FGOAA :: Volume #41

#4032: Heaven-Fighting Emperors arrives!

Great Darkgreen Universe City, Heavenly Demon Palace. 太苍宙城,天魔殿 Numerous kilometer Universe God stares at the light shadow of that Heavenly Dao Arena, silent did not say a word. 一众千米宙神凝望那天道竞技场之光影,静默不言语。 Death of Nine Young Ghosts and Dugu Yao, makes their parents this Heavenly Demon Palace focus. 九稚鬼独孤妖之死,亦让他们的父母成为这天魔殿的焦点。 Until now, numerous Ten Desolate Star Furnace on this round table control, almost all let Li Tianming severe wound over one round. 迄今为止,这圆桌上的一众十荒星炉主宰们,几乎全让李天命重伤过一轮了。 Is close to 100,000 years of lifespan regarding them, 500 years seem like not long, but actually must train top bloodlines, that also quite uses energy. 对于他们接近十万年的寿元来说,五百年看似不长,但其实要培养出一个顶级血脉,那也相当费劲。 Was on the bosom is only difficult enough. 光是怀上就够难了。 Heavenly Demon Child, Yu Qing, Youyou, Siming Shengshi and Dugu Yao, Taiyin Yuan Taiyang Zhao (sun shine), adds on present Nine Young Ghosts and Dugu Meng again...... 天魔子狱擎沋沋司命生世独孤妖,太阴媛太阳炤、再加上现在的九稚鬼独孤梦…… All made the Li Tianming three people extinguishing! 全让李天命三人给灭了! Counts, knows that they lost many. 数一数,才知道他们损失了多少。 Not only Heavenly Demon Palace is silent, actually entire Ten Desolate Star Furnace fell into the middle of the extreme deathly stillness. 不只是天魔殿沉默,其实整个十荒星炉都陷入了极端的死寂当中。 Eight Departments Gods, have scolded motionless. 八部神众们,已经骂不动了。 They can only the eye be red, continue to stare at the sky, was still fantasizing these several tens of thousands of talent Universe God can depend on the population advantage, takes to Immemorial Permanent Sand to strike fatally! 他们只能眼睛赤红,继续盯着天空,仍然幻想着这数万天才宙神能靠着人数优势,带给太古恒沙致命一击! In this Eight Departments Gods angriest time, the good news to pass to Heavenly Demon Palace finally! 在这八部神众最恼怒的时刻,终于有一个好消息传到了天魔殿 „The Emperor Heaven Rank World Emperors talent, several have entered the lower-level vestige!” 帝天级世界帝众天才,已经有几位进入下层遗迹了!” This news travels, the atmosphere of that deathly stillness is then more moderate. 这消息一传开,那死寂的气氛这才缓和一些。 Which clan?” “哪一族?” In the corner, a whole body covers the boundless shadow in black red star fog asked. 角落之中,一个浑身笼罩在黑红色星雾中的无边黑影问。 He is also Demon Heaven God Clan! 他也是魔天神族 Moreover, his age wants to be smaller than Great Darkgreen Demon Lord, is called Dugu Dimo. 而且,他的岁数比太苍魔主要小许多,人称‘独孤帝魔’。 Dugu Yao and Dugu Meng, are his heir. 独孤妖独孤梦,正是他的子嗣。 Heard that is Heaven-Fighting God Clan.” Great Darkgreen Demon Lord replied. “听说是战天神族。”太苍魔主回答道。 Heaven-Fighting Emperors talent?” 战天帝众天才?” After this news passes on, in Heavenly Demon Palace many Universe God roused. 这消息传出去后,天魔殿内许多宙神都振奋了。 Deals with these three mask people, is acted by Heaven-Fighting Emperors is most appropriate, their single body, no weakness, the speed is fast!” “对付这三个面具人,由战天帝众出手是最合适的,他们单体强,没什么弱点,速度快!” Truly! Especially that called Lin Feng, his soul attack ability, suppressed Demon Heaven God Clan, cannot make Demon Heaven God Clan cope with him again.” “确实!尤其是那叫林枫的,他灵魂进攻能力强,压制了魔天神族,不能再让魔天神族去对付他了。” Before people's mind, Demon Heaven God Clan was very fearful, but this again and again Miracle Mountain fought, saw that Demon Heaven God Clan was so distressed, many Eight Departments Gods at heart some ridicules. 以前在人们心目中,魔天神族是非常可怕的,而这一次次神迹山争锋,看到魔天神族如此狼狈,诸多八部神众心里都有一些嘲笑。 