FGOAA :: Volume #41

#4037: The collective beheads!

Returns to reading of Emperor again! 再回帝皇之念! Wants Universe God, the growth of Emperor Order is most essential......, therefore, these leads time the wars of over ten thousand talent Universe God, to me was too important!” “想要成宙神,帝皇秩序的成长是最关键的……所以,这一次带队上万天才宙神之战,对我自己而言太重要了!” Even if there is a threat of Emperors bloodlines talent, must win! 哪怕有帝众血脉天才的威胁,也必须要赢! All Immemorial Permanent Sand Universe God, come side me!” A Li Tianming acoustic shock roar, stir Miracle Mountain, his prestige near the world, such as the peerless Emperor, appears in ten thousand numerous at present. “所有太古恒沙宙神,来我身边!”李天命一声震吼,轰动神迹山,他威临天地,如绝世帝君,出现在万众眼前。 Originally the people of many Immemorial Permanent Sand have not acknowledged him, but when he cuts to kill the opposite party powerhouse continuously, when brings about the hope, Lin Feng in their eye, blasted open simply! 本来还有很多太古恒沙之人不承认他,可当他连续斩杀对方强者,带来希望时,他们眼中的林枫,简直炸裂了! Lin Feng! Lin Feng!” 林枫林枫!” This name resounds through Miracle Mountain, resounds through Ten Desolate Star Furnace, there are innumerable Yan and Huang descendants to hide in the corner, quietly is reading aloud his name! 这个名字响彻神迹山,也响彻十荒星炉,有无数的炎黄后裔藏在角落之中,悄悄的念诵着他的名字! Their innumerable all living things line production, but actually to not receiving on Li Tianming, because of all living things line across world barrier, has not arrived at Ancestral World temporarily! 他们身上无数众生线产生,但却没有对接到李天命身上,因为众生线暂时没有穿过世界障壁,来到祖界 But Li Tianming had had a premonition, his time must return to Ten Desolate Star Furnace again, definitely meets is not quite same, this Heavenly Dao Arena gave his brand-new opportunity! 李天命已经有所预感了,他这次要再回到十荒星炉,肯定会不太一样,这天道竞技场给了他全新的机会! Very long not, when Emperor! 很久不当帝皇了! At this moment, he is choked up with emotions, the thought hurricane, remembers that Chaos Divine Emperor appearance at heart, extremely yearned. 这一刻,他心潮澎湃,意念狂飙,心里想起那混沌神帝的神采,万分向往。 On me, shoulders the mission that Immemorial Permanent Sand is protecting our homes and defending our country , the carrying/sustaining all Yan and Huang descendants are reviving the hope that a clan stages a comeback! I am doomed to go out of one to outrace the secular road......” “我身上,肩负着太古恒沙保家卫国的使命,也承载着所有炎黄后裔复兴一族卷土重来的希望!我注定要走出一条超越世俗的路……” Under such thought control, in the Li Tianming heart raging fire burning down, he holds up Eastern Sovereign Sword in the space, turns round suddenly, looked that to that over ten thousand gathers his Immemorial Permanent Sand Universe God that comes toward him! 在这样的意念支配之下,李天命心中烈火焚烧,他在天上举起东皇剑,猛然回身,看向那上万朝着他聚集而来的他太古恒沙宙神 Lin Feng!” 林枫!” The heavenshaking name, resounds through the battlefield! 震天之名,响彻战场! The Eight Departments Gods talents listened, the foot is trembling! 八部神众天才们听了,脚都在发抖! Gentlemen, give me a trust, I will lead you to kill off the Eight Departments Gods talent, seizes Miracle Mountain, making you bring throughout the ages the glory of return native land praise!” Li Tianming calls out one, the acoustic shock will of the people. “诸君,给我一个信任,我将带领你们杀尽八部神众天才,抢占神迹山,让你们带着万代传颂之荣耀回归故土!”李天命暴吼一声,声震人心。 Throughout the ages the glory of praise! 万代传颂之荣耀! Kills off the Eight Departments Gods talent! 杀光八部神众天才! Thinks, the painstaking care boiled! 想一想,心血都沸腾了! Issue is, can we achieve?” “问题是,我们能做到吗?” Facing Eight Departments Gods, their natural weak trend, this is carves at heart! 面对八部神众,他们天然弱势,这是刻在心里的! Can, be cannot? 能,还是不能? At this time, Weisheng Moran erupted together the black and white light beam, several hundred Eight Departments Gods collapse extinguish into dregs! 就在这时候,微生墨染爆发出一道黑白光柱,将数百个八部神众崩灭成渣滓! So-called Eight Departments Gods, after removing an arrogant cover, but is a being opportunistic waste, what having is impossible?” When Li Tianming in that light beam erupts sneers, lets over ten thousand followers at heart, burnt the fire of retrogradation. “所谓八部神众,去掉一层傲慢的外皮后,不过是一层投机取巧的废物,有什么不可能?”李天命在那光柱爆发时冷笑一句,让上万追随者的心里,焚起了逆反之火。 