FGOAA :: Volume #41

#4038: Ancestral Nether World

Death ray!” “死光了!” Entire Star Furnace 50,000 talent Universe God, are almost annihilated......” “全星炉五万天才宙神,几乎全军覆没……” „!” “啊啊啊啊!” When collective beheading that in Heavenly Dao Arena, presents to all Eight Departments Gods, the innumerable hearts nearly crack. 当集体‘斩首’那一幕在天道竞技场中,向全体八部神众呈现时,无数心脏近乎崩裂。 The rending pitiful yell, spreads over Ten Desolate Star Furnace, causes a stir in the Eight Departments Gods Emperors high level truly, shakes entire High Star Ruins! 撕心裂肺般的惨叫,传遍十荒星炉,也真正轰动八部神众帝众高层,撼动整个上星墟 Those who participate in this talent war is three ten thousand Immemorial Permanent Sand juniors, but takes the lead, and reversal war, is actually a doubtful Yanhuang Divine Clan youngster. 参与这场天才战争的是三万太古恒沙子弟,但领头且逆转战局的,却是一个疑似炎黄神族少年。 A talent war, almost the racket broke to pieces the High Star Ruins Eight Departments Gods arrogant face, destroyed their teeth, makes them swallow. 一场天才战争,几乎拍碎了上星墟八部神众的傲慢之脸面,打碎了他们的牙齿,更让他们生生咽下去。 Dominated innumerable year of Eight Departments Gods, was irrigated basin cold water ruthlessly. 称雄了无数年的八部神众,被狠狠浇了一盆冷水。 Ten Desolate Star Furnace, countless people weep bitterly! 十荒星炉,无数人痛哭! Other Star Furnace Eight Departments Gods anger are dreadful, has prepared to kill Ten Desolate Star Furnace, entered this lower-level vestige to take revenge spontaneously! 其他星炉八部神众则怒火滔天,已经准备杀来十荒星炉,自发进这下层遗迹复仇了! No matter they make anything to respond, cannot change the Li Tianming sentencing to beheading audience, but also carved up the all properties and buried treasure actions of these talents. 不管他们做什么反应,都改变不了李天命处斩全场,还瓜分了这些天才的所有财物、宝藏之举。 Beheads, is the time of harvest. 斩首完毕,就是收获的时刻。 Under his arrangement, the Immemorial Permanent Sand juniors efficiency is extremely high, some people are responsible for using Nine Lives Fruit therapy to the companion, some people are responsible for assigning the spoils of war, all conduct methodically. 在他的统筹安排下,太古恒沙子弟们效率极高,有人负责使用九命果给同伴疗伤,有人负责分配战利品,一切有条不紊进行。 On their faces is brimming with the happy smile. 他们脸上洋溢着幸福的笑容。 This smile to Eight Departments Gods, without doubt is a crueler satire. 这种笑容对八部神众而言,无疑是更残忍的讽刺。 Must kill off these cheap people!” “务必杀光这些贱徒!” Other Star Furnace talent Universe God, come from the Emperors bloodlines of Emperor Heaven, is quick!” “其他星炉的天才宙神,还有来自帝天帝众血脉,都快进去吧!” At least kills 1 million people, is clean these domestic animal slaughters! The Immemorial Permanent Sand below 500 years old this 30,000, how do they keep off?” “起码杀进去百万人,将这些畜生都屠干净!太古恒沙五百岁以下就这三万,他们怎么挡?” Under is furious, Eight Departments Gods all have longed, under above hierarch directly arrangement heavy hand. 震怒之下,八部神众已经全体渴望,上面的掌权者直接安排下重手了。 However, there is the humanity of reason: Actually does not need to make the talent go in again, this lower-level vestige does not have too many strategic values, instead is very strange, once has today this extreme condition again, is the fearless losses, truly what is the struggle of spirit...... we should care is the upper vestige, there can go nonstop to Immemorial Permanent Sand, heard that similar of upper-level vestige arrangement, has pressed the Immemorial Permanent Sand entrance, is the time transfers the Ten Desolate Star Furnace powerhouse army to capture Immemorial Permanent Sand, exterminated these person alien race thoroughly.” 