FGOAA :: Volume #41

#4047: Transaction of Mushan Xue

During the ray sparkle, Li Tianming and Weisheng Moran returned to Myriad Dao Heavenly Star Formation, goes to Blue Maple Star that entrance again. 光芒闪耀之中,李天命微生墨染回到了万道天星阵,再前往枫蓝星那个入口。 Does not have the means that High Star Ruins that entrance, had been blocked by Eight Departments Gods thoroughly, the body of he such huge Universe God, definitely had no way to go in again. 没办法,上星墟那个入口,已经被八部神众彻底封死了,他这么巨大的宙神之体,肯定没法再进去了。 From Blue Maple Star Star Eye, causes a that Blue Maple Star earthquake. 枫蓝星星眼而出,又引起那枫蓝星一阵地震。 Everywhere one visit, cracks void. 所到之处,虚空崩裂。 Present I, a sword breaks open a hundred trillion population Immeasurable Rank Star Source, is completely not the difficult matter......” “现在的我,一剑破开一个百万亿人口的无量级恒星源,完全不是难事了……” Looking from the Blue Maple Star Cultivator angle of view, two flash Small Universe from their top of the head last past! 枫蓝星修炼者的视角看,两个闪光小宇宙从他们头顶上过去了! Shortly, Li Tianming to the Dark Demon Star Cave entry position, here cracked void, Dark Demon Star Cave disrupted early, but that entrance is actually complete. 不久后,李天命到了暗魔星窟的入口位置,这里虚空崩裂,暗魔星窟早碎裂了,但那一个入口倒是完整的。 Li Tianming is then drawing Weisheng Moran, two people escaped together shoulder to shoulder into this black mirror surface, one passed through. 李天命回头拉着了微生墨染,两人一起并肩遁入了这黑色镜面之中,一下穿越而过。 After crossing this barrier, Yin Chen (silver dust) in this lower-level vestige just regained consciousness, starts the thrust build-up. 越过这一道屏障后,这下层遗迹内的银尘才刚刚苏醒,开始进入工作状态。 But Li Tianming fast goes in the Ancestral World Nether Boat direction. 李天命则快速往祖界冥舟的方向而去。 On the road, Yin Chen (silver dust) understood to Zi Zhen Ye Lingfeng had presented news. 路上,银尘就向紫禛那边了解到了夜凌风出现过的消息。 Said the detail!” “说细节!” Li Tianming first knows Li Qingyu to be all right, relaxed at heart slightly, listens to Yin Chen (silver dust) to say the blow-by-blow account of matter slowly. 李天命先知道李轻语没事,心里才稍微放松一些,慢慢听银尘说事情的详细经过。 „Will he win? Some back also many Bizarre Demon?” “他会赢?背后还有很多异魔?” The matter that Li Tianming has a headache about here, Emperor One is equivalent to the parasitic now on the body of Ye Lingfeng, moreover opportunity that he can also shuttle Bizarre World, Li Tianming not start at will completely. 李天命头疼的事就在这里,现在帝一相当于寄生在夜凌风的身上,而且他还随意可以穿梭异度界,李天命对此完全没有下手的机会。 Was good are many Soul Demon support because of Ye Lingfeng, the situation seemed to be better. 好在夜凌风多了魂魔支援,情况似乎好一些了。 Qingyu is in a rage, directly attracted Meteor Gods and Sunset Gods natural talent to 99?” 轻语一怒之下,直接把陨星神众落日神众天赋吸到九十九了?” This makes Li Tianming extremely shocking actually. 这倒是让李天命极其震惊。 Heard that present setting sun and meteor, without this rank, obviously this Eight Departments Goddess the birth, is astonishing. 听说现在的落日和陨星,都没有这种级别,可见她这‘八部神女’的诞生,何等惊人。 This fellow should suffer many hardships, is good because of the result is good......” “这家伙应该吃了不少苦头,好在结果是好的……” When thinks of here, Ancestral World Nether Boat had arrived, Li Tianming enters hastily. 想到这里时,祖界冥舟已经到了,李天命连忙进入其中。 