FGOAA :: Volume #41

#4043: Dark Demon Star Cave changes!

Li Tianming waves goodbye, had/left Ancestral World Nether Boat with Weisheng Moran. 李天命挥手告别,和微生墨染一起出了祖界冥舟 They shuttle back and forth this Yanhuang Nether Yuan, difficult vanguard. 他们穿梭这炎黄冥元,艰难前行。 Here Yanhuang Nether Yuan mire thickly was too thick, no wonder no one discovers this entrance.” Weisheng Moran somewhat used energy to say. “这边的炎黄冥元泥沼太浓稠了,怪不得没人发现这个入口。”微生墨染有些费劲说。 Your Illusion Heaven God Clan did Order, absorb?” Li Tianming is drawing her white hands vanguard, turn head asked. “你那些幻天神族秩序,吸收完毕了吗?”李天命拉着她的玉手前行,回头问道。 „, Should be able to become 8th-Rank Universe God.” Weisheng Moran said. “还有一些呢,应该能成八阶宙神。”微生墨染道。 "oh?" Li Tianming currently has the body of 800 meters high Universe God. “哦?”李天命现在就有八百米高的宙神之躯。 1st-Rank Universe God, 800 meters, are truly abnormal. 一阶宙神,八百米,确实很变态。 But Weisheng Moran manifestation of Universe God is 700 meters, somewhat was slightly petite. 微生墨染宙神之体现在是七百米,稍微有些娇小了。 You first break through.” Li Tianming along with tastes. “那你先突破吧。”李天命随口道。 You, your anything meaning......” Weisheng Moran dull say/way. “你,你什么意思……”微生墨染呆呆道。 Li Tianming smiled. 李天命笑了一下。 At this time, he has seen that entrance that Yin Chen (silver dust) said. 这时,他已经看到银尘说的那个入口了。 Diameter, only then about the kilometer, is truly small.” “直径只有千米左右,确实很小。” Compared with High Star Ruins that entrance, really wanted is too many slightly. 上星墟那个入口,实在要小太多了。 „Because is small, no one steps.” Weisheng Moran lowers the head said in a soft voice, has a being utterly confused feeling. “正因为小,也才没人涉足。”微生墨染低头轻声道,有种心乱如麻的感觉。 In an instant, Li Tianming has been drawing her, arrived under that entrance. 转眼之间,李天命已经拉着她,来到了那入口下方。 Remembers that my previous time to that Dark Demon Star Cave, more arrives at the deep place, is unconscious, at that time legend Dark Demon Star Cave also had other secrets......” “记得我上次到那暗魔星窟,越是到深处,越是神志不清,那时传说暗魔星窟还有其他秘密……” Becoming Universe God after at the present, unexpectedly from another direction, original that secret passing. 没想到,而今成了宙神后,竟然从另一个方向,把原来那个秘密给通了。 „It is not right!” “不对!” Li Tianming looks to behind lower-level vestige, muttered: At that time eye of that Hundred Eyes Beast, is impossible to emerge out of thin air, in lower-level vestige, but also has the Immemorial Evil Demon related thing?” 李天命看向身后的下层遗迹,喃喃道:“当时那百眼兽的眼睛,也不可能凭空出现,难道下层遗迹内,还藏有太古邪魔相关的东西?” Otherwise, has no way to explain the Dark Demon Star Cave situation?” Weisheng Moran asked anxiously. “不然,没法解释暗魔星窟的情况?”微生墨染紧张问。 Right.” Li Tianming has not thought that but said to Yin Chen (silver dust): Next time will come, can look to look, has not to have the traces of Immemorial Evil Demon.” “对。”李天命没多想,而是对银尘道:“下次进来,可以找一找看,有没太古邪魔的蛛丝马迹。” Ok.” Yin Chen (silver dust) said. “行了。”银尘道。 Walked.” “走了。” Li Tianming is holding the hand of Weisheng Moran, in tandem escaped into that like the black mirror surface entrance. 李天命牵着微生墨染的手,一前一后遁入了那一个如同黑色镜面般的入口。 Buzz! 嗡! Light wave sparkles, they passed through that mirror surface, appears in a blood red profound cavern. 一阵光波闪耀,他们穿过了那镜面,出现在一个血红色幽深的洞窟之中。 Rich Yanhuang Nether Yuan, vanishes instantaneously. 浓郁的炎黄冥元,瞬间消失。 Li Tianming feels the whole body lightly one! 李天命感觉浑身一轻! He swept one toward the surroundings, said slightly with amazement: Also is really Blue Maple Star nearby Dark Demon Star Cave!” 