FWH :: Volume #7

#629: Staking everything on a single throw of the dice

, , . 哒,哒,哒。 The metal fights the sound of footsteps of boots, breaks Xin Guang City such as dead the general peace. The metal fights the boots to fall to the ground, the blood of splash blooms the dark red flower, occasionally has the blood drop to splash down in fighting the boots, they will look like the waterdrop on lotus leaf, falls the ground silently. 金属战靴的脚步声,打破新光城如死一般的安静。金属战靴落地,飞溅的鲜血绽放暗红之花,偶尔有血滴溅落在战靴,它们会像荷叶上的水滴,无声无息滑落地面。 Fights the boots fine dust not to dye, step not slow, not fast. 战靴纤尘不染,步伐不徐不疾 The street that the blue brick paves was soaked by the blood, from the sky bird's eye view, the blood street extends to the end of city, is red dazzling. A beach beach not dry dark red blood, after the rain water puddle that leaves behind. However does not have the freshness after rain, in the air to fill the air to flood is choking the smell of blood of nose. 青砖铺就的街道被鲜血浸透,从天空俯瞰,血街延伸到城市的尽头,红得刺目。一滩滩未干的暗红鲜血,就像雨后留下的水洼。然而没有雨后的清新,空气中弥漫充斥着呛鼻的血腥味。 The pedestrians are muddy, if has not thought that they walk silent in the spacious blood street. 行人浑若未觉,他们沉默地行走在空旷的血街。 Several bloody numbers of people carry in the hand, the blood tick-tock tick-tock falls. These severed heads stare the big eye, in expression are coagulating the fear and angry. 几个血淋淋的人头拎在手中,血滴答滴答落下。这些首级瞪大眼睛,表情里凝固着恐惧和愤怒。 If some people see these severed heads, certainly will be surprised. 如果有人看到这几颗首级,一定会大吃一惊。 Is attacking Grandmaster Yuchi Ba, is called Ugly shape Xin Guang City Lord An Chouchou...... 正在冲击宗师尉迟霸、被称为【丑象】的新光城安丑丑…… But nobody saw, people who sees died. This street, no, in particular, was centered on city lord mansion, the region of entire Xin Guang City core, does not have a living witness now. 可是没有人看到,看到的人都已经死了。这条街,不,确切地说,以城主府为中心,整个新光城核心的区域,如今无一活口。 The kids walk in the front line, his facial expression indifferently, said lightly: Told them, before the setting sun, did not surrender, slaughter entire city.” 小宝走在最前方,他神情漠然,淡淡道:“告诉他们,落日之前不投降,屠全城。” Gui Hu has complied with the sound: Yes!” 桂虎应了声:“是!” Brushes, Gui Hu figure suddenly appears in the midair, stirs elemental force to drink greatly: „The setting sun does not fall, slaughter entire city!” 刷,桂虎身形突然出现在半空,鼓荡元力大喝:“落日不降,屠全城!” Looked at one in the falling Sun, the kid has been taking back the vision. 看了一眼正在下坠的太阳,小宝收回目光。 Gui Hu returns to side the kid, jar sound asked: Why not to massacre city directly?” 桂虎回到小宝身边,瓮声问:“何不直接屠城?” The kids said lightly: Is madame's subjects, when has to pity.” 小宝淡淡道:“都是夫人的子民,当心存怜悯。” Gui Hu thinks otherwise saying: Wanted me saying that the new people who these refused to accept to teach have killed directly well, was keeping useful? Snort, the Yuchi Ba reputation is big, is mediocre.” 桂虎不以为然道:“要我说,这些不服管教的新民直接杀了就好,留着有什么用?哼,尉迟霸名头偌大,也不过如此。” The kids said: Yuchi Ba is late in life, already spirit completely lost. An Chouchou has been a pity, this person has the ability.” 小宝道:“尉迟霸迟暮老朽,早就锐气尽失。安丑丑可惜了,此人还是颇具才能。” Gui Hu in the heart also somewhat admires, coldly snorted: „The Fatty skill is sloppy, has not thought that the temperament is very unyielding.” 