FGOAA :: Volume #41

#4027: Void Territory Dream Demon!

In her war beast has one Nebula Shellfish, is this rank firmest war beast, is harder than the Universe God source, does not move...... also dozens Void Territory Dream Demon, slaughters the savage beast by nature!” Piao Lingyi deeply knits the brows. “她的战兽里有一只‘星云贝’,乃是这个级别最为刚硬的战兽,比宙神本源还硬,根本打不动……还有几十只‘虚境梦魔’,也都是杀戮成性的凶残之兽!”朴令逸深深皱眉。 This is strongest Demon Heaven God Clan in lower-level vestige! 这是下层遗迹里的最强魔天神族 All Demon Heaven God Clan, obey her direction, dies Dugu Yao in Li Tianming including the beforehand that. 所有魔天神族,都听她的指挥,包括之前那死在李天命手里的独孤妖 In these hundreds of thousands of Universe God Beast armies, Piao Lingyi had seen Void Territory Dream Demon mixes to be one of them, he is just about to break through in this direction, was naturally frightened cold sweat. 在这数十万宙神兽大军中,朴令逸已经看到了虚境梦魔混在其中,他正要往这个方向突围,自然被吓出一声冷汗。 Buzz! 嗡! At this moment, a star sea appears in the battlefield! 就在这时,一片星海出现在战场上! That Nebula Shellfish! 那正是星云贝 It opened white/shell Kou, swallowed that Dugu Meng, simultaneously depresses the battlefield, comes toward Nine Lives Cave dashing, his body revolves, like star sea across the sky, sparkles the dazzling ray, the shining world, erupts deafening thundering! 它打开了贝口,将那独孤梦吞了进去,同时压下战场,朝着九命窟冲撞而来,其身体旋转起来,如同星海横空,闪耀刺眼的光芒,照耀天地,爆发震耳欲聋的轰鸣! Dugu Meng, since appears, that Primordial Wings Clan Nine Young Ghosts definitely also in side, these two strength in battlefield and I and Jiang Feifei stronger!” Piao Lingyi immediately. 独孤梦既然出现,那元翼族的‘九稚鬼’肯定也在旁边,这两人在战场上的实力和我、姜妃妃加起来要强!”朴令逸当即一身冷汗。 Piao Lingyi, blocks them, cannot make them have the person to go in Nine Lives Cave!” Jiang Feifei shouts cold and gloomy. 朴令逸,拦住他们,绝不能让他们带人进去九命窟!”姜妃妃森冷喊道。 Ok!” Piao Lingyi clenches teeth, looked again that hundreds of thousands of fight the beast army, its back several thousand Demon Heaven God Clan and Primordial Wings Clan. “行!”朴令逸咬牙,再看那数十万战兽大军,还有其背后数千魔天神族元翼族 Is you make the mistake the decision, ruined the good aspect, no wonder I!” “是你自己做错决定,葬送了好局面,怪不得我!” Thinks of here, he turns around suddenly, having one crowd of clans to be the juniors said behind: Here is a blind alley, we trade a direction to break through! The urgent matter is the life, only then goes on living, has the opportunity of counter-attacking!” 想到这里,他猛然转身,带着身后一群族系子弟道:“这边是死路,我们换个方向突围!当务之急是活命,只有活下去,才有反攻的机会!” Then, they run away to go. 说完,他们逃遁而去。 Piao Lingyi!!” 朴令逸!!” Jiang Feifei also leads one group of people to proceed to clash, never expected that Piao Lingyi sneaks away at a critical juncture, ruins them directly in the danger! 姜妃妃还带着一群人往前冲,没想到朴令逸临阵脱逃,直接将他们葬送在危险之中! You are the military deserter, will be placed on trial!” She gets angry said. “你当逃兵,会被审判!”她怒道。 Hehe, no brain woman!” Piao Lingyi is disinclined to respond her, this aspect must dying many people, to finally, whom know oneself are the escape, rather than Immemorial Permanent Sand retains the precious fire seed? “呵呵,无脑女人!”朴令逸懒得搭理她,这局面明显要死不少人,到最后,谁会知道自己是逃命,而不是为太古恒沙保留珍贵的火种? Such, cannot escape the eyes of their opponent. 这样一幕,逃不过他们对手的眼睛。 By Nebula Shellfish of that starlight sparkle, presented a youth who suddenly wears the black robe, his long hair scatters, the skin color is pale, shape like ghosts and demons. 在那星光闪耀的星云贝旁边,陡然出现了一个身穿黑袍的青年,他长发散落,肤色惨白,形如鬼魅。 Behind him has pair of broken Primordial Wings, above has 70 completely different eyes, each like malicious ghost. 