FGOAA :: Volume #41

#4046: Existence of another level!

heavenly dao shackles, is on the Yan and Huang descendant the biggest shackles. 天道桎梏,是炎黄后裔身上最大的枷锁。 Before then, has not had any loose sign innumerably. 在这之前无数代人,从未曾有任何松动的迹象。 Li Tianming previously depended on the Yan and Huang Universe God blood and Yanhuang Blood Soul, making the Yan and Huang descendant on Sun break through heavenly dao shackles, the people on this pair of Sun is the miracle! 李天命此前靠炎黄宙神血和炎黄血魂,让太阳上的炎黄后裔冲破了天道桎梏,这对太阳上的民众来说已经是奇迹了! Has not thought, my Emperor Order to the stars level, did have the effect of resistance Heavenly Dao unexpectedly?” “万万没想到,我帝皇秩序到了星辰级,竟有对抗天道的效果?” This to Li Tianming, simply is an unthinkable effect, makes all Yan and Huang descendants be wild with joy sufficiently. 这对李天命而言,简直是一个匪夷所思的效果,也足以让所有炎黄后裔欣喜若狂。 Startled day good news! 惊天喜讯! Although becoming less crowded of this heavenly dao shackles is only starts, so long as Li Tianming's Emperor Order grows, with increase of all living things line strength, to finally, the entire High Star Ruins Yan and Huang descendant, will have the opportunity of breaking away from the heavenly dao shackles control. 虽然这种天道桎梏的松动只是开始,但只要李天命的帝皇秩序成长下去,随着众生线力量的增加,到最后,整个上星墟的炎黄后裔,都会有脱离天道桎梏控制的机会。 This is rescues the hope of entire clan, the spark, can set the prairie afire inevitably......” “这是解救全族的希望,星星之火,必然可以燎原……” The Li Tianming eyes are very scalding hot, in the eye the glow according to the flare star arched heaven, the body and this Good Fortune Rank his Universe God the potential of Sun, the almost perfect integration in one, that came from entire Ten Desolate Star Furnace all living things line, shines with the light of Sun! 李天命双眼无比灼热,眼中辉光照耀星穹苍天,他的宙神之体和这造化级的太阳之势,几乎完美融合在了一起,那来自整个十荒星炉众生线,和太阳之光争相辉映! The Yan and Huang descendants on Sun, can see such all living things line, they and Li Tianming heart linked to heart. 太阳上的炎黄后裔们,也能看到这样的众生线,他们和李天命心连心。 Through this all living things line, Li Tianming can his thought and idea, spread over Ten Desolate Star Furnace over a thousand Good Fortune Rank Star Source! 通过这众生线,李天命可以将他的意念、想法,传遍十荒星炉上千个造化级恒星源 This made him turn into a life body that exceeded the interstellar! 这让他变成了一个超越星际的生命体! Perhaps to these believers, he is true god, this god, exceeds the mortal, Saint, High God, Star God, Universe God, is existence of another level! 或许对这些信仰者来说,他才是真正的‘神’,这种神,超越凡人、圣人上神星神宙神,乃是另一个层面的存在! Heavenly Dao Arena, is the good place.” 天道竞技场,是好地方啊。” Li Tianming deep feeling. 李天命深深感慨。 Without Heavenly Dao Arena, where his can establish in Ten Desolate Star Furnace so believes? 如果没有天道竞技场,他哪里能在十荒星炉建立如此信仰? Even other Star Furnace Yan and Huang descendants, were really certainly!” Li Tianming thinks that in the future Destiny Dynasty sweeps away the High Star Ruins picture, the innermost feelings also thump however the heartbeat. “甚至还有其他星炉的炎黄后裔,真是绝了!”李天命想到未来天命皇朝横扫上星墟的画面,内心亦怦然心跳。 Currently doesn't have a lot of Emperors bloodlines and other Star Furnace talent Universe God enters the lower-level vestige? They came, isn't observing of Heavenly Dao Arena, definitely to their back world opening, this our expansion new opportunities?” Bai Ye (white night) said excitedly. “现在不是有大量的帝众血脉和其他星炉的天才宙神进入下层遗迹吗?他们来了,天道竞技场的观战,肯定会对他们背后的世界开放,这不就是咱们的扩充新机会?”白夜兴奋说道。 