FGOAA :: Volume #41

#4048: Black Sword Cave!

Pays in advance?” Mushan Xue somewhat speechless looks at him. “预支?”暮山樰有些无语的看着他。 I the skill is enough, can draw the hatred, can stimulate more Eight Departments Gods talents to come.” Li Tianming said seriously. “我得本事足够,才能拉仇恨,才能刺激更多八部神众天才进来。”李天命一本正经的说。 Mushan Xue looked that he is so earnest, does not seem like truly cracking a joke. 暮山樰看他这么认真,确实不像是在开玩笑。 She thought a while, then said: That line, I give you first to look for Universe God Dao/said.” 她想了一会儿,然后才说道:“那行吧,我给你先找一份宙神道。” Do not look casually, I must best.” Li Tianming, you gave one again ordinary, didn't that waste the time?” “别随便找啊,我要最好的。”李天命顿了顿,“你再给一份普通的,那不就白费功夫了嘛?” Your this fellow......” Mushan Xue does not know suddenly how to describe him. “你这家伙……”暮山樰一时间不知道怎么形容他了。 Originally ripe! 自来熟! She is also maintaining the distance, but this fellow clearly treated as the person on one's own side them, did not have the polite meaning. 她还保持着距离,但这家伙分明把他们当做自己人了,一点都没客气的意思。 Thinks carefully, like the petty thief! 仔细一想,就像个毛贼! Is good?” Li Tianming smiles, „should not be parsimonious, we are an ancestor, is the family members. Even if the good thing, that is not the to divulge to an outsider.” “行不行?”李天命笑了笑,“别吝啬,我们都是一个祖先的,都是亲人。哪怕是好东西,那也不算外传。” Mushan Xue stared his one eyes, after long time, she said: Has one actually Suppressing God Level Universe God Dao/said is very suitable you.” 暮山樰瞪了他一眼,半晌后,她道:“倒是有一份‘镇神级’的宙神道挺适合你。” „? I have a look.” The Li Tianming eye has the light slightly, he knows, Yanhuang Nether Clan the road of practice, has many similarities with, is very suitable. “哦?我看看。”李天命眼睛微微有光,他知道,炎黄冥族修行之路,和自己有很多类似之处,还是很适用的。 I have not brought on the body. Next time will go back to give you to bring.” Mushan Xue said. “我没带在身上。下次回去给你带来吧。”暮山樰说道。 Goes back? Where returns to? You not in this?” Li Tianming looks at her to ask. “回去?回哪里?你们不在这?”李天命看着她问。 Little inquired, are not related with you.” Mushan Xue said seriously. “少打听,和你没关系。”暮山樰严肃说道。 Ok.” “行。” It is not willing saying that Li Tianming no longer demands. 不愿意说,李天命就不再强求。 He thinks that she must first walk, never expected that she actually stared at Li Tianming to look at a while, then sinking sound said: You that the sword, lend me to have a look.” 他本以为她要先走了,没想到她却盯着李天命看了一会儿,然后沉声道:“你把那把剑,借给我看看。” This?” Li Tianming put out golden Eastern Sovereign Sword, lifted Mushan Xue at present. “这把?”李天命拿出了金色东皇剑,举到了暮山樰的眼前。 Right.” Mushan Xue puts out a hand, must meet the past meaning. “对。”暮山樰伸出手,明显要接过去的意思。 Even if this gadget she wants to seize, still without this skill, therefore Li Tianming is very simple, handed in her hand directly. 这玩意儿就算她想夺,也没这本事,所以李天命很干脆,直接递到了她的手上。 Is good to sink!” “好沉!” Mushan Xue received, has almost not asserted with confidence, the both arms are trembling. 暮山樰接过的时候,差点没拿稳,双臂都在微颤。 By her boundary battle strength, actually does not have the means to brandish this Eastern Sovereign Sword with ease, obviously the heaviness of Miracle Mountain. 以她的境界战力,竟然都没办法轻松挥舞这东皇剑,可见神迹山之沉重。 Mushan Xue has not then spoken, but held this Eastern Sovereign Sword to look at for quite a while, finally, she this sword also on Li Tianming, sighed with emotion slightly, this was not the goods of Yan and Huang ancestor, but, should be a very good sword!” 