桂虎心中也有些佩服,冷哼一声:“胖子本事稀松,没想到脾气还挺硬气。” The kids said lightly: Blindly devoted generation.” 小宝淡淡道:“愚忠之辈而已。” They are at the intersection of street, stopped, the front presents one group of people. 他们走到街道的十字路口,停了下来,前方出现一群人。 Is a trembling old man, sees them, the plump kneels down, bowing in earth tremor sound track: Xin Guang surrender! Surrender!” 为首是一位颤颤巍巍的老者,看到他们,扑通一声跪下,拜伏在地颤声道:“新光投降!投降!” Other people worship on bended knees in the place: I and others was willing to fall!” 其他人纷纷跪拜在地:“我等愿降!” The kids have not looked at their one eyes, whatever they kneel down in the pool of blood, has turned away to other humanity: „The Xin Guang still, next city, the palace is wild.” 小宝没有看他们一眼,任凭他们跪倒在血泊之中,转过脸对其他人道:“新光平定,下一城,宫野。” The breeze surrounds, murderous intention silent. 微风环绕,杀机无声。 Helian Tianxiao in the heart somewhat regretted at this time that he has underestimated the enemy. Thinks the easily accomplished fight, variable comes up in great numbers and from all sides. Collapsing at the first encounter in expectation has not occurred, maneating and tenaciousness of enemy, making him feel that is startled and shocks. 赫连天晓此时心中有些懊悔,他低估了敌人。本来以为摧枯拉朽的战斗,变数横生。预想中的一触即溃没有发生,敌人的凶悍和顽强,让他感到吃惊和震撼。 Duanmu Huanghun shows the far ultra general Master strength, Helian Tianxiao suspected that Duanmu Clan talent, has touched the arrived Grandmaster threshold? 端木黄昏展现出远超一般大师的实力,赫连天晓怀疑端木家的天才,是不是已经摸到了宗师的门槛? By a person of body, prevents the army to charge, this brave courage...... Did not say that this fellow is a handsome boy? 以一人之身,阻挡大军冲锋,这份豪勇胆气……不是说这个家伙就是一个小白脸吗? Tingfeng Unit these people...... Originally they have the courage and uprightness! 还有听风部这些人……原来他们也是有血性的! Present Helian Tianxiao, does not dare to have the least bit contempt to Central 3 Units. Shenwei Caijue collaborates, the island of resistance is thorough, rushes to large camp, steals Comander-in-chief Ye and Nangong Wulian. Tingfeng Unit these people, in order to prevents them, gives self up to die for a righteous cause, has not hesitated. 如今的赫连天晓,对中央三部再不敢有半点轻视。神畏裁决联手,孤军深入,直闯大营,劫走叶帅南宫无怜听风部的这些人,为了能够阻挡他们,舍身成仁,没有丝毫迟疑。 Before thought that Central 3 Units could not withstand decayed, has externals without substance, now Helian Tianxiao thought that they were really stupid arrogantly. The unfavorable situation, the biggest reason, is they despises to elemental cultivator's continually. 之前觉得中央三部腐朽不堪,徒有其表,如今赫连天晓觉得他们实在过于愚蠢自大。连番失利,最大的原因,就是他们对元修的轻视。 However in the world has not regretted after the fact eats. 然而世上没有后悔药吃。 Charges is blocked, their situations immediately become the abnormal risk. 冲锋被阻,他们的处境立即变得异常危险。 Other person of surprised uncertain times, the one who makes the resolution is Song Xiaoqian. Encirclement breeze sound of the wind is very small, but she feels extremely dangerously. She takes off the bow and arrow that carries on the back, has shot an arrow toward the top of the head above quickly. 其他人惊疑不定的时候,率先作出决断的是宋小歉。环绕的微风风声很小,但是她却感到极度危险。她摘下背上的弓箭,倏地朝头顶上方射了一箭。 