FGOAA :: Volume #41

#4042: Purple azure double tender

Under the Chinese redbud mask, the body of Li Tianming this Universe God is vast, grandly, only then he himself could see. 紫荆花面具下,李天命宙神之体何等浩瀚、雄伟,也就只有他自己看得见了。 Emperor and life tribulation, under seven big Companion Beast Self Born Order controls, the Immemorial Chaos Giant Beast bloodlines, had changed his physique in addition in addition. 帝皇命劫,加上七大伴生兽自生秩序支配下,加上太古混沌巨兽血脉,早就改变了他的体质。 These Immemorial Chaos Giant Beast, making his flesh how wild, like starry sky giant beast, but this Chaos Divine Emperor inheritance made him stand firm the Human Race vitality! 这些太古混沌巨兽,让他血肉何其狂暴,如同星空巨兽,而这混沌神帝传承又让他稳住了人族气血! The mix, the emperor and a beast body, naturally are also so wild and are also of dignified the posture aggressive, inborn Emperor. 如此混合,帝、兽一体,自然又狂暴、又威严霸气,天生帝皇之姿。 A golden-black imperial robe of Emperor Heaven Rank Heavenly Yuan Divine Item rank, white hair grips one bunch, both eyes gold/metal black, the vision looks disdainfully, expression can shock together eternally! 一身帝天级天元神器级别的金黑色龙袍,白发扎成一束,双目金黑,目光睥睨,一道眼神都能震慑万古! This is the Universe God Emperor! 这就是宙神帝君! Only is a pity is the Chinese redbud mask, temporarily covered so the elegant demeanor of Star Sea Emperor. 唯一可惜的就是紫荆花面具,暂时盖住了这般星海帝君之风采。 Quick! 很快! Li Tianming in Miracle Mountain somewhere, met with Zi Zhen and Weisheng Moran. 李天命就在神迹山某处,和紫禛微生墨染碰面。 They naturally know that Li Tianming has succeeded. 她们自然知道李天命已经成功了。 Zi Zhen this fellow, provokes me daily, what mood doesn't know now her?” 紫禛这家伙,天天挑衅我,不知现在她什么心情?” Among the adults, these small ambiguous naturally knows in heart. 成人之间,这些小暧昧自然心里有数。 The Li Tianming itself/Ben thinks that she is getting more and more spicy, but, but he appears truly when she at present, this miss does not dare to look up his one eyes, glancing right and left...... was obviously on site to instigate. 李天命本以为她越来越辣,但没想到,但他真正出现在她眼前时,这姑娘竟不敢抬头看他一眼,左顾右盼的……明显是临场怂了。 Teases for quite a while, to this time, she was really anxious...... 挑逗半天,真到这时候,她紧张了…… respectful, congratulates you.” She lowers the head, the double back of the hand arrives goes behind, under Chinese redbud mask, a elegant face slightly red. “恭,恭喜你。”她低着头,双手背到身后去,紫荆花面具下,一张俏脸微红。 This?” Li Tianming selects the eyebrow. “就这?”李天命挑眉。 „, You do not act unreasonably, outside everywhere is the eye.” Zi Zhen stares and retrocede. “你,你可别乱来,外面到处都是眼睛。”紫禛瞪眼、后退。 Originally your mouth artillery time is fierce.” Li Tianming said with a smile. “原来你就嘴炮功夫厉害。”李天命笑道。 Let alone!” “别说了!” Some Weisheng Moran in side, she were more embarrassed. 微生墨染在旁边,她更窘迫了。 Reviews Weisheng Moran, she was actually gentler, after all she very for a long time is very long side Li Tianming. 反观微生墨染,她倒是平和许多,毕竟她在李天命身边已经很久很久了。 Almost was accompanies Li Tianming to be longest the miss. 几乎算是陪伴李天命最长之间的姑娘了。 After all practice to the mid and late part, each time of spending is longest, frequently several years and dozens years. 毕竟修炼到中后期,每一步花的时间最长,动辄好几年、几十年。 „The opposite party pursued, we first walked.” “对方追来了,我们先走。” Li Tianming leads them, is avoiding chasing down of that Heaven-Fighting Emperors, simultaneously said plans. 李天命带着他们,躲避着那战天帝众的追杀,同时说了一下计划。 First the small beast ball and Nine Lives Fruit, all delivers to Sun?” Weisheng Moran whispered to ask. “先把小兽球和九命果,全送到太阳?”微生墨染低语问。 Simultaneously tests, looked that this departure channel is feasible.” Li Tianming said. “同时测试一下,看这条离去通道可不可行。”李天命说道。 If feasible, that was good.” Weisheng Moran thinks to say. “如果可行,那就好了。”微生墨染想了想说。 Also wants to watch the all living things line matter.” “还想看一下众生线的事。” Li Tianming and they are chatting, the relaxedness had/left Miracle Mountain, the opposite party disseminated the news to be backward, in situation that Yin Chen (silver dust) proliferated, was impossible to catch up with him! 李天命和她们聊着,轻松就出了神迹山,对方传播讯息落后,在银尘遍布的情况下,根本不可能追上他! Shortly, they returned to Ancestral World Nether Boat. 不久后,他们就回到了祖界冥舟 Elder Brother.” “哥。” Li Qingyu defends dry progresses here silently, this thinks oneself are quick enough, when she sees with one's own eyes Li Tianming their progress, quite shocks. 李轻语枯守在这里默默进步,本以为自己够快,当她亲眼看到李天命他们的进步时,还是相当震撼的。 Achievement Universe God, means that passed together life big threshold, had several tens of thousands of years of life. 成就宙神,意味着度过一道生命大坎,拥有数万年生命了。 Congratulates you.” Li Qingyu looks at them to be closely associated, many somewhat envies. “恭喜你们。”李轻语看他们如影随形,多少有些羡慕。 The Emperor One matter, she also knew. 帝一的事,她也知道了。 Certainly has the means.” Li Tianming patted her shoulder gently. “一定有办法的。”李天命轻轻拍了拍她的肩膀。 Now the Ye Lingfeng matter, is his worry, he has made Yin Chen (silver dust) look for the means full power, but now truly clue. 现在夜凌风的事,亦是他的心病,他已经让银尘全力在找办法,可现在确实头绪。 If not the breeze, Li Tianming went to Immemorial Permanent Sand. 如果不是小风,李天命就去太古恒沙了。 Buzz! 嗡! Soul Demon got down from him, returned to side Li Qingyu, is drooping three heads, was very sad. 魂魔从他身上下来,回到了李轻语身边,耷拉着三个脑袋,也十分哀伤。 Li Tianming had not said, starts Ancestral World Nether Boat to go toward that vestige entrance of Yin Chen (silver dust) direction. 李天命没多说,启动着祖界冥舟朝着银尘指引的那个遗迹入口而去。 In Ancestral World Nether Boat, did not certainly need to bring that mask again. 祖界冥舟内,当然不用再带着那面具了。 Their three people took the mask respectively. 他们三人各自拿下了面具。 6th-Rank Universe God, 7th-Rank Universe God. 一个六阶宙神,一个七阶宙神 Li Tianming turn head looks, side companion own purple azure double tender, a body like the colored glaze, selects slenderly high, the intellectuality is sweet and pretty, but also brings the Dance Company...... another, the semblance pretty person, the innermost feelings is strong very much...... 李天命回头看去,身边这陪伴着自己的‘紫青双娇’,一个身如琉璃,修长高挑,知性而娇美,还自带舞团……另一个,外表娇俏可人,内心很有劲…… Has them of body of Universe God, the body such as the universe actually does not lose the temperature and soft, after Li Tianming true achievement Universe God, finally can be aesthetic they in the source. 拥有宙神之体的她们,身如宇宙却不失温度和柔软,当李天命真正成就宙神后,终于能在本源上审美她们了。 „......” “哇……” When they see present Li Tianming, the subconsciousness sent out fan girl acclaiming. 当她们看到现在的李天命时,都下意识发出了‘迷妹’般的赞叹。 