FGOAA :: Volume #41

#4026: Dugu Meng!

Great Darkgreen Universe City, Heavenly Demon Palace! 太苍宙城,天魔殿 The city of highest this belongs to Universe God, fell into the riot at this moment. 这一座属于宙神至高之城,此刻陷入了暴乱之中。 Almost all Universe God on these hundreds of thousands of meters wide streets, look at a fight on heaven! 几乎所有宙神都在这数十万米宽的街道上,看着苍天上的一幕战斗! Li Tianming competes for Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Mirror one! 正是李天命争夺天帝阴阳镜的一幕! From the beginning, they also and these Illusion Heaven God Clan equally were contented, the rampant ridicule...... to pull out until Li Tianming killed greatly! 一开始,他们也和那些幻天神族一样怡然自得、嚣张嘲笑……直到李天命掏出了大杀器! That explosion, gave to explode entire Ten Desolate Star Furnace Eight Departments Gods ignorant. 那一爆炸,也将整个十荒星炉八部神众都给炸懵了。 After Great Darkgreen Universe City experiences the instantaneous deathly stillness, rises from all directions noisily! 太苍宙城经历瞬间的死寂后,吵闹四起! Then, they look helplessly Weisheng Moran controlled Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Mirror in turn, took to Taiyang Zhao (sun shine) and Taiyin Yuan this two Ten Desolate Star Furnace highest talent strikes fatally! 然后,他们眼睁睁看着微生墨染反过来掌控了天帝阴阳镜,带给了太阳炤太阴媛两个十荒星炉至高天才致命一击! Over a thousand Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Star Illusion Heaven all die! 上千天帝阴阳星幻天全死! Suddenly, entire Ten Desolate Star Furnace all mentality explosion. 一时间,全十荒星炉全体心态爆炸。 But that Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Star Illusion Heaven God Clan, is the face is redder and dumb as a wooden chicken, Li Tianming that sword is also similar to chops to cut on their heads. 而那天帝阴阳星幻天神族,更是脸面赤红、呆若木鸡,李天命那一剑也如同劈斩在他们的脑袋上。 The entire star shouted curses! 全星叫骂! May in scolding the sound, they deeply have a premonition, all of lower-level vestige very possible to lose control. 可在骂声之中,他们深深预感到,下层遗迹的一切很可能要失控了。 In Heavenly Demon Palace, these top Universe God is a deathly stillness! 天魔殿内,那些顶尖宙神更是一片死寂! Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Mirror, did not have......” 天帝阴阳镜,没了啊……” On kilometer Universe God, look quietly to other two Mr. and Mrs. Illusion Heaven God Clan. 一个个上千米的宙神,悄悄看向另外两个幻天神族夫妻。 That is the two palatial person's shadow, one black one white, two people are similar to the star sea vortex, the body of its Universe God is swallowing around sorption all, even if Great Darkgreen Demon Lord, sits is quite away from them to be far. 那是两个巍峨的人影,一黑一白,两人都如同星海漩涡,其宙神之体正在吞吸着周围的一切,哪怕是太苍魔主,都坐得距离他们比较远。 This is terrifying two exists! 这是恐怖的两个存在! „The person of this Ancestral World, the method truly is special...... you to believe how should end? The lower-level vestige was very possible to lose control.” Great Darkgreen Demon Lord said in a low voice. “这祖界之人,手段确实特殊……你们认为,该怎么收场?下层遗迹很可能要失控了。”太苍魔主低声道。 They had the advantage in the upper vestige, but in this lower-level vestige, because of age limit, the places of some truly many impeding. 他们在上层遗迹占据了优势,而在这下层遗迹,因为岁数限制,确实有很多掣肘之处。 Originally is also the advantage! 本来也是优势! Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Mirror, inevitably is a turning point. 天帝阴阳镜,必然是一个转折点。 They as the elder, are impossible unable to look. 他们作为长辈,不可能看不出来。 The aspect that had been exploded by Li Tianming to the turn over. 局面已经被李天命那一炸给翻转了。 What this time having an accident is Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Star, therefore the Universe God powerhouse, is visiting them. 这次出事的是天帝阴阳星,所以众位宙神强者,都在看着他们。 