Elder Brother.” That silver starlight radiant young girl, appears in Li Tianming at present. “哥。”那一个银色星光璀璨的少女,出现在了李天命眼前。 5th-Rank Universe God?” Li Tianming surprised say/way. 五阶宙神了?”李天命惊讶道。 Never expected that his time of this continual transmission, she progresses is so big. 没想到他这一段连续传送的时间,她进步这么大。 „After 99, the speed was faster than before.” Li Qingyu lowers the head to say. “到了九十九后,速度比之前快了。”李轻语低头说道。 This is the good deed!” Li Tianming patted her shoulder, sighs with emotion: „After entering the Universe God boundary, expected that I will then slow down, but you actually sped up, this explained that you can catch up with me quickly, when the time comes can share sorrow for Elder Brother.” “这是好事!”李天命拍了拍她的肩膀,不禁感慨道:“进入宙神境界后,不出预料我接下来会变慢很多,而你却加快了,这说明你很快就能追上我,到时候就能为哥分忧了。” Li Qingyu white his eyes, you do a bit less this set, said you each time, or ok, had fortuitous encounter whirlwind to fly finally. I did not ask the belt/bring to fly you, only strove for being able to catch up with you as far as possible, called to overcome the hand you on the line.” 李轻语白了他一眼,“你少来这一套,每次说你要不行了,结果又有奇遇飚飞。我不求带飞你,只求能尽可能赶着你,给你打打下手就行了。” This actually truth. 这倒是实话。 „The matter...... Li Tianming about breeze just told only half, Li Qingyu then shakes the head saying: Finds the opportunity slowly.” “关于小风的事……”李天命刚说到一半,李轻语便摇头道:“慢慢找机会吧。” Finds the opportunity the ability, on Yin Chen (silver dust). 找机会的能力,在银尘身上。 Li Tianming truly does not have the clue. 李天命确实也没头绪。 Bizarre World, that is not his domain. 异度界,那不是他的地盘。 Both of you?” He asked Bai Ling (white rise) and Bai Ye (white night). “你们俩呢?”他问白凌白夜 Their spirit twined in together, was not fond of playing jokes.” Bai Ye (white night) said. “他们俩魂灵缠绕在一起了,不好弄。”白夜道。 Fond of playing jokes, all killed, problem solve.” Bai Ling (white rise) said. “好弄,全杀了,问题解决了。”白凌道。 Your younger sister, that is Brother Small Plum.” Bai Ye (white night) stares to say. “你妹啊,那是小李子兄弟。”白夜瞪眼道。 They hit on Li Tianming. 它们又在李天命头上打起来了。 These two could not count on, is Yin Chen (silver dust) is credible.” Li Tianming blushes with shame. “这俩指望不上了,还是银尘靠谱。”李天命汗颜。 He then makes Yin Chen (silver dust) look at the change of this lower-level vestige. 他便让银尘去看一下这下层遗迹的变化。 Quick, Yin Chen (silver dust) had the recent news. 很快,银尘就带回来了新的消息。 „Did many people come in?” Li Tianming cold sound asked. “很多人进来了是吗?”李天命冷声问道。 Compared with, before, were many !” Yin Chen (silver dust) somewhat is also uncomfortable. “比起,之前,多了,很多!”银尘也有些不爽。 Just killed 50,000, finally came more. 刚杀五万,结果来更多了。 This explained that I make the Immemorial Permanent Sand brothers leave urgently is right.” The Li Tianming vision withers, „ said that Emperor Heaven Rank Emperors, other Star Furnace talents, each one how many? “这说明我让太古恒沙的兄弟们紧急离开是对的。”李天命目光肃杀,“说吧,帝天级帝众,还有其他星炉的天才,各自多少? Former, more than 100 .” “前者,一百,多位。” Latter, 30, ten thousand!” “后者,三十,多万!” The Yin Chen (silver dust) machinery said. 银尘机械说道。 I depend!” “我靠!” Li Tianming was simply speechless. 李天命简直无语了。 The Emperors bloodlines, more than 100...... this can also accept. 