Truly!” “确实!” Therefore that Heavenly Dao Arena, Li Tianming must certainly go back. 所以那天道竞技场,李天命肯定还要回去。 Now, various types of commodities have delivered, Ten Desolate Star Furnace all living things line has also consolidated the first foundation, was the time goes back. 现在,各种物资已经送到了,十荒星炉众生线也已经巩固了第一步的基础,是时候回去了。 Before departure, Li Tianming must certainly see the elder. 在离去之前,李天命肯定还要见一下长辈。 He dropped from the clouds, falls in Heavenly Palace barrier, that once partners, friends and elders, look at now these 800 meters human form photostars, the eye was simply straight. 他从天而降,落在了天宫结界之内,那一个个曾经的伙伴、朋友、长辈们,看着现在这八百米的人形星体,眼睛简直直了。 Long Xing/Dragon Star they are also Universe God, but that invincible might, exaggerating is not in Li Tianming this degree. 龙星他们也是宙神,但那种神威,也夸张不到李天命这种程度。 Li Tianming and they said a hello, looked for Li Wudi. 李天命和他们打了一声招呼,就去找李无敌了。 Everyone knows him all day the busy gloom, and does not care. 大家都知道他整天忙的天昏地暗,也并不在意。 In the middle of a piece of yellow sand, Li Wudi by innumerable small beast ball surrounding, these small beast balls was being stuck together him, the chicken chicken is calling, quickly the Li Wudi entire collapse. 一片黄沙当中,李无敌正被无数小兽球包围,那些小兽球黏着他,鸡鸡叫着,都快把李无敌整崩溃了。 Not only he collapsed, that universe Uncle Kunpeng also collapsed, over ten thousand small beast balls crawled completely its wing, flung about on it. 非但他崩溃了,那太虚鲲鹏叔叔也崩溃了,上万小兽球爬满了它的翅膀,在它身上跳来跳去。 Adoptive father, do they very like you probably?” Li Tianming walks to say with a smile. “义父,它们好像挺喜欢你们?”李天命笑着走过去道。 Does not have the means that the charisma here! Worried.” Li Wudi sighed. “没办法,人格魅力在这里!苦恼。”李无敌叹气道。 „, You became Universe God.” “靠,你都成宙神了。” Coquettish fellow who Li Tianming looks at this red hair, was used in the body of Universe God, suddenly has a little not adapted. 李天命看着这一头红发的风骚家伙,也用于了宙神之体,一时间还有点不适应。 Nonsense! The father closes up daily!” “废话!老子天天闭关好吧!” Li Tianming returns to so many treasure, if he on Universe God, that cannot be justified. 李天命送回那么多的宝贝,他要是不上宙神,那才说不过去。 How did the Universe God blood inherit?” Li Tianming asked. 宙神血继承得怎样了?”李天命问道。 „More than 60! Frightened the urine your this third talent?” Li Wudi from channel. “六十多了!是不是把你这第三天才吓尿了?”李无敌自信道。 Hehe, do not blow the tiny tot, this way, you did not have my Gill to be big.” The Li Tianming brutal ridicule said. “呵呵,别吹了小不点,再这样下去,你还没我吉尔大。”李天命无情嘲笑道。 I depend! Great shame!” Li Wudi anger. “我靠!奇耻大辱!”李无敌怒了。 After shaming him, this place was not suitable stays for a long time, Li Tianming ran directly speedily, left behind a few words: Your this old man is slowly long, next time will meet, comes back your son-in-law belt/bring absolutely, do not lose the face of our Li Family.” 羞辱完了他后,此地不宜久留,李天命直接一溜烟跑了,留下一句话:“你这老头慢慢长吧,下次见面,绝对把你女婿带回来,你可别丢我们李家的脸。” Rolls your.” Li Wudi was foul-mouthed. “滚你丫的。”李无敌骂骂咧咧道。 ...... …… Before embarking, Li Tianming also saw two people. 出发之前,李天命还去见了两人。 In elegant palace that just constructed, the two pink hair beautiful woman appears in him at present, pretty cunning and unreasonable, gentle as water. 一座刚刚修建的典雅宫廷中,两个粉头发的美人出现在他眼前,一个娇俏刁蛮,一个温柔似水。 Aurora and Suishen Yao. 正是极光和燧神曜 Remembered once years, Li Tianming also somewhat fondly remembers, after all is always happy at enemy two days, what a pity now a little condition does not permit. 