FGOAA :: Volume #41

#4045: Super Emperor!

Zi Zhen fixes the eyes on to look, saw only presents a young girl of lunar white long hair at present, she was graceful and honored, pair of moon-white eyes spatial quiet like deep sea, a white clothing such as star sea lightened, beautiful obtained the dust. 紫禛定睛看去,只见眼前出现了一个月白色长发的少女,她优雅而尊贵,一双月白眼眸空幽如深海,一身白衣如星海点亮,美得出尘。 The most important thing is, her physique as if had the transformation that is inconceivable, that is a familiar and strange feeling. 最重要的是,她的体质似乎有了难以想象的蜕变,那是一种熟悉又陌生的感觉。 What's wrong?” Zi Zhen moves forward to meet somebody, cares to ask. “怎样了?”紫禛迎了上去,关心问道。 Suffered some hardships, but, has the good harvest.” Li Qingyu inspires to say slightly. “吃了一些苦头,不过,算是有不错的收获了。”李轻语微微吸了一口气说。 Consciousness Spirit and Companion Beast?” Zi Zhen looked at her, looked at her behind new moon to ask again. 识神伴生兽?”紫禛看了看她,再看了看她身后的朔月问。 Right, at present about the Universe God blood inheritance of Sunset Gods and Meteor Gods, I should reach the limit......” Li Qingyu turn head to look to that new moon. “对,目前关于落日神众陨星神众宙神血传承,我应该已经到极限了……”李轻语回头看向了那朔月。 Buzz! 嗡! The new moon launches the both wings suddenly, this silvery bright snow white Péng bird, like turning into the treasure in starry sky, on it each piece of feather was pasting the snow white moonlight, animal mask totem proliferates his body, the multi- answers are not clear, each animal mask totem transforms between the Péng birds and Kun fish, in each totem has a complete force system! 朔月猛然展开双翅,这一只银亮雪白的鹏鸟,如同变成了星空中的瑰宝,它身上每一片羽毛都在流转着雪白的月光,一张张‘兽面图腾’遍布其身体,多得数不清楚,每一张兽面图腾都在鹏鸟和鲲鱼之间变换,每一个图腾内都有着一个完整的力量体系! The present new moon, is the innumerable Companion Beast aggregations. 现在的朔月,就是无数伴生兽的聚合体。 Altogether how many? The number cannot count.” Zi Zhen is somewhat flabbergasted to say. “一共多少啊?数都数不完。”紫禛有些咋舌道。 98.” Li Qingyu looks at the new moon incomparably warm Judo. “九十八。”李轻语看着朔月无比温柔道。 „Is that 90 nine Universe Pole Beast?!” Zi Zhen stares the big eye, inhaled cold air slightly. “那就是九十九宙极兽?!”紫禛瞪大眼睛,微微吸了一口凉气。 Yes, nine ten Nonuplet Beast Master......” Li Qingyu had a dream cannot think, she can arrive unexpectedly this step, regarding this world female who lives in Eastern Sovereign Sect, this spell of good or bad fortune was too exaggerating. “是的,九十九生御兽师了……”李轻语自己做梦也都想不到,她竟然能走到这一步,对于一个生在东皇宗的凡尘女子来说,这际遇实在太夸张了。 Told me troublesome, what concept was this? Sunset Gods does Beast Master, have such high Universe Pole Beast?” Zi Zhen does not know whether to laugh or cry to say. “麻烦告诉我,这是什么概念?落日神众御兽师,有这么高的宙极兽吗?”紫禛哭笑不得道。 Should not have.” Li Qingyu, judged by Beast Master, I in High Star Ruins, should be now stand in the peak. Naturally, has no way to compare with my brother.” “应该是没有的。”李轻语顿了顿,“以御兽师判断,我现在于上星墟,应该算是站在顶峰了。当然,和我哥没法比。” That is, he is truly abnormal.” Zi Zhen deeply is staring at her, in other words, you now this Companion Beast, so long as demonstrates, almost will create the vibration of High Star Ruins, these Emperor Heaven Rank Star Source World Sunset Gods, it is estimated that will be scared?” “那是,他确实变态。”紫禛深深凝望着她,“也就是说,你现在这伴生兽只要展示出去,几乎都会造成上星墟的震动,那些帝天级恒星源世界落日神众,估计都会被吓傻吧?” Perhaps, I not am quite clear. Temporarily the only feeling is, perhaps needed many Order Divine Source.” Li Qingyu. “也许吧,我也不太清楚。暂时唯一的感觉就是,恐怕需要很多秩序神源了。”李轻语到。 Moreover you may, not only Companion Beast, did the Consciousness Spirit inheritance of Meteor Gods also come up?” Zi Zhen asked. “而且你可不只是伴生兽,还有陨星神众识神传承也上来了?”紫禛问。 