FGOAA :: Volume #41

#4039: I am your ancient Zu's follower

The minimum more than 20,000 people, have no battle strength temporarily, obviously this fights to what degree frigidly. 起码两万多人,暂时都没什么战力,可见这一战惨烈到什么程度。 If they are not Universe God, should die 90%. 如果他们不是宙神,应该会死去90%。 Three ten thousand Universe God all living things line, were really certainly......” “三万宙神众生线,真是绝了……” Li Tianming has not thought, this fights will bring the so big impact on these contemporaries unexpectedly, makes these talents own follower unexpectedly. 李天命万万没想到,这一战竟然会给这些同龄人带来如此大的冲击,竟让这些天才成为了自己的信徒。 He also misses one step, achievement Universe God! 他还差一步,成就宙神 If I mount the Universe God boundary, should be able to be better to use these talent Universe God all living things line strengths, but......” “若我登上宙神境界,应该能更好使用这些天才宙神众生线力量,不过……” Li Tianming had the new decision at heart. 李天命心里有了新的决定。 At this time, Jiang Feifei, Lin Zhaoge and Ji Lin their three, encircles Li Tianming at present. 就在这时候,姜妃妃林朝歌纪琳他们三个,围到了李天命眼前来。 Along Lin Feng, these Meteor Gods carry all has Universe God Tribulation Sea ancestor remains, here.” Jiang Feifei gave Li Tianming Xumi Ring, even in her eye is the colors of worship. 林枫,那些陨星神众随身携带的所有拥有‘宙神劫海’的先祖遗体,都在这里了。”姜妃妃将一个须弥之戒交给了李天命,连她眼里都是崇拜之色。 Good. Thanked.” Li Tianming received this ring, the growth of secretly thought/passage Consciousness Spirit Pseudo Shape was steady. “好。谢了。”李天命接过了这戒指,暗道自己识神拟象的成长稳了。 You're welcome, should thank your is we, without you, should be now these Eight Departments Gods is stepping in our 30,000 bodies the revelry.” Jiang Feifei eyes slightly red say/way. “不用客气,该感谢你的是我们,没有你,现在应该是那些八部神众踩着我们三万尸体上狂欢了。”姜妃妃双眼微红道。 Li Tianming smiled, had not said again. 李天命笑了一下,没再多说。 It is said that has stronger Emperors bloodlines to arrive, how our next should do?” Jiang Feifei asked hastily excitedly. “据说有更强的帝众血脉到来,我们下一步该怎么做?”姜妃妃连忙激动问。 How many Nine Lives Fruit did you collect?” Li Tianming asked. “你们收集了多少九命果?”李天命问。 About more than 100 million, part snatched from Eight Departments Gods, part had been transported High Star Ruins by them.” Lin Zhaoge said. “大约有一亿多了,一部分是从八部神众手里抢过来的,还有一部分已经被他们运送回上星墟了。”林朝歌说道。 Ok.” Li Tianming looks to their three, then said earnestly: The next arrangement that I must make is: You bring these Nine Lives Fruit, escorts 30,000 injured brothers, all returns to Immemorial Permanent Sand therapy.” “行。”李天命看向他们三个,然后认真道:“我要做的下一步安排就是:你们带着这些九命果,护送三万受伤的兄弟,全部返回太古恒沙疗伤。” "Ah?" “啊?” Jiang Feifei, Lin Zhaoge and Ji Lin have not thought that can be this arrangement, they somewhat worry, because after this fights side-by-side, they one's blood bubbles up to the brim, is preparing to continue with Li Tianming to kill the four directions greatly. 姜妃妃林朝歌纪琳没想到会是这种安排,他们都有些着急,因为这并肩作战后,他们心里热血沸腾,正准备继续和李天命大杀四方呢。 Brother Lin, we do not need to rest, have Nine Lives Fruit, we restore some time, had battle strength.” Lin Zhaoge worries to say. 林兄,我们不用休息,有九命果在,我们恢复一段时间,就又有战力了。”林朝歌着急道。 „It is not the issue of rest, you listened to me to say.” “不是休息的问题,你们听我说。” Li Tianming bites the lip, referred to the sky saying: „From Heavenly Dao Arena opening, all your actions expose under the nose of Eight Departments Gods, does not have the secret, in this case, this lower-level vestige actually already not suitable large-scale operation.” 