他往周围扫了一眼,微微惊讶道:“还真是枫蓝星旁边的暗魔星窟!” This was also too skillful. 这也太巧了。 Initially he is only small Star God, at the present after becoming Universe God, in the impression that profound huge Dark Demon Star Cave, changes now completely, probably a narrow secret room. 当初他只是一个小小的星神,而今成了宙神后,印象中那幽深巨大的暗魔星窟,现在完全变了样,像是一个狭窄的密室。 If met the eye of that Hundred Eyes Beast at this time, it is estimated that completely having no way confused Li Tianming's nine boundary souls. 若这时候遇到那百眼兽的眼睛,估计完全没法迷乱李天命的九境道魂。 Un?” “嗯?” In the next instance, entire Dark Demon Star Cave shivered unexpectedly. 就在下一个瞬间,整个暗魔星窟竟然颤动了起来。 Li Tianming discovered, his starry sky starts to crack unexpectedly the innumerable map cracking! 李天命发现,他身边的星空竟然都开始崩裂出无数网状裂缝! Rumble! 轰隆隆! This crack explodes unceasingly, affected this to be similar to lair Dark Demon Star Cave, suddenly, all around rock barrier cracked completely! 这裂缝不断爆开,波及到了这如同巢穴般的暗魔星窟,一时间,四周的山石障壁全部崩裂! Bang-! 轰隆-! In the starry sky, that had innumerable year of Dark Demon Star Cave, exploded the powder at the scene, scattered to the Low Star Ruins starry sky! 星空之中,那存在了无数年的暗魔星窟,当场炸成了粉末,散落向下星墟的星空当中! One group of dark nebulas, appeared in Blue Maple Star side! 一团黑暗星云,出现在了枫蓝星的旁边! Innumerable Blue Maple Star Cultivator were alarmed, silly looked generally to the sky. 无数枫蓝星修炼者被惊动,傻了一般看向天空。 Was the Emperor returns!” “是帝君回归了!” They felt involvement of all living things line quickly! 他们很快就感受到了众生线的牵连! Suddenly, entire Blue Maple Star hundred trillion Cultivator boil completely. 一时间,全枫蓝星万亿修炼者全部沸腾。 In that dark nebula, many people saw the two blazing human form star/celestial body, that human form star/celestial body passing over gently and swiftly sky, entire Blue Maple Star is shivering, its everywhere one visit, the innumerable spaces crack, the fundamental carrying/sustaining continuously such terrifying strength! 在那黑暗星云之中,不少人看到了两个炽烈的人形星体,那人形星体掠过天空,整个枫蓝星都在颤动,其所到之处,无数空间崩裂,根本承载不住这样恐怖的力量! Emperor was too strong!” “帝君太强了!” The Blue Maple Star ten thousand numerous cheer. 枫蓝星万众欢呼。 To them, this is the true miracle, even if only the flash process, goes down in history sufficiently. 对于他们而言,这是真正的神迹,哪怕只是一瞬间经过,都足以载入史册。 ...... …… „The body of my Universe God, was crushed Dark Demon Star Cave after unexpectedly directly...... looked like , is more careful, Destiny Emperor City estimated that cannot go.” “我的宙神之体,竟然直接将暗魔星窟被压碎了……看来以后要小心一些,天命帝城估计都不能进去了。” Li Tianming returns to Low Star Ruins by the body of Universe God, realized that truly High Star Ruins Universe God regarding Low Star Ruins, is what kind of terrifying concept. 李天命宙神之体回归下星墟,才真正意识到上星墟宙神对于下星墟而言,是何等恐怖的概念。 High Star Ruins Universe God, does not get down to dominate Low Star Ruins no wonder, the world that to them, this casual can break, is truly not meaningful.” “怪不得上星墟宙神,不下来称霸下星墟,对他们来说,这随便都能破碎的世界,确实没什么意义。” This is the level of powerhouse! 这就是强者的层次! Perhaps to Universe God, this ordered world, only then a High Star Ruins world, other adhere to stick cohere in High Star Ruins nearby bubble.” Weisheng Moran says with emotion. “或许对宙神来说,这有序世界只有上星墟一个世界,其他都是附着在上星墟旁边的泡沫吧。”微生墨染感慨道。 Has a look at Star Eye also to be able the carrying/sustaining to result in us.” Li Tianming said. “看看星眼还能不能承载得住我们。”李天命说道。 