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,最快更新最新章节!At this time, whitelight shadow that ondragonMoyumeltsobviously, isin the Yanhuang Divine ClanheartthatStar Sea Emperorimage!
此时,龙陌玉身上显化出的白色光影,正是炎黄神族们心中那星海帝君的形象!Li Tianming!李天命!Destiny Dynasty!天命皇朝!dragonMoyuanditsCompanion Beast, the bangkill the ghost saying that the Yuanas well asover a hundredVirtue GodsUniverse God, thislike the raging fire, makingYan and HuangUniverse God and Derivation RealmStar Godwhole staffone's blood bubbles up to the brim!
龙陌玉和其伴生兽,轰杀鬼道元以及上百道德神众宙神,这一幕就如烈火,让炎黄宙神、衍境星神们全员热血沸腾!„Kills! Kills!”
“杀!杀!”Endures humiliationinnumerably, theyuntilrecently, untiedheavenly dao shackles, to the Eight Departments Godsmixedblood of thisgood fortuneworld, wields the butcher knife, turned over/stood upto controlGood Fortune RankStar Source!
忍辱负重无数代人,他们直到最近,才解开了天道桎梏,对这造化世界的八部神众杂血,挥动屠刀,翻身掌控了造化级恒星源!Thatisintheirlife the most illustrioustime!
那是他们生命里最光耀的时刻!Butnow, isintheirlife the secondbrilliance, theirswordsandmagical powers, whatfacedis the Eight Departments Godstrueelite, onceletKings Bloodlines that allYan and Huangdescendants can only look out!
而现在,是他们生命里第二次光耀,他们的刀剑和神通,面向的是八部神众真正的精英,曾经让所有炎黄后裔只能遥望的王众血脉!Tothisgeneration of Yan and Huangdescendants, eightKingswere too lofty, totheirany, cancontrol the deaths of innumerableYan and Huangloftily!
对这一代炎黄后裔而言,八部王众太崇高了,崇高到他们任何一个,都能主宰无数炎黄之死!Because of this, this momentintentionerupts, theywill completely forget the life and death!
“追随龙陌玉!”„Follows the Emperor!”
“追随帝君!”Yan and HuangUniverse God, as well asmore than two millionDerivation RealmStar God, thisisonprofoundjadeDivine Palacehas godbody over tenmetersbattle strength, almostdoes not have an absence, the hot bloodedspout, rushes aheadwithdragonMoyu!
轰隆!dragonMoyulooks like a dagger, sheandherCompanion Beast, formed the state of mindsharp blade, everywhere one visit, is the corpse!
龙陌玉就像是一把尖刀,她和她的伴生兽,形成了神魂利刃,所到之处,全是尸体!Gap that is tornbyher, immediatelyhasYanhuang Divine Clan that massivedoes not fear deathto rush ahead, theydisplayare being the tradition of the world 'sfirstcavalry, the impulseis extremely strong, the formationmaintainswell, 2 millionsteelmagical powersmighty currentshitonthatover ten thousandVirtue Gods, immediatelytois off their feet!
由她撕裂出的缺口,马上就有大量不怕死的炎黄神族冲杀进去,他们发挥着身为天地第一铁骑的传统,冲击力极强,阵型保持得不错,两百万的钢铁神通洪流撞在那上万道德神众身上,当即冲得人仰马翻!It can be said that dragonMoyuthissurpasses the change of suddenlycommon sense, came as a surprise toVirtue Godscompletely, verylonghas not experiencedthem of war, saw that thisgroup of slaves are so actually fierce, suddenlya littleabsent-minded!
可以说,龙陌玉这超出常理的忽然变化,完全出乎了道德神众的预料,已经很久没有经历战争的他们,眼看这一帮奴隶竟然如此勇猛,一时间都有点失神!Mentality of both sides, is completely different!
双方的心态,完全不同!Eight Departments Gods is also in the mentality of ruler, butgoes to the countryto suppress a rebellion, intheirboneshas not treated as the opponenttheseYan and Huangdescendants, even ifImmemorial Permanent SandhasLi Tianming'sto exist, in their mind, that is also a border areamalignant tumor, capturedis all right.八部神众还处在统治者的心态中,只是下乡镇压一场叛乱而已,他们骨子里就没将这些炎黄后裔当做对手,哪怕太古恒沙有李天命的存在,在他们心目中,那也是边疆一个毒瘤,拔掉就没事了。Therefore, theyhave been arrogant, talked and laughed merrily!
所以,他们一直都是倨傲的,谈笑风生的!But the Yan and Huangdescendant...... theywithstood the innumerablegeneration of oppressions, in the heartextrudedtrillionangers and hatreds, all thesemadethembe able to ignoreindividuallifesufficiently, theirfighting willsgo against heaven's will the rank, the willpower of everyone likesteel!
而炎黄后裔……他们承受了无数代的压迫,心中挤压了亿万的愤怒和仇恨,这一切足以让他们根本顾不上个人的命,他们的战斗意志是逆天级别的,每个人的意志力都如钢铁!To put it bluntly, the formerisplays, but the latterisplays with one's life.
说白了,前者是来玩的,而后者是来玩命的。Is holding the mentality of playing, attacksdirectly in the person who othersbreaknecktogether, the difference of mentality, has a great influence!
尤其是龙陌玉!Shewas too terrifying, everywhere one visit, the Virtue GodsGhost GodcorpsepoundsequallytowardprofoundjadeDivine Palacelike the rainwater, shelike the meat grinder, killedto put ontheseover ten thousandUniverse Goddirectly!
她太恐怖了,所到之处,道德神众鬼神的尸体就如雨水一样朝着玄玉神阙砸下去,她就如绞肉机,直接将这上万宙神杀穿了!Let alone the ghostsaid the Yuan, wasspareWorld Core, nowdoes not have!
别说鬼道元,就是备用界核,现在也没了!RemainingVirtue Godsa group of people without a leader, but also was really somewhatnervous.
剩下的道德神众群龙无首,还真是有些慌了。However, theirEight Departments Godshigherlifeproudalso, is insufficientto be frightenedruns away.
不过,他们内心的八部神众高等生命的骄傲还在,不至于被一吓就逃窜。„Do not be anxious, destroys completelythem!”
“都别紧张,灭掉他们!”„Ourpeopleare many, killingthemis very easy!”
“包围住这个怪物!”To them, thattwomillionDerivation RealmStar God, althoughare many, butis not considered as that the person.
对他们而言,那两百万衍境星神虽然多,但并不算是人。„Ghostextinguished a Jupiterto havemore than 50%Universe Godto be reassigned the frontlineto attackImmemorial Permanent Sand, the manpowerare not many! WemusttakeprofoundjadeDivine Palacetoday, has a good starttothisrepressive action!”
“鬼灭道德星有一半以上宙神被抽调去了前线进攻太古恒沙,人手已经不是很多了!我们今日务必拿下玄玉神阙,给这次镇压行动开一个好头!”TheseVirtue Godsresponded,startedto engage in fierce battlewithYanhuang Divine Clan!
这些道德神众反应过来,开始和炎黄神族鏖战!Theirstrategiesare very simple, so long asholding downdragonMoyu, others killscasually.
他们的策略很简单,只要按住龙陌玉,其他人随便杀。Suddenly, almosthalf ofUniverse God, allcometowarddragonMojadesurrounding, remainingis less than5000, has the confidenceto cope withthattwomillionDerivation RealmStar Godvery much.
一时间,几乎一半的宙神,全朝着龙陌玉包围而来,剩下不到五千,都很有信心去对付那两百万衍境星神。„Oneflock of sewermice!”
“一群下水道老鼠!”They have the thoughtslaughter.
他们还有心思嬉笑。Howeverinthis moment, theirdesperatediscoveries, no onecanblockthatto have the dragonMojade of soullethality, 5000people of encirclement ringswere torn into shredslike the tofuequally, thatspoken partsshadoweverywhere one visit, does not have anyfleshflutters about, does not have the Universe Godsourceto change, eachVirtue Godsdiesverysimply, dies with injustice unredressed!
然而就在这一刻,他们绝望的发现,根本没有人能挡住那拥有灵魂杀伤力的龙陌玉,五千人的包围圈就如豆腐一样被撕碎,那一道白影所到之处,没有任何血肉纷飞,更没宙神本源变化,每个道德神众都死得很干脆,死不瞑目!At this moment, theywere really daunted.
这一刻,他们真的被吓住了。„Is so strong?!!”
“这么强?!!”Thisat leastisHeaven Universe Godboundaryabovebattle strength!
这起码是天宙神境以上的战力!Moreoverthissoulputs to death, was too efficient!
而且这种灵魂诛杀,太高效了!At this time, Virtue Gods, the innermost feelingstrembledtrulycrazily!
这时候,道德神众们,内心真正狂颤!At this timesomepeoplewantedto run away, alreadylate.
“杀杀杀!”dragonMoyu, ismost commonDerivation RealmStar God, has killedinsanely, even ifonly then the body of tenmetersDerivation RealmStar God, theydare the overheadto killtheseVirtue Gods!
无论是龙陌玉,还是最普通的衍境星神,都已经杀疯了,哪怕只有十米的衍境星神之躯体,他们都敢当头袭杀那些道德神众!Whiteshadoweverywhere one visit, is the ghost!
白影所到之处,全是亡魂!„Emperor! Emperors!”
“帝君!帝君!”Everyoneknows,iswhosestrengthin the controlbattlefield, thattypemakesentireprofoundjadeDivine Palaceboilfrantically!
谁都知道,是谁的力量在主宰战场,那种狂热让整个玄玉神阙沸腾起来!Untilthis time, profoundjadeDivine Palace, the Eight Departments Godsmixedblood of theseRuins City, were pressedobviouslyare kneelingon the ground, is still ridiculing.
直到这时候,玄玉神阙内部,那些墟城的八部神众杂血们,明明被压着跪在地上,都还在嘲笑呢。„OurKings BloodlinesarmyUniverse God, will come inimmediately.”
“我们的王众血脉大军宙神,马上就会进来了。”„Yourthesecheaplivestock, waitto wipe out an entire race!”
“你们这些贱畜,等着被灭种吧!”„Did not have your group of cheapslaves, althoughsaid that the dirty jobno onedid, the oreno onedug, butis at least quiet!”
“没了你们这帮贱奴,虽然说脏活没人干了,矿没人挖了,但起码清静!”ThesecapturedVirtue Gods, is generally very self-confident, smiledis very dissolute!
这些被俘虏的道德神众,普遍还很自信,笑的很放肆!Untiltheysee with one's own eyes, the Virtue GodsKings Bloodlinescorpse, poundsfrom the space, someevenpoundedinRuins City, acted the limitedclansmanthesepounding the muddy flesh!
尸体如雨!100! 1000! Several thousand!
Before these, in the Virtue Godscaptives of ridicule, the smile is completely stiff, the whole bodystartsto shiver, convulsion!
那些之前还在嘲笑的道德神众俘虏们,笑容全部僵硬,浑身开始颤抖、痉挛!Altogethercomesover ten thousandVirtue Gods, poundsseveral thousandcorpsesdirectly, wasn't thisfinished?
怎么可能!„Emperor! Emperors!”
“帝君!帝君!”EntireprofoundjadeDivine Palace, angrily roarsto sweep acrossentireprofoundjadeDivine Palaceheavenshaking.
整个玄玉神阙,震天怒吼席卷全玄玉神阙。But the pitiful yell of Virtue GodsUniverse God, everywhereis.
而道德神众宙神的惨叫,到处都是。Over time, defeatandgroups of theseKings Bloodlinesextinguish, has become the fact!
The heart that profoundjadeDivine PalaceVirtue Godsthathas a high and respected position, explodeddirectly!
玄玉神阙道德神众们那养尊处优的心,直接炸了!Theydo not know,theirso manyyearsoppressions, howtrained the army of thoughtfirmmonster!
轰!Thatmelts the dragonMojade of Li Tianmingimageto arrive atRuins Cityfrom the spaceobviously, suddenly, the innumerableYan and Huangdescendantsworship on bended knees.
The warended!
战争结束了!„ProfoundjadeDivine Palace, is the Yan and Huang! Belongs toDestiny Dynasty!”dragonMoyu an acoustic shockroar, sweeps across the entirecity.
“玄玉神阙,属于炎黄!属于天命皇朝!”龙陌玉一声震吼,席卷全城。„In addition!”
“另!”dragonMoyu the facial featuresare solemn, sweeptoRuins City, „Emperorhas the command, temporarilycensuresprofoundjadeDivine PalaceallVirtue Godsfor the slave! And, aboveeveryDerivation Realm, regardless of the statusage, sentences to beheadingfacing the street!”
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