暮山樰接下来没说话,而是抱着这东皇剑看了半天,最后,她将这把剑还到了李天命手上,微微感慨了一声,“这不是炎黄祖上之物品,但,应该是一把非常好的剑!” Nonsense.” Li Tianming at heart dark secretly thought/passage: In this also some innumerable Chaos Sword Princess wait to kiss, waits to cross, its might is inconceivable. “废话。”李天命心里暗暗道:这里面还有无数混沌剑姬等着亲呢,等全部过一遍,它的威力难以想象。 You entered golden Sword Cave, then swallowed half of Miracle Mountain with it?” Mushan Xue asked in a soft voice. “你是进入了一个金色的剑洞,然后用它吞走了一半的神迹山?”暮山樰轻声问。 At that time that to her also unthinkable. 当时那一幕,对她来说亦匪夷所思。 Right......” Li Tianming eye slightly bright, looked up to her, suddenly had a premonition at heart: She will bring the news to oneself! “没错……”李天命眼睛微亮,抬头看向了她,心里忽然有个预感:她会给自己带来好消息! Sure enough, Mushan Xue sips to purse the lips, speaks thoughtlessly saying: Black Sword Cave, where I know.” 果不其然,暮山樰抿抿嘴,随口说道:“还有一个黑色剑洞,我知道在哪里。” Elder sister!” Li Tianming shouted hastily, said difficultly: Asked to inform!” “姐!”李天命连忙喊了一声,挠头道:“求告知!” Mushan Xue speechless smiles. 暮山樰哑然一笑。 She does not want to keep guessing, said directly: I lead you to go, it also near Miracle Mountain, but in another space.” 她也不想卖关子,直接说道:“我带你去吧,它也在神迹山附近,不过是在另一片空间之中。” Another space? Place that Heavenly Dao Arena cannot shine? With here is the same?” Li Tianming asked. “另一片空间?天道竞技场照耀不到的地方?就和这里一样?”李天命问。 Right.” Mushan Xue turns around, you can follow me directly, they and Ancestral World Nether Boat stays here, instead compared with security. When you also integrate in another half Miracle Mountain the sword, looks for them again.” “对。”暮山樰转身,“你可以直接跟我走,她们和祖界冥舟留在这儿,反而比较安全。等你把另外半个神迹山也纳入剑中,再来找她们吧。” Good.” “好。” Li Tianming nods. 李天命点头。 Temporarily has not seen that black Sword Cave, he has some excitements. 暂时还没看到那黑色剑洞,他心里就有些许激动。 He continues to stay in this lower-level vestige, another half Miracle Mountain is also his goal, but Yin Chen (silver dust) looked everywhere this lower-level vestige, cannot find another black Sword Cave. 他之所以继续留在这下层遗迹,另外半个神迹山也是他的目标,只是银尘找遍了这下层遗迹,都没能找到另一个黑色剑洞 Who knows Mushan Xue to bring such a big good news? 谁知暮山樰会带来一个这么大的好消息? He in this special space, with the Mushan Xue vanguard, that Mushan Xue words is then few, she as if not want to say own back matter, therefore two people do not have the words. 他便在这一片特殊的空间当中,跟着暮山樰前行,那暮山樰话语很少,她似乎也不想说自己背后的事,所以两人一路无话。 Li Tianming wants to chat but actually several, what a pity could not talk. 李天命倒想闲聊几句,可惜搭不上话。 Approximately after half of the day, Li Tianming felt oneself already in this another space, arrived is close to the Miracle Mountain position. 大约半天后,李天命感觉自己已经在这另一片空间之中,到达接近神迹山的位置了。 This Ancestral World is really mysterious, space probably parallel, the same place, really has over two world, Eight Departments Gods in the single layer, before she, that savage in this layer.” “这祖界真是神奇,空间好像是平行的,同一个地方,竟然有两层以上的世界,八部神众在一重,她和之前那个野人在这一重。” In the impression, Ancestral World also has Earth Billows World, world that and previous honey-comb is, somewhat is really mystical. 印象之中,祖界还有坤澜界,以及上次蜂巢所在的世界,着实有些神秘。 Drew near.” Heard Mushan Xue to say after these three characters, Li Tianming proceeded to look, really the front has fluctuated, but Eastern Sovereign Sword in his hand also trembled slightly, seemed extremely excited. “快到了。”听到暮山樰说了这三字后,李天命往前一看,果然前方有所波动,而他手里的东皇剑也微微震颤了起来,显得极其兴奋。 