That body such as the Illusion Heaven man of white vortex lost the children, silent a while, suddenly said: I suggested, immediately informs, all children withdraw from the lower-level vestige.” 那一个身躯如白色漩涡的幻天男子失去了子女,沉默了一会儿,忽然道:“我建议,马上通知下去,所有小孩撤出下层遗迹。” People hears word, the complexion somewhat is strange. 众人闻言,面色都有些古怪。 You know, after this change appears, the whole staff retreats is the only safe law, even if withdraws us still to go in again. But you believe, regarding our Eight Departments Gods, does not fight to draw back in a small battlefield is a shame choice, therefore you hesitate.” That white vortex Universe God Dao/said. “你们都知道,这变化出现后,全员撤退是唯一的稳妥之法,就算撤出我们也能再进去。但你们都认为,对于我们八部神众而言,在一个小战场不战而退是一种耻辱选择,所以你们再犹豫。”那白色漩涡宙神道 Great Darkgreen Demon Lord, Original Sin God and the others were silent, obviously, they also approve this view. 太苍魔主原罪神等人沉默,显然,他们也认可这个说法。 Everyone understands! 大家都懂! But they deeply know, in Heavenly Dao Arena such live broadcast, making junior Universe God retreat, will have the drastic effect. 但他们深深知道,在天道竞技场这样的‘直播’下,让小辈宙神撤退,会造成何等巨大的影响。 Even becomes other Star Furnace jokes. 甚至成为其他星炉的笑话。 This shame, the eternity is difficult to see. 这种羞辱,千古难见。 Until now, occupies the quantity and battle strength advantage, because presented an accident, withdraws on the whole staff, gives up Nine Lives Fruit...... 99% people, is not possible to understand.” Great Darkgreen Demon Lord said. “迄今为止,还是占据数量和战力的优势,只是因为出现了一个变故,就全员撤出,放弃九命果……百分之九十九的人,都是不可能理解的。”太苍魔主道。 Issue is, now makes them withdraw, time not too enough. Has hit.” Original Sin God raised the head, „, since hit, that projects on the bottom, who said that lost a situation, will certainly lose?” “问题是,现在让他们撤出,时间也不太够了。已经打起来了。”原罪神抬起头,“既然打了,那就打到底,谁说失去了一步先机,就一定会输呢?” All, unknown. 一切,都还是未知的。 At least, can hear outside Heavenly Demon Palace, has resounded blotting out the sky the sound of angry war, this sound also spread over Ten Desolate Star Furnace inevitably. 最起码,可以听到天魔殿外,已经响起了铺天盖地的怒战之声,这种声音也必然传遍了十荒星炉 Eight Departments Gods under anger, urgently needs these talent Universe God through one to win, divulges aggrievedness and angry in heart! 愤怒下的八部神众,迫切需要这些天才宙神通过一场大胜,来宣泄心中的憋屈和愤怒! That hits!” “那就打吧!” That white vortex Universe God, upper vestige, should hit one ruthlessly.” 那白色漩涡宙神顿了顿,“上层遗迹这边,也该打一场狠的了。” At least, the upper vestige is safe. 最起码,上层遗迹是稳妥的。 Relax, Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Mirror is truly accidental, really wants the front impact, the children will not let the entire Eight Departments Gods death.” The Great Darkgreen Demon Lord vision looks quiet coldly to the vault of heaven, after all, they have the entire universe most honored bloodlines! They, are Eight Departments God Child!” “放心吧,天帝阴阳镜确实算意外,真要正面碰撞,孩子们不会让全八部神众死亡。”太苍魔主目光幽冷看向苍穹,“毕竟,他们都拥有着全宇宙最尊贵的血脉!他们,都是八部神子!” In this endless universe, to them, has not exceeded the Eight Departments Gods starry sky clan. 这无尽宇宙中,对他们来说,已经没有超越八部神众的星空氏族了。 ...... …… Lower-level vestige, Miracle Mountain! 下层遗迹,神迹山 In Nine Lives Cave. 九命窟内。 Immemorial Permanent Sand young Universe God guarding here. 一个个太古恒沙年轻宙神驻守在这里。 Their complexion is solemn and respectful, look struggles! 他们面色肃穆、眼神挣扎! Obviously can see, the outside five ten thousand Eight Departments Gods juniors have gone to battle, Demon Heaven God Clan war beast that first takes the lead, Universe God Beast that these do not fear death is killing from Nine Lives Cave each entrance, compels toward inside the Immemorial Permanent Sand young people step by step! 