FGOAA :: Volume #41

#4041: Former home grounds entrance!

Meanwhile, this golden-black Emperor Star, with Li Tianming in that antiquity stars that in the Eastern Sovereign Sword colorless front door saw, was extremely similar. 同时,这个金黑色帝星,和李天命东皇剑无色大门内看到的那上古星辰,是极度相似的。 That moment that it is born, Li Tianming felt, oneself defect very long core, it returned finally! 它诞生的那一刻,李天命就感觉,自己身上缺失了很久的核心,它终于回归了! At this moment, he even through this gold/metal black Emperor Star, felt some of High Star Ruins Yan and Huang descendant all living things to change at heart. 这一刻,他甚至通过这金黑帝星,感受到了上星墟炎黄后裔众生的一些心里变化。 „The road of Chaos Divine Emperor, should takes the new world.” 混沌神帝之路,应该算是迈出新天地了。” Li Tianming almost all Derivation Ruins will use in this step, ate up many golden Nine Lives Fruit, all Nine Lives Fruit efficacies, are going toward the seventh star organ gathering! 李天命几乎将身上所有的衍生墟都用在了这一步,同时也吃下了不少金色九命果,所有九命果的药力,在往第七星脏汇聚而去! Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Under the control of that Emperor Order, a boundless vitality is born in this position, as if gathered his Small Universe the life of source, an explosive, myriad things new student/life! 在那帝皇秩序的支配下,一股磅礴的生机在这位置上诞生,仿佛聚集了他这小宇宙的本源之命,一声爆响,万物新生! His position, hears the sound of star exploding unexpectedly. 他这位置,竟然传来星爆之声。 Chicken elder brother, you exploded.” Miao Miao teased. “鸡哥,你炸了。”喵喵调侃道。 What thing?” “什么东西?” Ying Huo (Firefly) carefully looked, the world seems born in Li Tianming this position, endless golden-black starlight and dust condense here, a blazing gold/metal black divine light shining surrounding area several million meters world, under this ray, burns fierce golden-black neutron particles born and congeal! 荧火仔细一看,天地仿佛在李天命这位置诞生,无尽金黑色星光和尘埃在这里凝聚,炽烈的金黑神光照耀方圆数百万米天地,在这光芒之下,一个个灼烈的金黑色中子微粒诞生、凝结! Bang- 轰- golden-black holds up the day of stars great column, is born suddenly, it such as the living creature exudes one to roar generally, like gold/metal black Divine Dragon that covers the scales, kills the dim universe, such as adds the finishing touch general, combined a body of most important part Emperor Universe God. 金黑色的擎天星辰巨柱,猛然诞生,它如活物一般发出一声咆哮,如同一头覆盖鳞甲的金黑神龙,杀出昏暗宇宙,就如画龙点睛一般,组合成了帝君宙神之体最重要的一部分。 By......” “靠……” Ying Huo (Firefly) and Miao Miao, simultaneously in wind disorderly. 荧火喵喵,同时在风中凌乱。 symbiotic practice.” 共生修炼。” The Li Tianming complexion is serious, the god splendor shines, he thinks that this is a fate of Emperor, should such military might aggressive...... as well as has felt proud and elated. 李天命面色严肃,神辉照耀,他认为这就是一场帝君的宿命,本该这么威武霸气……以及扬眉吐气。 A person, six big Companion Beast, together symbiotic practice. 一人,六大伴生兽,一起共生修炼 Ji Ji needs the Star Source strength, can thoroughly restore, therefore this practice it absents temporarily. 姬姬需要恒星源力量,才能彻底恢复,所以这一次修行它暂时缺席。 Is good does not need Li Tianming to change because of its essence, can temporarily first not with. 好在它的本质不需要李天命改变,可以暂时先不跟。 