Pseudo Shape can also arrive at the 99-Layer peak. Moreover there are 18 Consciousness Spirit.” The Li Qingyu vision was more blazing, other Eight Departments Gods inheritance have not come up, only promotes these two types, I seemed like legitimate Yanhuang Divine Clan but actually.” 拟象也能到九十九重巅峰了。而且有十八个识神。”李轻语目光炽烈了一些,“其他八部神众传承没上去,只提升这两种,我倒又像是一个正统的炎黄神族了。” In this case, your boundary growth, should also be able to arrive at the High Star Ruins crown.” Zi Zhen is smiling, and other elder brother comes back, should feel the pleasant surprise.” “这样的话,你的境界成长速度,应该也能到上星墟的顶部了。”紫禛笑着,“等你哥回来,应该会感到惊喜。” Li Qingyu un. 李轻语嗯了一声。 Her vision looked that to direction that the gate of that different vortex vanishes, at heart only then read. 她目光看向那异度漩涡之门消失的方向,心里只有一念。 ...... …… Buzz! 嗡! Through Myriad Dao Heavenly Star Formation, Li Tianming and Weisheng Moran the body of Universe God meets again in Nine Dragons Emperor Burial finally. 通过万道天星阵,李天命微生墨染宙神之体终于在九龙帝葬内重聚。 But Nine Dragons Emperor Burial at this moment on Sun! 九龙帝葬此刻就在太阳上! During the stars sparkles, he arrived in the Good Fortune Rank Sun. 星辰闪耀之间,他抵达了造化级太阳。 When the body of his Universe God presents the flash here, the hundred hundred million Yanhuang Divine Clan descendants on Sun almost felt his existence immediately! 当他的宙神之体出现在这里的第一刹那,太阳上的百亿炎黄神族后裔几乎在第一时间就感受到了他的存在! He came back!” “他回来了!” Suddenly, solar over ten thousand numerous ebullition. 一时间,太阳上万众沸腾。 You first go to the small beast ball and Nine Lives Fruit, Order Divine Source and Universe God remains wait/etc first gave my adoptive father.” Li Tianming said to Weisheng Moran. “你先去把小兽球和九命果秩序神源宙神遗体等等先交给我义父。”李天命微生墨染道。 Here has Li Wudi to assume the rear, not being able to need Li Tianming to have a headache about these details the matters, only needed to unload cargo on the line. 这里有李无敌坐镇大后方,用不上李天命去头疼这些细节的事,只需要卸货就行了。 These extinguished time kills five ten thousand Eight Departments Gods talent Universe God, the practice resources that Li Tianming brought were too many. 这一次灭杀了五万八部神众天才宙神,李天命带回来的修炼资源实在太多了。 At the present this solar tens of billions Yan and Huang descendants, have untied heavenly dao shackles, had these things, their whirlwind will then fly rapidly!” “而今这太阳上百亿炎黄后裔,都已经解开了天道桎梏,有了这些东西,他们接下来会急速飚飞了!” What is most essential is Emperor Order! 最关键的还是帝皇秩序 Weisheng Moran just handled matters, these hundred hundred million all living things line got together with Li Tianming that Emperor Order in one, formed a star sea system! 微生墨染刚去办事,这百亿众生线就和李天命帝皇秩序重新聚合在了一起,形成了一个星海体系! Innumerable Order and his golden-black stars are connected. 无数秩序和他身上那金黑色星辰相连。 Regarding present Li Tianming, 10 billion strengths are not many, but this is the foundation. 对于现在的李天命来说,百亿力量并不算多,但这是基础。 Returned nurturing to parents.” “反哺了。” Does not have Li Tianming to be accidental, after all living things line reconnects, returning nurturing to parents of Emperor Order conducts immediately, suddenly, the innumerable Yan and Huang descendants therefore profit, its Order gradually increases, some people in a short time, even makes several heavy breakthroughs! 不出李天命意外,当众生线重新连接后,帝皇秩序的反哺立刻进行,一时间,无数的炎黄后裔因此受益,其秩序逐步增加,有的人在短时间内,甚至都有好几重的突破! cultivation level is lower, the breakthrough is more ruthless. 修为越低,突破越狠。 The people on entire Sun, crazy promotion. 整个太阳上的生民,都在疯狂个提升。 Li Tianming makes money to support the family outside, 10 billion all living things cried for food at home. 李天命在外‘赚钱养家’,百亿众生在家嗷嗷待哺呢。 Therefore Ying Huo (Firefly) teased: Said that you are not easy, fights with all might outside laboriously, comes back also to nurse, when not only the father has and becomes mother.” 