, Renews the latest chaptermostquickly!
,最快更新最新章节!Such remarks, allYanhuang Divine Clan, is moved to tears.
此言一出,全体炎黄神族,热泪盈眶。Thisis the war of clan, withoutHoly Mother!
这是氏族之战,没有圣母!Whodaresto sympathize, firstwithstands the Yanhuang Divine Clanthisinnumerablegeneration of misery to speakagain!
谁敢同情,先承受一下炎黄神族这无数代的苦难再来说话吧!UnderHeavenly Dao, no oneinnocent!
天道之下,没人无辜!Suchannouncement, suchvictory, in the High Star RuinsmajorStar FurnacemanyGood Fortune Rankworld, is almost conductedin the synchronization!
这样的宣告,这样的胜利,在上星墟各大星炉很多的造化级世界,几乎在同步进行!ProfoundjadeDivine Palacemostapproachesthatbatch of Good Fortune RankStar Source of Myriad Universe Rankworld, will therefore be more thrilling!
玄玉神阙是最靠近万宙级世界的那一批造化级恒星源,所以会惊险一些!Sothrilling, butalsowon, obviouslyBai Feng (white wind)that‚ten thousandspiritstarsouls’going against heaven's willfunction!
如此惊险,但也获得了胜利,可见白风那‘万灵星魂’的逆天作用!IttrulyineachGood Fortune Rankworld, created a youngEmperor!
它确实在每一个造化级世界上,创造出了一个小帝君!For exampledragonMoyu, thisjuststarted, canhavesuchlethality, in the futurewill have the support of entirestarsame clan, shewill be getting stronger and stronger!
比如龙陌玉,这才刚开始,就能有如此杀伤力,往后有全星同族的支撑,她会越来越强!At this moment, no matterWorld Core, isspareWorld Core, fellindragonMo the white hands, thismeans that shethoroughlyisDestiny Dynasty, tookprofoundjadeDivine Palacethissideterritory!
这一刻起,不管是界核,还是备用界核,都落在了龙陌玉手中,这意味着她已经彻底为天命皇朝,拿下了玄玉神阙这一方疆土!OtherGood Fortune Rankworld the wars of turning over, inlike a raging fire conducts!
其他造化级世界的翻身之战,也在如火如荼的进行!Li Tianmingreturnspromptly, the situations in otherGood Fortune Rankworld, did not haveprofoundjadeDivine Palaceto be thrilling, after the soulyoungEmperorarrives, theyhave the timeto prepare the strategyto cope withtheseMyriad Universe Rankworld'sUniverse Godarmy!李天命归来及时,其他造化级世界的情况,还没玄玉神阙惊险,灵魂小帝君降临后,他们更有时间准备计策去对付那些万宙级世界的宙神军!Onthese days, over a thousandGood Fortune RankStar Source, with the help of Bai Feng (white wind), have defendedat least!
就这一段时间内,起码有上千个造化级恒星源,在白风的帮助下,已经守住了!Thus it can be seen, Li Tianmingthistimeis spelling the danger of emittingHuang Qi/Sovereign Seven, mustlook forLittle SixLife Soul, the significanceis great.
由此可见,李天命这次拼着放出皇七的险,也要去找小六命魂,意义何等重大。Opening of Immemorial Permanent Sandchannel, is the unexpectedmatter, nowEmperor Starmuststop upin the channel, has no wayto pose the threatto the Eight Departments GodsMyriad Universe Rankworld, Eight Departments Godscantidy upallYan and Huangdescendants!太古恒沙通道的开启,是意料之外的事情,现在帝星必须堵在通道,没法对八部神众的万宙级世界造成威胁,八部神众是可以收拾所有炎黄后裔的!Butat this time, the Bai Feng (white wind)ten thousandspiritstarsouls, it can be said thatgave opportune help!
而这时,白风的万灵星魂,可以说是雪中送炭!Throughownall living things line, listened toYin Chen (silver dust)againandtheythreereports the situations in theseGood Fortune Rankworld, Li Tianmingjustreturned toImmemorial Permanent Sand, relaxesfinally.