The flowing light dodges to pass, submerges the deep dark night. 流光一闪而逝,没入深深的黑夜。 On her face passed over gently and swiftly a happy expression, the arm under presses slightly, each under presses for one point to project an arrow, projects 12 arrows continuous. Peacock that 12 Daoist believers light as if spread the tail, most below three Daoist believers light disappear do not see. 她脸上掠过一丝喜色,手臂微微下压,每下压一分射出一箭,连珠射出12箭。12道流光仿佛开屏的孔雀,最下方三道流光消失不见。 Three arrow light were swallowed silently. 三道箭光无声无息被吞噬。 Song Xiaoqian in the heart round of cold, a moment ago instantaneous, she lost the inductions of three arrow light. 宋小歉心中发寒,刚才瞬间,她失去了三道箭光的感应。 Until now, she does not know that in breeze is anything, but she knows that in is extremely certainly dangerous! 到现在为止,她都不知道微风里面是什么,但是她知道里面一定极度危险! However, arrow light, makes her probe the breeze altitude of encirclement. 不过,刚才的箭光,也让她试探出环绕的微风高度。 120 zhang (3.33 m)! 120丈! Had Song Xiaoqian to set the example, other military officers also imitated. The arrow light is similar to the raindrop plunges the encirclement breeze, the major part silently is swallowed by the breeze, but the people outlined the shape of encirclement breeze quickly. 有了宋小歉作榜样,其他将领也纷纷效仿。箭光如同雨点般扑向环绕微风,绝大部分都被微风无声无息吞噬,但是众人很快勾勒出环绕微风的形状。 Everybody holds breath a cold air/Qi. 大家倒吸一口冷气。 Thinks is a curtain of straight cylindrical part, this discovered that unexpectedly is under on the wide narrow bell. Why does not know, most place above has the diameter to be bigger than 20 zhang (3.33 m) hole, does not have the breeze. 本来以为是一个笔直圆筒形的风幕,这才发现,竟然是下宽上窄的钟形。只是不知道为什么,最上方有直径大于20丈的孔洞,没有微风。 Helian Tianxiao in the heart somewhat rejoiced that he guessed is very likely starts this move of Tingfeng Unit elemental cultivator quantity to be insufficient, causes to leave behind a big empty gate. 赫连天晓心中有些庆幸,他猜测很有可能是发动此招的听风部元修数量不够,才导致留下一个如此大的空门。 Helian Tianxiao's guessed that right, true Tingfeng has letter, Needs least 50% Tingfeng Unit, can complete. 赫连天晓的猜测没错,真正的【听风有信】,需要最少一半的听风部,才能够完成。 Tingfeng has letter, Tingfeng Unit ultimate killing move that to cope with Grandmaster creates. This type of dangerous and peaceful breeze, is called in Tingfeng Unit trade. It is in a frigid fight has no intention to discover. Trade does not belong to Five Elements any line, it came from in elemental force burns the later product. elemental cultivator burns elemental force of oneself whole body, is just like the combustion the candle, but trade is the smoke of candlelight, its quantity is quite scarce. 听风有信】,听风部为了对付宗师所创的终极杀招。这种危险而安静的微风,在听风部被称为“信风”。它是一次惨烈的战斗中被无意发现。“信风”不属于五行之中任何一行,它源自于元力燃烧之后的产物。元修燃烧自己全身的元力,好比燃烧的蜡烛,而“信风”就是烛火的烟,它的数量极为稀少。 Until now, Tingfeng Unit has still not grasped about trade the core, burns own elemental force except for elemental cultivator, they had not found other means. 到现在为止,听风部依然没有掌握关于“信风”的核心,除了元修燃烧自己的元力,他们没有找到其他的办法。 The combustion elemental force's elemental cultivator quantity are more, trade will become stronger. This type of unusual mysterious wind, with Five Elements irrelevant, but can actually merge into one organic whole with world elemental force. 