FGOAA :: Volume #41

#4028: Be utterly devoted!

Really is Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Mirror!” “真的是天帝阴阳镜!” At this moment, even the Piao Lingyi clan was the disciples roused! 这一刻,连朴令逸的族系弟子都振奋了起来! They simply have not walked, but raises the arm to cheer same place, young Universe God hug, delighted. 他们根本没走,而是原地振臂欢呼起来,一个个年轻的宙神拥抱在一起,喜出望外。 Brother Yi, they succeeded! They right!” 逸哥,他们成功了!他们没错!” The exciting under young people, even the Piao Lingyi expression forgot to look, shouted loudly in side. 兴奋之下的年轻人们,连朴令逸的表情都忘记看了,就在旁边高呼。 Piao Lingyi that eye, looks that is killing four directions Li Tianming and the others greatly, almost tears, the innermost feelings do not know what kind of distortion. 朴令逸那一双眼睛,看着那正在大杀四方的李天命等人,几乎撕裂开来,内心不知何等扭曲。 He does not want to win actually not, but before is, a series of operations, advanced he himself had no way the road turn head, even if now won, he lost face! 他倒不是不想赢,而是自己之前一系列的操作,把他自己都推到了没法回头的路,现在哪怕是赢了,他还是丢人! Currently has many people, actually has been scoffing him at heart. 现在就有很多人,其实心里已经在耻笑他了。 Just he had equivocally the expression, currently has the multi- clowns! 刚刚他有多义正言辞,现在就有多小丑! Lin Feng has killed that Nine Young Ghosts, the Eight Departments Gods leader reduced one! Our odds of success was big!” 林枫已经杀了那九稚鬼,八部神众的领导者又减少一个!我们胜算大了!” That Dugu Meng, if no one protects, will die here, her war beast will lose control, I said early Demon Heaven God Clan will be a double-edged sword, this will be our opportunities!” “那独孤梦要是没人保护,死在这里,那她的战兽都会失控,我早说了魔天神族是双刃剑,这是我们的机会!” „Does everyone also do in this? Kills!” “大家还愣在这干什么?杀啊!” Kills!” “杀!” Side Piao Lingyi, these just also with the clan that he escaped are being the disciples, at this moment almost waited for him to make a decision, engaged in self-examination to kill directly to outside! 朴令逸身边,那些刚刚还在和他一起逃亡的族系弟子们,这一刻几乎都等他决断,直接反身杀向外面! To Piao Lingyi, people on one's own side crossed him to rush out, this was a feeling of betrayal, irritating him extremely. 朴令逸来说,一个个自己人越过了他往外冲,这是一种背叛的感觉,让他心里万分恼火。 Halts!” “站住!” He gets hold of the double fist, roared lowly, however no one hear, the scene is too chaotic, treated as the air him. 他握紧双拳,低吼了一声,然而根本没人听,场面太乱,都把他当做空气了。 To be honest, Feifei elder sister looked that the person vision is good, but these three Ancestral World friends are also utterly devoted, goes all out for us, on the contrary is Piao Lingyi sows dissension, did completely the matter of villain, just even also sneaked away at a critical juncture, the despicable matter all made him do!” “说实话,妃妃姐看人眼光好,而这三位祖界的朋友也是肝胆相照,为我们拼命,反倒是朴令逸在其中挑拨离间,做尽了小人之事,刚刚甚至还临阵脱逃,下贱的事全让他干了!” Therefore, the adversity sees the true feelings, bumps into the person, what kind of person in his bone is, will be clear, clear!” “所以说啊,患难见真情,一碰上人,他骨子里是怎样的人,就会清清楚楚,明明白白!” We must live are returning to Immemorial Permanent Sand, exposes his villain act, lets the elder disciplinary punishment he, avoid he himself goes back, put the blame on victim!” “我们一定要活着回到太古恒沙,揭露他的小人行径,让长辈惩戒他,省得他自己回去,倒打一耙!” Right!” “对!” Can become one of the Immemorial Permanent Sand 30,000 young Universe God, originally has no stupid generation, regarding the Piao Lingyi evil conduct, a Li Tianming return, everyone has several! 能成为太古恒沙三万年轻宙神之一,本来就没有什么愚蠢之辈,对于朴令逸的恶行,李天命一归来,大家心里就有数了! Jiang Feifei was the luck likes to gamble right!” 