FGOAA :: Volume #41

#4040: In a final step!

Yin Chen (silver dust) does not fear that now the mire of Yanhuang Nether Yuan, its individual was found in the entire lower-level vestige, the form of that several Heaven-Fighting God Clan Emperors bloodlines, cannot escape its supervision. 银尘如今已经不怕炎黄冥元之泥沼,其个体遍布了整个下层遗迹,那几个战天神族帝众血脉的身影,逃不过它的监督。 „After small eight absorbed Buddha Ghost King, felt like has the vigor...... so, these Emperors bloodlines, the effectiveness should be bigger.” “小八吸收了‘佛陀鬼王’后,感觉似乎更有活力了……如此,这几个帝众血脉,效用应该更大。” Because the pressures of these Emperors bloodlines, Li Tianming must change places unceasingly, otherwise, the opposite party can directly soar him to come through Heavenly Dao Arena. 因为这几个帝众血脉的压力,李天命必须不断更换位置,要不然,对方就能通过天道竞技场直奔他而来了。 Time difference that they passed on a message from outside to inside, is advantage that Li Tianming can use only. 他们从外到内传讯的时间差,是李天命唯一可以利用的优势。 Yin Chen (silver dust) said that Heaven-Fighting God Clan that these come, has with Mushan Xue same kilometer Universe God unexpectedly......” 银尘说,这一些进来的战天神族,竟有和暮山樰一样的千米宙神……” This ordered universe most peak bloodlines, Li Tianming, even if became Universe God, in a short time is not possible to be a worthy opponent. 这种有序宇宙最巅峰的血脉,李天命哪怕成了宙神,短时间内也是不可能匹敌的。 Therefore, he is calm. 所以,他还算沉着。 Before the sprint Universe God boundary, Li Tianming lets Weisheng Moran and Zi Zhen, makes the best use of the time to go to small beast ball there, they are also the Eight Departments Gods goals. 在冲刺宙神境界之前,李天命微生墨染紫禛,抓紧时间去小兽球那里,它们也是八部神众的目标。 They have tested, the special space in Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Mirror, can make the living creature go, Weisheng Moran swallows Illusion Heaven God Clan, pushes crowded words, can give that 10 billion small beast ball according. 他们已经测试过了,天帝阴阳镜内的特殊空间,可以让活物进去,微生墨染就在其中吞噬幻天神族,挤一挤的话,还是能将那百亿小兽球给按进去的。 Must be quick.” Li Tianming urged them to say. “务必要快。”李天命叮嘱她们道。 Knew.” “知道了。” Some Yin Chen (silver dust) examine to monitor the position of enemy to them, Li Tianming also calculates to feel relieved, if really misses, can only make part of small beast balls first sneak off. 银尘给她们检监测敌人的位置,李天命还算放心,实在若是赶不及,只能让一部分小兽球先溜走。 But Li Tianming arrived in the Miracle Mountain deviation under position, stopped in a wilderness directly. 李天命则到了神迹山偏向中下方的位置,直接在一片旷野当中停了下来。 First gave the absorption these Universe God Tribulation Sea.” “先把这些宙神劫海给吸收了。” His Consciousness Spirit and Life Tribulation Order are related, at the present Emperor Order has reached the limit of breakthrough, but Life Tribulation Order also misses final, Li Tianming has very intense premonition, if his Consciousness Spirit Pseudo Shape promotes, can drive the growth of Life Tribulation Order, has spanned this most essential one step! 他的识神命劫秩序是相关的,而今帝皇秩序已经到了突破的极限,而命劫秩序还差最后一些,李天命有非常强烈的预感,他的识神拟象若是提升,就能带动命劫秩序的成长,跨越过这最关键的一步! Tai Xingyun and other over Meteor Gods, in addition has about 3000 Universe God Tribulation Sea. 太星云等三千以上陨星神众,加起来足足带有三千左右宙神劫海 These unfilial descendants, for oneself Pseudo Shape breaks through, does not hesitate to lead the ancestor of resting to run everywhere, was really certainly......” “这些不肖子孙,为了自己拟象突破,不惜把安息的祖先带着到处跑,真是绝了……” Li Tianming regarding Eight Departments Gods this wicked behavior, has been unalarmed by strange sights. 李天命对于八部神众这种无道之行为,早就见怪不怪了。 Benefitted in any case oneself! 