于是荧火调侃道:“说起来你也不容易,在外辛苦拼杀,回来还得哺乳,既当爹有又当妈。” You roll.” “你滚。” Li Tianming soars, the body of that 800 meters sparkle Universe God soars above Heavenly Palace, making the innumerable solar Yan and Huang descendant see his god body! 李天命腾空而起,那八百米闪耀宙神之躯腾空在天宫之上,让无数太阳炎黄后裔看到他的神体! Emperor! Emperors!” “帝君!帝君!” Shout, sweeps across the entire good fortune world, looking into the distance, the Li Tianming such great god body, has made all living things pay homage. 一声声呼喊,席卷整个造化世界,放眼望去,李天命这样伟岸的神体,已经让众生膜拜。 Wait!” “等等!” Li Tianming is immersing in involvement of solar all living things, but at this time, the change produced! 李天命正沉浸在太阳众生的牵连之中,可就在这时候,变化产生了! He looks suddenly to other universe directions! 他猛然看向宇宙其他方向! Heavenly Dao Arena, really let the Yan and Huang descendant sensation of innumerable Good Fortune Rank world to my existence!” 天道竞技场,真的让无数造化级世界的炎黄后裔感知到我的存在了!” Suddenly, the entire Ten Desolate Star Furnace universe is shivering probably! 一时间,整个十荒星炉的宇宙好像都在颤动! Bang! 轰! Bang! 轰! Bang! 轰! Li Tianming felt! 李天命感觉到了! On massive Good Fortune Rank Star Source World, golden-black all living things line start to netting, gets together in several hundreds of millions all living things line together, forms thick light beam that a no one can see, in some direction loudly! 大量造化级恒星源世界上,一道道金黑色众生线开始结网,将数亿众生线聚合在一起,形成一道无人能看见的粗大光柱,朝着某个方向轰然而起! Stars, dock another stars! 一个星辰,对接另一个星辰! An interstellar all living things net without limits takes shape unceasingly. 一张无止境的星际众生网不断成型。 Only then Li Tianming own vision, can cross the starry sky to see the so terrifying grand occasion. 只有李天命自己的目光,能越过星空看到如此恐怖的盛况。 Came!” “来了!” Quick, then the starry sky great net centered on Sun forms the innumerable gold/metal Heiju column, arrived on Li Tianming's Emperor Order! 很快,那以太阳为核心的星空巨网形成无数金黑巨柱,降临到了李天命的帝皇秩序上! I depend!” “我靠!” At that moment, Li Tianming almost must explode. 那一刻,李天命几乎要爆开了。 Many! Many!” “好多!好多!” In his mind, presented the innumerable faces, they harbor intentions is Lin Feng this name, the innumerable intentions get together in together, let they found truly Lin Feng finally! 他的脑海里,出现了无数的面孔,他们心心念念的都是林枫这个名字,无数的心念聚合在一起,终于让他们找到了真正的‘林枫’! That moment that Star Sea Emperor all living things line involves instantly, they were shocked. 星海帝君众生线牵连的那一刻刹那,他们都惊呆了。 What is this? 这是什么? Can the belief, with everyone together, personally experience Li Tianming side them? 信仰,就能和所有人一起,亲身感受到李天命就在他们身边? Is this what kind of miracle? 这是何等神迹? Everyone......” “各位……” Li Tianming on Sun, erupts the incomparable sparkle the ray, the eyes of that ray dodge blind people. 太阳上的李天命,爆发出无比闪耀的光芒,那光芒都快闪瞎人们的双眼了。 He probably was also much stronger......” Weisheng Moran to feel very dazzling. “他好像又强得可怕了……”微生墨染都感觉很刺眼。 Suddenly, entire Ten Desolate Star Furnace has almost 1/3 Yan and Huang descendants, the frequency of heartbeat was almost same. 一时间,整个十荒星炉几乎有三分之一的炎黄后裔,心跳的频率几乎都一样了。 They ebullition. 他们内心沸腾。 Is he?” “是他吗?” Countless people are moved to tears. 无数人热泪盈眶。 cough cough.” Li Tianming almost by this strength to fainting, he coughs, said that everyone cannot say the secret that actually, I called Li Tianming......” 咳咳。”李天命几乎被这股力量冲晕过去,他咳嗽一声,“说一个大家不能说出去的秘密,其实,我叫李天命……” Bang! 轰! Ten Desolate Star Furnace all Good Fortune Rank world, as if earthquake. 十荒星炉所有造化级世界,似乎都地震了。 These did Eight Departments Gods have doubts very much, what has? 那些八部神众都很疑惑,发生什么了? This frantic, making some Li Tianming controls not live. 这种狂热,让李天命自己都有些掌控不住了。 Un?” “嗯?” He suddenly discovered, the terrifying matters are happening. 他忽然发现,有一件恐怖的事正在发生。 Their all thoughts gather, heavenly dao shackles, is collapsing unexpectedly?” “他们所有意念聚集在一起,天道桎梏,竟然在崩溃?”
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