不过,还是有理智之人道:“其实没必要再让天才进去了,这下层遗迹没太多战略价值,反而很诡异,一旦再出现今天这种极端情况,都是无畏的损失,是意气之争……我们真正应该在意的是上层遗迹,那里可以直通太古恒沙,听说上层遗迹布置的差不多,已经压到了太古恒沙的门口,是时候调动十荒星炉强者大军攻入太古恒沙,彻底灭绝这些蛮人异族了。” So long as captures Immemorial Permanent Sand, the lower-level vestige does not have the value!” “只要攻陷太古恒沙,下层遗迹更没价值!” What only valuable is that small beast ball, but, so long as takes Immemorial Permanent Sand, this ordered universe where also does have to be able with the generation of our Eight Departments Gods competition?” “唯一有价值的是那小兽球,不过,只要拿下太古恒沙,这有序宇宙哪里还有能与我们八部神众竞争之辈?” To most Eight Departments Gods, this talent battlefield is only preheating of Star Source war, although unfortunately disastrous defeat, but this interstellar war to Eight Departments Gods and Immemorial Permanent Sand, does not have the half a point to affect. 对大多数八部神众而言,这一场天才战场只是一场恒星源战争的预热,虽不幸惨败,但这对八部神众太古恒沙的星际战争,并没半分影响。 So long as Immemorial Permanent Sand national subjugation and genocide, we are this ordered universe eternal winner. Has ‚the Heavenly Dao in the hand, wields the universe absolutely era sufficiently!” “只要太古恒沙亡国灭种,我们就是这有序宇宙永恒的赢家。有‘天道’在手,足以执掌宇宙万万纪元!” Immemorial Permanent Sand, is the final territory in Eight Departments Gods eye! 太古恒沙,就是八部神众眼中的最后疆土! ...... …… Miracle Mountain, battlefield. 神迹山,战场。 Gate of the crafty dark vortex, sky over the battlefield, can see battlefield all horizontally clearly. 一处诡暗的漩涡之门,横在战场上空,可以清楚的看到战场的一切。 However the person in battlefield, including that Heavenly Dao Arena, actually cannot see this gate! 然而战场中的人,包括那天道竞技场,却看不到这一座门! A youngster who in the gate, dark kilometer young girl Universe God looks below battlefield, sighs with emotion in a soft voice: Elder Brother, he in imperceptibly, helping us be busy.” 门内,一个幽暗的千米少女宙神看着下方战场的一位少年,轻声感慨道:“哥,他在无形中,帮了我们大忙呢。” She is Yanhuang Nether Clan, Mushan Xue. 她正是炎黄冥族,暮山樰 Un......” “嗯……” In Mushan Xue behind, an uncombed hair youth rests the head on the arm to keep off in the place, is curling upwards one leg on the other, be with smile on the face, sits in repose with eyes closed. 暮山樰身后,一个乱发青年枕着手臂挡在地方,翘着二郎腿,面带笑容,闭目养神。 Or leads him to Ancestral Nether World directly ‚’, sees the family members?” Mushan Xue asked in a soft voice. “要不直接带他到‘祖冥界’,见见家人们?”暮山樰轻声问。 Does not worry, has a look again.” The savage youth said. “不着急,再看看。”那野人般的青年道。 Good.” Mushan Xue nods. “好。”暮山樰点头。 Her vision shifts to another direction, coldly said: Has him to disturb in this, does not need us to act, the big fish swallowed the bait actually, had come in several.” 她的目光转移到另一个方向,冷冷道:“有他在这捣乱,不用我们出手,大鱼倒是上钩了,已经进来几条了。” Also, these also move less than eight rebelling foundations early, waits again.” Wild humanity. “还早呢,这些还动不到八部逆贼的基础,再等等。”野人道。 Mushan Xue tittered smiles, helpless said: Elder Brother, do you want to use this little fellow? How many fish wants to have a look at his bait to attract to enter the net?” 暮山樰噗嗤一笑,无奈道:“哥,你是要将这小家伙用到底啊?就想看看他这鱼饵能吸引多少鱼儿入网是吧?” This boy is a talent, the specialty suits draws the hatred, did not bring with simply careless and wasteful use of nature's products.” The savages smile, said again, Miracle Mountain delivered him, but also so many Nine Lives Fruit and small ancestor beast, he earned also many, matter that this offered mutual benefit and achieved common progress, to us very happy.” “这小子是个人才,专业适合拉仇恨,不拿来用简直暴殄天物了。”