燃烧元力的元修数量越多,“信风”就会变得越强。这种奇特神秘的风,同五行无关,但却能够与天地元力融为一体。 Once the Tingfeng shackles forms, can exist millennium even for ten thousand years, but does not collapse. 听风牢笼一旦形成,能够存在千年甚至万年而不崩溃。 Even if Grandmaster were stranded in the Tingfeng shackles , can only in the thousand years years, in the pitch-dark darkness, listen to the sound of breeze, died peacefully. 哪怕宗师被困在听风牢笼之中,也只能在千载岁月里,伸手不见五指的黑暗之中,听着微风之音,安静地死去。 Only if the world great misfortune like cultivation later period appears again, world elemental force dissipates, the Tingfeng shackles will vanish into thin air. 除非像修真晚期那样的天地大劫再次出现,天地元力消散,听风牢笼才会烟消云散。 What a pity, Xiaoshan (small mountain) their population are insufficient, Tingfeng has letter It is not able fully to complete. Xiaoshan (small mountain) does not know this point by no means that however at this moment, can prevent the charge of Divine Wolf Silver Frost, can be Canon Tower Alliance wins the time, his goal has been achieved. 可惜,小山他们的人数不够,【听风有信】无法全部完成。小山并非不知这一点,但是在此时此刻,能够阻挡住神狼银霜的冲锋,能够为塔炮联盟争取到时间,他的目的就已经达到。 Now, all are very smooth. 现在来看,一切都很顺利。 The Divine Wolf Silver Frost officers complexion is very ugly, what Divine Wolf Silver Frost excels is the charge, but is not the flight, particularly the ability of upward vertical flight is almost zero. 神狼银霜将士们脸色很难看,神狼银霜更擅长的是冲锋,而不是飞行,尤其是向上垂直飞行的能力几乎为零。 120 zhang (3.33 m) ring-like curtain, the exit / to speak of most peak has 20 zhang (3.33 m)! 120丈的环形风幕,最顶端的出口只有20丈! Exits? 怎么出去? The time is passing little, the people are getting more and more anxious. They are conceivable, Canon Tower Alliance flurried large camp, is stabilizing gradually, honey-comb heavy artilleries are transferring the heavy barrel, the muzzle aim at them. 时间在一点点流逝,众人越来越焦躁。他们可以想象,塔炮联盟慌乱的大营,正在逐渐稳定,一座座蜂巢重炮正在调转沉重的炮身,炮口指向他们。 Even if clashes, they need to dress ranks, charges. 就算冲出去,他们需要重新整队,重新冲锋。 Loses the speed, facing crowded fire, they are no different than the fish on cutting board, allows to be oppressed. 失去速度,面对密集的炮火,他们无异于案板上的鱼肉,任人宰割。 Song Xiaoqian said: Upward builds the ice ladder!” 宋小歉道:“往上筑冰梯!” Everybody at present bright, good means! 大家眼前一亮,好办法! Ices the wall is Silver Frost most often one of the use methods, ices the wall not only to act as the defensive barrier, can become the way that they charge. So long as they upward build ice wall unceasingly, constitutes an ice ladder, can get out of trouble. 冰墙是银霜最常利用的手段之一,冰墙不仅可以充当防守屏障,也可以成为他们冲锋的路径。只要他们不断往上筑造冰墙,构成一座冰梯,就可以脱困。 The Silver Frost officers act fast, the Silver Frost wolf raises the wolf hoof, heavily pounds in the ground, the cold air overflows, an ice wall rises straight from the ground. 银霜将士动作飞快,银霜狼扬起狼蹄,重重砸在地面,寒气四溢,一座冰墙拔地而起。 However the quick everybody's complexion becomes ugly. 但是很快大家的脸色就变得难看起来。 Ice wall that the cold air overflows, the hard edges and corners rapidly become clear, ices the wall to wither, silent ablation. Reminds in Gobi Desert by the wind erosion rock, as if there is breeze of not being able to see, in short time, this thick ice wall corrosion completely. 