明显可以看到,外面五万八部神众子弟已经出战,首先打头阵的正是魔天神族的战兽,这些不怕死的宙神兽正从九命窟各个入口杀进来,将太古恒沙的年轻人一步一步往里面逼! Except for meeting head-on, does not have the escape route again! 除了迎战,已经再无退路! Even, several directions have hit, slaughters very intensely. 甚至,有好几个方向已经打起来了,厮杀十分激烈。 Eight Departments Gods, the faith is extremely high! 八部神众,信念极高! They attack altogether have five routes! Arrived will gather here finally, this explained that they are familiar with all our actions! This fights us to have no secret, we lost, dead!” In the crowd, that Piao Lingyi whole face is incorruptible, clenches jaws. “他们进攻一共有五条路线!到最后都会汇聚在我们这里,这说明他们对我们所有的行动都了如指掌!这一战我们根本没有任何秘密,我们输定了、死定了!”人群之中,那朴令逸满脸冰霜,咬牙切齿。 Is 50,000 pairs 30,000, we have the Nine Lives Cave terrain advantage, does not engage in hand-to-hand combat, they must attack is not easy, do not say things just to frighten people in this!” Jiang Feifei is leading the person to withstand a cavern mouth, she at present is innumerable wild Universe God Beast, until now, she has killed much. “不过是五万对三万,我们还有九命窟的地形优势,又不是短兵相接,他们要攻进来并不容易,你别在这危言耸听!”姜妃妃正带人顶住了一个洞窟口,她眼前就是无数狂暴的宙神兽,迄今为止,她已经杀了不少。 „Did I say things just to frighten people?” Piao Lingyi smiled, laughs wildly, after smiling, he is looking angrily at Jiang Feifei, roared: „Did you also feel all right to say me? Because if not for you do not have the brain to be stupid, believes others carelessly, Lin Zhaoge and will dozens core powerhouses be directed? Was short of them, we have suffered a loss on upper battle strength! This does obeisance your Jiang Feifei to bestow!” “我危言耸听?”朴令逸笑了,狂笑,笑完之后,他怒视着姜妃妃,咆哮道:“你还好意思说我?若不是因为你无脑愚蠢,胡乱相信别人,林朝歌和几十个核心强者会被引走?少了他们,我们在上层战力上已经吃大亏了!这都是拜你姜妃妃所赐!” Matter did not have the conclusion, you are short to me label.” Helpless Jiang Feifei said. “事情还没定论,你少给我扣帽子。”姜妃妃无奈道。 Didn't have the conclusion? When can your fond dream achieve? Cannot master why they make your one female gives orders, what do you besides indecisive have? All brothers who waste, dies today, were killed by you stupidly!” Piao Lingyi roared. “还没定论?你的美梦要做到什么时候?搞不懂他们为什么让你一个女的来发号施令,你除了优柔寡断还有什么?废物一个,今日死的所有兄弟,都是被你愚蠢害死了!”朴令逸咆哮道。 He shouted loudly like this, the resisting person, the mentality also came under very tremendous impact, suddenly, entire Immemorial Permanent Sand was very chaotic. 他这样大喊大叫,很多正在抵抗的人,心态也受到了非常大的影响,一时间,整个太古恒沙十分混乱。 Many people cannot see the truth, only listens to Piao Lingyi to shout in this, also is very at heart depressed, had some suspicions to Jiang Feifei. 许多人看不到真相,只听朴令逸在这喊,心里也很郁闷,对姜妃妃产生了一些怀疑。 Woman!” Piao Lingyi is driven beyond the limits of forbearance, has one crowd of humanity: You with me, I lead you to break through!” “妇人!”朴令逸忍无可忍,带着一群人道:“你们跟我,我带你们突围!” Yes!” “是!” At least half of people follow Piao Lingyi, they chose a channel, just killed, the front giant beast gallops, the innumerable Demon Heaven God Clan war beasts form hundreds of thousands of armies, is neighing the charge! 起码有一半人跟着朴令逸,他们选了一条通道,刚杀出去,前方巨兽奔腾,无数魔天神族的战兽形成数十万大军,嘶叫着冲锋而来! Dugu Meng!” 独孤梦!” Piao Lingyi and Jiang Feifei, first saw in that innumerable beast group, existences that makes them dread. 朴令逸姜妃妃,第一时间都看到了那无数兽群之中,有一个让他们都忌惮的存在。 That is one covers the female in the middle of black dense fog, very obviously is Demon Heaven God Clan 7th-Rank Universe God. 那是一个笼罩在黑色迷雾当中的女子,很明显是一个魔天神族七阶宙神
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