FGOAA :: Volume #41

#4035: A foot good shot!

These Demon Heaven God Clan hide, they cannot think own supreme headquarters will be carried! 这些魔天神族藏得很远,他们根本想不到自己大本营会被端了! After extinguishing killed that 7th-Rank Demon Heaven, Zi Zhen not anxiously, but continues to defer to the arrangement of Yin Chen (silver dust), massacres in the Demon Heaven remote den! 灭杀了那七阶魔天后,紫禛没有急着回来,而是继续按照银尘的安排,在魔天遥远的老巢里乱杀! Her no one can keep off, is violent extinguishing kills the machine completely! 她无人能挡,完全是一个暴力的灭杀机器! The Demon Heaven God Clan war beast majority in this battlefield, did not return to base. 魔天神族的战兽大部分都在这个战场,根本回防不了。 That side was massacred, obviously here the battlefield fought the beast to be separated from the control obviously, during falling into was cruel, started no difference attack! 那边被乱杀,明显可见这边战场很多战兽脱离了掌控,陷入了残暴之中,开始无差别攻击了! This war beast is getting more and more weak, is bigger to the superior consumption of Eight Departments Gods, the one-sided aspect went haywire, many Eight Departments Gods scolded the sound to be shocking, fighting intent reduced unceasingly! 这种战兽越来越弱,对八部神众的优势消耗就愈大,原本一边倒的局面陷入了混乱之中,很多八部神众骂声震天,战意不断削减! „The Demon Heaven hiding place was stolen!” 魔天的藏身之地被偷了!” Goes back a group of people to help, quickly!” “回去一批人帮忙,快!” They to take Immemorial Permanent Sand in one vigorous effort, almost got up the entire main force to come, now is unable to back down absolutely! 他们为了一鼓作气拿下太古恒沙,几乎上了全主力过来,现在绝对骑虎难下! At this moment, essential turning point that the aspect reverses! 这一刻,正是局面逆转的关键转折点! Was you give that Ghost God to find their position?” Qin Wangchuan deeply knits the brows, looks like, I only then take you, can exterminate these Immemorial Permanent Sand flies smoothly.” “是你给那个鬼神找到了他们的位置?”秦忘川深深皱眉,“看来,我只有拿下你,才能更顺利灭绝这些太古恒沙的苍蝇了。” He spoke these words, changes to gold/metal ash-grey light Mant to kill directly together! 他说完这句话,直接化作一道金灰色光芒镇杀而来! Pure close combat! 纯粹的近战! Rumbling! 轰轰轰! The Li Tianming this together purple form and his violent killed in one. 李天命这一道紫色身影和他暴杀在了一起。 Opposite party that Buddha Ghost King in its chest attack, the back has the belt/bring over a thousand fists of Thousand Machine Changes, entire close combat machine! 对方那佛陀鬼王在其胸口进攻,背后有带着千机变的上千拳头,整一个近战机器! Rumbling- 轰轰轰- Each time the fist, is over a thousand fists, the attack wave after wave, is strong and violent, hits Li Tianming completely not to gasp for breath! 他每一次出拳,都是上千拳,攻击一波接着一波,强势而暴烈,打得李天命完全喘不过气来! Too strong! 太强了! Missed Ji Ji, was suppressed in the strength is too fierce. 差了一个姬姬,在力量上被压制太厉害。 The Li Tianming only burst point is in the hand brings Eastern Sovereign Sword of Bai Ling (white rise) soul lethality, in addition Consciousness Spirit and Chaos Sword Princess strength, can make Qin Wangchuan dread! 李天命唯一的爆点就是手上带着白凌灵魂杀伤力的东皇剑,加上识神混沌剑姬力量,能让秦忘川忌惮! So long as in dividing, he also results in the arm to lack the thigh! 只要劈中,他也得断胳膊缺腿部! Bang bang! 轰隆轰隆! Two people play inextricably involved in this battlefield, frequently span ten million meter/rice distances to killing, looks like the two perfect human form monster, everywhere one visit, they do not have the tenth Universe God source, others were cracked-up! 两人在这战场上打得难解难分,动辄跨越千万米距离对杀,就像是两个完美的人形怪物,所到之处,他们没成宙神本源,其他人都被生生撞碎了! Under the Qin Wangchuan that crowded and violent fist shadow, Li Tianming was shelled several fists hollowly, the chest deeply, its skeleton flesh cracked, is supporting by the Immemorial Chaos Giant Beast degree of hardness purely! 