Present Eastern Sovereign Sword, actually only then the golden part, the black had only been swallowed has a dot, the words that therefore Li Tianming must divide into two this Eastern Sovereign Sword, will only obtain a point and a gold/metal sword, two long swords that rather than before balanced. 现在的东皇剑,其实只有金色的部分,黑色已经被吞得只剩下一个小点了,所以李天命要将这东皇剑一分为二的话,只会得到一个点和一个金剑,而不是以前平衡的两把长剑。 This also explained, it is not complete! 这也说明,它不是完整的! Chaos Sword Princess, should have the content.” 混沌剑姬,应该还有内容。” While Li Tianming is thinking like this time, a corner, big black Sword Cave appears in him at present, its specification almost and previous golden Sword Cave was completely same , many barrier blocked, in comparison, the golden color appeared the dignified atmosphere, if the prestige of Emperor, but black overbearing cruel, symbolized the anger of Emperor! 正当李天命这样想着的时候,一转角,一个偌大的黑色剑洞就出现在了他的眼前,其规格几乎和先前的金色剑洞完全一样,也有许多结界封锁,相比之下,金色显得威严大气,如帝皇之威,而黑色则霸道残暴,象征得正是帝皇之怒! Because gets angry, therefore is wilder, the meaning of slaughtering to be stronger. 正因为怒,所以更狂暴、杀戮之意更强。 This Sword Cave appeared the innumerable years, what a pity we did not have the means to go, Miracle Mountain has always waited for the true successor to arrive, but has not thought that was you.” Mushan Xue curls the lip to say. “这剑洞出现无数年了,可惜我们没办法进去,向来神迹山早就等待真正的传人降临了,只是没想到是你。”暮山樰撇撇嘴道。 Why does not have to think that is I?” Li Tianming does not know whether to laugh or cry to say. “为什么没想到是我?”李天命哭笑不得道。 This Sword Cave bearing is very overbearing, but your petty thief, the makings do not tally likely.” Mushan Xue said unrestrained/no trace of politeness. “这剑洞气度很霸道,而你像个毛贼,气质不符合。”暮山樰毫不客气道。 „Do I look like the petty thief? That is you have not visited me to take the appearance of mask.” Li Tianming said. “我像毛贼?那是你没看过我拿下面具的样子。”李天命道。 You take.” In the Mushan Xue eye the glimmer flashes, as if is very interested. “那你拿呗。”暮山樰眼里微光闪动,似乎还挺有兴趣。 With takes.” In this another single layer Ancestral World space, Heavenly Dao Arena could not see in any case, Li Tianming puts out a hand to pick, that Chinese redbud mask then falls, suddenly, his white hair and gold/metal Heishuang the pupil, the body brings four big Companion Beast this to rule by force by the wild nature appearance again, appears in Mushan Xue at present. “拿就拿。”反正是在这另一重祖界空间,天道竞技场也看不到,李天命伸手一摘,那紫荆花面具便落下,一时间,他这白发、金黑双瞳,身上再带着四大伴生兽这等霸道由野性的模样,出现在了暮山樰眼前。 "geh." Mushan Xue gawked. “呃。”暮山樰愣了一下。 She has not thought that after Li Tianming becomes Universe God, unexpectedly is so the appearance. 她没想到,李天命成为宙神后,竟然是这般模样。 Said honestly, had to deter him a little. 坦白说,有那么一点震慑到他了。 Led you?” Li Tianming selects the eyebrow to ask. “把你帅到了?”李天命挑眉问。 Is only because is extremely strange, was startled me.” Mushan Xue sips to purse the lips, the merciless blows said: Said no on attractive.” “只是因为太过怪异,把我惊到了。”暮山樰抿抿嘴,无情打击道:“说不上好看。” Yes?” “是么?” Li Tianming does not want to continue this topic, he takes the Chinese redbud mask, facilitates itself to use Heaven-Stealing Hand to rip open barrier to go, this action truly is also the way of interstellar petty thief. 李天命没想继续这个话题,他重新带上紫荆花面具,方便自己用窃天之手撕开结界进去,这举动确实也是星际毛贼的方式。 No matter how said, thank!” “不管怎么说,感谢!” Li Tianming is saying, goes toward that Sword Cave. 李天命说着,往那剑洞而去。
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