FGOAA :: Volume #41

#4034: Ten Desolate Star Furnace strongest talent!

Obviously, this Qin Wangchuan has the bloodlines of Heaven-Fighting God Clan most core, his makings and other Heaven-Fighting God Clan are quite different, is actually very similar to that Princess Youyou! 显而易见,这秦忘川拥有战天神族最核心的血脉,他的气质和其他战天神族相当不同,和那沋沋公主倒是很相似! The body of that 700 meters Universe God by the innumerable dusk yellow neutron particles polymerization, person such as deathly stillness gloomy Small Universe, formed to surge the pinnacle death strength, his radiance, absolutely was one that in the middle of this battlefield most sparkled. 那七百米的宙神之躯由无数昏黄色中子微粒聚合而成,人如一个死寂的灰暗小宇宙,其中形成涌动着极致的死亡力量,他这一身光华,绝对是这战场当中最闪耀的一个。 That bald, looks like an oval spheroid, the double pupil such as the dusk yellow vortex, is profound and indifferent, flashes innumerably reads surging! 那一个光头,就像是一个椭圆球体,双眸如昏黄色漩涡,幽深而冷漠,无数闪念涌动其中! Rumbling! 轰轰轰! He rushes ahead suddenly to Li Tianming, during the actions, the body of his Universe God is having the tremendous changes, such as that Princess Youyou is the same, behind him presents over a thousand arms suddenly, the hand shadow numerous, blocks the sky! 他猛然冲杀向李天命,行动之间,他的宙神之体发生着翻天覆地的变化,就如那沋沋公主一样,他背后猛然出现上千手臂,手影重重,遮天蔽日! After he changes as Thousand Hands Bodhisattva Type, makings of even/including its the death destruction, changed, were many several points of universal restoration reading of mercy, became a very contradictory assembly, as if degenerates Saint in the middle of abyss. 当他变身为千手菩萨种后,连其死亡毁灭之气质,都发生了改变,多了几分普度众生的慈悲之念,成了一个非常矛盾的组合体,仿佛是堕落在深渊当中的圣人 He is impossible the really over a thousand arms, therefore in this Thousand Hands Bodhisattva Type natural talent, the hallucination factor in...... during the fight, his hand will be quick!” The Li Tianming look looks at the opponent cold and gloomy. “他不可能真有上千手臂,所以这千手菩萨种天赋中,还有迷幻的因素在……在战斗之中,他的手会非常快!”李天命眼神森冷看着对手。 Without a doubt, this Qin Wangchuan may stronger much compared with Piao Lingyi, if Ji Ji, Li Tianming has not feared him, now to 7th-Rank Universe God on such Emperors bloodlines, his situation is extremely inevitably dangerous! 毫无疑问,这秦忘川可比朴令逸要强不少,如果姬姬还在,李天命不怕他,现在对上这样帝众血脉的七阶宙神,他的处境必然极度危险! But does not have the means! 但没办法! Qin Wangchuan is this King of Eight Departments Gods talent, in this frigid war, Li Tianming must shoulder him to shoulder his heavy responsibility, even if puts together the heavy losses to divert him! 秦忘川是这八部神众天才的王者,在这惨烈大战之中,李天命必须肩负其扛住他的重任,哪怕是拼着重创都要牵制住他! His goal, Qin Wangchuan knows certainly. 他的目的,秦忘川当然知道。 Therefore to Qin Wangchuan, takes Li Tianming, sufficiently change entire talent war aspect trend. 所以对秦忘川而言,拿下李天命,也足以改变整个天才战争局面的走向。 Rumbling! 轰轰! His that over a thousand arm ghosts transform, on each arm covered silver-gray thorn armor! 他那上千手臂鬼影变换,每一条手臂上都覆盖上了一层银灰色的刺甲! This is actually that Universe God Item Thousand Machine Changes, it is liquid, the shape can transform at will, no matter what shape, the might is very strong, so ever changing Universe God Item actually quite suits Ghost God! 这其实就是那宙神器千机变’,它是液态的,形状可以随意变换,不管什么形状,威力都很强,如此千变万化的宙神器其实相当适合鬼神 But this Thousand Machine Changes rank, has been close to Suppressing God Level Universe God Item! 而这千机变的级别,已经非常接近镇神级宙神器了! Under this Thousand Machine Changes package, Qin Wangchuan each palm puts on gauntlet/glove that’ the belt/bring punctured, lets his incarnation for the angry glare diamond! 在这千机变的包裹下,秦忘川每一手掌都穿上了带刺的‘拳套’,让他化身为怒目金刚! He at the terrifying speed, hits Li Tianming like a dusk yellow universe at present, a fist rumbles suddenly toward Li Tianming! 