FGOAA :: Volume #41

#4030: Heavenly Palace Golden Sparrow Flame Wings

The direction of Eight Departments Gods this attack are many, main point of attack or two, this two cave entrance, once breaks through, may enter Immemorial Permanent Sand juniors the core of hiding place, may achieve to push directly into! 八部神众这次进攻的方向很多,不过主要的攻击点还是两个,这两个洞口一旦攻破,都可杀入太古恒沙子弟藏身之地的核心,可做到长驱直入! If so, that Immemorial Permanent Sand juniors lose inevitably seriously. 一旦如此,那太古恒沙子弟必然损失惨重。 At the present disintegrates the attack of Dugu Meng and Nine Young Ghosts, was equal to hitting to abandon arms of these Eight Departments Gods, Li Tianming and Jiang Feifei they can gather all battle strength on opposite party another arm, fought to the death with them! 而今瓦解了独孤梦九稚鬼的进攻,等于打废了这些八部神众的一条胳膊,李天命姜妃妃他们便可将所有战力聚集在对方另一条胳膊上,和他们决一死战! Beats in this, time that needs to follow up a victory with hot pursuit, that Piao Lingyi, not only does not help, but also is stealing Li Tianming's family/home, how to endure? 在这小胜一场,需要乘胜追击的时刻,那朴令逸非但不帮忙,还在偷李天命的‘家’,怎么忍? Li Tianming did not endure! 李天命忍不了! He charges into the position that Piao Lingyi is, while made Jiang Feifei help propagandize, told everyone with the truth the process! 他一边冲向朴令逸所在的位置,一边让姜妃妃帮忙宣传了一下,把经过和真相告诉所有人! So long as knows the truth, who will also sympathize with Piao Lingyi? 只要知道真相,谁还会同情朴令逸 mother! Jiang Yulian, Piao Lingyi, dog shit really in this Immemorial Permanent Sand people disgusting!” 玛德!一个姜玉涟,一个朴令逸,这太古恒沙群众里的狗屎真特么恶心!” Is good because of having Jiang Feifei, Lin Zhaoge and Jiang Datou such person, otherwise this batch of 30,000 young talents, must be finished. 好在有姜妃妃林朝歌姜大头这样的人,不然这批三万年轻天才,全得完蛋。 Does not have Li Tianming to expect, these are still dying young Universe God that fights, hears the Piao Lingyi act, again with a Li Tianming contrast, simply in day one in place! 不出李天命预料,那些还在死战的年轻宙神,听闻朴令逸的行径,再和李天命一对比,简直一个在天一个在地! „, Piao Lingyi was still holding back at this time! These days the injured brothers, must calculate above him!” Jiang Datou angrily roars, aroused a chivalrous person's strong response. “都这时候了,朴令逸还在拖后腿!这段时间我们受伤的兄弟,全得算在他头上!”姜大头怒吼一声,激起了一众义士的热烈反应。 This moment Piao Lingyi, it can be said that brought ruin and shame upon oneself. 这一刻的朴令逸,可以说是身败名裂了。 Brother Yi!” 逸哥!” In cavern that in that small beast ball is , the younger clan cousin who dozens follow Piao Lingyi was bombed by various types of pass on message stones continually, hearts jump, complexion to be ugly crazily. 在那小兽球所在的洞窟中,几十个追随朴令逸的族弟被各种传讯石连番轰炸,一个个心脏狂跳、脸色难看。 What's wrong?” Piao Lingyi asked indifferently. “怎么了?”朴令逸冷漠问。 Lin Feng killed Dugu Meng, that side battlefield wins total victories, at least several thousand Eight Departments Gods making into the Universe God source!” 林枫独孤梦都杀了,那边战场大获全胜,起码把几千的八部神众给打成宙神本源了!” After Piao Lingyi hear, the face shivered, then, he was calm, told the people saying: All right, we go back these small beast ball belts, our merit is bigger! We are the Immemorial Permanent Sand historical meritorious services. The glory, splendor, riches and honor is waiting for everyone!” 朴令逸听完后,脸面颤动了一下,然后,他还是镇定了下来,告诉众人道:“没事,我们把这些小兽球带回去,我们功劳更大!我们才是太古恒沙的历史功勋。荣华富贵等着大家!” He alone definitely could not grasp many small beast ball, therefore he needs to help! 他一个人肯定抓不了多少小兽球,所以他需要帮忙! Dozens people, everyone captures 20,000-30,000, was almost enough. 几十人,每人擒拿20,000-30,000,差不多就足够了。 