通过自己的众生线,再听银尘和它们仨汇报起那些造化级世界的情况,李天命刚刚回归太古恒沙,总算松了一口气。Finallycaught up!
终于还是赶上了!Has not caused the toobiglosses!
没造成太大的损失!„Eight Departments Godsseesmeto use the Emperor Stardying of suffocationchannel, preventsthemin view ofLing'er, under the decision the cruel methodsto the Yan and Huangdescendant, the speedare immediately quickenough, pitifully, Iam only quicker!”
“八部神众见我用帝星堵死通道,防止他们针对棂儿,马上就决定下狠手对炎黄后裔,速度已经够快,只可惜,我更快!”Henot onlyquick, but alsohasunthinkableImmemorial Chaos Giant Beast!
他不但快,而且还有匪夷所思的太古混沌巨兽!Opposite partywherecanthink, but can also play?
对方哪里能想到,还能这么玩?EachGood Fortune RankStar Source, is equivalent to the villages and small towns in Eight Departments Godsempire, Li Tianmingthisisstartsfrom the villages and small towns, ineachStar Furnace, ‚city’has givensurroundingMyriad Universe RankStar Sourceslowly!
The fire of Destiny Dynasty, gets upat this moment, burntinentireHigh Star Ruins!天命皇朝之火,此刻起,在整个上星墟都烧了起来!Get stronger and stronger!
愈演愈烈!ButtheseMyriad Universe RankStar Source, but must reassignlots ofUniverse Godarmyto comeImmemorial Permanent Sand, the war on two fronts, thissufficientmilitary, onewas beset with problems!
而那些万宙级恒星源,还要抽调大量的宙神军前来太古恒沙,两线作战,本充足的兵力,一下就捉襟见肘了!Emperor Heaven Rank Worldisabsoluteelite, the lifequantityissets the baseinHigh Star Ruins, radicallyfewUniverse Godarmy.
要知道,帝天级世界是绝对的精英化,生灵数量在上星墟是垫底的,根本没几个宙神军。Allis the Emperorsbloodlines!
The Universe Godarmy, allareMyriad Universe RankStar Sourcetraining, train!宙神军,全是万宙级恒星源培养、训练的!Therefore, obtains the goodresultin the Good Fortune Rankworld, to the rear of Eight Departments GodsUniverse Godarmy, in fact can also pose the threat!
因此,在造化级世界取得好的结果,对八部神众宙神军的大后方,实际上也能形成威胁!„Toomany, toocrisp......”
“太多了、太爽了……”InImmemorial Permanent Sand, Emperor Staranother side, Ye Lingfengopens the Bizarre Worldchannel, Li Tianming, Zi ZhenandHuang Qi/Sovereign Seven, as well as49Undying Eternal ClanClan Head, delivered tohere.太古恒沙内,帝星的另一侧,夜凌风打开异度界的通道,将李天命、紫禛、皇七,以及四十九个不死永恒族族长,送到了这里。Justcame out, Li Tianmingdepended onall living things line, dockedin the Bai Feng (white wind)soulsandallYan and Huangdescendantstogether, displayedten thousandspiritstarsouls.
刚出来,李天命就靠众生线,将白风的灵魂和所有炎黄后裔对接在一起,施展万灵星魂。Thislittle fellowrealized that for the first time Li Tianmingthisgoing against heaven's willall living thingsstrength, the belief of thisnotrillionsrank, wideneditslimitdirectly!
这小家伙第一次体会到李天命这种逆天的众生力量,这无数万亿级别的信仰,直接开阔了它的极限!Untilthis time, ittrulywas clear, Bai Ye (white night)andBai Ling (white rise)crisp.
直到这时候,它才真正明白,白夜和白凌有多爽。„Reallyfragrant.”Bai Ye (white night)hehesaid with a smile.
“真香。”白夜呵呵笑道。Thisreallyfragrantlaw, startsfromit, finishedtoBai Feng (white wind), an exceptiondoes not have.