姜妃妃不过是运气好赌对了一把!” On the contrary is this Piao Lingyi, oneself fell into the circle of internal fight, has not extricated. 反倒是这朴令逸,自己陷入了内斗的圈子之中,至今还没解脱开来。 He looked angrily at Li Tianming one! 他怒视了李天命一眼! Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Mirror in the hand, in this place, they should win at least......, but will also pay some prices at least, temporarily cannot separate the body......” 天帝阴阳镜在手,起码在这个地方,他们应该会打赢……但起码也会付出一些代价,暂时分不开身……” Thinks of here, Piao Lingyi suddenly eye one bright. 想到这里,朴令逸陡然眼睛一亮。 This matter I do ugly/difficult to look at, returning to Immemorial Permanent Sand to be censured unavoidably, if later were pushed aside by Jiang Feifei these people, that was very difficult to manage...... if, but I made the great merit first step to go back, I this minor matter calculates today what?” “这件事我做得难看,回到太古恒沙难免被人非议,以后若是被姜妃妃这些人排挤,那就很难办了……但假如我立下大功先一步回去,我今天这点小事算的了什么?” The Piao Lingyi complexion becomes quiet is suddenly cold, even also smiled one. 朴令逸脸色猛然变得幽冷起来,甚至还笑了一声。 That 1 million small beast ball, relates to the growth of Immemorial Permanent Sand Choko grandson, your Jiang Feifei does not know the advantage, in this, when Holy Mother, I may be unable to work as......” “那百万小兽球,关系到太古恒沙千代子孙的成长,你姜妃妃不知好处,在这当圣母,我可当不了……” Before Li Tianming intercepted Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Mirror, he proposed that first protection got up small beast ball, can break through to carry off. 之前李天命去截杀天帝阴阳镜时,他就提议先把小兽球‘保护’起来,可以突围带走。 Jiang Feifei stopped him. 只是姜妃妃还是制止了他。 This is they biggest contradictory one! 这是他们最大的矛盾之一! But now, everyone is fighting, Li Tianming and Jiang Feifei cannot leave suddenly...... 而现在,所有人都在战斗,李天命姜妃妃一时间也都抽不开身…… You hit your, I contribute to my merit, if there is an objection, our Immemorial Permanent Sand sees! I do not believe, I go back 1 million small beast ball belts, the elders ate them, truth that spits?” “你们打你们的,我立我的功,要是有异议,我们太古恒沙见!我就不相信,我把百万小兽球带回去,长辈们把它们吃下去了,还有吐出来的道理?” Thinks of here, Piao Lingyi coldly finally looked at Li Tianming one, turned around suddenly. 想到这里,朴令逸最后冷冷看了李天命一眼,猛然转身。 Everyone is persevering the front, but he goes against the flow, looks the glory, splendor, riches and honor. 人人都在坚守战线,而他一人逆行,去找荣华富贵去了。 Did the direction that he goes forward, how deceive Yin Chen (silver dust)? 他所前进的方向,怎么骗得了银尘 Above battlefield! 战场之上! Grass, real mother is despicable!” Li Tianming wants to tidy up him, without thinking of this cheap person must do, he could not endure! “艹,真尼玛下贱!”李天命本就想收拾他,没想到这贱人非得作死,他就更忍不了了! Naturally, before that but must first resolve the present crisis. 当然,在那之前,还得先把眼前的危机解除了。 The Lin Zhaoge belt/bring person supported another direction, at present the front becomes serious, needs one to win to establish the war! 林朝歌带人支援了另一个方向,目前战线还是吃紧,需要一场大胜来奠定战局! Jiang Feifei here, was one of the two big biggest battlefields! 姜妃妃这里,算是两大最大的战场之一了! Lin Feng!” 林枫!” In the tangled warfare, before she killed the Li Tianming body, although distressed disorderly, actually could not cover her inborn charming. 混战之中,她杀到了李天命身前,虽一身狼狈凌乱,却掩盖不住她的天生丽质。 However Li Tianming wants to result is: Really worthily is a descendant of my wife clan, really looks like.” 然而李天命想得是:“真不愧是我媳妇一族的后裔,真像啊。” It seems like very gentle and charming, actually has the principle of righteousness, is very tenacious! 