Bang- 轰- After the body of Li Tianming this perfect Universe God takes shape, paragenesis between he and Companion Beast, as if also approach in perfect, after this is the first breakthrough, symbiotic practice produces Li Tianming to promote their bloodlines unsealing the situation, they are absorbing the Yanhuang Nether Yuan strength crazily, respective within the body the strength of Universe God rises dramatically crazily! 李天命这一具完美的宙神之体成型后,他和伴生兽之间的共生,似乎也趋近于完美,这是第一次突破后共生修炼产生李天命促进它们血脉解封的情况,他们疯狂吸收着炎黄冥元的力量,各自体内的宙神之力疯狂飙升! This time harvested many Order Divine Source, Li Tianming made their star point quantities promote one time over 1 billion, this is the ordinary Universe God limit, although has not presented the new magical powers, but obviously felt, they strengthened again. 这次收获了不少秩序神源,李天命一次性让它们的星点数量提升到了十亿以上,这已经是普通宙神的极限,虽然没有出现新的神通,但明显感觉,它们又再度强化了。 Great Xia Chinese Character Illusion Spirit, finally achievement Myriad Universe Rank Universe God Illusion Spirit!” 大夏汉字幻神,终于成就万宙级宙神幻神了!” The original Li Tianming's Star God boundary, is this Illusion Spirit shackles, after his body transforms perfectly, this Great Xia Chinese Character Illusion Spirit transforms suddenly, broke through 10,000 Chinese characters officially. 原先李天命的星神境界,是这一个幻神的桎梏,当他身体完美蜕变后,这大夏汉字幻神猛然蜕变,正式突破了一万个汉字。 Bang! 轰! Side Li Tianming, over ten thousand Chinese characters surround, each writing starlight sparkle, there is a dozens meters greatness, such as writing, such as stars vortex. 李天命身边,上万个汉字环绕而起,每一个文字都星光闪耀,有数十米之巨,如文字,也如星辰漩涡。 Obviously, this Emperor Heaven Rank Illusion Spirit potential, had been stimulated thoroughly. 很显然,这帝天级幻神的潜能,已经被彻底激发了出来了。 Illusion Spirit rank and a Star Source World level, although is Myriad Universe Rank, but is very strong. 幻神的级别和恒星源世界一个水平,虽然是万宙级,但已经很强了。 Stars character!” “星辰字!” Li Tianming discovered, in each writing, has starlight to evolve, each radical, contains the strength of vast star sea. 李天命发现,每一个文字上,都有星光演变,每一个笔画,都蕴含浩瀚的星海之力。 It is estimated that «Trash Illusion Heaven God Clan» this book can also open.” “估计《垃圾幻天神族》这本书也可以翻开了。” Li Tianming not anxiously opening, does not have carefully to look at own other transformations, he rushes to receive Illusion Spirit, making Miao Miao blend a body, then goes toward Weisheng Moran and Zi Zhen their directions. 李天命并没有急着翻开,也没有仔细去看自己的其他蜕变,他赶忙收起幻神,让喵喵融汇一体,然后朝着微生墨染紫禛她们的方向而去。 You meet the requirement, can't endure?” Ying Huo (Firefly) despises to say. “你这是具备条件,一刻都不能忍啊?”荧火鄙视道。 You talk nonsense.” Li Tianming does not know whether to laugh or cry, „is mainly that several Heaven-Fighting Emperors discovered that I am shifting frequently, does not look for me, but toward the small beast ball that side.” “你放屁。”李天命哭笑不得,“主要是那几个战天帝众发现我时刻在转移,已经不找我了,而是往小兽球那边去了。” These people have entered Miracle Mountain! 这些人已经进神迹山了! Therefore the time is very urgent. 所以时间还是很紧急的。 Was good has carried off 1 million small beast balls because of Zi Zhen and Weisheng Moran, Li Tianming passed at this time, converged for and them, then led them to go to the safe place. 