帝众血脉,一百多位……这还能接受。 But if exists top too, that is also very troublesome, who knows how many kilometer Universe God this inside does have? 但要是其中顶尖存在太多,那也很麻烦,谁知道这里面有多少千米宙神 As for the latter, other Star Furnace talent Universe God, came 300,000 people unexpectedly directly! 至于后者,其他星炉的天才宙神,竟然直接来了三十万人! Before Ten Desolate Star Furnace was kept at full strength, only had 50,000. 之前十荒星炉来满员了,也就只有五万。 In other words, is the entire lower-level vestige occupied by Eight Departments Gods now?” Li Tianming clenches teeth to ask. “也就是说,现在整个下层遗迹都被八部神众占了?”李天命咬牙问道。 Yes. The miracle, the mountain you, go , can not.” Yin Chen (silver dust) hehe said. “是啊。神迹,山你,进去,不得。”银尘呵呵道。 Was unable to take a single step forward simply this! 简直寸步难行了这! Enters must certainly go, after all I have half of Eastern Sovereign Sword in inside.” Li Tianming coldly said. “进是肯定要进去的,毕竟我还有一半的东皇剑在里面。”李天命冷冷道。 Be that as it may, but he also truly has a headache. 虽说如此,但他也确实头疼。 Over a hundred Emperors, 30 ten thousand Kings Bloodlines...... such scale can extinguish the light Immemorial Permanent Sand 30,000 people in addition casually. 上百帝众,加上三十多万王众血脉……这样的规模随便都能灭光太古恒沙三万人。 It seems like we extinguish kill the matters of five ten thousand Universe God, Eight Departments Gods enrages this has not lost thoroughly! These talents came, perhaps that entire High Star Ruins vision, focused in the lower-level vestige of present.” “看来我们灭杀五万宙神之事,将这从没输过的八部神众彻底激怒了!这些天才来了,那恐怕整个上星墟的目光,都聚焦在现在的下层遗迹中了。” This to increase of all living things line, is the huge good deed. 这对众生线的增加来说,是天大的好事。 Issue is, I must eat up the ability of this group of people.” “问题是,我得有吃下这群人的能力。” Now to side powerful over ten times, but Li Tianming helper actually returned to Immemorial Permanent Sand, the strength was not coordinated, hit directly is not possible...... 现在对方强了十倍以上,而李天命身边的帮手却回太古恒沙了,实力根本不对等,正面打是不可能了…… Has heavy responsibilities. 任重而道远。 Li Tianming has no way optimistically. 李天命没法乐观。 The feeling presents a huge unyielding person at present, is very difficult to gnaw. 感觉眼前出现了一个天大的硬骨头,很难啃。 Does not know completely these Eight Departments Gods are what levels. 完全不知道这些八部神众是什么水平。 When Li Tianming reaches the impass, Yin Chen (silver dust) said suddenly: Mushan, makes, you go, meet.” 就在李天命陷入僵局的时候,银尘却忽然道:“暮山,樰约,你去,见面。” Mushan Xue?” A Li Tianming loosen, she may calculate that at heart slightly made an appearance.” 暮山樰?”李天命心里微微一松,“她可算露面了。” He is then controlling Ancestral World Nether Boat, according to the Yin Chen (silver dust) referring to road vanguard, after some position, he comes out from Ancestral World Nether Boat, in the front mire, presented a dark front door. 他便掌控着祖界冥舟,按照银尘的指路前行,到了某个位置后,他从祖界冥舟当中出来,前方泥沼之中,出现了一道黑暗大门。 Li Tianming goes in simply, he seemed like another Ancestral World space, at present above that kilometer Mushan Xue, her whole body is sparkling colored glaze radiance, was lofty and pampered, has a dignified bearing, making people be hard to approach. 