FGOAA :: Volume #41

#4031: Thousand Swords Star City!

In this Miracle Mountain Immemorial Permanent Sand team, he actually was also the No. 2 character under Jiang Feifei! 在这神迹山太古恒沙的队伍内,他其实也算是姜妃妃之下的二号人物了! He at this moment, is truly brilliant! 此刻的他,确实很绚烂! battle strength and murderous aura, very Weiguang is positive! 战力、杀气,都很伟光正! Li Tianming looked that finished is more disgusting. 李天命看了却更恶心。 Has this skill, does not kill the enemy, must work as the villain in this, hehe......” “有这本事,不去杀敌,非要在这当小人,呵呵……” The key is, this Piao Lingyi also really believes, he is stronger than Li Tianming! 关键是,这朴令逸还真的坚信,他比李天命强! Did not have Ji Ji, in my strength the disadvantage is very big, but......” “没有了姬姬,我力量上劣势很大,不过……” Since Li Tianming dares a person to come, hasn't dared to hit? 李天命既然敢一个人来,还不敢打? On this cheap person, said that anything must do him! 就这种贱人,说什么都得干他! He extracts Eastern Sovereign Sword suddenly, without delay, extinguishes toward Piao Lingyi kills to go! 他猛然抽出东皇剑,二话不说,就朝着朴令逸灭杀而去! Overreaches oneself!” “不自量力!” Piao Lingyi sneers, instead kills toward Li Tianming. 朴令逸冷笑一声,反朝着李天命杀来。 The surrounding dozens Immemorial Permanent Sand juniors, stop in the hand to catch the matter of small beast ball in abundance, falls back on waits and sees at the same time. 周围几十个太古恒沙子弟,纷纷停下手里捕捉小兽球之事,退到一边观望。 „Should Brother Yi win?” 逸哥应该会赢吧?” Perhaps, does not know!” “也许吧,不知道!” Actually Brother Yi strength continuously yes, but is......” “其实逸哥的实力一直都是可以的,但就是……” Several people look at each other one, suddenly does not know how should describe. 几人对视一眼,一时间也不知道该怎么形容。 But when they discussed that Li Tianming already and that golden war-god killed in one! 而就在他们讨论的时候,李天命就已经和那黄金战神杀在了一起! When! 当! His Eastern Sovereign Sword chops to cut, that Piao Lingyi Heavenly Palace Golden Sparrow Flame Wings launches, shook Eastern Sovereign Sword at the vast strength, simultaneously that Golden Alkyne Flowing Smoke passed through toward Li Tianming! 他的东皇剑劈斩下去,那朴令逸天宫金雀焱翼展开,以浩瀚力量震开了东皇剑,同时那金炔流烟朝着李天命贯穿而来! Your this strength?” Piao Lingyi dissolute smiles to spread over the audience. “你就这点力气?”朴令逸放肆之笑传遍全场。 Because truly, the boundary is very badly big, even if the Li Tianming's Universe God strength adds on Companion Beast, is far less than this 7th-Rank Universe God! 确实,因为境界差很大,李天命的宙神力量哪怕加上伴生兽,都远不如这七阶宙神 Contrasts Demon Heaven God Clan, the Primordial Wings Clan upper limit, although is not high, but the Primordial Wings strength in the single body fight, is at least stable, the lower limit is also very high! 对比魔天神族,元翼族上限虽然不高,但元翼的力量在单体战斗当中,起码算稳定,下限也很高! He is not truly good to cope! 他确实不好对付! Really cheap!” “真贱啊!” In the Li Tianming eye the cold light flashes! 李天命眼中冷光一闪! Attacks for the first time is reduced and solved, makes him see clearly this Piao Lingyi details actually. 第一次攻击被化解,倒是让他看清楚这朴令逸的底细。 Primordial Wings of this fellow, favors the defensive power?” “这家伙的元翼,还是倾向于防御力?” Then, this gadget actually and Nebula Shellfish very looks like, but he is hard is Primordial Wings, but the change of Primordial Wings are definitely more than Nebula Shellfish! 这么说来,这玩意儿其实和星云贝挺像的,只是他硬的是元翼,而元翼的变化肯定比星云贝多! Does his him, on entire!” “干他丫的,全上!” Bai Ye (white night) could not have endured, it kills directly from Li Tianming's brain star organ, after achievement neutron particles, it and Bai Ling (white rise) lethality, are next to Ji Ji Annihilation! 白夜早就忍不了了,它直接从李天命的大脑星脏当中杀出来,成就中子微粒后,它和白凌的杀伤力,仅次于姬姬湮灭 Dream bubble! 