看似很娇柔,其实身怀大义,十分坚韧! What's wrong?” Li Tianming said. “如何?”李天命道。 Many thanks......” Jiang Feifei cannot bear, said that these three character times, two lines of tears surge. “多谢了……”姜妃妃没能忍住,说这三字时候,两行热泪涌动而出。 Li Tianming smiles, then said seriously: First do not thank, we find the opportunity to win this fight!” 李天命莞尔一笑,然后严肃道:“先别谢了,我们找机会赢下这场战斗!” Nine Young Ghosts died, key in Dugu Meng!” Jiang Feifei said hastily. 九稚鬼死了,关键在独孤梦!”姜妃妃连忙道。 I go!” “我去!” Li Tianming cuts to kill surrounding several to fight the beast, fixes the eyes on looked that huge Nebula Shellfish is sweeping outward, clearly must leave! 李天命斩杀周围几头战兽,定睛一看,那巨大的星云贝正在往外扫荡,分明是要离开! Small fish!” “小鱼!” Li Tianming grasped the waist of Weisheng Moran suddenly, pursued together to Nebula Shellfish! 李天命猛然抱住了微生墨染的腰部,一起追向了星云贝 Dugu Meng gave up Void Territory Dream Demon, is to run away! 独孤梦虚境梦魔都放弃了,就是要逃走! Many Demon Heaven God Clan and Evil Gods still prevent in her behind, these people are still attacking actually, after all they in the population, still had the advantage, hundreds of thousands of fight the beast lethality not to weaken! 很多魔天神族罪恶神众还在她身后阻挡,这些人倒是还在进攻,毕竟他们在人数上,仍然占据优势,数十万战兽的杀伤力没有丝毫衰减! Part, can only give Zi Zhen and Jiang Feifei. 这一部分,只能交给紫禛姜妃妃了。 They have the person kill one group in the ground battlefield and Eight Departments Gods, Zi Zhen and Jiang Feifei unmanned stop, has a bloody road simply directly! 她们带人在地面战场和八部神众杀成一团,其中紫禛姜妃妃简直无人阻拦,直接杀出一条血路! Piao Lingyi this fellow, if willing turn head to help, our odds of success will be bigger, what a pity......” 朴令逸这家伙,如果愿意回头帮忙,我们胜算会更大,可惜……” Remembers this point, Jiang Feifei is extremely helpless. 想起这一点,姜妃妃万分无奈。 Is good to see that Li Tianming had caught up with that Nebula Shellfish, she burns to be fierce. 好在看到李天命已经追上了那星云贝,她心里才灼烈起来。 If can kill her, certainly causes the Void Territory Dream Demon chaos, this Void Territory Dream Demon likes peacefully, if loses the control, will meet the noisy environment to go crazy immediately, will extinguish everywhere kills other war beasts, instead will be favorable for us!” “要是能杀了她,必然导致虚境梦魔大乱,这虚境梦魔喜好安静,若是失去掌控,遇到嘈杂的环境马上就会发狂,到处灭杀其他战兽,反而对我们有利!” Jiang Feifei can only pray. 姜妃妃只能祈祷了。 Kills!” “杀!” The innumerable Immemorial Permanent Sand juniors, are following Li Tianming these forms. 无数太古恒沙子弟,追随着李天命这几道身影。 Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Mirror made them see the hope of true victory! 天帝阴阳镜让他们看到了真正胜利的希望! Therefore, they were also insane generally! 所以,他们也疯了一般! More kills the morale to be higher! 越杀士气越高! But Demon Heaven God Clan and Evil Gods faith had caused heavy losses at this moment, in many will of the people produced was sick of the feeling, on battle strength also dropped. 魔天神族罪恶神众的信念此刻已经被重创,很多人心里都产生了厌烦之感,战力上也下降了许多。 Aspect, but also is reversing! 局面,还在扭转! But above Vault of Heaven, there tactical situation was still concerning everyone! 而在天穹之上,那里的战况仍然牵动着所有人的心! Also wants to run?” “还想跑?” During the Li Tianming thunder rushed to behind Nebula Shellfish, in his heart grand, puts out a hand to pat in the place of Weisheng Moran waist buttocks, carefree dripping say/way: Small fish, opens fire to me!” 李天命电闪雷鸣之间冲到了星云贝后方,他心中壮阔,伸手拍在微生墨染腰臀之处,畅快淋漓道:“小鱼,给我开炮!”
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