李天命干脆进去,他似乎到了另外一片祖界空间当中,眼前正是那千米以上的暮山樰,她浑身闪耀着琉璃般的光华,崇高而娇贵,有着一种威严的气度,让人难以靠近。 At the present Li Tianming grows were too many, can look at each other from the angle of equality with her actually reluctantly. 而今李天命成长了太多,倒是勉强能和她以平等的角度对视了。 „The previous time matter, you help.” Mushan Xue comes straight to the point, said directly. “上次的事,你帮了大忙。”暮山樰开门见山,直接说道。 Therefore? What advantage can give?” The Li Tianming smile asked. “所以?要给点什么好处吗?”李天命微笑问。 Has given you.” Mushan Xue said. “已经给你了。”暮山樰道。 Where has?” “哪有?” Over a million small ancestor beasts, Great Good Fortune Star Breaking Divine Sword...... to you.” Mushan Xue said spookily. “上百万小祖兽,还有大造化碎星神剑……都给你了。”暮山樰幽幽说道。 Good.” Li Tianming can only nod. “好吧。”李天命只能点头。 He is not the corrupt little profit person, very obviously, if not they approves, Li Tianming possibly carries off that 1 million small beast ball. 他不是贪小便宜的人,很显然,如果不是他们认可,李天命是可能带走那百万小兽球的。 „Were their true names, called the small ancestor beast?” He remembered secretly. “它们的真正名字,叫小祖兽?”他暗暗记住了。 Then he then asked: „The Mushan Xue miss, this time asks me to come, behavior what matter?” 然后他便问道:“暮山樰姑娘,这次找我来,所为何事?” Continues to make a transaction.” Mushan Xue said. “继续做点交易。”暮山樰说。 How to say?” Li Tianming asked earnestly. “怎么说?”李天命认真问。 You should know, here came in Eight Departments Gods of several times, over a hundred Emperors bloodlines, including part of strengths, endure compared in me.” Mushan Xue coldly said. “你应该知道,这儿进来了数倍的八部神众,其中还有上百的帝众血脉,其中有一部分的实力,堪比于我。”暮山樰冷冷道。 I also just know.” Li Tianming nods , he asked: „Should you not make me kill off them? I may not have this skill. This were also too many.” “我也是刚知道。”李天命点头,顿了顿后,他问道:“你该不会让我杀光他们吧?我可没这本事啊。这也太多了。” „It is not.” Mushan Xue shakes the head, said earnestly: Their people are not many, instead were too few.” “不是。”暮山樰摇头,认真道:“他们的人不算多,反而太少了。” „Are this few?” Li Tianming was startled. “这还少?”李天命怔住了。 Big fish were too few, the small fish quantity is also insufficient. Cannot change anything.” Mushan Xue said. “大鱼太少了,小鱼数量也不够。改变不了什么。”暮山樰道。 Therefore you mean?” “所以你的意思是?” You continue to draw the hatred, how to make Eight Departments Gods indignant, how you draw, the person of coming are more, that you benefit are more.” The Mushan Xue vision brilliant looks at him, why needs you to do this as for me, do not ask.” “你继续去拉仇恨,怎么让八部神众气愤,你就怎么拉,进来的人越多,你得到的好处就越多。”暮山樰目光灼灼看着他,“至于我为什么需要你这样做,你别问。” Does not have the issue!” “没问题!” drawing hatred, this Li Tianming excelled. 拉仇恨,这李天命太擅长了。 What is my advantage?” This is the Li Tianming issue of concern. “我的好处是什么?”这才是李天命关心的问题。 He draws the hatred, is helpful to increase of all living things line, but can also be good, kills two birds with one stone simply. 他拉仇恨,也有助于众生线的增加,还能有好处,简直一举两得。 Small ancestor beast, as well as better, Suppressing God Level Universe God Dao/said!” Mushan Xue said simply. “小祖兽,以及更好的、镇神级宙神道!”暮山樰干脆道。 Good!” “好!” Li Tianming need better fight method. 李天命需要更好的战斗方法。 Therefore he asked: That can, pay in advance?” 于是他问:“那个,能预支吗?”
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