梦幻泡影! Li Tianming that Eastern Sovereign Sword and Piao Lingyi Golden Alkyne Flowing Smoke just killed in the same place, Bai Ye (white night) rushed ahead in the middle of Piao Lingyi brain star organ directly! 李天命东皇剑朴令逸金炔流烟刚杀在一起,白夜就直接冲杀了朴令逸的大脑星脏当中! Primordial Wings Clan is inferior to Illusion Heaven, did not have the strong defensive power in soul, Bai Ye (white night) this innumerable bubble to break through that shining Primordial Wings immediately, entered in the head of Piao Lingyi! 元翼族不如幻天,并没有灵魂上的超强防御力,白夜这无数泡泡当即冲过那金灿灿的元翼,杀入了朴令逸的脑袋中! Rumbling! 轰轰轰! His brain tumbles, inside spirit body collapse to extinguish, suffered first dashing, immediately at present one white, is extremely painful! 他脑子翻滚,里面灵体崩灭,遭受了第一步冲撞,当即眼前一白,万分痛苦! Father monopolizes your defense, the fool!” Bai Ye (white night) massacres in his brain, making Piao Lingyi attack the interrupt, calls out one, the head cracks! “老子专治你这种防御,傻逼!”白夜在他脑子里乱杀,让朴令逸进攻中断,嚎叫一声,脑袋崩裂开来! Opportunity this, making Bai Ye (white night) pry open forcefully! 机会就这样,让白夜强行撬开了! Strength almost how? 力量差点又如何? Li Tianming Companion Beast skill! 李天命伴生兽本事强啊! His eye pupil one cold, both hands grip Eastern Sovereign Sword, the strength of two big Sword Princess interlock on this sword, but what is stronger than this two big Sword Princess strength is Bai Ling (white rise) soul sword aura! 他眼眸一冷,双手握住东皇剑,两大剑姬之力在这剑上交错,而比这两大剑姬力量更强的是白凌的灵魂剑气 This brings the broken against might the sword! 这把剑自带破防的威力! Bang! 轰! The Li Tianming violent kills to go, both hands grasp the sword, the violence cuts! 李天命暴杀而去,双手握剑,暴力一斩! Great Good Fortune Star Breaking Divine Sword! 大造化碎星神剑 The third sword Thousand Swords Star City! 第三剑・千剑星城 In his sword, that innumerable sword light first evolves Heaven Seizing Star Chart, then the transformation is Eternal Star Cage, under boundless sword intent again changes, finally a Thousand Swords Star City star sea great city, like the endless mountain, overwhelms toward the Piao Lingyi overhead! 在他剑中,那无数剑光先是演变成一张夺天星图,尔后变换为永恒星牢,磅礴剑意再变之下,最终千剑星城一座星海巨城,如同无尽山岳,朝着朴令逸当头盖下! Piao Lingyi just sobered, the fright is on the rise, sees at present is Thousand Swords Star City! 朴令逸刚清醒过来,惊魂抬头,就看到眼前是一座千剑星城 This is extremely overbearing, a sword of destruction, is displayed by Li Tianming this heavy sword, agrees with completely, the core of its pinnacle is the violent repression, operates the say/way of destruction gathers greatly greatly! 这是极度霸道、毁灭的一剑,由李天命这重剑施展而出,完全契合,它极致的核心就是暴力镇压,就是大开大合的毁灭之道! You!” “你!” Piao Lingyi that Heavenly Palace Golden Sparrow Flame Wings prevents suddenly, but in the hand that Universe God Item Golden Alkyne Flowing Smoke in the middle of the Primordial Wings slit passes through, during the defense kills a spear/gun! 朴令逸天宫金雀焱翼猛然阻挡,而手中那宙神器金炔流烟则在元翼的缝隙当中贯穿而出,防守当中杀出一枪! Eastern Sovereign Sword and that Universe God Item lance, clash at the scene! 东皇剑和那宙神器长矛,当场对撞! When-!!! 当-!!! Sees only that Golden Alkyne Flowing Smoke lance point to cut off at the scene, erupts the grating sound! 只见那金炔流烟的矛尖被当场斩断,爆发刺耳声响! Rips! 撕拉! The Eastern Sovereign Sword sparkle glow, cuts by the strength of Thousand Swords Star City on that Heavenly Palace Golden Sparrow Flame Wings, immediately tears to pieces it, divided again on the head of Piao Lingyi! 东皇剑闪耀辉光,以千剑星城之力斩在那天宫金雀焱翼上,当即将其撕破,再劈在了朴令逸的脑袋上! Ah--” 啊——” A Piao Lingyi pain called to stop suddenly, the entire body cleft in two to explode directly! 