李天命咬咬唇,指了指天空道:“从天道竞技场开启开始,你们的一切行动都暴露在八部神众的眼皮底下,已经没有了秘密,这种情况下,这下层遗迹其实已经不适合大规模行动了。” But didn't we defeat the Eight Departments Gods talent? Then can seize the lower-level vestige......” Ji Lin to say. “可我们不是打败了八部神众天才吗?接下来可以抢占下层遗迹……”纪琳道。 Li Tianming shakes the head to say with a smile: We defeated the Ten Desolate Star Furnace Eight Departments Gods talent, rather than defeated all.” 李天命摇头笑道:“我们只是打败了十荒星炉八部神众天才,而不是打败了所有。” Good.” Ji Lin lowers the head. “好吧。”纪琳低头。 Then, will definitely have many Eight Departments Gods to come to take revenge. Possibly altogether has three situations, first: Coming in is the Emperors bloodlines talent, they surpass 7th-Rank Universe God at least, by their strengths, a person can kill our one crowd, we have no way to limit him. Second: Will have other over 50,000 Star Furnace Kings Bloodlines to come, 100,000 and 200,000 have the possibility, they can a adding people, but our Immemorial Permanent Sand no one coca, stays here to wait for death. But the third situation is worse: The Kings Bloodlines army and Emperors talent will come in together, has Heavenly Dao Arena, we are impossible to seize here.” “接下来,必然会有很多八部神众进来复仇。一共可能有三种情况,第一:进来的全是帝众血脉天才,他们起码超过七阶宙神,以他们的实力,一人就能杀我们一群,我们还没法限制他。第二:会有超过五万的其他星炉王众血脉进来,十万、二十万都有可能,他们能加人,但我们太古恒沙没人可加,留在这里更是等死。而第三种情况更糟糕:王众血脉大军和帝众天才会一起进来,有天道竞技场在,我们不可能抢占这里。” After saying, Li Tianming looks to them, said earnestly: Considering the above three situations, I wants to make you evacuate here immediately, the fact showed that the lower-level vestige is a place that has no way through the powerhouse army, seizing here significance is not big, is inferior to Immemorial Permanent Sand, is Immemorial Permanent Sand retains the fire seed, while the war of participation true protection territory.” 说完后,李天命看向他们,认真道:“鉴于以上三种情况,我想让你们马上撤离这里,事实证明下层遗迹就是一个没法通过强者大军的地方,抢占这里意义不大,不如回去太古恒沙,一边为太古恒沙保留火种,一边参与真正的守护疆土之战。” Because of all living things line, Li Tianming wants to make them stay behind but actually, but that was too selfish, he has not grasped completely preserves them. 因为众生线,李天命倒想让他们留下,但那太自私了,他完全没把握保住他们。 Eight Departments Gods strong , is unable to estimate. 八部神众之强、之多,是无法估量的。 Ten Desolate Star Furnace, on steamroll Immemorial Permanent Sand! 只是一个十荒星炉,就碾压太古恒沙 Hears here, Jiang Feifei they were silent. 听到这里,姜妃妃他们都沉默了。 „The great strength and numerous of enemy, are the facts, this Ancient Yanhuang Vestige opens, the itself/Ben to Immemorial Permanent Sand is the nightmare, we can set the record of the so brilliant achievement in the lower-level vestige, has been able to bring honor to ancestors, fills people with enthusiasm!” Jiang Feifei turns head other humanity. “敌人的强大、众多,就是事实,这古炎黄遗迹一开,对太古恒沙来说本就是噩梦,我们能在下层遗迹创下如此辉煌战绩,已经能光宗耀祖,振奋人心了!”姜妃妃回头其他人道。 Everyone is silent. 所有人沉默。 Lin Feng, do you and we go to Immemorial Permanent Sand together? Has us, all elders will know your merit!” Lin Zhaoge blazing say/way. 林枫,你和我们一起去太古恒沙吗?有我们在,所有长辈都会知道你的功绩!”林朝歌炽热道。 I first do not go.” Li Tianming said with a smile. “我先不去。”李天命笑道。 Why?” Some Lin Zhaoge disappointed say/way. “为什么?”林朝歌有些失望道。 I want to wait for you to go back the upholstery to go well again, the repeated calling and urging beginning comes out, such installs to compel.” Li Tianming said with a smile. “我想等你们回去铺垫好了再去,千呼万唤始出来,那样才装逼。”李天命笑道。 The people smile. 众人莞尔。 