FGOAA :: Volume #41

#4036: Kills you not long!

Qin Wangchuan by Sword Cave was put on, but that moment of death, entire Ten Desolate Star Furnace Eight Departments Gods radical collapse. 秦忘川被一剑洞穿而死的那一刻,整个十荒星炉八部神众彻底崩溃了。 Entire star from the beginning cursed angrily, was inflamed to this moment complexion! 从一开始的全星怒骂,到这一刻脸色红肿! Entire Star Furnace fell into the absolute deathly stillness, in addition High Star Ruins is the dark world, this side world as if not exist. 整个星炉都陷入了绝对的死寂之中,加上上星墟本来就是黑暗世界,这一方天地仿佛已经不存在。 Thus it can be seen, the Eight Departments Gods mentality blasts open what kind of degree. 由此可见,八部神众心态炸裂到何等程度。 Myriad Universe Rank and in the Good Fortune Rank world, these Eight Departments Gods are mad directly does not look. 一个个万宙级造化级世界里,那些八部神众气得直接不看了。 Cannot scold Li Tianming, starts to scold the person on one's own side! 骂不了李天命,开始骂自己人! This fights even passes to Emperor Heaven Rank World, had the entire High Star Ruins very serious impact, Ten Desolate Star Furnace even therefore becomes other Star Furnace jokes. 这一战甚至传到帝天级世界,造成了整个上星墟非常严重的影响,十荒星炉甚至因此成为了其他星炉的笑话。 However what makes Ten Desolate Star Furnace Eight Departments Gods desperate is- 然而更让十荒星炉八部神众绝望的是- The Qin Wangchuan death, was not the conclusion of sad news, but started! 秦忘川的死,并不是噩耗的结束,而是开始! When a Li Tianming sword puts on killing in the presence of everyone time, these shrink Immemorial Permanent Sand young Universe God heart the fire in Nine Lives Cave, was lit thoroughly! 李天命当众一剑穿杀之的时刻,那些缩在九命窟内的太古恒沙年轻宙神们心中的火,被彻底点燃了! Under Li Tianming Emperor angrily roars, withdrew to resist their both eyes of half of the day to be frantic, angrily roared in abundance the rush, even if the population were not many, fighting intent was earth-shaking! 李天命一声帝皇怒吼下,龟缩抵抗了半天的他们双目狂热,纷纷怒吼冲杀而出,哪怕人数不多,战意却惊天动地! Reviewed Eight Departments Gods, the commander died in battle, fighting the beast was chaotic, obviously presented the bureau of bloody collapse. 反观八部神众,统帅战死,战兽混乱,明显呈现血崩之局。 Can hit?” Jiang Feifei in not far away, somewhat anxious asked one to Li Tianming. “能打吗?”姜妃妃就在不远处,有些紧张冲着李天命问了一句。 War does not select only, morale fighting intent is the first essential factor! The opposite parties are young Universe God, has not basically participated in the interstellar war, once frame of mind collapse leisurely/scatter, overall battle strength will fall will be more serious!” Li Tianming said earnestly. “战争不是单挑,士气战意乃是第一要素!对方都是年轻宙神,基本没参与过星际战争,一旦心气崩散,整体战力下跌会更严重!”李天命认真说道。 He hits from the floor world, has participated in the wars of all sizes, goes on an expedition from this world to the starry sky Star Source war, most understands this point! 他是从底层世界打出来的,参与过各种规模的战争,从凡尘征战到星空恒星源战争,最懂这一点! Even if the Eight Departments Gods population are many, the frame of mind dispersed, can them, when don't hit a person when he's down beats severely! 哪怕八部神众的人数还是多,心气散了,就能将他们当落水狗痛打! First kills off the opposite party powerhouse!” Li Tianming has Yin Chen (silver dust), he can find opposite party all control accurate the position, after killing Qin Wangchuan, he and Weisheng Moran had liberated , after Zi Zhen cuts kills numerous Demon Heaven God Clan, returns to the battlefield, had/left several peak battle strength all of a sudden. “先把对方强者杀光!”李天命银尘,他能精准找到对方所有统御者的位置,杀了秦忘川后,他和微生墨染已经解放了开来,紫禛斩杀一众魔天神族后也回归战场,一下子就多出了好几个巅峰战力 Their one male and two female, separate directly! 他们一男二女,直接分开! Weisheng Moran hear of Li Tianming's, directly to the Eight Departments Gods rear, in their personnel most crowded places, used the Illusion Spirit suppression as well as Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Mirror bombing! 