Is the critical moment, is Heaven-Fighting God Clan is steady.” “越是关键时刻,还是战天神族稳啊。” Truly, Ten Desolate Heavenly Universe List first Qin Wangchuan, the inborn Emperors bloodlines, his here violent kills the Immemorial Permanent Sand cheap disciple, truly not disappointing.” “确实,十荒天宙榜第一的‘秦忘川’,天生帝众血脉,他这边暴杀太古恒沙的贱徒,确实没让人失望。” He is very familiar with Miracle Mountain, Heaven-Fighting Emperors of this going, basically relates significantly with him, basically is his same side fellow apprentices, by him, when the guide copes with these chaotic thieves, was appropriate.” “他对神迹山很熟悉,这次进去的战天帝众,基本和他关系匪浅,基本是他的同门师兄弟,由他当向导对付这些乱贼,再合适不过了。” This news after Ten Desolate Star Furnace travels, finally raised the Eight Departments Gods faith, the sound of fierce cheering starts to resound through High Star Ruins! 这消息在十荒星炉传开后,终于将八部神众的信念抬高了起来,狂烈欢呼之声开始响彻上星墟 Three big Heavenly God Clan, who second, who third, I thinks that should have the conclusion.” “三大天神族,谁第二,谁第三,我想应该有定论了。” „The Demon Heaven God Clan talent becomes this waste, but also feels all right to be known as that is the god of war? So long as is captured the king, their war beasts are the double-edged swords!” 魔天神族的天才废成这样,还好意思号称是战争之神?只要被擒王,他们的战兽就是双刃剑!” Despise the spoken language to sweep across High Star Ruins, having no merit to speak of that Demon Heaven God Clan disparages! 一场场鄙视言语席卷上星墟,将魔天神族贬低的一无是处! But Heaven-Fighting God Clan, the thorough carrying/sustaining had the hope of entire Ten Desolate Star Furnace! 战天神族,彻底承载起了全十荒星炉的希望! Even it is said that even in that highest Emperor Heaven Rank World, already many status extremely high Emperors bloodlines, through Heavenly Dao Arena, watched the change of this lower-level vestige...... 甚至据说,连那至高帝天级世界中,也已经有很多身份极高的帝众血脉,也通过天道竞技场,观看这下层遗迹的变化了…… The High Star Ruins world of three big ranks, the Good Fortune Rank population are most, Emperor Heaven Rank are instead least! 三大等级的上星墟世界,造化级人口最多,帝天级反而最少! However- 但是- Emperors bloodlines from Emperor Heaven Rank World, may destroy completely the entire Good Fortune Rank Star Source life! 一个来自帝天级世界帝众血脉,都有可能灭掉全造化级恒星源的生灵! This is Eight Departments Gods internal having a strict hierarchy. 这就是八部神众内部的等级森严。 Emperor Heaven, such as High Star Ruins imperial capitals! 帝天,如上星墟的一座座帝都! Myriad Universe, is the place city. 万宙,则是地方城池。 But innumerable Good Fortune Rank Star Source, are only the High Star Ruins villages. 而无数造化级恒星源,只是上星墟的村落而已。 Therefore , this High Star Ruins essence, is one by the Eight Departments Gods joint rule universe starry sky empire. 所以说,这上星墟的本质,就是一个由八部神众联合统治的宇宙星空帝国。 Now, the imperial capital came the person. 现在,帝都来人了。 Come Emperors royalty. 来的还是帝众皇族。 ...... …… ! 滋滋! After cutting killed Piao Lingyi, Li Tianming by the purple thunder that Thousand Sides Thunderbolt changes to racing wells up, shuttles back and forth in this Nine Lives Cave, flushes away toward the final battlefield with the shortest route! 斩杀了朴令逸后,李天命千方奔雷化作奔涌的紫色雷霆,在这九命窟内部穿梭,以最短的路线朝着最后的战场冲去! Yin Chen (silver dust), situation how?” Li Tianming welcomed the storm to ask. 银尘,情况怎样了?”李天命迎着风暴问。 Temporarily, stands firm.” Yin Chen (silver dust) replied. “暂时,稳住。”银尘回答道。 Li Tianming relaxes slightly. 李天命稍微松了一口气。 This was Jiang Feifei, Zi Zhen and Weisheng Moran they supports the past result, temporarily stood firm. 这是姜妃妃紫禛微生墨染她们支援过去的结果,暂时稳住了。 But before them, only then Ji Lin and afterward Lin Zhaoge supported the field, facing the Eight Departments Gods talent army, they can only shrink in Nine Lives Cave resists, dies to support some time, the casualty were many. 而在她们之前,只有纪琳和后来的林朝歌撑场,面对八部神众的天才大军,他们只能缩在九命窟内抵抗,死撑一段时间,死伤并不少。 If Zi Zhen they have not arrived, that side should fall into enemy hands. 如果紫禛她们没到,那边应该已经失守了。 