秦忘川那密集而暴烈的拳影之下,李天命被轰击了好几拳,胸膛深深凹陷了进去,其骨骼血肉都崩裂了,纯靠太古混沌巨兽的硬度支撑着! The strength disparity that altogether the 7-Layer boundary brings, truly does not have idea! 一共七重境界带来的力量差距,确实没辙! Is good is exquisite because of his Universe God Dao/said enough, instead kills several swords also to cut to kill continuously on the body of that Qin Wangchuan, lets this fellow arm break at the same time, brain star organ receives Bai Ye (white night) and Bai Ling (white rise) soul extinguishes kills, is painful he to sway back and forth the pitiful yell, similarly is also very distressed! 好在他的宙神道足够精妙,连续反杀几剑也斩杀在那秦忘川的身上,让这家伙手臂断裂的同时,大脑星脏受到白夜白凌的灵魂灭杀,痛得他打滚惨叫,同样也很狼狈! This peak clashes, almost calculates to be on a par, both sides have the strong point respectively! 这一场巅峰对撞,差不多算不相伯仲,双方各有长处! How however saying that Li Tianming put together the risk of heavy losses to resist! 不过怎么说,李天命拼着重创的风险抗住了! This to the close combat of meat, many people watches sincerely, praised to the heavens simply, they could not imagine, this was the score that half-step Universe God can hit, even if were that side Ten Desolate Star Furnace, looked at scalp tingles! 这拳拳到肉的近战,很多人都看在眼里,简直叹为观止,他们根本想象不到,这是一个半步宙神能打出来的战绩,哪怕是十荒星炉那边,都看得头皮发麻! Was bad!” “糟糕了!” The time when Qin Wangchuan is still killing with the Li Tianming life and death violent, many Eight Departments Gods discovered impressively, over time, Demon Heaven God Clan that hundreds of thousands of Universe God Beast have lost control thoroughly! 秦忘川还在和李天命生死暴杀的时刻,很多八部神众赫然发现,随着时间的流逝,魔天神族那数十万宙神兽已经彻底失控了! They to Nine Lives Cave, outside Eight Departments Gods, instead became them to divulge the nervous and cruel object, they insane flushed generally outward, made very big trouble to more than 20,000 Eight Departments Gods! 它们冲不进九命窟,外面的八部神众,反而成了它们宣泄不安和残暴的对象,它们疯了一般往外冲,给这两万多八部神众造成了非常大的麻烦! Qin Wangchuan, solves him quickly!” 秦忘川,快解决掉他!” Do not tow!” “别拖了!” Several 7th-Rank Universe God bellow in the dead wartime, brings the pressure on Qin Wangchuan. 好几个七阶宙神在死战时大吼,给秦忘川施加压力。 In, whom knows what variable this way also has? 在这样下去,谁知道还有什么变数? I know!” “我知道!” Qin Wangchuan were tired of! 秦忘川自己都烦死了! He is not does not want to kill Li Tianming, but is the sword and soul of strength this fellow, making him be cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt, can beat him each time shortly, finally makes this fellow compel forcefully, that soul storm bang in the brain, he is also painful! 他不是不想杀李天命,而是这家伙的剑和灵魂力量,让他投鼠忌器,每次眼看都能把他打烂,结果让这家伙硬生生逼开,那灵魂风暴轰在脑子里,他也痛啊! Again hard to deal with, must spell!” “再难缠,也得拼了!” Qin Wangchuan lowers roars, charges into Li Tianming loudly! 秦忘川低吼一声,轰然冲向李天命 This time, he discovers that Li Tianming, not only has not coped with him flexibly, instead such as encounters for the first time such, kills directly directly! 这这一次,他发现那李天命非但没有灵活对付他,反而如第一次交锋那样,直接正面杀来! Great Good Fortune Star Breaking Divine Sword Thousand Swords Star City! 大造化碎星神剑千剑星城 This sword changes to the city of flowing light, falls from the sky like the innumerable meteors, back pressure Qin Wangchuan, compelling him again and again to retrocede, bangs into together in the cavern. 这一剑化作流光之城池,如同无数流星陨落,反压秦忘川,逼得他连连后退,撞入一道洞窟之中。 I thought after your sword potential, how dead!” Qin Wangchuan found the opportunity, cannot bear grin fiendishly. “我看你剑势之后怎么死!”秦忘川找到了机会,忍不住狞笑。 