FGOAA :: Volume #41

#4029: The anger roasts Nebula Shellfish!

You......” Weisheng Moran were red in the face to stare his one eyes, then continued to control that Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Mirror! “你……”微生墨染面红耳赤瞪了他一眼,然后便继续掌控那天帝阴阳镜 Pursues all the way, on that Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Mirror the black and white vortex surges, has absorbed massive Universe God strengths, this moment mirror surface is shivering, the might erupts at any time! 追来的一路上,那天帝阴阳镜上黑白漩涡涌动,已经吸收了大量宙神力量,此刻镜面正在颤动,威力随时爆发! I fear not to hit.” Weisheng Moran nervous say/way. “我怕打不中。”微生墨染紧张道。 I come!” “我来!” Li Tianming put down her, before the acceleration to/clashes, trampled on that Nebula Shellfish! 李天命放下了她,加速前冲,一脚踹在了那星云贝上! Quite hard!!” “好硬!靠!” Tramples by the leg of Lan Huang (Blue Desolate), Li Tianming felt oneself were almost lame, thigh in violent blood! 蓝荒之腿踹上去,李天命感觉自己差点瘸了,腿部都在暴血! Is good is enough because of his strength, Nebula Shellfish that revolving was speeding along horizontally set upright directly, the Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Mirror attack surface was so broader! 好在他力量足够,那原本横着旋转飞驰的星云贝直接竖了起来,如此天帝阴阳镜的攻击面就广了很多! Small fish!” “小鱼!” Li Tianming just bellowed, that black and white light beam pierces suddenly void, shells on this Nebula Shellfish! 李天命刚大吼一声,那黑白光柱就猛然洞穿虚空,轰击在这星云贝上! Bang-!! 轰隆-!! An burst, the ray soars to the heavens! 一声震爆,光芒冲天! Nebula Shellfish flew, pounds loudly on the ground, slid directly several million meters, dislodges the bang day to shake the sound of place! 星云贝飞了出去,轰然砸在地上,直接滑行了数百万米,撞出轰天震地之声! Broke?” “破了没有?” Li Tianming front thunderbolt flashes, appears beyond several million meters, steps on loudly on this Nebula Shellfish! 李天命前方奔雷一闪,就出现在数百万米之外,轰然踩在这星云贝上! Saw only among that Nebula Shellfish to present hollow, but above starlight condensed, its shell restored quickly! 只见那星云贝中间出现了一个凹陷,但其上星光凝聚,其贝壳很快就修复了! Really hard!” “真硬啊!” Is 7th-Rank Universe God Weisheng Moran actuates the Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Mirror strength, strikes to extinguish kills that Nine Young Ghosts, but actually cannot break the defense of this Nebula Shellfish! 已经是七阶宙神微生墨染驱动天帝阴阳镜力量,一击能灭杀那九稚鬼,但却破不开这星云贝的防御! Obviously this strongest Demon Heaven God Clan maintaining life ability, truly good......” Li Tianming sneers. “可见这最强魔天神族的保命能力,确实牛……”李天命冷笑。 You could not kill me, don't waste your energy, returned to Nine Lives Cave with this Suppressing God Level Universe God Item, you can kill more people, does not need to waste the time in my.” Dugu Meng is very intelligent, is very selfish, can listen from this spoken language, she does not care about the life and death of others, even after Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Mirror discards, her Eight Departments Gods victory and defeat being disinclined managed. “你杀不了我,别白费力气了,用这镇神级宙神器九命窟,你能杀更多人,没必要在我这浪费时间。”独孤梦很聪明,也很自私,从她这言语可以听出,她根本就不在乎其他人的生死,甚至天帝阴阳镜丢掉后,她连八部神众胜负都懒得管了。 In any case responsibility not her here. 反正责任不在她这里。 Who said that I do waste the time?” “谁说我浪费时间?” Li Tianming looked at one, Weisheng Moran had come! 李天命看了一眼,微生墨染已经过来了! Bang! 轰! Nebula Shellfish soars again, wants to run away! 星云贝再度腾飞,想要逃走! At this moment, Li Tianming both hands hold up that Eastern Sovereign Sword, punctures suddenly in this Nebula Shellfish on! 就在这时,李天命双手举起那东皇剑,猛然刺在这星云贝的上! Ka ka! 咔咔! A grating explosive, Eastern Sovereign Sword, the simultaneous/uniform root pricks! 一声刺耳爆响,东皇剑,齐根刺入! At the present Eastern Sovereign Sword is used by Li Tianming, already over 500 meters, this Nebula Shellfish thickness, although is the kilometer, but Eastern Sovereign Sword this length, has injured to it sufficiently! 