FGOAA :: Volume #41

#4044: I will win

Respectively for a long time, has not thought that meets in such situation unexpectedly. 分别许久,万万没想到竟在这样的场合重新见面。 This should be the celebration, but in the Ye Lingfeng that strange double purple eye pupil as well as back vortex gate of innumerable Bizarre Demon, making this reunion extremely dangerous! 这本该是喜事,可夜凌风那诡异的双紫色眼眸以及背后漩涡之门内无数的异魔,让这场重逢变得极其危险! He has the issue!” The Zi Zhen complexion changes, draws Li Qingyu to go toward the rear area hastily. “他有问题!”紫禛面色一变,连忙拉着李轻语往后方而去。 They keep this, but wants to have a look at the traces that Ye Lingfeng leaves behind, has not thought that he will appear by this situation here directly. 她们留在这,只是想看看有没有夜凌风留下的蛛丝马迹,万万没想到他会以这种情况直接出现在这里。 When Zi Zhen has the movement, Ye Lingfeng of that purple pupil almost also moved, his purple vision looked at Li Qingyu one quiet coldly, said one in the ghosts and demons tone: This actually very good chip.” 就在紫禛有动作的时候,那紫眸的夜凌风几乎也动了,他那紫色目光幽冷看了李轻语一眼,以鬼魅般的语气说了一句:“这倒是个很不错的筹码。” The body of his dark shadow plunged Zi Zhen and Li Qingyu suddenly! 他这黑暗阴影之身猛然扑向了紫禛李轻语 But in his behind, that innumerable chest grew Bizarre Demon of one-eyed to lie in the gate of that vortex, has not come out, but exuded the sad and shrill cry in inside, looked very excited. 而在他的身后,那无数胸口长着独眼的异魔趴在了那漩涡之门上,并没有出来,而是在里面发出凄厉的叫声,看起来十分兴奋。 You?” “你?” The double pupil of Ye Lingfeng swept suddenly to Zi Zhen, he happen to saw Zi Zhen to change that purple Hell Ominous Demon at this time! 夜凌风的双眸猛然扫向了紫禛,他这时候正好看见紫禛变化成了那紫色地狱凶魔 „Aren't you existence of ordered universe?” “你不是有序宇宙的存在?” The Ye Lingfeng brow raises up suddenly, sneers saying: „The class/flow of chaos discipline, wants to submerge the eternal universe body to slice? Does here have your end opening share?” 夜凌风眉头猛然竖起,冷笑道:“混沌纪之流,也想潜入万古宇宙体分一杯羹?这儿有你下口的份么?” He was saying time, chest that black vortex contra-rotation, gushes out a wild purple black strength suddenly, this strength is not the soul strength, is not the ordinary strength, is extremely strange, when it twines the Zi Zhen body, one coiled a great cocoon, Zi Zhen prohibiting to be one of them! 他说着的时候,胸口那黑色旋涡陡然反向旋转,涌出一股狂暴的紫黑色力量,这股力量不是灵魂力量,也不是普通力量,极其诡异,它缠绕到紫禛身上时,一下就卷成了一个巨茧,将紫禛给封禁在其中! Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Zi Zhen has not spoken, but attacks that to arrive at the purple black great cocoon crazily, but this thing has distorted, suddenly cannot rip unexpectedly. 紫禛没说话,而是疯狂攻击那到紫黑色巨茧,只不过这东西一直变形,一时间竟然撕不开来。 Zi Zhen!” 紫禛!” When Zi Zhen was suppressed, only had Li Qingyu in Ye Lingfeng at present. 紫禛被镇压住的时候,就只有李轻语夜凌风眼前了。 Without a doubt, controls the Ye Lingfeng body at this moment, is not he himself, but is that Bizarre World terrifying has Emperor One! 毫无疑问,此刻掌控夜凌风身体的,根本就不是他自己,而是那异度界的恐怖存在‘帝一’! Enters Bizarre World with me.” “跟我进异度界。” He coldly smiles, the both arms stretch out, held Li Qingyu suddenly, goes in the direction of gate of that Bizarre World. 他冷冷一笑,双臂伸出,猛然抓住了李轻语,就朝着那异度界之门的方向而去。 Li Qingyu is not flurried, but vision warm looks at this familiar person, her faith, is believing person that this and accompany together, will not make others injure to oneself. 