If the incorrect words, that were very troublesome. 如果不行的话,那就很麻烦了。 Restrains the strength of Universe God as far as possible. Maintains stably.” “尽量收敛宙神之力。维持稳定。” Two people arrive around Star Eye, returns to Myriad Dao Heavenly Star Formation! 两人来到星眼附近,回归万道天星阵 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Was good became effective because of this Star Eye, after all it was a part of Myriad Dao Heavenly Star Formation. 好在这星眼还是生效了,毕竟它属于万道天星阵的一部分。 Buzz! 嗡! starlight sparkle in the past, Li Tianming arrived at Myriad Dao Heavenly Star Formation. 星光闪耀过去后,李天命就到达了万道天星阵 Returns to Sun through Nine Dragons Emperor Burial Movable Star Eye again directly.” “再直接通过九龙帝葬移动星眼回归太阳。” At the present the aurora and Suishen Yao they go to Sun, many family members also went to that side practice, therefore Li Tianming had no stay, departed directly! 而今极光、燧神曜她们都去了太阳上,很多亲人也去那边修炼了,所以李天命没任何停留,直接离去! However, even if the shift of short time, the people in that Destiny Emperor City burst with joy. 然而,哪怕是短时间的转移,那天命帝城内的人们都沸腾了。 „.” “靠。” Suishen Xiyue still in this host general situation, she sees on that Myriad Dao Heavenly Star Formation to present a several hundred meters giant who suddenly wears the golden-black imperial robe, direct was silly. 燧神曦月还在这主持大局呢,她冷不丁就看到那万道天星阵上出现一个身穿金黑色龙袍的数百米巨人,直接傻了。 What ghost? My son-in-law?” “什么鬼?我女婿?” Her paralysis. 她瘫了。 Emperor!” “帝君!” The sounds of several million shouting, from her behind mountainous cry tsunami, biography to that Myriad Dao Heavenly Star Formation. 数百万呼喊之声,从她身后山呼海啸,传向了那万道天星阵 Hemp hemp.” Suishen Xiyue sets out hastily, is not good, I must go to solar practice, I must become Universe God.” “麻了麻了。”燧神曦月连忙起身,“不行,我也得去太阳修炼,我也要成宙神。” ...... …… Lower-level vestige. 下层遗迹。 Ancestral World Nether Boat. 祖界冥舟 Zi Zhen and Li Qingyu sit abreast in row, chatted in a low voice. 紫禛李轻语并排坐着,低声闲聊。 Zi Zhen asked many Li Tianming at the Yanhuang Continent matter. 紫禛问了很多李天命炎黄大陆的事。 He and Jiang Feiling knew that is so early, compared with you also early.” Zi Zhen sips to purse the lips, the look is somewhat regrettable. “他和姜妃棂认识那么早啊,比你还早。”紫禛抿抿嘴,眼神有些遗憾。 Is.” Li Qingyu raised the head slightly, the smile said ; Remembers runs into them for the first time , my brother very two, were too weak at that time, looks like a dust.” “是的呢。”李轻语微微抬头,微笑道;“记得第一次遇到他们时,我哥还很中二,那时候太弱了,就像是一个灰尘。” Un......” Zi Zhen sighs slightly, the hidden bitterness said: It seems like, was hopeless.” “嗯……”紫禛微微叹了一口气,幽怨道:“看来,没戏了。” What was hopeless?” Li Qingyu asked. “什么没戏了?”李轻语问。 No.” Zi Zhen shakes the head. “没。”紫禛摇了摇头。 Li Qingyu this also wants to say anything, suddenly, Soul Demon of her not far away in the sleep, awakens suddenly, actually roared to the air, was very excited. 李轻语本还想说点什么,忽然,她不远处的魂魔在睡梦当中,陡然惊醒,竟然冲着空气咆哮起来,无比激动。 What thing.” Zi Zhen sets out suddenly. “什么东西。”紫禛猛然起身。 Buzz! 嗡! At present is void fluctuates suddenly, the different world front door as if opens. 眼前虚空陡然波动,异世界大门仿佛开启。 In an instant, a both eyes purple youngster from walks. 刹那之间,一个双目紫色的少年从其中走去。 But his behind, has Bizarre Demon of trillion one-eyed probably, in that different memory space accumulation. 而他的身后,好像有着亿万独眼的异魔,在那异度记忆空间聚集。 Breeze......” “小风……” The Li Qingyu tender body trembles, is moved to tears. 李轻语娇躯一颤,热泪盈眶。
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