好在紫禛微生墨染已经带走百万小兽球了,李天命这时候过去,是为了和她们汇合,然后带她们前往安全的地方。 Yin Chen (silver dust) has led the way for them. 银尘已经为她们引路了。 Said again, here is the Heavenly Dao Arena range, entire Ten Desolate Star Furnace looks that where can act unreasonably?” Li Tianming said. “再说了,这里是天道竞技场的范围,整个十荒星炉都看着呢,哪里能乱来?”李天命道。 In that Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Mirror can't see?” Ying Huo (Firefly) said. “那天帝阴阳镜里不是看不见?”荧火啧啧道。 In that was filled with the small beast ball.” Li Tianming said that looks angrily at Ying Huo (Firefly), is not, can you not talk about this topic?” “那里面挤满小兽球了。”李天命说完怒视荧火,“不是,你能不聊这个话题吗?” Is your practice core, is easy crooked, Jie Jie.” Ying Huo (Firefly) said. “是你的修炼核心,容易让人想歪,桀桀。”荧火道。 This is the life! Meow.” Miao Miao shakes the head to say. “这是命!喵。”喵喵摇头道。 Li Tianming is disinclined to respond them. 李天命懒得搭理它们。 After they converge, temporarily does not need to respond these Heaven-Fighting Emperors, if the breeze did not come out, if can deliver to Sun to be good these small beast balls, Ji Ji also needs to supplement that Star Source...... was a pity, now that vestige entrance definitely dies of suffocation, I have these 800 meters god bodies, definitely cannot return to High Star Ruins.” “和她们汇合后,暂时也不用搭理那些战天帝众,如果小风一直不出来的话,若是能把这些小兽球送到太阳上就好了,姬姬也需要补充恒星源……可惜,现在那遗迹入口肯定被堵死了,我有这八百米神体,肯定回不了上星墟了。” Cannot go back, this actually trouble. 一直不能回去,这倒是一个麻烦。 While Li Tianming is this matter worries, Yin Chen (silver dust) suddenly said: Right, I just, discovery, this, vestige , other, exit|to speak.” 正当李天命为这事发愁的时候,银尘忽然道:“对了,我刚,发现,这个,遗迹,还有,其他,出口。” What?” Li Tianming stops the footsteps hastily, quickly asked Yin Chen (silver dust): To where? Immemorial Permanent Sand or High Star Ruins?” “什么?”李天命连忙停下脚步,急忙问银尘:“通往哪里?太古恒沙还是上星墟?” A small cockroach shakes the head on the Li Tianming palm, two, is wrong!” 一只小蟑螂在李天命手掌上摇头,“两个,都错!” „Is that?” “那是?” Lower level, Star Ruins , place. You, there, obtain, hundred, beast?” Yin Chen (silver dust) said. “下层,星墟,一个,地方。你在,那里,得到,百眼,兽兽?”银尘道。 Hundred Eyes Beast beast?” Li Tianming was startled, suddenly thought that Blue Maple Star? Side has a cavern, has Immemorial Evil Demon and Dark Demon? I and Jian Qinghe have gone to that place?” 百眼兽兽?”李天命怔了一下,忽然想起来了,“枫蓝星?旁边拥有一个洞窟,有太古邪魔暗魔?我和简青禾去过的那个地方?” Right!” “没错!” Li Tianming remembers that at that time said that that cavern to Ancestral World. 李天命记得那时候就说,那个洞窟通往祖界 However, he has not truly thought, this Ancestral World, unexpectedly is the lower-level vestige? 不过,他确实没想到,这个祖界,竟然是下层遗迹? Takes Zi Zhen and small fish, we go to that exit|to speak to have a look, the smooth words, can return to High Star Ruins.” Li Tianming said. “带上紫禛和小鱼,我们就去那个出口看看,顺利的话,就能返回上星墟了。”李天命道。 cough cough!” Ying Huo (Firefly) coughed. 咳咳!”荧火咳嗽了一声。 What do you want to say?” Li Tianming looks at it speechless. “你想说什么?”李天命无语看着它。 There, did not have Heavenly Dao Arena......” “那里,就没天道竞技场了……”
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