他的身心,他感到窒息,呼吸不过来。但是他知道,此刻任何一点时间,都是同伴用鲜血换来的。 One group of people of distant place sky, their whole body was covered by the intense ray. Far to look into the distance goes, drifts like each and everyone in sky sky lanterns. 远处天空的一群人,他们浑身被强烈的光芒笼罩。远远望去,就像一个个飘浮在天空的孔明灯 Senior Xiaoshan... 小山前辈们… Why does not know, the Ke Ning tears such uncontrolled flow. 不知道为什么,柯宁的眼泪就这么不受控制地流下来。 Incisive howling passed over gently and swiftly from his top of the head, flamings bright sword aura dazzlingly, cuts the jet black curtain of night. 尖锐的呼啸从他头顶掠过,耀眼炽亮的剑芒,划破漆黑的夜幕。 Sword of Thunderbolt! 雷霆之剑 Ke Ning rises with a spring fiercely, shouts to roar: tower cannoneer(s), enters Cannon Tower! tower cannoneer(s), enters Cannon Tower!” 柯宁猛地一跃而起,扯着喉咙怒吼:“塔炮手,进入塔炮塔炮手,进入塔炮!” In the camps, the person's shadow rocks, the eyes of everyone fill the blood thread, if the shape is crazy. 营地里,人影晃动,每一个人的眼睛充满血丝,状若疯狂。 The distant place, the mighty current of galloping treads the earth, is the distant place, the ray of sparkle illuminates the curtain of night. 远处,奔腾的洪流踏碎大地,也是远处,闪耀的光芒照亮夜幕。 The sky like the light group that sky lanterns drifts, the terrifying fluctuation that sends out, making the Helian Tianxiao complexion first time change. He thinks fiercely that spreads for a long time actually the quite secret legend. 天空像孔明灯一样飘浮的光团,散发出的恐怖波动,让赫连天晓脸色第一次发生变化。他猛地想起来,一个流传许久却颇为隐秘的传说。 An important mission that in the rumor, Central 3 Units initially shouldered, is ensure Elder Council was not controlled by Grandmaster. Therefore Central 3 Units passes through several generations of working wholeheartedly, creates to injure Grandmaster taboo killing move! 传言中,中央三部当初肩负的一个重要使命,就是保证长老会不被宗师所控制。所以中央三部经过数代人的呕心沥血,创出能够伤害宗师的禁忌杀招 Helian Tianxiao in the heart one suddenly, could it be that this rumor real? 赫连天晓心中一突,难道这个传言是真的? In the sky, by the Tingfeng Unit officers who among the ray covers, appears to interlock light beam able to move unhindered. When the light beam just appeared, does not have gloomily light, as if phantom, but quick becomes bright. 天空中,被光芒笼罩的听风部将士之间,浮现一道道交错纵横的光束。光束刚刚出现时,暗淡无光,仿佛虚影,但是很快就变得明亮。 It unceasingly is becoming brighter! 它在不断变得更亮! Helian Tianxiao suddenly discovered that got windy! 赫连天晓忽然发现,起风了! It is not right, this is surrounding elemental force, was screening out by sky these Dammit fellows. 不对,这是周围的元力,都在被天空那些该死的家伙抽走。 Helian Tianxiao roars: Shoots down them!” 赫连天晓怒吼:“射落他们!” Song Xiaoqian hearing this loudly shouted: Archer!” 宋小歉闻言高喝:“弓箭手!” Silver Frost Unit all archers also draw a bow, uniform. 银霜部所有的弓箭手同时张弓,整齐划一。 Puts!” “放!” Soars with the ice storm that was exactly the same a moment ago once more, howls to plunge sky these light beam connected forms. 和刚才如出一辙的冰风暴再次腾空而起,呼啸扑向天空那些光束相连的身影。 Ices the storm to the form that these drift swallow shortly, in this time, Blue Flowers entangles to emerge out of thin air. 眼看冰风暴就要把那些飘浮的身影吞噬,就在此时,一根青花缠枝凭空出现。 Delicate Blue Flowers entangles facing howling the wild ice storm is entirely still, as soon as it appears, then at an exceptional pace spread growth. Entangles Blue Flowers on the vine of devil, in an instant, then changes to Blue Flowers to entangle a wall at the same time. 娇弱的青花缠枝面对呼啸狂暴的冰风暴纹丝不动,它一出现,便以惊人的速度蔓延生长。缠枝青花就魔鬼的藤蔓,转眼间,便化作一面青花缠枝墙。 Ice storm of thousands of ice Arrows collection, heavily bang, in Blue Flowers entangles on a wall. 数以千计的冰箭矢汇集的冰风暴,重重轰在青花缠枝墙上。 