他背后有着一对残破的元翼,其上有着七十只完全不同的眼睛,每一只都如恶鬼。 Evil Gods Nine Young Ghosts, as well as his menses wing. 正是罪恶神众九稚鬼’,以及他的‘森罗天癸翼’。 Dream, that is Jiang Feifei? Immemorial Permanent Sand 1st?” The Nine Young Ghosts sound is quiet, light, sounds infiltrates the person very much. “梦,那个就是姜妃妃太古恒沙的一号?”九稚鬼声音幽冷,轻飘飘的,听起来很渗人。 Is she......” in that Nebula Shellfish, hears an immature female voice. “是她……”那星云贝之中,传来一个稚嫩的女声。 Her partner betrayed her, ran.” Nine Young Ghosts smiles to say with a smile. “她的伙伴背叛了她,跑了。”九稚鬼莞尔笑道。 Motley crew.” Dugu Meng said. “乌合之众。”独孤梦道。 On the opponent of this rank, that side Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Star must take Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Mirror to come, tosses about white/in vain.” Nine Young Ghosts shakes the head, is somewhat helpless. “就这种级别的对手,天帝阴阳星那边还非得拿天帝阴阳镜过来,白折腾。”九稚鬼摇头,有些无奈。 Kills.” Dugu Meng said. “杀吧。”独孤梦道。 Ok.” “行。” They do not like wordy, two people and behind several thousand talent Universe God, like an intermittent black storm volume to Jiang Feifei! 他们也都不喜欢啰嗦,两人和身后数千天才宙神,如同一阵阵黑色风暴卷向姜妃妃 Front hundreds of thousands of fight the beast, behind also has Primordial Wings Clan, Primordial Wings Clan is responsible for making up the blade finally, simultaneously protects Demon Heaven God Clan! 前面数十万战兽,后面还有元翼族,元翼族负责最后补刀,同时保护一下魔天神族 Did not say this Evil Gods, is these hundreds of thousands of Universe God Beast, is hard to deal with enough. 不说这罪恶神众,就是这数十万宙神兽,就已经够难缠了。 Jiang Feifei, had fallen into the hopeless situation! 姜妃妃这边,已然陷入了绝境之中! Nebula Shellfish and Void Territory Dream Demon had arrived at her at present, Nine Young Ghosts also stared at her! 星云贝虚境梦魔已经到了她的眼前,九稚鬼也盯上了她! both sides have rushed ahead in one! 双方已经冲杀在了一起! Did not have the escape route......” “没有退路了……” Jiang Feifei will look in the future, is their final center, once this defense line were pierced, really must fall into enemy hands! 姜妃妃往后一看,身后是他们最后的腹地,一旦这个防线被洞穿,就真的要失守了! If Piao Lingyi does not lead the person to walk, they can also support, now only has the dead end. 如果朴令逸不带人走,他们还能撑,现在只有死路一条。 The surrounding person, the look is also very dismal. 周围的人,眼神也很悲凉。 Their some people, thought the Jiang Feifei letter/believes probably mistakenly the person, but they and Piao Lingyi were different, they know that the importance of this defense line, they have not walked! 他们有些人,也大概认为姜妃妃信错了人,但他们和朴令逸不同,他们都知道这条防线的重要性,他们并没有走! The collision, the Eight Departments Gods nature is so easily accomplished! 如此碰撞,八部神众自然摧枯拉朽! Piao Lingyi turn head looked, can see that Jiang Feifei had been inundated the space warfare beast to embezzle. 朴令逸回头一看,就能看到那姜妃妃已经被漫天战兽吞没。 Usually is not very proud? Hehe......” “平时不是挺骄傲的么?呵呵……” He has not sympathized, instead has a dispelling anger feeling. 他心里并没有同情,反而有一种解恨之感。 Without the means that he must sneak away at a critical juncture to seek for the explanation for himself, was obtained moral satisfaction by oneself! 没办法,他要为自己临阵脱逃寻找解释,让自己得到道义上的满足! He and Jiang Feifei, proceeds in the future! 他和姜妃妃,一个往前一个往后! Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Back that thunders the sound of fight, making Piao Lingyi and its one crowd of clans be scalp tingles, rapidness of running! 背后那轰鸣战斗之声,让朴令逸和其一群族系头皮发麻,跑的更快! But in the battlefield, Jiang Feifei and a numerous clan and tribe, deeply fell into the endless beast group, everyone must face biting of dozens Universe God Beast to nip simultaneously, during falls into is completely passive, some Universe God sources were hit in a flash! 