To date, they have also seen the bodies of many Universe God, if Li Tianming such bearing has not truly met, this is entire universe unique Chaos Giant Beast Beast Master adds Star Sea Emperor, in the body of its Universe God starlight is radiant, bringing prestige near energy-field of the world, female thoughts. 到今日为止,她们也见过不少宙神之体,然而如李天命这样气度的确实未曾遇到,这是全宇宙独一无二的混沌巨兽御兽师星海帝君,其宙神之体里星光璀璨,自带威临天下之气场,更中女子心思。 practice.” 修炼去了。” Their this was also rivals for sexual favor, really to this time, two people flustered, ran speedily. 她们俩本还争风吃醋了,真到这时候,两人都慌了,一溜烟就跑了。 Li Tianming does not know whether to laugh or cry. 李天命也是哭笑不得。 two vegetable/dish chicken......” 两个菜鸡……” By the character, is Suishen Yao is really most irritable. 真论性格,还是燧神曜最火爆。 What a pity, she does not have the Li Tianming tail to refer to now in a big way. 可惜,她现在还没李天命尾指大。 ...... …… Soon, Ancestral World Nether Boat arrives around the entrance that Yin Chen (silver dust) said. 不多时,祖界冥舟就到了银尘说的入口附近。 Li Tianming hides this Ancestral World Nether Boat in deepest Yanhuang Nether Yuan, here can avoid the infiltration of Heavenly Dao Arena temporarily. 李天命将这祖界冥舟藏在最深的炎黄冥元之中,这里暂时可以躲避天道竞技场的渗透。 Walks.” “走吧。” Li Tianming said to their three. 李天命对她们三个说道。 Elder Brother.” Li Qingyu hesitant, said: Leaves the Ancestral World words, if the breeze needs to help, we could not receive the message, do I want to continue to stay here...... he suddenly to have the favorable turn with Soul Demon by some chance?” “哥。”李轻语犹豫了一下,道:“离开祖界的话,如果小风需要帮忙,我们就收不到消息了,我想和魂魔继续留在这里……万一他忽然有转机呢?” Li Tianming shakes the head saying: „It is not good, this is very dangerous. If by some chance Ancestral World Nether Boat were found by Heavenly Dao Arena, that troubled.” 李天命摇头道:“不行,这很危险。万一祖界冥舟天道竞技场找到,那就麻烦了。” I also stay behind.” The Zi Zhen decisive opens the mouth said. “那我也留下。”紫禛果断开口说。 I also......” Weisheng Moran just said two characters, Zi Zhen then hits to block the way: You cannot stay behind, you must bring Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Mirror.” “我也……”微生墨染刚开口说了两字,紫禛便打断道:“你不能留下,你要带天帝阴阳镜。” Weisheng Moran was startled. 微生墨染怔住了。 Titter! 噗嗤! Li Qingyu cannot help smiling, said: What do both of you do? Probably my brother is disasters, fears him?” 李轻语忍俊不禁,道:“你们俩搞什么啊?好像我哥是洪水猛兽似的,都怕他?” They were silent. 她俩沉默了。 Zi Zhen bites the lip, said: No, all right. I went back unable to do other , helping your younger sister in this.” 紫禛咬咬唇,道:“没,没事。我回去也干不了别的,就在这帮帮你妹。” Li Tianming thinks, here truly needs the person, his access road/simply said: That line, I and small fish first go back, how long should unable to want. You were careful.” 李天命想了一下,这里确实需要人,他便道:“那行吧,我和小鱼先回去一趟,应该要不了多久。你们小心。” Feels relieved......” the Zi Zhen spooky say/way. “放心……”紫禛幽幽道。 She handles matters, Li Tianming felt relieved, must, she be truly credible, can assume sole responsibility for an important task compared with Weisheng Moran, helping Li Tianming be too many are too many. 她办事,李天命还是非常放心的,总得来说,她确实非常靠谱,比微生墨染更能够独当一面,帮了李天命太多太多。 Walked.” “走了。”
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