Blue Flowers entangles the wall flood aliquation level ripples, the bright ray along entangling a proliferation, Blue Flowers on entire wall entangles a mark to be lightened, the constitution beautiful fancy steamed roll, is together beautiful difficult moves out of the way the vision. 青花缠枝墙泛起层层涟漪,明亮的光芒沿着缠枝扩散,整面墙上的青花缠枝纹都被点亮,构成一道绝美的花卷,美得让人难人挪开目光。 When a thin form does not know, appears sky over the battlefield. 一个消瘦的身影不知何时,出现在战场上空。 Baiyi(white clothes) like the snow, the long hair flies upwards, the slightly pale complexion of outstanding ability complements that face fine, the Blue Flowers mark of forehead, increases several points of mysticalness. 白衣如雪,长发飞扬,略显苍白的脸色把那张俊逸的脸庞映衬得更加精致,额头的青花纹,增添几分神秘。 His facial expression is chilly, is exceptionally arrogant. The top of the head jet black deep curtain of night, like the black wing, inserts in his carrying on the back. 他的神情清冷,异常高傲。头顶漆黑深沉的夜幕,就像黑色的羽翼,插在他的背上。 The Helian Tianxiao's pupil contracts once more, Duanmu Huanghun! 赫连天晓的瞳孔再次收缩,端木黄昏 Did Duanmu Huanghun go out? 端木黄昏出关了? Duanmu Huanghun closes up cannot go out for a very long time, already was not the recent news, has not thought that went out in this crucial point unexpectedly. Goes out to have not to have anything, according to normal state, Duanmu Huanghun, even if goes out, that also just promoted Master, insufficient is the worry. 端木黄昏闭关久久不能出关,早就不是新消息,没想到竟然在这个节骨眼上出关。出关有没什么,按照正常状态,端木黄昏即使出关,那也只是刚刚晋升大师,不足为虑。 Master places immediately the battlefield, what can display to affect? 一个大师放在当下战场,能够发挥什么作用? But, just that Blue Flowers entangled a wall, then makes Helian Tianxiao realize, Duanmu Huanghun strength far ultra general Master. 可是,就刚刚那面青花缠枝墙,便让赫连天晓意识到,端木黄昏的实力远超一般的大师 The strength of this fellow, how such? 这家伙的实力,怎会如此之强? Helian Tianxiao in the heart is surprised, but he stands firm the mind quickly, even if compared with general Master how? Has not arrived at Grandmaster, is impossible to prevent their charges! 赫连天晓心中惊疑不定,但是他很快稳住心神,就算比一般大师强又如何?没到宗师,就不可能阻挡他们的冲锋! They are Divine Wolf! 他们是神狼 The Helian Tianxiao's vision locks enemy large camp that pulls closer unceasingly, that is their priority targets of this attack. As for these flies, waits to capture Cannon Tower large camp, each and everyone tidies up again slowly not lately! 赫连天晓的目光重新锁定正在不断拉近的敌人大营,那才是他们这次攻击的首要目标。至于这些苍蝇,等攻陷塔炮大营,再慢慢一个个收拾不迟! Goes out meets such noisy scene, I not am quite actually happy.” “一出关就遇到这么吵闹的场面,我其实是不太高兴的。” The top of the head resounds the Duanmu Huanghun loathful sound. Keeps aloof chilly arrogant, the sound is not loud, but the entire battlefield can hear clearly, Tingfeng Unit extracts elemental force crazily, as if no to affect to him slightly. 头顶响起端木黄昏令人讨厌的声音。清冷傲慢高高在上,声音不大,但是整个战场都能清晰地听到,听风部疯狂抽取元力,仿佛对他没有丝毫影响。 He is arrogant like the god only, the bird's eye view ground, extends the take action palm. 他傲慢得就像神祇般,俯瞰地面,伸出手掌。 On the palm, floats Blue Flowers to entangle. 手掌上,漂浮着一段青花缠枝。 Blue Flowers entangles to be very short, is very ordinary, not having brilliance to sparkle, does not have the astonishing fluctuation, has the similar grass stalk fresh and tender desire to drop. 青花缠枝很短,很普通,没有光华闪耀,也没有惊人的波动,却有着类似青草的鲜嫩欲滴。 Has the wolf from the distant place, when entertains lavishly. However heard that the wolf eats the meat, today is embarrassed, can only ask you to graze.” “有狼自远方来,当盛情款待。不过听说狼是吃肉的,今天不好意思,只能请你们吃草了。” The voice just fell, he entangles Blue Flowers of palm toward the scarlet mighty current of ground, throws gently. 话音刚落,他就把手掌心的青花缠枝朝地面的血色洪流,轻轻一抛。
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