But......” “可是……” The people complexion hesitates. 众人面色犹豫。 But what?” Piao Lingyi cold sound asked. “可是什么?”朴令逸冷声问。 Jiang Feifei had notified everyone your matter, now they are scolding, said that we are the clothes eating insects, they at the bloody battle, we are disturbing......” 姜妃妃已经将你的事通报了所有人,现在他们都在骂,说我们是蛀虫,他们在血战,我们在捣乱……” They actually have said tactfully, in fact, Piao Lingyi had been scolded stream of abuse, everyone hates him. 他们其实已经说得委婉了,实际上,朴令逸已经被骂得狗血淋头,所有人都怨恨他。 In this case, Brother Yi you, even if there is merit to go back, perhaps will still aim by many people.” And a girl said anxiously: Or we stop grasping these small balls, makes the best use of the time to go out to enter the war, admits mistakes to everyone again...... such words, should be able......” “这种情况下,逸哥你就算带着功劳回去,恐怕也会被很多人针对。”其中一个女孩紧张道:“要不我们停止抓这些小球,抓紧时间出去参战,再向大家认错……这样的话,应该能……” pā! 啪! A Piao Lingyi palm of the hand flung fiercely on her face, making her half face explode, the blood of splash stars, she flew upside down, pounded in ground several, the whole person was ignorant. 朴令逸一巴掌猛甩在了她的脸上,让她半张脸都爆了开来,星辰之血飞溅,她倒飞了出去,砸在地上好几圈,整个人都懵了。 Brother Yi, how you hit me......” 逸哥,你怎么打我……” You, if dares saying that again this mourning angry words, I not only hit you, I also killed you!” “你若再敢说这种丧气话,我不但打你,我还杀了你!” The Piao Lingyi appearance is fierce, sweeps to all humanity: Listening! Our Immemorial Permanent Sand wants to rise, needing some people work as the unprincipled person! Jiang Feifei they work as the good person, cannot obtain the true advantage forever! We work as the unprincipled person, can carry off these true buried treasures! Even if some people censure now, but the thousand generations posterity grandson and history will thank my Piao Lingyi and your merit! Even if the multitude of people finger/refer, even if sacrifices the life to sprinkle hot blooded, this matter I must manage!” 朴令逸面目狰狞,扫向所有人道:“听着!我们太古恒沙想要崛起,必须要有人当坏人!姜妃妃他们当好人,就永远得不到真正的好处!我们当坏人,才能带走这些真正的宝藏!哪怕现在有人非议,但千代子孙和历史会感谢我朴令逸和你们的功绩!哪怕千夫所指,哪怕抛头颅洒热血,这事我也要办!” His these words saying, follow his clan department then to rouse slightly, but to be honest, the confusion in their vision remains, because they understand, at this time did this matter, that was insincere, was very selfish, and despicable! 他这些话说出口,跟随他的族系这才稍微振奋了一下,但说实话,他们目光里的混乱仍然存在,因为他们自己心里明白,这时候干这种事,那是非常不厚道的,是很自私自利的且卑鄙的! This way of the world, the selfish and despicable talent can mix, observes the regular person honestly routinely, stupidly lacks greatly!” Piao Lingyi coldly says with a smile. “这世道,还是得自私而卑鄙的人才混得开,老老实实按部就班遵守规则的人,就是大傻缺!”朴令逸冷冷笑道。 Under he finishes speaking, the purple electric light shoots to come from distant place whirlwind together, the twinkling pounds him at present. 他话音刚落下,一道紫色电光从远处飚射而来,瞬息砸到了他的眼前。 Bang! 轰! Li Tianming gallops several million meters, that 700 meters star shining body breaks through the space, a leg trampled suddenly on the mouth of Piao Lingyi! 李天命奔腾数百万米,那七百米的星耀之体冲破空间,猛然一腿踹在了朴令逸的嘴巴上! You special are pure stupidly lack!!” “你特么才是纯傻缺!!” During Li Tianming sonic boom drinks, leg of impact that Lan Huang (Blue Desolate) on this Piao Lingyi, the magical powers of shake Three Abilities Primordial Chaos World explodes, in addition flesh might eruptions of several big Immemorial Chaos Giant Beast! 李天命一声爆喝之中,那蓝荒之腿冲击在这朴令逸身上,三才鸿蒙界之神通震荡爆开,加上几大太古混沌巨兽的血肉威力爆发! Bang! 