Any attack can expose weaknesses, during this preying, initiates an attack also means that once cannot capture the opponent, will counter-attack! 任何进攻都会露出破绽,在这搏杀之中,主动出击也意味着一旦攻不下对手,就会受到反扑! When ding-dong! 当当当! Qin Wangchuan displays Universe God Dao/said mercy to kill fist by that Thousand Machine Changes, in that fist Buddha Ghost King opens suddenly golden big mouth, bites toward the Li Tianming's sword! 秦忘川以那千机变施展宙神道‘慈悲杀拳’,那拳头里佛陀鬼王猛然张开金色的‘血盆大口’,朝着李天命的剑咬来! crack! 咔嚓 It bit! 它咬住了! The Li Tianming's sword is hard to move! 李天命的剑难以动弹! You ended!” “你完了!” Qin Wangchuan makes this Buddha Ghost King suffer a hardship, traded to oneself to the opportunity that Li Tianming displayed fatally strikes! 秦忘川让这佛陀鬼王吃点苦头,给自己换来了向李天命施展致命一击的机会! Was you ends!” Li Tianming sneers suddenly. “是你完了!”李天命骤然冷笑。 What?” “什么?” The Qin Wangchuan complexion big change, shocks suddenly turns head. 秦忘川陡然脸色大变,震撼回头。 Bang-!! 轰隆-!! His back channel deep place, selects the slender female to control that Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Mirror high, continued the sufficient strength, kills together the black and white light beam! 他背后的通道深处,一个高挑修长的女子掌控那天帝阴阳镜,继续了足够的力量,杀出一道黑白光柱! In tandem the converging attack, Qin Wangchuan may run away innumerably! 一前一后夹击,秦忘川无数可逃走! Rumbling! 轰轰轰! He just cursed angrily one, that black and white light beam embezzles it instantaneously, the Suppressing God Level Universe God Item strength of that riot its back tearing, ground 7-Layer Hell Wheel is even cracking, the Buddha Ghost King pain must shiver! 他刚怒骂一声,那黑白光柱就瞬间将其吞没,那暴乱的镇神级宙神器力量将其后背撕裂,连地上的七重地狱轮都在崩裂开,佛陀鬼王痛得颤抖! Its just relaxed opened the mouth close to, Li Tianming that Eastern Sovereign Sword on the flaw on the forehead of Qin Wangchuan! 它刚松开嘴巴,李天命东皇剑就破绽在了秦忘川的脑门上! Ah--!!” 啊——!!” The Qin Wangchuan pain was called one, under his eight Emperors bloodlines the violent of body of Universe God converging attack around this killed blasts out loudly! 秦忘川痛叫一声,其八部帝众血脉的宙神之体在这前后夹击的暴杀之下轰然炸开! The body of strong Ghost God, explodes the fireworks suddenly, then gathers a Universe God source! 再强硬的鬼神之体,一时间都爆成烟花,尔后再聚集成一个宙神本源! This means that he has caused heavy losses! 这意味着,他已经重创! Lin Feng, you sneak attack by the woman, you did not speak Wu De!” 林枫,你靠女人偷袭,你不讲武德!” The Qin Wangchuan mentality exploded. 秦忘川心态炸了。 Fool, who can select with you only?” “傻逼了吧,谁要和你单挑?” Li Tianming kicked him suddenly! 李天命猛然将他踢飞了出去! The Qin Wangchuan Universe God source speeding along battlefield, several tens of thousands of talent Universe God raised the head, saw this overflight spheroid! 秦忘川宙神本源飞驰战场,数万天才宙神抬头,看到了这一个飞越上空的球体! Good shot!” “好球!” Many Immemorial Permanent Sand juniors, the eyes burnt down, cheers frantically! 许多太古恒沙子弟,双眼焚烧了起来,狂热欢呼! When! 当! Li Tianming flings Eastern Sovereign Sword suddenly, that Eastern Sovereign Sword changes to together the golden ray, in in the air pierced that Qin Wangchuan Universe God source suddenly! 李天命猛然甩出东皇剑,那东皇剑化作一道金色的光芒,在空中猛然洞穿了那秦忘川宙神本源! Bang! 轰隆! The Qin Wangchuan Universe God source, was put on a hole, his sound of pitiful yell spreads over the audience! 秦忘川宙神本源,被穿出一个窟窿,他的惨叫之声传遍全场! Audience Eight Departments Gods, the complexion entire was white! 全场八部神众,脸色全白了! Listens to my command!” Li Tianming appears in the space, is exclaiming to the Nine Lives Cave in Immemorial Permanent Sand juniors: All attack, kill off Eight Departments Gods!” “听我号令!”李天命出现在天上,对着九命窟内的太古恒沙子弟吼道:“全体出击,杀光八部神众!”
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