李轻语不慌不乱,只是目光热烈的看着这熟悉的人,她心里有一股信念,坚信着这个和自己厮守的人儿,不会让别人伤到自己。 At this time, side Soul Demon hit suddenly, it changes to soul storm directly, broke in the middle of Ye Lingfeng brain star organ, obviously here presented a purple big eye obviously, the blood threads on this eye such as the octopus tentacle extends, in brain star organ that digs in Ye Lingfeng thousands, even spreads toward the body! 就在这时候,侧面的魂魔陡然撞了上来,它直接化作一阵灵魂风暴,冲入了夜凌风的大脑星脏当中,明显可见这里出现了一颗紫色的大眼睛,这眼睛上的血丝如章鱼触手般伸出来,数以万计扎入夜凌风的大脑星脏之中,甚至往身体蔓延! This is completely a parasitic! 这完全是一种寄生! Roar! 吼! Soul Demon is roaring angrily, lets it and Ye Lingfeng a Life Soul spirit body achievement body of time, a black anger burns down, burns these purple capillaries to shiver, convulsion, that purple big eye also sends out an angry pain to call! 魂魔愤怒咆哮着,让它和夜凌风命魂灵体成就一体的时候,一股黑色怒火焚烧起来,烧得那些紫色的血丝颤抖、痉挛,那紫色的大眼睛亦发出一声愤怒的痛叫! In this flash, in Ye Lingfeng that pair of purple eye pupil, the purple blood threads retreats, once the dark-red eyes presented. 就在这一刹那,夜凌风那一双紫色眼眸里,紫色血丝退去,曾经暗红色的双眼呈现而出。 He and Li Qingyu eyes, collided like this in one. 他和李轻语的双眼,就这样碰撞在了一起。 The Ye Lingfeng that indifferent look suddenly became gentle, in this riot, his gentle voice smiled, said: He worried, I will win, relax.” 夜凌风那原本冷漠的眼神忽然就变得温柔了,在这暴乱之中,他柔声笑了一下,道:“他着急了,我会赢,放心。” Said after these characters, he pushes out Li Qingyu directly, but oneself will back up in the future, one banged into the middle of that Bizarre World vortex. 说完这几个字后,他将李轻语直接推了出去,而自己则往后倒退,一下就撞入了那异度界漩涡当中。 Buzz! 嗡! The gate of this vortex twitched, contracted vanished, but that innumerable Bizarre Demon strange sound also stopped suddenly. 这漩涡之门抽搐了一下,就收缩了消失了,而那无数异魔诡异的声音也戛然而止。 Li Qingyu falls on the ground anxiously, the complexion looks toward the gate of that vortex, the last picture that she can see is, Ye Lingfeng as if fell into the middle of the Bizarre Demon sea, was embezzled by innumerable Bizarre Demon. 李轻语落在地上,面色焦急往那漩涡之门看去,她所能看到的最后一个画面是,夜凌风仿佛跌入了异魔的海洋当中,被无数异魔吞没了。 Breeze!” “小风!” The Li Qingyu eyes are red, with tears, cannot be tranquil at heart for a very long time. 李轻语双眼赤红,眼含热泪,心里久久不能平静下来。 After Ye Lingfeng vanishes, on Zi Zhen that great cocoon also vanished, she works loose to see Li Qingyu also, this relaxes slightly, side comes hastily. 夜凌风消失后,紫禛身上那巨茧也消失了,她挣脱出来看到李轻语还在,这才稍微松了一口气,连忙过来旁边。 „Was he finally sober?” Zi Zhen asked. “他最后是清醒了吗?”紫禛问。 Un, should be the Soul Demon merit, it followed.” Li Qingyu said in a low voice. “嗯,应该是魂魔的功劳,它跟着去了。”李轻语低声道。 Can look, she is very uncomfortable. 看得出来,她心里十分难受。 At least he had a companion, the means should more some.” Zi Zhen recalled, he said a moment ago, he will win?” “最起码他有个同伴,办法应该更多一些了。”紫禛回忆了一下,“他刚才说,他会赢?” Un......” Li Qingyu nods. “嗯……”李轻语点头。 Explained that he is confident, is this actually meddlesome?” Zi Zhen patted her back gently, too should not be worried, will have the means. Your elder brother delivered the small beast ball, quick will come back.” “说明他还是有信心的,这其实算好事?”紫禛轻轻拍了拍她的后背,“别太担心了,会有办法的。