而战场中,姜妃妃和一众部族,深深陷入了无尽的兽群之中,每一个人都要同时面对几十只宙神兽的噬咬,完全陷入被动之中,转瞬之间就有一个个宙神本源被打出来! Feifei elder sister......” “妃妃姐……” They frightened, grief and indignation and vacant, looks that fights Nebula Shellfish and Nine Young Ghosts form alone, she also shoulders in the forefront, most little showed that they have not lost. 他们惶然、悲愤、茫然,看着那一个独战星云贝九稚鬼的身影,她还扛在最前面,最少证明他们没有输。 If Lin Zhaoge they, here situation can be better?” “如果林朝歌他们在,这边情况会不会好一些?” They are confused. 他们心烦意乱。 „Really was Feifei elder sister wrong?” “妃妃姐真是错了吗?” After making into the Universe God source, will be captured, they at this time except for indulging in flights of fancy, without other functions. 被打成宙神本源后,就会被俘虏,他们这时候除了胡思乱想,也没其他作用了。 But Jiang Feifei, she has no free time to think anything radically, one carelessly, her result is also the Universe God source...... dies finally! 姜妃妃,她根本没空去想什么,一个不慎,她的结局也是宙神本源……最后是死! Insists......” “坚持住……” She shook suddenly drew back several hundred Universe God Beast, crawled, one was the blood. 她猛然震退了数百只宙神兽,爬了起来,一身都是血。 At that moment, she really somewhat despaired! 那一刻,她真的有些绝望了! In this instantly! 就在这一个刹那! Above the sky, has the black and white light beam to pierce suddenly together under! 天空之上,陡然有一道黑白光柱洞穿而下! This light beam, too the sparkle, is too together fierce! 这一道光柱,太闪耀,太凶猛! Only in a flash, it shone the entire battlefield, illuminated hundreds of thousands of Universe God Beast! 只一瞬间,它就照耀了整个战场,将数十万宙神兽都照亮了! What?” “什么?” Nine Young Ghosts and that Nebula Shellfish whole body tremble, raised the head suddenly! 九稚鬼和那星云贝浑身一颤,陡然抬头! Bang-!!! 轰隆-!!! That black and white light beam bombardment on the body of Nine Young Ghosts. 那黑白光柱轰击在了九稚鬼的身上。 Ah--!” 啊——!” The Nine Young Ghosts pain shouts one, was evaporated at the scene the smoke and fire! 九稚鬼痛苦嘶吼一声,当场被蒸发成烟火! Bang! 轰隆! A huge Universe God source pounds on the ground! 一个巨大的宙神本源砸在地上! strongest Evil Gods, discards at the scene! 最强罪恶神众,当场废掉! The remaining prestige bombardment of that black and white light beam on the ground, when immediately over a thousand fight the beast evaporation! 那黑白光柱的余威轰击在地上,当即当上千战兽蒸发! The so terrifying might, shut off the fight of entire battlefield directly! 如此恐怖威力,直接切断了整个战场的战斗! Including Jiang Feifei, everyone shivers to raise the head, sees only above the sky, three mask people fall, a female, control Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Mirror! 包括姜妃妃在内,所有人颤抖抬起头,只见天空之上,三个面具人落下,其中一个女子,掌控的正是天帝阴阳镜 They, came back!!” “他们,回来了!!” Suppressing God Level Universe God Item!” 镇神级宙神器!” The pleasant surprise and revelry, sweep away all Immemorial Permanent Sand juniors instantaneously. 惊喜、狂欢,瞬间横扫所有太古恒沙子弟。 Jiang Feifei is moved to tears! 姜妃妃热泪盈眶! Entire battlefield, imposing manner big reversal. 整个战场,气势大逆转。 What sound?” “什么声音?” When Piao Lingyi runs away, the whole body trembles, he turns head suddenly, saw that Nine Young Ghosts was extinguished by the bang at the scene...... 朴令逸逃走之时,浑身一颤,他猛然回头,就看到九稚鬼被当场轰灭…… Then, three purple form landing battlefields, start to massacre! 然后,三道紫色身影降落战场,开始乱杀! "ge?" “呃?” Piao Lingyi looks deathly pale, dumb as a wooden chicken. 朴令逸脸色惨白,呆若木鸡。 Brother Yi, but, but also escapes?” Others asked awkwardly. 逸哥,还,还逃吗?”旁人尴尬问。
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