这个真香定律,从它开始,到白风结束,一个例外都没有。Finally the twoImmemorial Chaos Giant Beastegg, letsBai Feng (white wind)put down‚universerebirthanddestinyforthief’temporarilyobsession, althoughonthisfellowmouthproudtender, butreallyhandles matters, is more credible than Bai Ye (white night)andBai Ling (white rise).
最后两个太古混沌巨兽蛋,让白风暂时放下了‘宇宙重生、天命为贼’的执念,虽然这家伙嘴上还是傲娇的,但真办事起来,比白夜和白凌靠谱。Lookjustarrived, itin the Good Fortune Rankworld, made the great merit.
这不,刚刚到来,它就在造化级世界,立下大功了。Handledurgent matter of Good Fortune Rankworld, Li Tianmingalsothroughall living things line, looksEmperor Starherecondition!
搞定了造化级世界的燃眉之急,李天命也通过众生线,去看帝星这边的状况!Another side of the Emperor Starchannel, the warhas started!
就在帝星的通道另一侧,战争已经开始了!„Five racesGods, 10 billionvanguardarmy?”
The so-calledvanguardarmy, are the leading troops, such shorttimecollects10 billionfirstto make war, wantedgets there first, wantsto preparehastilywhileEmperor Star, firsttosevere warning!
所谓先锋军,就是先头部队,这么短时间凑出百亿先开战,要的就是兵贵神速,想趁着帝星这边准备仓促,先给当头棒喝!Thisiscorrect, Li Tianminghas left, Emperor Staralso is truly void.
这是正确的,李天命离开过,帝星确实也很空虚。„But, 10 billionvanguardarmy, wantto break throughYanhuang Protection Barrierand5 billionYan and HuangUniverse Godarmyas well as5 billionreserve forces, withoutis so easy!”SinceLi Tianmingcame back, is not worried.
“不过,一百亿先锋军,想突破炎黄守护结界和五十亿炎黄宙神军以及五十亿后备军,也没那么容易!”李天命既然回来了,就更不担心了。„Regiment, the level, temporarily, does not lose. However......” the Yin Chen (silver dust)soundis hoarse, adds: „Withstood/Top, the difference, many.”
“军团,层次,暂时,不输。但是……”银尘声音沙哑,补充道:“顶强,差了,不少。”„Does the opposite partyhaveHeavenly Emperorto appear and disappear?”Li Tianmingknits the browsto ask.
“对方有天帝出没?”李天命皱眉问。„Yes!”Yin Chen (silver dust)said.
“是的!”银尘道。So-called‚withstand/topstrongly’, is the toppowerhouse.
所谓‘顶强’,就是顶级强者。Thisaspect, Emperor Staris notLi Tianmingthisbatch, only thenLi WudipeerlesscoffinpersonconditionsandfiveEmperor Starelders, butfive racesGods, Heavenly Emperorhasfive!
The Emperor StarelderandEight Departments GodsHeavenly Emperor, the differencewas too far!帝星长老和八部神众天帝,差太远了!Thisdoes not have the means that Ancestral Worldthatplace, ordinaryYanhuang Divine Clanclenches teeth, but can also inherit, practice, but such badenvironment, wantsto impact the position of Heavenly EmperorwithEight Departments Godsto be difficultsame!
这没办法,祖界那个地方,普通炎黄神族咬咬牙,还能传承、修炼,但这么恶劣的环境,想要和八部神众一样冲击天帝之位非常难!Yanhuang Divine Clan that thereforetheseAncestral Nether Worldcome, tens of billionspopulation, do not compareanyGodsdifference, onmostpeakpowerhouse, reallyhas the flaw.
所以这些祖冥界过来的炎黄神族,有上百亿人口,不比任何一个神众差,在最顶端强者上,确实是有缺陷的。Thisflaw is very big!
这缺陷还很大!Therefore ,hasHeavenly Emperorto arrivequicklydirectly, if the opposite partywantsto make a breachthroughsuperbattle strength, Emperor Starnow, shouldextremelydangerous......
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