而今的东皇剑李天命使用,已经有五百米以上,这星云贝的厚度虽然有上千米,但东皇剑这长度,已经足以伤到它了! At that moment, this Nebula Shellfish crazy tremor, sends out neighing of shake soul, even if that side Nine Lives Cave can hear! 那一刻,这星云贝疯狂颤动,发出震荡灵魂的嘶叫,哪怕是九命窟那边都能听见! Can have my Eastern Sovereign Sword to be hard again hardly?” “再硬能有我东皇剑硬?” Li Tianming seeing that breaks into a hearty laugh, draws out Eastern Sovereign Sword, presses this Nebula Shellfish directly under the foot, then both hands grasp the sword, a sword sword punctures! 李天命见状朗声一笑,拔出东皇剑,直接将这星云贝压在脚底下,然后双手握剑,一剑一剑刺下去! The Nebula Shellfish cry has the soul to attack the effectiveness, but this possibly broken Li Tianming's soul defense? 星云贝的叫声有灵魂攻击效用,但这怎么可能破李天命的灵魂防御? Once weakness, the present is Li Tianming strongest one! 曾经的弱点,现在是李天命最强的一块! Reviews on his Eastern Sovereign Sword to supplement Bai Ling (white rise) Earth Soul to extinguish kills, after pricking the body of this Nebula Shellfish, Nebula Shellfish that frail body and spirit body, immediately collapse! 反观他东皇剑上附带白凌地魂灭杀,刺入这星云贝的身体后,星云贝那脆弱的身体和灵体,当即崩溃! Eastern Sovereign Sword swallowed Miracle Mountain luckily, was invincible in the degree of hardness!” “幸好东皇剑吞了神迹山,在硬度上无敌了!” Otherwise, Li Tianming cannot achieve this step! 要不然,李天命根本做不到这一步! Once Nebula Shellfish the broken shell, that almost abandoned! 星云贝一旦破壳,那几乎就废了! Its these nightmarish pitiful yells, proved its being on the verge of death! 它这一声声噩梦般的惨叫,证明了它的濒死! At this moment! 就在这时! Bang, that Nebula Shellfish blasts out finally, the black sound escapes together suddenly, goes toward the distant place! 轰隆一声,那星云贝终于炸开,一道黑色的声音猛然从中逃出,朝着远处而去! „Can you escape?” “你能逃?” Li Tianming makes Weisheng Moran go back to help Zi Zhen, oneself pursued! 李天命微生墨染回去帮助紫禛,自己追了上去! ! 滋滋滋! During electric light sparkle, homicide to that Dugu Meng behind! 电光闪耀之中,他杀到了那独孤梦身后! Did not have Demon Heaven God Clan that fights the beast, waste!” “一个没有了战兽的魔天神族,废物一个!” The sound of Li Tianming's sneering, to this Dugu Meng simply is the nightmare. 李天命的冷笑之声,对这独孤梦来说简直为梦魇。 She turns round suddenly! 她猛然回身! The one who appears in Li Tianming at present is a skin color snow white young girl, she is dreamlike, the eyes are blurred, the tender body exquisite person, has a pretty beauty. 出现在李天命眼前的是一个肤色雪白的少女,她如梦似幻,双眼迷离,娇躯玲珑可人,有种楚楚动人之美。 First, is somewhat shocking! 第一眼,有些惊艳! Has saying that this should be the Ten Desolate Star Furnace peak beautiful woman, has the makings that Demon Heaven God Clan that type is pure and wants very much, the look and manner, always one type makes one suggest indulgingly. 不得不说,这应该算是十荒星炉最顶尖的美人了,很有魔天神族那种又纯又欲的气质,眼神和神态,总有一种让人想入非非的暗示。 Lin Feng.” Dugu Meng knows his name, in her eye holds the tears, said spookily: I and you do not have the bitter hatred, whether to keep my way out, I may bring Demon Heaven God Clan to withdraw from the lower-level vestige immediately.” 林枫。”独孤梦知道了他的名字,她眼中噙泪,幽幽道:“我与你没深仇大恨,可否留我一条生路,我可带魔天神族马上撤出下层遗迹。” Under Heavenly Dao Arena, entire Ten Desolate Star Furnace is looking that you beg for mercy to me.” Li Tianming said. 天道竞技场下,整个十荒星炉都在看着你向我求饶。”李天命道。 Doesn't matter.” Dugu Meng said. “没关系。”独孤梦道。 I have the relations.” Li Tianming looks up the day, suddenly gloomy and cold smiles, „should your elders guess correctly? I want, not only wins the war of this talent, what I want extinguishes up you!” “我有关系。”李天命抬头看天,忽然阴冷一笑,“你的长辈们应该猜到了吧?我想要的不只是打赢这场天才之战,我要的是灭光你们!” You......” “你……” A Dugu Meng beautiful woman wrinkle. 独孤梦娥眉一皱。 She just made noise, Li Tianming moves suddenly, Eastern Sovereign Sword cut to her head! 她刚出声,李天命猛然一动,东皇剑斩向了她的头颅! Despicable clan!” “卑鄙一族!” The Dugu Meng anger certainly, can only open Demon Heavenly Eye, final several maintaining life Void Territory Dream Demon will put, with a Li Tianming desperate fighting. 