Obviously, the opposite party is because hears the news that Dugu Meng this battlefield defeats, therefore gathered the past all military, causing that side pressure on rise dramatically unceasingly. 很显然,对方是因为听到独孤梦这个战场战败的消息,所以把所有兵力集中了过去,导致那边的压力不断飙升。 They, arrive, before, at least, 5000, the troops, were hit, left, Universe God, source.” Yin Chen (silver dust) sound callous say/way. “她们,到达,之前,起码,五千,人马,被打,出了,宙神,本源。”银尘声音冷酷道。 Li Tianming can only say, the Universe God source most useful place manifested here. 李天命只能说,宙神本源最有用的地方就体现在这里了。 Because is the war, after most Universe God the opposite party makes the Universe God source, has no free time to use energy to make up the blade, but while the population advantage, will attack to other opponent. 因为是战争,大多数宙神把对方打出宙神本源后,都没空费劲去补刀,而是会趁着人数优势,攻向另外的对手。 This causes, both sides in the thorough war opponent, after seizing the battlefield, will conduct a slaughter! 这就导致,双方都会在彻底战争对手,抢占战场后,才会进行一场屠杀! So long as the victory and defeat has not divided, the person who made into the Universe God source will not die temporarily. 只要胜负没分,被打成宙神本源的人暂时就不会死。 That final battlefield, loses at present seriously, but so long as at least they have not died, has the live opportunity. 那一个最终战场,目前损失惨重,但最起码只要他们还没死,就还有活的机会。 Naturally, Eight Departments Gods is also likewise. 当然,八部神众也是同理。 Dugu Meng this battlefield, at present most Eight Departments Gods are also the Universe God sources, but, so long as their people throw down the Universe God source of companion to withdraw, these Universe God sources will be killed! 独孤梦这个战场,目前大多数八部神众也是宙神本源,不过,只要他们的人丢下同伴的宙神本源撤走,这些宙神本源就会被杀! The situation, will so cause the both sides, a lost side loss is serious, but a side that wins is basically all right. 如此情况,会导致敌我双方,输的一方损失惨重,而赢的一方基本没事。 Understood this point, knows why Li Tianming must make them cling to tenaciously Nine Lives Cave, the tiny step must struggle. 懂得了这一点,就知道李天命为什么要让他们死守九命窟,寸步必争了。 Once a region were controlled by the enemy side, pounds there Universe God source, only then dead end! 一个区域一旦被敌方掌控,砸在那里的宙神本源,只有死路一条! Altogether 30,000 people, that battlefield is 20,000, had been made five thousand Universe God sources, that also is really enough frigid!” The Li Tianming vision is cold and gloomy. “总共才三万人,那个战场是两万,已经被打出五千宙神本源,那还真是够惨烈的!”李天命目光森冷。 In fact, this is the quick bloody collapse aspect. 实际上,这已经是快血崩的局面了。 Small fish, the mirror, the strength pulls, raging tide.” The tone that Yin Chen (silver dust) to acclaim said. “小鱼,镜子,力挽,狂澜。”银尘以赞叹的语气说道。 Has saying that the Small Plum vision is good, the method is also good, these concubine roles were getting bigger and bigger. This is the top investment.” Ying Huo (Firefly) hehe said. “不得不说小李子眼光不错,手段也不错,这些小妾作用越来越大了。这是顶级投资。”荧火嘿嘿道。 Blew the broken day, was the dregs male.” Xian Xian despises to say. “吹破天了,都是渣男。”仙仙鄙视道。 Leads the concubine to seek the wife, this called the expert!” Lan Huang (Blue Desolate) haha said. “带着小妾去寻妻,这才叫牛人!”蓝荒哈哈道。 Ended, the turtle elder brother's spirit was also polluted!” Xian Xian at present one black. “完了,龟哥的精神也被污染了!”仙仙眼前一黑。 Do not blow, his, small fish, danger .” Yin Chen (silver dust) interrupted. “别吹,他的,小鱼,危险,了啊。”银尘插嘴了一句。 „Does she have the danger?” Li Tianming eye one cold. “她有危险?”李天命眼睛一寒。 Nonsense! She takes, mirror, everywhere, chaotic bang. The fools, think, kills her, seizes the mirror.” Yin Chen (silver dust) said. “废话!她拿,镜子,到处,乱轰。傻子,都想,杀她,夺镜。”银尘道。
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