他以恐怖的速度,如同一个昏黄色宇宙撞击到李天命眼前,猛然一拳朝着李天命轰出! This is pure flesh strength preying! 这是纯粹的血肉力量搏杀! His fist, carries over the back 500 fists at least, everywhere illusory image silver heavy blows bang to Li Tianming, each probably is illusory, but each is real! 他这一拳,起码带出背后五百拳,漫天幻影般的银色重拳轰向李天命,每一道都像是虚幻的,可每一道都是真实的! Really fierce!” “真猛!” Rival in chess, the Li Tianming innermost feelings to fire. 棋逢对手,李天命内心以灼烧起来。 He charges into Qin Wangchuan similarly, tramples by the leg of Lan Huang (Blue Desolate) directly to the fist of Qin Wangchuan, this leg erupts Immemorial Chaos Giant Beast flesh battle strength, in addition Lan Huang (Blue Desolate) Mountain Sea world World God, suddenly burst! 他同样冲向秦忘川,以蓝荒之腿正面踹向秦忘川的拳头,这一腿爆发出太古混沌巨兽的血肉战力,加上蓝荒山海界神通,猛然震爆! Bang!! 轰隆!! The explosive that sweeps across the battlefield shakes, the black land strong repercussion, even Miracle Mountain even bursts. 一声席卷战场的爆响震开,黑色大地强烈震荡,连神迹山甚至都破裂开来。 Under this burst, Li Tianming was flown several million meters by that 500 fist the strength of bang of Ghost God, fell on completely leeward, the opposite party that such as the death storm Universe God strength crashed in the middle of his body, dissolute destruction! 在这震爆之下,李天命被那五百拳头的鬼神之力轰飞数百万米,完全落在了下风,对方那如死亡风暴般的宙神力量冲进了他的身体当中,放肆破坏! This strength, the neutron particles resistance is stronger, but the stars particle actually cannot shoulder, therefore this strikes, although is the leg contract, but finally by burst is actually not the leg! 这种力量,中子微粒的抵抗能力强一些,但星辰微粒却扛不住,所以这一击虽然是腿承接的,但最终被震爆的却不是腿! I depend!” “我靠!” Li Tianming lowers the head looked, this seventh star organ has exploded most probably, hurts his complexion to turn purple, only the flash scolded this Qin Wangchuan ancestor 18 generations. 李天命低头一看,这第七星脏已经爆了大半,疼得他脸色发紫,只一瞬间就把这秦忘川的祖宗十八代都骂了。 Was bad!” Praising to the heavens that Ying Huo (Firefly) looks. “糟糕了!”荧火看的叹为观止。 Egg......!” Before Miao Miao, was shot, but now, it took pleasure in others' misfortunes to smile. “蛋……!”喵喵以前都是被弹的,而现在,它幸灾乐祸笑了。 Shut up.” “闭嘴。” Li Tianming is disinclined to respond them. 李天命懒得搭理它们。 Luckily now was not the mortal, this gadget ground can restore, will therefore break to pieces even if not affect the Destiny Dynasty inheritance great undertaking. 幸好现在不是凡人了,这玩意儿碾碎都能恢复,所以哪怕碎了也不会影响天命皇朝的传承大业。 Immediately has the opportunity to become Universe God, there is no construction without destruction, happen to can forge the strongest inheritance heavenly pillar is not......” “马上有机会成宙神,正所谓不破不立,正好可以锻造出最强的传承天柱不是……” However, this matter is truly awkward! 不过,这事确实尴尬! The key was many people sees him to explode! 关键是很多人都看到他爆了! Originally a little cannot gain ground in front of Zi Zhen and Weisheng Moran, now the face is thinner. 本来在紫禛微生墨染面前就有点抬不起头,现在脸面更薄了。 Setter Qin Wangchuan, became Li Tianming to divulge the awkward object! 始作俑者秦忘川,成了李天命宣泄尴尬的对象! Your this gadget not tenth Universe God?” Qin Wangchuan appears in him suddenly at present, the whole face ridicule looks at Li Tianming, won't be the natural eunuch? Being doomed this is waste?” “你这玩意儿没成宙神?”秦忘川猛然出现在他眼前,满脸讥笑看着李天命,“不会是天阉吧?注定这一块是废的?” May endure what else cannot be tolerated! 是可忍孰不可忍! Li Tianming carries that golden Eastern Sovereign Sword, complexion cold Lipa gets up, kills without delay to this Qin Wangchuan! 