独孤梦怒绝,只能开启魔天眼,将最后几只保命的虚境梦魔放出来,和李天命一决死战。 ...... …… Nine Lives Cave battlefield! 九命窟战场! Weisheng Moran just came back, a Zi Zhen then bloodstained, asked: He how?” 微生墨染刚回来,紫禛便一身染血上来,问道:“他怎样了?” „Did Dugu Meng die?” Jiang Feifei also quickly asked. 独孤梦死了吗?”姜妃妃也急忙问。 Weisheng Moran is just about to reply, under that hardest to deal with dozens Void Territory Dream Demon lost the control suddenly, everywhere massacre! 微生墨染正要回答,下方那最难缠的几十头虚境梦魔忽然失去了控制,到处乱杀! Jiang Feifei was startled, at once is delighted, announced loudly: Dugu Meng died! Lin Feng killed her!” 姜妃妃怔了一下,旋即喜出望外,大声宣告道:“独孤梦死了!林枫杀了她!” Bang! 轰! The Immemorial Permanent Sand juniors morale inspires again greatly! 太古恒沙子弟再度士气大振! Nine Young Ghosts died! Dugu Meng also died! Demon Heaven God Clan and Evil Gods became the headless fly!” 九稚鬼死了!独孤梦也死了!魔天神族罪恶神众都成了无头苍蝇!” Heard that Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Star that two Illusion Heaven God Clan also died!” “听说天帝阴阳星两个幻天神族也死了!” Lin Feng they killed Eight Departments Gods three to take the lead!” 林枫他们杀了八部神众三个领头!” We won!” “我们赢了!” The victory and defeat of generals during a fight, can play very major role, particularly Demon Heaven God Clan! 将帅的胜负在一场战斗之中,能起到非常大的作用,尤其是魔天神族 After these Demon Heaven God Clan and Evil Gods saw even Void Territory Dream Demon lost control, their mentality exploded thoroughly! 当那些魔天神族罪恶神众看到连虚境梦魔都失控了后,他们心态彻底爆炸了! Walks!” “走!” They collapse to retreat! 他们崩溃撤退! Pursues to kill!” Jiang Feifei ordered immediately. “追出去杀!”姜妃妃当即下令。 In this Miracle Mountain, all are clear, does not fear crouches/submits army, therefore absolutely does not have a hard-pressed enemy should not be pursued too far view! 在这神迹山,一切都明明白白,根本不怕伏军,所以根本就没有穷寇莫追这个说法! Gets the winning side, must beat severely don't hit a person when he's down! 占据上风,就要痛打落水狗! From was sieged to kill, young Universe God all constraining of Immemorial Permanent Sand with the grief and indignation, released at this moment! 从被围困到杀出去,太古恒沙的年轻宙神们所有的压抑和悲愤,此刻都释放了出来! Rumbling! 轰轰轰! The battlefield of ray sparkle, Universe God killed, is pursuing Evil Gods and Eight Departments Gods kills! 光芒闪耀的战场,一个个宙神杀了出去,追着罪恶神众八部神众杀! With the death of Demon Heaven God Clan, that hundreds of thousands of fought beast to kill one group, ran away everywhere, radically nothing to be afraid! 随着魔天神族的死亡,那数十万战兽自己杀成一团,到处逃窜,根本不足为惧! Carefree dripping win, will lay the foundation from now on! 一场畅快淋漓的大胜,自此奠定基础! All Immemorial Permanent Sand young Universe God know, this is the victory that who has! 所有太古恒沙年轻宙神都知道,这是谁带回来的胜利! When they chase down don't hit a person when he's down, Li Tianming takes Dugu Meng all, returned to the middle of Nine Lives Cave! 就在他们追杀落水狗的时候,李天命却拿着独孤梦的一切,回到了九命窟当中! You go to that side Lin Zhaoge, hurries to support him!” Li Tianming said to Jiang Feifei, Zi Zhen and Weisheng Moran. “你们去林朝歌那边,赶紧支援他!”李天命姜妃妃紫禛微生墨染道。 You?” Jiang Feifei asked. “你呢?”姜妃妃问。 Fool Piao Lingyi is tossing about the small beast ball......” Li Tianming to clench jaws, I first process, then looks for you, being all right my speed is quick!” “那傻逼朴令逸正在折腾小兽球……”李天命咬牙切齿,“我先去处理一趟,再去找你们,没事我速度快!” Good!” “好!” Their three people nod, immediately on preparation. 她们三人点头,马上就准备出发了。 Here victory has established! 这边胜局已经奠定! Wait!” “等等!” Li Tianming stopped by calling them suddenly, said: That Ten Desolate Heavenly Universe List Heaven-Fighting God Clan ranked the first is very strong, do not meet the tough head-on with toughness with him, wait for me!” 李天命忽然喊住了她们,道:“那个十荒天宙榜排名第一的战天神族挺强,你们别和他硬碰硬,等我到!”
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