你哥送完小兽球,很快就会回来了。” I know.” Li Qingyu inspires slightly, deeply said: Is only the feeling somewhat cannot help, is quite weak.” “我知道。”李轻语微微吸了一口气,深深道:“只是感觉有些帮不上忙,好无力。” Can understand.” Zi Zhen said. “能理解。”紫禛说道。 Then chatted, but Li Qingyu has had the concern, she cannot bear this only to empty very much now the present situation, between she and Ye Lingfeng, continuously not only waited, but was both sides rushes to...... 接下来便是闲聊,但李轻语一直都有心事,她很受不了现在这样只能空等的现状,她和夜凌风之间,一直都不只是等待,而是双方奔赴…… Shortly, Li Qingyu put out Original Sin Pond. 不久后,李轻语拿出了原罪池 The blood of Eight Departments Gods inheritance, got together by this Original Sin Pond, was still one of them mostly. 八部神众传承之血,被这原罪池聚合,仍然还有大部分在其中。 I prepared to go to try again.” Li Qingyu said to Zi Zhen. “我准备再进去试试了。”李轻语紫禛道。 Is a little dangerous, doesn't wait for your elder brother?” Zi Zhen cares to ask. “有点危险吧,不等等你哥?”紫禛关心问。 Does not wait.” Li Qingyu shakes the head smiles, „the courage on my brother shoulder was too heavy, cannot anything count on him.” “不等了。”李轻语摇头一笑,“我哥肩上的胆子太重了,总不能什么事都指望着他。” Zi Zhen silent a while, she sees the Li Qingyu vision decidedly. 紫禛沉默了一会儿,她见李轻语目光决然。 As the female, she understands certainly Li Qingyu this weak mood, if she, even if some risks, she will definitely also take risk. 作为女子,她当然理解李轻语这种无力的心情,如果是她的话,哪怕有一些风险,她肯定也会冒险。 The flowers in greenhouse, cannot get away forever far! 温室里的花朵,永远走不了多远! Bang! 轰! Li Qingyu enlarges that Original Sin Pond, then without delay, plunged into directly. 李轻语将那原罪池放大,然后二话不说,直接跳入了其中。 Buzz! 嗡! That Original Sin Pond backs off on Ancestral World Nether Boat, thorough seal. 原罪池倒扣在祖界冥舟上,彻底封闭了。 During this Ancestral World Nether Boat fell into quickly was quiet, Original Sin Pond did not have the least bit sound, Zi Zhen also somewhat to worry, has defended by this Original Sin Pond. 祖界冥舟很快就陷入了沉寂之中,原罪池也没半点动静,紫禛还有些担忧,就一直守在这原罪池旁边。 Originally is a deathly stillness, but about, that Original Sin Pond shivered for half a month suddenly, above the golden-black stripe sends out the sparkle the ray, the appearance of moonlight goddess sparkles, meanwhile has thunders the sound of bird cry to spread. 本来是一片死寂的,但半个月左右,那原罪池忽然颤动了起来,其上金黑色条纹发出闪耀的光芒,一个个月光神女的模样在其中闪耀,同时还有轰鸣般的鸟鸣之声传出。 The sound of this bird cry, will turn into the deep sea great Kun occasionally the long call, resounds through Ancestral World Nether Boat. 这鸟鸣之声,偶尔又会变成深海巨鲲之悠长呼声,响彻祖界冥舟 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Finally in some moment, that Original Sin Pond leaps suddenly burst, then from the sky starts to reduce, finally kuang~dang~ fell on the ground, slightly became gloomy. 终于在某一刻,那原罪池猛然腾空炸起,然后在空中开始缩小,最后哐当一声掉在了地上,稍微变得暗淡了一些。 Was putting the Original Sin Pond position, this moment thick smoke is intermittent, then altogether two dazzling starlight sparkles, a person of Péng bird, walked from this mist and dust nebula. 原先放着原罪池的位置,此刻浓烟阵阵,尔后一共有两道耀眼星光在其中闪耀,一人一鹏鸟,从这烟尘星云之中走了出来。 Change.” Zi Zhen is somewhat astonished, heartfelt is Li Qingyu was at heart happy. “变化了。”紫禛有些讶异,心里却由衷为李轻语而高兴。
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