轰隆! The Piao Lingyi tooth splash, the mouth explodes, the tongue was trampled the throat, the mouthful is the blood scatters, the whole person flies upside down, pounds loudly on the wall, the back of the head exploded one time! 朴令逸牙齿飞溅,嘴巴爆开,舌头被踹进了喉咙,满嘴是血撒出,整个人倒飞出去,轰然砸在墙壁上,后脑勺又爆炸了一次! He first was ignorant, at once flies into a rage to crawl, stared the youngster who this purple fog is winding around at present stubbornly, cursed angrily: Lin Feng, the outside front becomes serious, how many brothers life and death frontline? You kept on proclaiming my Immemorial Permanent Sand was your friend, finally you threw down the life and death of friend, only cared about your interests?” 他先是懵了一下,旋即勃然大怒爬起来,死死瞪着眼前这紫雾缭绕的少年,怒骂道:“林枫,外面战线吃紧,多少兄弟生死一线?你口口声声说我太古恒沙是你朋友,结果你丢下朋友的生死,只关心你的利益?” „Do you also first morals kidnap me?!” “你还先道德绑架我?!” Li Tianming was irritable, after hearing this saying, he at the scene explodes. 李天命本就火爆,听到这话后,他当场就炸了。 How to have the villain who is not so concerned about face? 怎会有如此不要脸的小人? You, since came, I then with your fair minute/share of victory and defeat, decided that the ownership of this small beast ball, do not lose when the time comes are not convinced.” Piao Lingyi clenched teeth, chose the fight. “你既然来了,我便和你公平分胜负,决定这小兽球的归属,到时候你可别输了不服气。”朴令逸一咬牙,选择了战斗。 If he at this time ran, the opportunity of truly continually turning over/standing up did not have. 他这时候要是跑了,确实连翻身的机会都没有了。 He looked at one toward Li Tianming behind! 他往李天命身后看了一眼! Without Weisheng Moran, does not have Zi Zhen! 没有微生墨染,也没有紫禛 He has not feared. 他就没那么怕了。 You by that two female, the bang did not kill Nine Young Ghosts, cut to kill Dugu Meng? When really your unique Miracle Mountain? I do not lose fight Demon Heaven God Clan of beast......” “你不就是靠那两个女的,才轰杀了九稚鬼,斩杀了独孤梦么?真当你独步神迹山了?我可不是失去战兽的魔天神族……” When Piao Lingyi speech, its golden light covers, his back pair of golden Primordial Wings launches suddenly, the wingspan is above the kilometer, that is pair of diamond burning down roaring flame Primordial Wings, it launches the time, exudes ding-dong the sound of steel collision, internal altogether 68 small Primordial Wings like the golden small sword, sharp! 朴令逸说话时,其身上金光笼罩,他的背后一对金色的元翼猛然展开,翼展达到千米以上,那是一对金钢般焚烧着烈焰的元翼,它展开时候,发出当当的钢铁碰撞之声,内部一共六十八只小元翼如同金色小剑,锋利至极! This is Heavenly Palace Golden Sparrow Flame Wings! 这是‘天宫金雀焱翼’! This Primordial Wings to be famous verve, the lethality is very strong! 这种元翼以刚猛著称,杀伤力很强! Under the sweep of this Primordial Wings, Piao Lingyi such as the golden war-god, that Heavenly Palace Golden Sparrow Flame Wings strength sweeps across the body of its 700 meters Universe God simply, lets his whole body such as the body of golden steel, firm extremely! 在这元翼的笼罩下,朴令逸简直如黄金战神,那天宫金雀焱翼的力量席卷其七百米宙神之体,让他浑身如黄金钢铁之躯,刚硬万分! When! 当! In his hand presents a Universe God Item lance, has kilometer long! 他手中出现一把宙神器长矛,足足有上千米之长! Golden Alkyne Flowing Smoke, is the name of this Universe God Item lance, it is famous in Immemorial Permanent Sand, one generation for the users is the Immemorial Permanent Sand hero character! 金炔流烟’,正是这宙神器长矛的名字,它在太古恒沙享有盛名,一代代使用者都是太古恒沙的英雄人物! As one of the Immemorial Permanent Sand peak talents, Piao Lingyi has the extremely high popularity, is honored as the Golden Alkyne Flowing Smoke most suitable successor! 作为太古恒沙的巅峰天才之一,朴令逸拥有极高的人气,被誉为金炔流烟最适合的继承者!
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