You deceived people.” Jiang Feifei said. “你骗人。”姜妃妃道。 Li Tianming smiled: Really...... I have brothers also here, I cannot get away temporarily. I stay here, but can also have a look at the trend of opposite party again. Is victorious I to hit, cannot be victorious I to run.” 李天命笑了一下:“确实……我有个兄弟还在这里,我暂时走不了。我留在这里,还可以再看看对方的动向。打得过我就打,打不过我就跑。” He wants to go to Immemorial Permanent Sand, but the Ye Lingfeng matter is on the heart a thorn, particularly after the emperor appears . 他很想去太古恒沙,但夜凌风的事就是心上一根刺,尤其是帝一出现后。 But Jiang Feiling, Li Tianming raised the head can see her, she should cross the final stage of tribulation, that golden crystal stars expanded unceasingly, are shining the Li Tianming's road ahead. 姜妃棂,李天命抬头就能看见她了,她应该是在渡劫的最后阶段了,那一枚金色水晶星辰不断扩张,照耀着李天命的前路。 Do not be womanishly fussy, now has not come in while Eight Departments Gods many people, you hurry to disperse depart, I attracted the attention of that several Emperors bloodlines for you.” Li Tianming serious say/way. “别婆婆妈妈了,现在趁着八部神众还没进来多少人,你们赶紧分散离去,我为你们吸引那几个帝众血脉的注意力了。”李天命严肃道。 Good!” “好!” Jiang Feifei they nod finally. 姜妃妃他们终于点头。 Lin Feng!” 林枫!” They visit him by the blazing look. 他们纷纷以炽烈的眼神看着他。 Li Tianming returns by the warm vision. 李天命回以热烈的目光。 He said to Jiang Feifei, Lin Zhaoge and Ji Lin: Told you on the quiet three, my real name called Li Tianming, Lin Feng was only a alias......, but, do not speak irresponsibly temporarily.” 他对姜妃妃林朝歌纪琳道:“悄悄告诉你们三个,我真名叫李天命,林枫只是个化名……但是,暂时别乱说。” Li Tianming?” Lin Zhaoge smiles awkwardly, originally aren't we main family?” 李天命?”林朝歌尴尬一笑,“原来我们不是本家啊?” Li Tianming smiles, finally said to Jiang Feifei on the quiet: I am your ancient Zu's follower, if she has any news, remembers that finds the person to inform me......” 李天命笑了笑,最后再悄悄对姜妃妃道:“我是你们古祖的信徒,若她有任何消息,记得找人通知我……” Follower?” Jiang Feifei is bewildered. “信徒?”姜妃妃一脸茫然。 Does this person have the relation with ancient ancestor? 这人怎么和古祖有联系? She cannot think through, can only nod. 她想不通,只能点头。 Bye, everyone!” Li Tianming waves. “再见,各位!”李天命挥手。 „The Immemorial Permanent Sand front door, opens for you forever!” 太古恒沙的大门,永远为你打开!” After Jiang Feifei said that bringing a people horse to escape quietly into the wind, they listened to the Li Tianming's words, the dispersion, entered vast ocean like the ant in abundance, vanishes in Li Tianming at present. 姜妃妃说完后,带着一众人马悄然遁入了风中,他们听李天命的话,纷纷分散,如同蚂蚁进入了汪洋大海,消失在李天命眼前。 Let alone, some time of fighting side-by-side, somewhat has not really given up them.” Li Tianming says with emotion. “还真别说,并肩作战的一段时间,有些舍不得他们。”李天命感慨道。 You consider to look for your family Ling'er anxiously.” Zi Zhen brutally revealed him. “你是急着想去找你家棂儿吧。”紫禛无情的揭穿了他。 Was jealous.” Li Tianming said with a smile. “吃醋了。”李天命笑道。 Fool eats the vinegar of empress'palace.” Zi Zhen hehe said. “傻子才吃正宫的醋呢。”紫禛呵呵道。 Li Tianming looks at her surprisedly, „your consciousness, was a little advanced.” 李天命惊讶看着她,“你这觉悟,有点超前了。” You very self-satisfied appearance? What forgot Qin Wangchuan to taunt your?” Zi Zhen selects the eyebrow say/way. “你很得意的样子?忘了秦忘川嘲讽你什么了?”紫禛挑眉道。 „......” “呃……” Li Tianming lowers the head, discovered that the body of own Universe God also lacked one. 李天命低头,发现自己的宙神之体还缺了一块呢。 He really could not endure! 他实在忍不了了! You are waiting to me!” “你给我等着!” Clash/To Universe God! 宙神 Now to/clashes! 现在就冲!
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