微生墨染李天命的,直接到了八部神众的大后方,在他们人员最密集的地方,使用幻神镇压以及天帝阴阳镜轰炸! This act can break the Eight Departments Gods escape route at the same time, on the one hand can the biggest efficiency bang kill them, meanwhile can make the desperate pressure on the opposite party, during making them fall into thoroughly is scared! 此举一方面可以断了八部神众的退路,一方面能最大效率轰杀他们,同时还能给对方制造绝望的心理压力,让他们彻底陷入恐慌之中! But Li Tianming and Zi Zhen, then the display single body battle strength advantage, joined Jiang Feifei and in Lin Zhaoge their powerhouse wars. 李天命紫禛,则发挥单体战力的优势,加入了姜妃妃林朝歌他们的强者战之中。 Eight Departments Gods remaining also has Sunset Gods, Meteor Gods and Virtue Gods three 7th-Rank Universe God! 八部神众剩下还有落日神众陨星神众道德神众三个七阶宙神 Li Tianming supports Jiang Feifei, supports Ji Lin with Zi Zhen! 李天命来支援姜妃妃,和紫禛则去支援纪琳 This battlefield is guarded by Ji Lin from the beginning, she suffered the heavy losses, at this moment already quite weak, was suppressed by that Virtue Gods, the dangerous phenomenon repeat lives! 这个战场一开始是由纪琳自己把守的,她遭受了重创,此刻已经相当虚弱,被那道德神众压制,险象迭生! But Jiang Feifei, she is actually very good, has beaten the opponent quickly! 姜妃妃这边,她倒是很不错,已经快拿下对手了! Zi Zhen calculates to rescue, but Li Tianming calculates to improve on perfection, strikes to the Jiang Feifei opponent fatally! 紫禛算去救援,而李天命则算锦上添花,给姜妃妃的对手致命一击! Her opponent, is Consciousness Spirit Cultivator! 她的对手,是识神修炼者 Even on Shao Xingru brings Universe God Tribulation Sea, he definitely has! Even other Meteor Gods also possibly have!” “连少星汝身上都带着宙神劫海,他肯定有!甚至其他陨星神众也可能有!” Li Tianming has made Yin Chen (silver dust) stare at the positions of all Meteor Gods top talents, as long as was above 3rd-Rank Universe God is all recorded by Yin Chen (silver dust)! 李天命已经让银尘盯上了所有陨星神众顶级天才的位置,但凡是三阶宙神以上全被银尘记录了! Kills them, can increase Ten Sides Beginning of An Era Divine Sword Consciousness Spirit Pseudo Shape! 杀他们,可以增加十方纪元神剑识神拟象 I all wanted!” “我全要了!” Li Tianming changes to together the purple thunder electricity snake, across the battlefield, with Jiang Feifei converging attack that Consciousness Spirit Cultivator Tai Xingyun, this person should be the Shao Xingru elder brother, its Consciousness Spirit is also Heavenly Consciousness Spirit, altogether has 69-Layer Pseudo Shape! 李天命化作一道紫色雷霆电蛇,穿过战场,和姜妃妃夹击那识神修炼者太星云’,此人应该是少星汝的兄长,其识神也是一个天之识神,一共有六十九重拟象 Under the Primordial Wings attack of Jiang Feifei, his Consciousness Spirit has demolished three, Li Tianming had joined a gambling game at this time, is without doubt fatal to Tai Xingyun. 姜妃妃元翼进攻下,他的识神已经爆破了三个,李天命这时候入局,对太星云而言无疑是致命的。 Lin Feng, urging you to cultivate the behavior to keep the frontline. Our Emperors talent had entered the lower-level vestige, you get down with our dogfight again, will only lose the set. Quits when you're ahead!” Tai Xingyun fierce say/way. 林枫,劝你做人留一线。我们帝众天才已进了下层遗迹,你再和我们缠斗下去,只会痛失好局。见好就收吧!”太星云厉声道。 „Did you fear?” Li Tianming sneers, felt relieved, kills you not to use how much time!” “你怕了?”李天命冷笑一声,“放心,杀你不用多少时间!” To others, this top Universe God is truly difficult to kill, but to present Li Tianming, simple! 对别人来说,这种顶级宙神确实很难杀,但对现在的李天命而言,简单! Incomparably sharp Eastern Sovereign Sword adds on the Little Six soul to slaughter, kills one. 无比锋利的东皇剑加上小六的灵魂杀戮,一杀一个准。 Must kill half-day Universe God, a sword can kill! 原本要杀半天的宙神,一剑就能杀! He was disinclined to say with this Tai Xingyun, directly joined to encircle kills, Jiang Feifei diverted in front, but he displayed to kill to incur in behind, a sword killed, that Tai Xingyun knelt directly! 