李天命扛着那金色东皇剑,面色冷厉爬起来,二话不说杀向这秦忘川 „, Cannot master Taiyang Zhao (sun shine) that two Illusion Heaven, how to lose to your to castrate the dog.” Qin Wangchuan gloomy and cold smiles, he is not in no mood and Li Tianming wastes the time in this, therefore after an attack had the winning side and advantage, his chest that 7-Layer Hell Wheel rotates and opens suddenly! “呵,搞不懂太阳炤两个幻天,是怎么败给你这阉狗的。”秦忘川阴冷一笑,他并没心情在这和李天命浪费时间,所以一次攻击占据了上风和优势后,他胸口那七重地狱轮猛然转动、开启! Bang! 轰隆! The golden light pierces from his chest together, that is a sacred and broad strength, a reputation word read aloud in this Nine Lives Cave reverberates loudly, hearing battlefield everyone almost to have feeling of the scalp tingles! 一道金光从其胸口洞穿而出,那是一种神圣而恢弘的力量,一声声闻言念诵在这九命窟内轰然回荡,听得战场所有人几乎都有头皮发麻之感! Buzz- 嗡- One was the bald golden malicious ghost crawled from his chest similarly, its head was very big, almost occupied 1/3 of body, the eye was very small, the mouth is maintaining the smile, seemingly had the feeling of extreme ghosts and demons. 一个同样是光头的金色恶鬼从其胸口爬了出来,它的脑袋很大,几乎占据了身体的三分之一,眼睛却很小,嘴巴则保持着微笑,看起来有种极度鬼魅的感觉。 Is a ghost king......” “又是一个鬼王……” Buddha Ghost King! 佛陀鬼王 From the Companion Space small eight sounds, Li Tianming can judge that this Buddha Ghost King to its function, it is also as if excited, obviously is the high Hell Wheel malicious ghost, affects...... rather than the boundary to be higher to it in a big way! 伴生空间小八的动静,李天命就能判断这佛陀鬼王对它的作用,它似乎又兴奋起来,可见越是高地狱轮的恶鬼,对它作用越大……而不是境界越高的! This showing, wants to let the small eight smooth births, kills a talent effect, possibly over kills the ordinary powerhouse over ten thousand!” “这说明,想让小八顺利出生,杀天才一个的效果,可能超过杀普通强者上万!” 7-Layer Hell Wheel Heaven-Fighting God Clan, is one of the highest-end bloodlines, this enters the Emperor Heaven Rank World practice threshold! 七重地狱轮战天神族来说,已经是最高端的血脉之一了,这是进入帝天级世界修炼的门槛! Qin Wangchuan and that Buddha Ghost King at this moment, dark gray, golden color, the fusion of good and evil, becomes twists probably very! 此刻的秦忘川和那佛陀鬼王,一个灰黑,一个金色,像是善恶的融合,变得十分扭曲! Thousand Hands Bodhisattva, Thousand Machine Changes and Buddha Ghost King...... these three big method blessing, the single body battle strength truly explosive table of this fellow, even if the war efficiency is inferior to Demon Heaven God Clan, but the single body slaughters, whom truly sees to extinguish anyone, no one can keep off! 千手菩萨千机变佛陀鬼王……这三大手段加持,这家伙的单体战力确实爆表,哪怕战争效率不如魔天神族,但单体厮杀,确实见谁灭谁,无人能挡! Before Immemorial Permanent Sand was made five thousand Universe God sources, at least 1000 are he himself hits in a short time! 之前太古恒沙被打出五千宙神本源,起码有一千个是他自己短时间内打出来的! Li Tianming this time pressure, was quite truly big. 李天命这时候的压力,确实相当大。 He used the split vision of eye to sweep one, so far Eight Departments Gods got the winning side, Immemorial Permanent Sand more and more people are made the Universe God source, this way, was definitely annihilated, could not support completely! 他用眼睛的余光扫了一眼,目前为止还是八部神众占据上风,太古恒沙越来越多人被打出宙神本源,再这样下去,肯定全军覆没,完全撑不住了! When the time comes, such as Jiang Feifei these people, will have the death crisis! 到时候,如姜妃妃这一些人,都会有死亡危机! This is the comprehensive disadvantage! 这是全面劣势! Breach where? 突破口在哪里? When that Qin Wangchuan gloomy and cold kills again, Yin Chen (silver dust) said a good news suddenly! 在那秦忘川再度阴冷杀来的时候,银尘忽然说了一个好消息! Zi Zhen, became!” 紫禛,成了!” Li Tianming hears these four characters, finally smiled! 李天命听到这四个字,终于笑了! She rendered meritorious service! 她又立功了! Became the meaning is: She according to the instruction of Yin Chen (silver dust), found that 7th-Rank Demon Heaven God Clan, gave to kill him! 成了的意思就是:她按照银尘的指示,找到了那一个七阶魔天神族,把他给杀了!
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