反正造福了自己! He absorbs Universe God Tribulation Sea forcefully, needs to use the Heaven-Stealing Clan method, has the Heavenly Dao Arena supervision, this has certain risk, is good brings the Chinese redbud mask because of the body, the mist of this gadget Dark Arm keeping off solid, outside person through Heavenly Dao Arena, can only notice that this group of purple fog lie on their ancestor's Universe God tribulation ring, shortly, Universe God Tribulation Sea swallowing up. 他强行吸收宙神劫海,需要用到窃天一族的手段,有天道竞技场监督,本有一定的危险性,好在身上带着紫荆花面具,这玩意儿的雾气早就把黑暗臂给挡得严严实实,外面的人通过天道竞技场,只能看到这一团紫雾趴在他们祖先的宙神劫轮上,没多久,就把宙神劫海给吞光了。 ! 一个又一个! More than 3000 Universe God Tribulation Sea, in a short time, gather in Ten Sides Beginning of An Era Divine Sword completely, causes its Pseudo Shape rank again and again to break through. 三千多宙神劫海,在很短的时间内,全部汇聚到十方纪元神剑之中,造成其拟象级别一次次突破。 Although the speed of this breakthrough is more and more slow, but generally speaking, the final harvest conformed to the Li Tianming's anticipation. 这突破的速度虽然是越来越慢的,但总体来说,最后的收获符合了李天命的预期。 My this Ten Sides Beginning of An Era Divine Sword, arrived at 60-Layer Pseudo Shape finally!” “我这十方纪元神剑,也终于到了六十重拟象了!” His Consciousness Spirit until now, compared with numerous Companion Beast, missed a point slightly. 要知道,他的识神一直以来,比起一众伴生兽,也就稍微差了一点。 At the present the 60-Layer Pseudo Shape formation, its might definitely surpasses Eight Departments Gods 70-80 layers Pseudo Shape. 而今六十重拟象成型,其威力肯定是超过八部神众七八十重拟象的。 So, my Consciousness Spirit lethality supplements, fuses Bai Ling (white rise) Earth Soul, by the end ability, I am the non-solution!” “如此,我识神的杀伤力补充上来,融合白凌地魂,论终结能力,我是无解的了!” In addition Eastern Sovereign Sword transforms, certainly! 加上东皇剑蜕变,绝了! Li Tianming attempts to inspire Consciousness Spirit to enter the 60-Layer Pseudo Shape change immediately. 李天命当即尝试引动识神进入六十重拟象变化。 Ten Sides Heaven Devouring Sword Dragon?” 十方噬天剑龙?” Sees only that ten exceedingly high penetrating places Beginning of An Era Divine Sword, no longer has been aurora Beginning of An Era Sword Princess of appearance, their again and again Pseudo Shape transforms, to finally suddenly the transformation is ten terrifying dragon-shaped lifeform. 只见那十把通天彻地的纪元神剑,早就不再是‘极光’样子的纪元剑姬,它们一次次拟象蜕变,到最终猛然转换为十头恐怖的龙形生物。 For example Eastern God Great Sky Sword, the incarnation is scarlet burning down flame Divine Dragon, its dragon scale sword light surges, 比如东神太昊剑,化身为一头赤红焚烧的火焰神龙,其身上的龙鳞剑光涌动, For example Great Void Universe King Sword, is illusory sword dragon, flows the time river, treacherous, but dream. 比如太虚宙王剑,则是一头虚幻剑龙,流淌时间长河,诡谲而梦幻。 For example Heavenly One Emperor Sword, is Heavenly One Plane is ordinary, is seemingly flat, is actually inexhaustible, has a day of strength. 比如天一帝剑,则是天一界面一般,看似扁平,其实无穷无尽,有着天之力量。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! This Ten Sides Heaven Devouring Sword Dragon, twines on Eastern Sovereign Sword, shines with that Chaos Sword Princess, making this sword the strength of destruction rise dramatically again. 十方噬天剑龙,缠绕在东皇剑上,和那混沌剑姬争相辉映,让这一剑的毁灭之力再度飙升。 By Consciousness Spirit, does not only lose to any Meteor Gods.” “光论识神,就已经不输给任何陨星神众了。” The Consciousness Spirit strength only accounted for Li Tianming output 20%, now looked, at least had more than 30%. 原本识神力量只占李天命输出的20%,现在看,起码有30%多了。 This is under seven big Companion Beast, the highest battle strength composition, compared with once Great Xia Chinese Character Illusion Spirit, this Great Xia Chinese Character Illusion Spirit almost made Li Tianming eliminate much. 