野人莞尔一笑,“再说了,神迹山都送他了,还有那么多的九命果和小祖兽,他赚得也多,这互利互惠的事,对我们双方来说都美滋滋。” That......” Mushan Xue starts to speak but hesitates. “那……”暮山樰欲言又止。 You say the matter of return?” The savages opened eyes slightly, saw through her thoughts. “你是说回归的事?”野人微微睁开眼,看穿了她的心思。 Un.” Mushan Xue nods. “嗯。”暮山樰点头。 So many years, I thought through early, perhaps elder also some depressed, but this is not the matter, when they return to High Star Ruins to understand at a glance, all remote pasts have become the history, should put down...... not so, our Yanhuang Nether Clan, will unable to see tomorrow forever.” The savages shake the head to say with a smile. “这么多年,我早想通了,或许长辈心里还有一些郁结,但这都不是事,等他们回到上星墟一看就知道,一切久远的过去都已经成为了历史,该放下了……不然,我们炎黄冥族,永远看不到明天。”野人摇头笑道。 Elder Brother, never has Yanhuang Nether Clan, not?” Mushan Xue quiet sound said. “哥,从来都没有炎黄冥族,不是吗?”暮山樰幽声道。 Right, be only one crowd struggled the power failure exiled crime disciple...... said from another angle, we had not been ruthless, this was also a benevolence. But they will lose to Eight Departments Gods, lost to benevolently, therefore , this is the causes and effects.” Wild humanity. “没错,只有一群争权失败而被流放的罪徒……从另一个角度上说,我们没被赶尽杀绝,这也是一种仁慈。而他们之所以会输给八部神众,也是输给了仁慈,所以说,这就是因果。”野人道。 Therefore, we became the Yan and Huang final hope, is waiting for that day of returning High Star Ruins, is causes and effects?” Mushan Xue looking pensive. “所以,我们成了炎黄最后的希望,等待着杀回上星墟的那一天,也是一种因果?”暮山樰若有所思。 ......” “呼……” The savages deeply inspire, deeply said: No matter how said, Ancestral Nether World is one poignant and distortion place, so many for the person suffering to the present, what were the time do to select for the posterity, even if liked a moth to the flame, died in the light, not?” 野人深深吸了一口气,深深道:“不管怎么说,祖冥界是一个让人痛苦而扭曲的地方,这么多代人煎熬到现在,是时候为子孙后代做点什么了,哪怕是飞蛾扑火,也是死在光之中,不是吗?” Mushan Xue eye socket slightly red, she gripped the hand of savage, shakes the head to squeeze a smile, said: Eight Departments Gods multiplies today, is phenomenally powerful, has reached once the level of Yan and Huang, but...... we will win!” 暮山樰眼眶微红,她握住了野人的手,摇头挤出一丝笑容,道:“八部神众繁衍到今日,空前强大,已经达到了曾经炎黄的水平,但……我们会赢的!” The savages smiled, touches her head, then stands up to come to see to outside that youngster, the vision brilliant say/way: At least, he is a variable!” 野人微微笑了一下,摸了摸她的脑袋,然后站起身来看向外面那少年,目光灼灼道:“最起码,他是一个变数!” ...... …… In a short time, the battlefield has cleaned! 在很短的时间内,战场已经打扫完毕! Each Immemorial Permanent Sand juniors, are tied up. 每一个太古恒沙子弟,都忙得不可开交。 Li Tianming also handled the matter on hand finally, turns round to look to that looks frantically to own Immemorial Permanent Sand talent Universe God! 李天命也终于搞定了手上的事,回身望向那一个个狂热看向自己的太古恒沙天才宙神们! In their eyes has the fire! 他们的眼里有火! Altogether three ten thousand Universe God accumulations come, majority was made the Universe God source, at the present depends on massive Nine Lives Fruit to live, is full of vigor. 一共三万宙神聚集而来,其中大部分都被打出了宙神本源,而今靠着大量的九命果重新活了过来,精神饱满。 So long as wins a war, few beheading they! 只要打赢一场战争,就几乎没人‘斩首’他们! Therefore, the war of this talent, Immemorial Permanent Sand causes heavy losses to 90%, has not actually died. 所以,这次天才之战,太古恒沙重创90%,却一个没死。 Although has not died, moreover restored the body of Universe God, but they have the wound, recreation good long some time!” “虽然没死,而且恢复了宙神之体,但他们还是有伤,得休养好长一段时间!”
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