他懒得和这太星云多说,直接加入围杀,姜妃妃在前面牵制,而他在后面施展杀招,一剑杀去,那太星云就直接跪了! His Consciousness Spirit, is very difficult to block attacking of Bai Ling (white rise) this Little Six Earth Soul to kill, is shattered at the scene easily accomplished, collapses at the first blow! 他的识神,很难挡住白凌小六地魂的攻杀,当场摧枯拉朽破灭,不堪一击! Thus it can be seen, Li Tianming facing fight of Demon Heaven God Clan and Meteor Gods, jumping the ranks ability possibly. 由此可见,李天命面对魔天神族陨星神众的战斗,越级能力可能会更强一些。 This restraint from Immemorial Chaos Giant Beast, is most non-solution! 这种来自太古混沌巨兽的克制,是最无解的! Li Tianming have not counted, he restrained several Eight Departments Gods. 李天命自己都没细数,他到底克制了几个八部神众了。 Under two people encircle tacitly kill, during the Tai Xingyun pain called to curse angrily to explode the Universe God source, was divided to cut dead by a Li Tianming sword, its treasure was taken away by Li Tianming directly, did not remain. 两人默契围杀之下,太星云痛叫怒骂之中炸成了宙神本源,尔后又被李天命一剑劈斩而死,其身上的宝贝被李天命直接收走,一点不留。 After handling Tai Xingyun, Jiang Feifei asked anxiously: „Did the opposite party really have the Emperor Heaven Rank talent to come in?” 搞定太星云后,姜妃妃紧张问:“对方真的有帝天级的天才进来了?” Has!” Li Tianming said. “有!”李天命道。 That what to do? Retreats directly?” Jiang Feifei said. “那怎么办?直接撤退?”姜妃妃道。 First kills, kills till me to make you retreat!” The Li Tianming vision sweeps to Miracle Mountain, coldly said: Relax, they have a distance . Moreover the population are not many, so long as we exterminate the basic unit strength of opposite party now as far as possible, making the advantage that they cannot form to besiege, the Emperors bloodlines unable to block everyone!” “先杀,杀到我让你们撤退为止!”李天命目光扫向神迹山下,冷冷道:“放心吧,他们过来有一段距离,而且人数不算多,只要我们现在尽可能的灭绝对方的基层力量,让他们形不成围攻的优势,帝众血脉就拦不住所有人!” Understood!” “明白!” Reverses again and again now, Jiang Feifei to him is the blind trust! 连连逆转到现在,姜妃妃对他已经是盲目信任了! All reversal, took Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Mirror from Li Tianming! 一切的逆转,都来自李天命拿下了天帝阴阳镜 Too essential. 太关键了。 Remaining two 7th-Rank Universe God, you coordinated Zi Zhen to kill, I helped the small fish.” “剩下两个七阶宙神,你配合紫禛杀了,我去帮小鱼了。” Not only Li Tianming kills the expert only, same is the crowd fights the expert with Weisheng Moran, his twinkling returns to the battlefield in! 李天命不只是单杀高手,也和微生墨染一样是群战高手,他瞬息回归到战场之中! The death of Tai Xingyun, to Eight Departments Gods, is a sad news. 太星云之死,对八部神众来说,又是一个噩耗。 But to the Immemorial Permanent Sand juniors, they are frantic about Li Tianming's and trust increased three points, during is indistinct has all living things line to start on these talent Universe God born! 而对太古恒沙子弟而言,他们对李天命的狂热和信任又增加了三分,隐约之中已经有众生线开始在这些天才宙神们身上诞生! Although they are inferior to Li Tianming, but truly was this universe all living things peak talent! 他们虽然不如李天命,但确实是这个宇宙众生巅峰的天才了! Although might as well be born is the Emperors bloodlines of Universe God, but also is the ordered universe starry sky royal family. 虽然不如出生就是宙神帝众血脉,但也算是有序宇宙的星空王族。 Their all living things line beliefs, can go against all High God in Low Star Ruins over a hundred Immeasurable Rank Star Source World! 他们的众生线信仰,一个能顶下星墟上百个无量级恒星源世界里的所有上神 Even continues. 甚至不止。 Therefore Li Tianming obviously felt, he just injury is recovering fast, moreover there is a new strength to arrive at the body, making his bloodlines thoroughly fiery. 所以李天命明显感觉,他方才的伤势正在快速痊愈,而且还有新的力量降临身体,让他一身血脉彻底火热了起来。
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