Everyone thinks, under Heavenly Dao Arena, making all Eight Departments Gods visit us to kill by mistreatment their talents helplessly, does this type feel uncomfortable?” “大家想想,天道竞技场下,让所有八部神众眼睁睁看着我们虐杀他们的天才,这种感觉难道不爽吗?” Life first, asked was a happiness! Asked was one unforgettable lifetime instantly! Therefore-” “人生一世,求的就是一个痛快!求的就是一个一生难忘的刹那!所以-” Li Tianming by the most resounding sound, roars that character at heart: Kills-!!” 李天命以最响亮之声,吼出心里的那一个字:“杀-!!” He such as a sharp sword, pricks the Eight Departments Gods crowd center! 他如一把利剑,刺入八部神众的人群腹地! The Ten Desolate Heavenly Universe List talents died in battle shortly, Eight Departments Gods has conceived to quit, at this moment they are distressed to escape! 眼看一个个十荒天宙榜天才战死,八部神众早就萌生退意,此刻他们正是狼狈而逃的时候! A Weisheng Moran road, Li Tianming chases down! 微生墨染堵路,李天命追杀! Arrives desperately! 绝望降临! Many Eight Departments Gods facial colors are grieved, calls out in alarm the sound directly, once arrogant and haughty all became the fear at this moment! 很多八部神众面色惨然,直接惊叫出声音,曾经的傲慢和狂傲此刻全成了恐惧! Really, they were torn up a skin, such! 果然,他们被撕掉了一层皮,也就那样! Reviews the Immemorial Permanent Sand juniors, at this moment the incarnation had become the wolf of revenge, several thousand brothers were previously shown the picture of Universe God source, still came clearly into view. 反观太古恒沙子弟,这一刻已经化身成了复仇的狼,此前数千兄弟被打出宙神本源的画面,仍然历历在目。 Kills! Kill! Kills!” “杀!杀!杀!” They were finally insane, finally became hunting and killing from the prey, the painstaking care counter-attack opponent who to boil, shouted that the earth-shaking war cries, following Li Tianming to kill to Eight Departments Gods! 他们终于疯了,终于从猎物成了猎杀者,以沸腾的心血反扑对手,喊出惊天动地的杀声,追随着李天命杀向八部神众 For glory, for! 为了荣耀,也为了自己! To take revenge! 更为了复仇! Because of the characteristics of Universe God source, only then under winning the war, can make up the blade enemy, extinguishes truly kills the opponent! 因为宙神本源之特性,只有赢下战争,才能补刀敌人,真正灭杀对手! They have a beacon light at present! 他们眼前有一座明灯! That beacon light, has been killing the four directions greatly, everywhere one visit, Eight Departments Gods is captured the arrogant skin, shrieks and howls wildly in abundance, kneels down to beg for mercy! 那一座明灯,已经在大杀四方,所到之处,八部神众被拔掉傲慢的皮,纷纷鬼哭狼嚎,跪下求饶! These Eight Departments Gods are young, the mentality bad weakness, was all exposed. 这些八部神众年轻、心态差的弱点,全暴露出来了。 This is the suppression of intention! 这就是心念的镇压! Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Sees this, Immemorial Permanent Sand Universe God has nothing to fear intent again, they such as a Emperor Universe God army, insane were following Li Tianming generally, puts to death these to be turning away from their Eight Departments Gods! 见这一幕,太古恒沙宙神再无任何惧意,他们如一支帝皇宙神大军,疯了一般追随着李天命,去诛杀那些背对着他们的八部神众 Bang-! 轰-! Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Mirror bombing of Weisheng Moran, runs over the Eight Departments Gods heavy artillery! 微生墨染天帝阴阳镜轰炸,是压死八部神众的重炮! Soon, Zi Zhen, Jiang Feifei and the others, all joined the battlefield slaughter, this means that Eight Departments Gods 7th-Rank Universe God battle strength has died certainly! 不多时,紫禛姜妃妃等人,全加入了战场屠杀,这意味着八部神众七阶宙神战力已经死绝了! They collapsed! 他们更崩溃了! Remaining is less than 20,000 people, was surrounded in this cavern, was chased down and extinguished by ten thousand Universe God actually kills, exploded the Universe God source! 剩下不到两万人,被包围在这洞窟当中,硬是被一万宙神追杀、灭杀,一个个炸成了宙神本源! To entire High Star Ruins Eight Departments Gods, this by the talent war of defeating a numerically superior enemy, simply is the war of shame may not scrub throughout the ages, under Heavenly Dao Arena, these lost faith talent Universe God flurriedly like the rabbit, was suppressed the will by Li Tianming completely, is spatially competent, without the organization, without the faith, the mentality explodes, earth-shattering! 对整个上星墟八部神众来说,这场被以少胜多的天才战争,简直是万代不可洗刷的耻辱之战,天道竞技场下,那些失去了信念的天才宙神们慌乱如兔子,完全被李天命镇压了意志,空有实力,没有组织,没有信念,心态一炸,天崩地裂! Ten Desolate Star Furnace countless people, are mad immediately spit blood, they no longer raise the head, the pitiful yell sound that but the space hears makes them choke with rage, each proud Eight Departments Gods seemed like assassinated a sword at heart! 