朴令逸一声痛叫戛然而止,整个身体被直接劈成两半爆开! Defends strongest Immemorial Permanent Sand 7th-Rank Universe God solemnly, under exploding of Eastern Sovereign Sword cuts disrupts, was cut to kill star fog, same blasts out like the fireworks! 堂堂防御最强太古恒沙七阶宙神,在东皇剑的爆斩之下碎裂,被斩杀成一阵星雾,如同烟花一样炸开! You won! I admit defeat!” “你赢了!我认输!” While people think Piao Lingyi will continue the rampant time, his pain was called one, admitted defeat very quickly! 正当人们认为朴令逸会继续嚣张的时候,他却痛叫一声,认输得非常快! Said this saying time, he has congealed a golden Universe God source, kuang~dang~ pounded in Li Tianming's at present. 说这话的时候,他已经凝结成了一个金色的宙神本源,哐当一声砸在了李天命的眼前。 „Do you admit defeat?” Li Tianming was startled. “你认输?”李天命怔了一下。 Right! I acknowledged that you are truly fierce, I admitted defeat, acknowledged that the punishment is deserved......, so long as you give me some Nine Lives Fruit, making me recover, I can promise you, leading my person to go out to help.” Piao Lingyi light say/way. “对!我承认你确实厉害,我认输了,也认栽了……只要你给我一些九命果,让我恢复身体,我可以答应你,带着我的人出去帮忙。”朴令逸淡淡道。 This?” Li Tianming asked. “就这样?”李天命问。 Naturally? How otherwise do you want? Killed me? Haha, you cannot go to Immemorial Permanent Sand forever! Our elders do not accept a person who killed their talent, you want after all, when the person of Immemorial Permanent Sand friend, hehe......” “当然啊?不然你想怎样?杀了我吗?哈哈,那你永远就去不了太古恒沙!我们的长辈可不接受一个杀了他们天才的人,你毕竟是要当太古恒沙朋友的人,呵呵……” When! 当! He just spoke of this with a smile, Li Tianming without delay, holds up Eastern Sovereign Sword suddenly, the violence inserts in this Universe God source, pierces it at the scene! 他刚笑着说到这,李天命二话不说,猛然举起东皇剑,暴力插入这宙神本源中,将其当场洞穿! You! In! Does! Wha!?” “你!在!干!什!么?” Piao Lingyi eats under the pain, the sound shivered. 朴令逸吃痛之下,声音都颤抖了。 I violated the small mistake, you to me, explained that your Yazi must report, is not the good thing! You admit mistakes to me now, you have the opportunity to be on good terms Immemorial Permanent Sand, otherwise......” “我只是犯了一点小错,你就如此对我,更说明你这人睚眦必报,不是什么好东西!你现在向我认错,你还有机会交好太古恒沙,要不然……” Li Tianming spat saliva to this Universe God source, scolded one: I go to your Sir!” 李天命吐了一口唾沫到这宙神本源上,骂了一句:“我去你大爷的吧!” After scolding, his both hands gripped the Eastern Sovereign Sword , strangled to death suddenly! 骂完之后,他双手握住东皇剑柄,猛然绞杀! Bai Ling (white rise) and Bai Ye (white night) soul strength, enters in the middle of this Universe God source loudly! 白凌白夜的灵魂力量,轰然杀入这宙神本源当中! "Ah?" “啊?” During the Piao Lingyi pitiful yell, is frightened out of one's wits! 朴令逸惨叫之中,魂飞魄散! Dead distant point!” “死远点!” After killing him, Li Tianming kicked him directly! 杀了他后,李天命直接将他踢飞了出去! How can you?” Li Tianming sweeps suddenly to that crowd of Piao Lingyi clan department. “你们要如何?”李天命猛然扫向那一群朴令逸的族系。 Crash-bang! 哗啦啦! They frighten back up several steps, looks deathly pale to look at Li Tianming. 他们吓得倒退好几步,脸色惨白看着李天命 Kills, kills well......” “杀,杀得好……” They lower the head, innermost feelings chaotic say/way. 他们低下头,内心混乱道。 „Hasn't that hurried to enter the war?” Li Tianming said. “那还不赶紧出去参战?”李天命道。 Is......” “是……” They turn around hastily, flee flush away toward outside. 他们连忙转身,亡命般往外面冲去。 Saw that they so awe themselves, Li Tianming at heart depressed diverged. 看到他们如此敬畏自己,李天命心里的郁闷才散去了。 Fact showed, is polite to the cheap person, does not look to oneself purely happily!” “事实证明,对贱人客气,纯粹就是给自己找不愉快!” Cheap person, is governed by people like me!” “贱人,就得由我这样的人去治!”
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