寒气四溢的冰墙,坚硬的棱角迅速变得圆润,冰墙萎缩,无声无息消融。让人联想到戈壁滩上被风蚀的岩石,就仿佛有看不见的微风,在短短的时间内,把这座厚实的冰墙侵蚀殆尽。 Some people flutter to ask: How can like this?” 有人颤声问:“怎么会这样?” Nobody can reply his question. 没有人能够回答他的疑问。 What is more awful, did not have time. 更糟糕的是,没有时间了。 A guy stimulates to movement the Silver Frost wolf more numerous, sinking sound track: If this war victory, but also asked Unit Leader to take care of the subordinate family member!” 一名大汉催动银霜狼越众而出,沉声道:“若是此战胜利,还请部首照顾属下家人!” Song Xiaoqian has not opened the mouth, the guy calls out one, explodes one group of cold incomparable cold fog with the wolf suddenly, the skeleton not saves. 宋小歉还没有开口,大汉暴喝一声,连人带狼突然爆裂成一团奇冷无比的寒雾,尸骨无存。 Was thicker than the clear ice wall to appear a moment ago again, what is most unusual, ices the wall presents the light blue color, like together is sending out the huge blue gem of cold air. 一座比刚才更加厚实晶莹的冰墙再次出现,最奇特的是,冰墙呈现出淡淡的蓝色,就像一块散发着寒气的巨大蓝色宝石。 The Song Xiaoqian mind trembles, this is the blood that Silver Frost Unit is in sole possession of explodes, Frost explodes! 宋小歉心神一颤,这是银霜部独有的血爆,【霜爆】! The ice blue wall spans before everybody, the wind erosion still exists, but the speed becomes slowly. 冰蓝墙横亘在大家面前,风蚀依然存在,但是速度变得缓慢许多。 A Silver Frost soldier stimulates to movement the mount, throws the ice wall, starts Frost explodes! 一名银霜战士催动坐骑,扑上冰墙,发动【霜爆】! Other people are silent, everybody looks in Silver Frost Unit, snow white forms leave ranks unceasingly, rush to the ice wall, starts Frost explodes. 其他人沉默下来,大家看着银霜部中,一道道雪白的身影不断出列,冲上冰墙,发动【霜爆】。 Frost explodes The sound is not loud, crashes like the ice piece. 【霜爆】的声音不大,就像冰块碎裂声。 Blue ice wall in the lingering on faintly ice piece report, elevates successively. 蓝色的冰墙在不绝于耳的冰块爆裂声中,节节升高。 120 zhang (3.33 m), 460 people. 120丈,460人。 The blue bright ice ladder, gradient is steep, slanting sky to top of the head. 淡蓝剔透的冰梯,坡度陡峭,斜斜通往头顶的天空。 Song Xiaoqian eye socket flood red, the tooth is biting the lip stubbornly, she could not speak. 宋小歉眼眶泛红,牙齿死死咬着嘴唇,她说不出话来。 Process that the Helian Tianxiao silent witness ice ladder forms, his facial expression solemnness as usual, he toward bows a ritual toward the ice ladder. 赫连天晓沉默目睹冰梯成形的过程,他的神情和往常一样的冷峻,他啪地朝朝冰梯躬身一礼。 Helian Tianxiao gains ground, the look is callous, killing intent that whole body winds around is even more deep, just likes the essence. He like the deicide who just walked from the hell, in the eye pupil piece of woods are cold. 赫连天晓抬起头,神色冷酷,周身缭绕的杀意愈发深沉,恍如实质。他就像从地狱中刚刚走出来的杀神,眼眸中一片森寒。 He did not say a word, flushed away toward the steep ice ladder. Ices the ladder, although is steep, but regarding Divine Wolf of god steed, is actually effortlessly. 他一言不发,率先朝陡峭的冰梯冲去。冰梯虽然陡峭,但是对于神骏的神狼来说,却是毫不费力。 Other people are silent, follows. 其他人沉默着,紧随其后。 Ices the ladder blue ray, produces an inverted image face that their rock is withering callously and flood red eye socket. 冰梯淡蓝的光芒,倒映着他们岩石般冷酷肃杀的脸庞和泛红的眼眶。 Powerful wolf hoof falls gently silent, they as if know that the under foot is the body of ally. 强有力的狼蹄落下温柔无声,它们仿佛知道,脚下是战友的身体。
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