这已经是七大伴生兽之下,最高的战力组成,比曾经的大夏汉字幻神强多了,这大夏汉字幻神几乎都让李天命淘汰了。 „The growth of Life Tribulation Order, was almost also similar!” 命劫秩序的成长,几乎也差不多了!” His Companion Beast has become Universe God, Li Tianming this step, they should not need to participate temporarily, therefore Li Tianming, when Miao Miao conducts the back to run around, the position is not fixed, in this case, these Heaven-Fighting Emperors did not have is so easy to seize him. 他的伴生兽都已经成宙神了,李天命这一步,它们暂时应该不用参与,所以李天命喵喵驮着自己到处乱跑,位置不固定,这样的话,那些战天帝众就没那么容易逮住他了。 Rushes to the line, he shut the eyes, within the body two big Order was entering the final transformation condition finally. 奔行之中,他闭着双眼,体内最后两大秩序进入了最终的蜕变状态。 During brain star organ, that Life Tribulation Order transforms, gradually sparkles from a white mainland. 大脑星脏之中,那命劫秩序变换之中,从一座白色大陆逐渐闪耀。 Stars level Order?” “星辰级秩序?” While Li Tianming thinks, it will become life tribulation stars time, has not thought, it actually congealed a white vortex, the exploration Star Hole world...... was also a bit like Taiyang Zhao (sun shine) Supreme White Hole Illusion Spirit probably. 正当李天命以为,它会成为一个命劫星辰的时候,万万没想到,它却凝结成了一个白色的漩涡,有点像是探索的星洞世界……也像是太阳炤太上白洞幻神 Inadequate stars and star sea?” “不成星辰、星海?” Does not conform to the common sense the strange event, again on Li Tianming's. 不符合常理的诡异事件,再度发生在李天命的身上。 But he discovered, although Life Tribulation Order became white Star Hole, but its stability is not bad, is extremely strong to the control of strength, at the same time, its mass is even bigger, inexhaustible feelings. 但他发现,命劫秩序虽然成了一个白色星洞,但它的稳定性一点都不差,对力量的掌控力极强,与此同时,它的体量甚至更大,有一种无穷无尽的感觉。 This vortex, does not swallow, but gushes out the strength of control unceasingly outward, lets my more relaxed control strength.” “这一个漩涡,不是吞噬,而是不断往外涌出掌控之力,让我更轻松掌控力量。” Li Tianming felt that this is a pleasant surprise. 李天命感觉这算是一个惊喜。 Life Tribulation Order is a very essential transformation, in the brain Life Spirit Order transformed time, Li Tianming did not have the feeling that this moment this being enlightened and perception increased. 命劫秩序是一个非常关键的蜕变,之前大脑里生灵秩序蜕变的时候,李天命也没有此刻这种醍醐灌顶、悟性大增的感觉。 Finally is Emperor Order!” “最后是帝皇秩序!” His attention placed on incomplete seventh star organ. 他的注意力放在了残缺的第七星脏上。 By this moment, Li Tianming did not have the least bit to be awkward at heart, because he is clear, is shattered then means that new student/life, is reborn. 到了这一刻,李天命心里并没半点尴尬,因为他心里清楚,破灭便意味着新生、脱胎换骨。 That will be naturally stronger! 那自然会更强! Passes through this most essential one step, the road of my Emperor, should have the qualifications to sweep across High Star Ruins!” “走过这最关键的一步,我的帝君之路,应该有资格席卷上星墟了!” Emperor Order is stronger, involvement between Li Tianming and all living things will be stronger. 帝皇秩序越强,李天命和众生之间的牵连就会更强。 He is witnessing the change of Emperor Order. 他见证着帝皇秩序的变化。 It from that golden-black mainland, gradually evolves, is newborn like the world, the mainland dies out, changes to chaos. 它从那金黑色的大陆,逐渐演变,如同世界初生,大陆寂灭,化作一片混沌。 Suddenly! 忽然! The loud sound of bang, a stars birth of golden-black! 轰的一声巨响,一个金黑色的星辰诞生! This is stars Order that on Li Tianming most sparkles, it is Order Emperor, when it shines the body of Li Tianming's Universe God, even must sparkle compared with purgatory, chaos wait/etc Order, as if this position is his eukaryon. 这是李天命身上最为闪耀的星辰秩序,它就是秩序帝皇,当它照耀李天命的宙神之体时,甚至比炼狱、混沌等等秩序都要闪耀,仿佛这个位置才是他的真核。
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