十荒星炉无数人,当即气得吐血,他们不再抬头,但天上传来的惨叫声更让他们窝火,每个骄傲的八部神众心里都像是被刺杀了一剑! War of the destruction, sweeps across entire High Star Ruins, innumerable Star Furnace Eight Departments Gods watch this war, finally half dead of complete air/Qi, but in many Good Fortune Rank world, the innumerable Yan and Huang descendants remembered a Name Lin Feng. 一场毁灭之战,席卷整个上星墟,无数星炉八部神众来看这一战,结果全部气的半死,而很多造化级世界中,无数的炎黄后裔记住了一个名字-林枫 After this is Eight Departments Gods wields High Star Ruins, most shame moment! 这是八部神众执掌上星墟后,最耻辱的一刻! The despair of each Eight Departments Gods talents, vivid image, as if at present. 每一个八部神众天才们的绝望,都生动形象,仿佛就在眼前。 People are mad do not defeat, but is they can also hit obviously, was actually frightened such as the pig dog the same as worship on bended knees crawling by Lin Feng, wails is cut to kill. 人们气得不是战败,而是他们明明还能打,却被林枫吓得如猪狗一样跪拜爬行,哀嚎着被斩杀。 This to the attack of Eight Departments Gods faith, was too big! 这对八部神众信念的打击,实在太大了! They think is the entire universe is most supreme the arrogant eight clans, how can ashamed? 他们自认为是全宇宙最至尊高傲的八个氏族,岂能如此羞耻? They actually forgot, all honored and pride, are supported by the strength, after letting the strength was broken, the true clan will also has many, that has not known! 他们却忘记了,所有的尊贵和骄傲,都由实力支撑,让实力被震碎后,真正的氏族意志还剩下多少,那还不知道呢! Until finally, Li Tianming at present, is the Eight Departments Gods Universe God source everywhere! 直到最后,李天命眼前,已经是满地的八部神众宙神本源! Looking into the distance, in this battlefield has not been standing Eight Departments Gods! 放眼望去,这战场上已经没有一个站着的八部神众 Reviews Immemorial Permanent Sand, at least 7000 people fight the Universe God source, is only left over is less than 3000 people are also standing! 反观太古恒沙,起码又有七千人战成宙神本源,只剩下不到三千人还站着! But, this how? 但,这又如何? They have not all died! 他们全没死! So long as there is a Universe God source, they are also living! 只要有宙神本源在,他们还活着! Nine Lives Fruit can accelerate to restore, making them stand. 九命果可以加速恢复,让他们重新站起来。 Reviews Eight Departments Gods, they have not actually died, but the issue is, no one gives them radically Nine Lives Fruit, no one prevents Li Tianming to have the remaining 3000 people to make up the blade! 反观八部神众,他们其实也都没死,但问题是,根本没人给他们九命果,更没人阻止李天命带着剩下三千人补刀! This is the Universe God battlefield unique element! 这就是宙神战场的特殊之处! Lost the person of war, was equal to that must be beheaded by the collective, but the person who wins, simply does not have many losses! 输了战争的人,等于要被集体斩首,而赢的人,根本没多少损失! Cuts!” “斩!” Li Tianming orders, remaining is less than three thousand Immemorial Permanent Sand Universe God, is cheering excitedly, takes part of Universe God Item spoils of war, starts to give the opposite party the collective to behead! 李天命一声令下,剩下不到三千太古恒沙宙神,兴奋欢呼着,拿着一部分宙神器战利品,开始给对方集体斩首! The pitiful yell of Eight Departments Gods talent Universe God, starts to pass on the sound in Ten Desolate Star Furnace, sound everywhere one visit, a deathly stillness! 八部神众天才宙神们的惨叫,开始在十荒星炉传响,声音所到之处,一片死寂! But Li Tianming slaughters certainly most that executioners! 李天命当然是杀戮最多的那个刽子手! Sword! 一剑一个! Kills the hemp! 杀到手麻! Arrived finally, when these several tens of thousands of talent Universe God heads collective falls to the ground, Li Tianming almost collapsed. 到最后,当这数万天才宙神的人头‘集体落地’时,李天命自己都几乎虚脱了。 But he knows, his Emperor Order, phenomenally rises suddenly! 但他知道,他的帝皇秩序,空前暴涨! Even, has prepared for finally. 甚至,已经做好最终的准备了。 He stands above the Eight Departments Gods corpse, takes a broad view to look to the Ancestral World endless world, lives to sense suddenly. 他站在八部神众的尸体上方,放眼望向祖界的无尽天地,忽生感悟。 War, compared with, not only the strength, is the will of the people......” “战争,比的不只是实力,更是人心啊……” Universe God how? 宙神又如何? Also is not a person! 还不是人! Therefore, the road of Emperor, is the road of endless popular sentiment, who gripped the heart, who is true Star Sea Emperor!” “所以,帝君之路,就是无尽民心之路,谁握住了心,谁才是真正的星海帝君!”
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