FGOAA :: Volume #41

#4025: The dust of history!

You cheat!” “你作弊!” Distant place Zi Zhen was a little just uncomfortable, never expected that Weisheng Moran without delay, controls that Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Mirror strength, suddenly the black and white light beam passes through again void, Taiyang Zhao (sun shine) also came such to that is clamoring, the bang dispersed he most self-satisfied Illusion Spirit at the scene! 远处紫禛刚有点不爽,没想到微生墨染二话不说,掌控那天帝阴阳镜力量,一时间黑白光柱再度贯穿虚空,给那叫嚣着的太阳炤也来了这么一下,当场轰散了他最得意的幻神 Seizes the opportunity!” “抓住机会!” Li Tianming without delay, changes to the lightning storm to kill toward that Taiyin Yuan! 李天命二话不说,化作闪电风暴朝着那太阴媛杀去! Taiyin Yuan just crawled to set out, at present flashes a purple great shadow! 太阴媛刚刚爬起身,眼前闪来一个紫色巨影! Above this purple great shadow right leg twines over ten thousand heavy star links, unites the innumerable Primordial Chaos world strength, as after Li Tianming strengthens a mortal body leg, trampled on the face of Taiyin Yuan! 这紫色巨影的右腿之上缠绕上万重星环,凝聚无数鸿蒙世界力量,随着李天命加强后的肉身一腿,踹在了太阴媛的脸上! Bang! 轰隆! Taiyin Yuan called out pitifully, that face exploded at the scene, the entire head went to half directly! 太阴媛惨叫一声,那一张脸当场爆开,整个脑袋直接去了一半! Yan and Huang domestic animal! The dust of history! You must be beyond redemption!” Taiyin Yuan shouts incisively. “炎黄畜生!历史的尘埃!你必万劫不复!”太阴媛尖锐嘶吼。 Goes to your Sir!” “去你大爷的!” Li Tianming both hands grip that Eastern Sovereign Sword, cuts to kill suddenly, in this Eastern Sovereign Sword, obviously obvious two different goddess illusory images emerges, one is 40-Layer Pseudo Shape Beginning of An Era Sword Princess, one is over a million Chaos Sword Princess strengths! 李天命双手握住那东皇剑,猛然斩杀而下,这东皇剑之中,明显可见两种不同的女神幻影在其中涌现,一个是四十重拟象纪元剑姬,一个则是上百万的混沌剑姬力量! Naturally, what is stronger is the Bai Ling (white rise) soul lethality, and present Eastern Sovereign Sword this lets the sharpness of person scalp tingles! 当然,更强的是白凌的灵魂杀伤力,以及现在东皇剑这让人头皮发麻的锋利! Taiyin Yuan holds up that Universe God Item fan suddenly, keeps off Li Tianming this sword! 太阴媛猛然举起那宙神器扇子,来挡李天命这一剑! Li Tianming this cuts, with that Universe God Dao/said second sword Eternal Star Cage, a sword cut to be similar to myriad starry sky prisons to overwhelm, the overhead shakes in the Taiyin Yuan whole body! 李天命这一斩,用上了那宙神道的第二剑‘永恒星牢’,一剑斩下如同万千星空牢狱盖下,当头震在太阴媛全身! Rips! 撕拉! This cuts, tears two halves this Universe God Item unexpectedly at the scene! 这一斩,竟当场将这宙神器撕裂成两半! "fuck!" “靠!” