Thatover ten thousandVirtue GodsUniverse God, stand tall and erectpalatially, is talking and laughing merrily, has not thoughtcompletelythisgroup‚slave clan’seizedGood Fortune RankStar Sourceeven, daresto initiate an attackunexpectedly?
那上万道德神众宙神,巍峨高耸,正在谈笑风生,完全没想到这帮‘奴族’抢占造化级恒星源就算了,竟然还敢主动出击?„Acted out of desperation!”
“狗急跳墙了!”„Thatjust right, did not usespareWorld Core, executedthisgroup of miceto finish updirectly.”
“那正好,都不用备用界核了,直接诛了这帮老鼠就完事了。”„Brothers, spunk up, the opposite partyfought a hopeless battle.”
“哈哈……”ThatVirtue Gods, istopGhost God, theirbodieshave the animal masktotem, the personlikeCompanion Beast, the mortal bodyis powerful, the magical powersare good, and can also displayUniverse God Dao/said, may be calledversatile!
那道德神众,都是顶尖鬼神,他们身上拥有兽面图腾,人如伴生兽,肉身强悍,神通不俗,且也能施展宙神道,堪称全能!Theirover ten thousandUniverse God, temporarilygive upspareWorld Core, the diveunder!
他们上万宙神,暂时放弃备用界核,俯冲而下!Intheireyes, only thentheseYan and HuangUniverse God, as forthattwomillionDerivation RealmStar God, to them, witharepreyfly, the quantityare too many , can only be abominable, does not move the body of ownUniverse Godabsolutely!
他们眼里,只有那些炎黄宙神,至于那两百万衍境星神,对他们来说,就跟是猎物身上的苍蝇似的,数量太多,也就只能让人心烦,是绝对打不动自己的宙神之体的!Universe GodisUniverse God!宙神就是宙神!God of Universe, exceedingGod of Star Seaare too many!宇宙之神,超越星海之神太多!
The lifetransforms, is the worldgap!
生命蜕变,就是天地鸿沟!Thereforeto them, thisisdozenshitsone, whatfears?
所以对他们而言,这是几十个打一个,怕什么?„Whatto be anxious? Sometoys, onedo not playwith great difficulty!”
“急什么?好不容易有些玩具,别一下就玩死了!”In the crowd, has500metershighblackUniverse Godfully, the Saint Lordghostsaid the Yuan, just now the start of spareWorld Core, washeis handling.
人群之中,有一个足有五百米高的黑色宙神,正是圣主鬼道元,方才备用界核的启动,就是他在操办。At this timesaw the mouseunexpectedlyto be initiative the hole, hewas also happy.
这时候见老鼠竟然主动出洞了,他也乐了。Hisvision, onelockeddragonMoyu, the eyeimmediatelyonebrightly, asked that the sidesaid: „Heard that theydid break throughheavenly dao shackles? Thatwas not the person of whatcontamination, is not unlucky.”
他的目光,一下就锁定了龙陌玉,眼睛当即一亮,问身边道:“听说他们都突破了天道桎梏是吧?那就不算什么污秽之人了,就不晦气了。”„Is the meaning of Saint Lord?”Virtue Godsasked.
“圣主的意思是?”一个道德神众笑问。„Youhitslowly, Iin the battlefield, commandto conduct exchange in the physiologywith the opposite party.” The ghostssaid the Yuansay/way.
“你们慢慢打,我在战场中,和对方统帅进行一下生理上的交流。”鬼道元道。„Saint Lordcow!”ThatVirtue GodsalsosawdragonMoyu, „before , hownot to have discovered,actually these people of contamination, do also seem very strong?”
“圣主牛!”那道德神众也看到了龙陌玉,“以前就怎么没发现,其实这些污秽之人,看起来还挺有劲?”Hisvoicedrops the time, thatSmall Universe Godboundary5th-Rankghostsaid the Yuanalready the pressure on dragonMoyu.
他话音落下时候,那小宙神境五阶的鬼道元已经压向了龙陌玉。ButdragonMoyu, only hasSmall Universe Godboundary3rd-Rank!
而龙陌玉,只有小宙神境三阶!„Yanhuang Divine Clan? Hehe, for the slavefor the maidinnumerablegenerations, yourclansouls and clanbloodhad lost, at the presentremaining, be only the cheapblood that kneel down, lower the head, crawlandbegs for mercytrilliontimescomes! Onthischeapblood, youare proud, for this reasonloses one's life, laughablenot?”
The ghostssaid that the Yuanappearsin the dragonMojadeat present, looks disdainfullyto laugh.
鬼道元出现在龙陌玉眼前,睥睨嗤笑。IndragonMo the white hands the long swordpierced a samestepVirtue Godspit of the stomachsuddenly, turn headlookedsaid the Yuanindifferentlyto the ghost!
轰!Sheactuallywithout delay, toward the ghostsaid that the Yuankills!
她竟然二话不说,朝着鬼道元杀去!Initsright side, thatwhite dragonalsocurls up the whiteraging firemagical powers, spurtssuddenly, changes to a whitepurgatory, in the winding the ghostsays the Yuan!
在其右侧,那白龙亦是卷起白色烈火神通,猛然一喷,化作一道白色炼狱,缠绕上鬼道元!„Overreaches oneself!”
The ghostssaid that the Yuansneers, in the handpresents a blacklong spear/gun, the whole bodyfleshmakes noise, welcomesto killto the dragonMojade.
轰轰轰!their two people, explode the warinthisbattlefields, suddenlystarlightsparkles the audience!
他们二人,就在这战场中间爆战,一时间星光闪耀全场!Does not fightdoes not know,fights, the ghostsaid that the Yuanwas simply ignorant.
不交手不知道,一交手,鬼道元简直懵了。„Missesmytwofoldboundary, is so strong?”
“差我两重境界,这么强?”Whatis called the background?
什么叫做底蕴?Whois the universe'sfirstclan?
The ghostssaid that the Yuanconfusedsuddenly!
鬼道元一时间都迷惑了!Butopposite ofhim, dragonMoyu the lookfirmfearfulness, shedoes not fear death, eachmove of attackdoes not defend!
而在他对面,那龙陌玉的眼神坚定的可怕,她根本就不怕死,她每一招进攻都是不防守的!At this moment, shelocks the ghostto say the Yuanstubbornly, lifts the swordcoldsound said: „Emperorsaidright, so long asis fair, myYan and Huang is a thisuniversehighestclan!”
这一刻,她死死锁定鬼道元,举剑冷声道:“帝君说得没错,只要公平,我炎黄就是这宇宙的至高一族!”These words, releaseinherheartallfaith!
这一句话,释放出了她心中所有的信念!Inherheartappeared the shadow of thatperson, even ifshenever haspersonallyto seehim, buthehas actually becomeSun in dragonMoyuinner world, hisilluminationondragonMoyuflesh every inchs, whensheraisesin the hand the long sword, sheevencanfeel, the Emperorandmeltfor a body!
轰!Inthis moment, the endlesswhitethick fog, eruptson the body of dragonMojade, herbodyerupted the whiteray of sparkle, the terrifyingsoulstrengthfluctuated!
“帝君!”dragonMoyuis moved to tears!
龙陌玉热泪盈眶!Hereyeslookdownward, the entireprofoundjadeDivine PalaceYan and Huangdescendant'senergeticsoulstrength, towardherbodygathering, at that moment, hersword, herCompanion Beast, all her, phenomenallyrises suddenlyunexpectedly!
她的双眼往下一看,整个玄玉神阙炎黄后裔的精神灵魂力量,竟然朝着她的身体汇聚,那一刻,她的剑,她的伴生兽,她的一切,都空前暴涨!【Consideringenvironmentso, home stationpossiblyclosesmomentarily, askingeveryoneto steptopermanentoperationtradingsourceApp , huanyuanapp.orgas soon as possible】
The emperorscame back!
帝君回来了!Henot onlycame back, healsogranted himself a Good Fortune RankworldYan and Huangdescendant'smental willpowerstrength!
他不但回来了,他还赐予了自己一个造化级世界炎黄后裔的精神意志力量!Sheobviouslyis notsoulCultivator, at this momentsuch as a going against heaven's willsoulkiller, inherhandthatfusion the long sword of Consciousness Spirit, hadBai Ling (white rise)Eastern Sovereign Swordonat this momentsimilarly!
“杀他!”Sound of the deafeningEmperordignity, shakesin the inner world of dragonMojade.
龙陌玉咆哮一声!Shecontrolsthatwhite dragon, toward the ghostsaid that the Yuanhits, magical powers, a swordcutsto kill!
The ghostssaid that the Yuanlooks at present the dragonMojade of thiseruptionendlesswhite lightandsoulstrength, was shockedat the scene.
“什么情况?”WhenPaek Yong-incurs the white firemagical powersimpactinitstime, soul of AnnihilationhisUniverse God, the twinklingdiedat the scene!
当那白龙一招白火神通冲击在其身上时候,他的宙神之魂当场湮灭,瞬息身亡!ButdragonMoyuthatswordsweeps away, passes throughfromhimbehind, in an instant, enoughover a hundredVirtue GodsGhost God, spiritAnnihilationdiesat the scene!
轰轰轰!Theircompletecorpses, falltowardprofoundjadeDivine Palace!
The Yan and Huangdescendants, stare the bigeye, incomparablylooks atherpleasantly surprised.
Is thiswhat kind ofinvincible might?
“帝君归来了!”Suddenly, innumerableYan and Huangdescendants, tearscrazyclass/flow!
一时间,无数炎黄后裔,眼泪狂流!Butexpression that theiroppositeVirtue Gods, on the faceteased, was completely stiff!
“杀!”dragonMoyuangrily roaredheavenshaking, fires the entireHigh Star RuinsYan and Huangdescendantinsteadto kill the Eight Departments GodsKingsUniverse Godfirstdrum!
龙陌玉一声震天怒吼,打响了全上星墟炎黄后裔反杀八部神众王众宙神的第一鼓!Wishing the brothersMother's Dayis joyful.
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