想起曾经的岁月,李天命还有些怀念,毕竟以一敌二的日子总是美好的,可惜现在有点条件不允许了。 Although they had entered Derivation Realm, and under the stacks of huge resource, close to the Universe God boundary, but with the Li Tianming's disparity was too big. 虽然她们都已经进入了衍境,且在大量资源的堆积下,接近宙神境界,但和李天命的差距还是太大了。 Is good does not care because of them very much, sees Li Tianming also to come to see them, they are very pleasantly surprised. 好在她们自己不是很在意,见李天命还来看她们,她们还挺惊喜的。 Busy man, remembers us finally.” Suishen Yao curls the lip to say. “大忙人,终于想起我们啦。”燧神曜撇嘴道。 Thinks your younger sister, what I think is a paternal aunt.” Li Tianming said. “想你妹,我想的是姑姑。”李天命道。 „, Brutal.” Jumping of Suishen Yao air/Qi, wants to punch him to come, but looked that this fellow god body is so giant, can only give up. “靠,无情。”燧神曜气的跳起,本想揍他来着,但看这家伙神体如此巨大,只能放弃了。 Also smooth?” The aurora cares to ask. “还顺利吗?”极光关心问。 Good.” Li Tianming flexure scratched the head, said: Recently a strange matter, my Consciousness Spirit Pseudo Shape 40-Layer, presented Beginning of An Era Sword Princess, is your appearance.” “挺好的。”李天命挠了挠头,道:“最近还有一件怪事,我识神拟象四十重了,出现了纪元剑姬,还是你的样子。” Should be only the coincidence.” The aurora said in a soft voice. “应该只是巧合吧。”极光轻声道。 Her vision spooky is looking at each other with Li Tianming, added: Do not be worried about us, here is truly good, we have the opportunity of downward walking.” 她目光幽幽和李天命对视着,又补充道:“你也别担心我们,这儿确实挺好的,我们也有往下走的机会。” Un un.” Li Tianming wants in her arms lying down a while, to enjoy the red light district to come but actually, does to the reality not to permit, he therefore is a little guilty, access road/simply said: You felt relieved, in this endless universe the opportunity were many are, waiting, to have the good thing, I gave you entire to come back.” “嗯嗯。”李天命倒想在她怀里躺一会儿,享受一下温柔乡来着,奈何现实也不允许,他心里因此有点内疚,便道:“你们放心好了,这无尽宇宙里机会多得是,等着,要有好东西,我就给你们整回来。” Along with reason then.” The aurora smile said. “随缘即可。”极光微笑道。 Anything along with reason, Paternal aunt, you did not tell me, you want a baby to him! You most liked the child!” Suishen Yao curls the lip to say. “啥随缘,姑姑,你不是跟我说,你就想给他生个宝宝吗!你最喜欢小孩了!”燧神曜撇嘴道。 Do not talk nonsense.” An aurora face blushes, is covering her mouth hastily. “别胡说。”极光一脸羞红,连忙捂着了她的嘴。 Li Tianming smiles, the tender feelings said: Meeting.” 李天命莞尔一笑,柔情道:“会的。” He very relaxes before them, after all has crossed that. 他在她们面前还是挺放松的,毕竟都已经过了那一步了。 After chatting a while, they knew that the matter of Li Tianming lower level vestige is urgent, aurora access road/simply said: Ok, do not worry about us, is busy quickly your.” 闲聊了一会儿后,她们得知李天命下层遗迹的事还紧急,极光便道:“好了,你别操心我们,快去忙你的。” Ok.” Li Tianming is not then womanishly fussy, sets out to depart. “行。”李天命便不婆婆妈妈,起身离去。 Wait.” Suishen Yao honk the mouth, was shouting one. “等等。”燧神曜嘟着嘴,喊了一声。 Does?” Li Tianming asked. “干嘛?”李天命问。 Has a look at that anything!” Suishen Yao bites the lip to say. “看看那啥!”燧神曜咬唇道。 „......!” “……!” After all you became Universe God, how was a little curious it to change......” Suishen Yao to lower the head to blush to say. “毕竟你成宙神了,有点好奇它变咋样了……”燧神曜低头红着脸道。 I special scare to death you!” “我特么吓死你!” Li Tianming turns around to go toward her. 李天命转身往她而去。 Quick, the scream of exclamation spread from this palace. 很快,一声声惊叹的尖叫从这宫殿里传出。
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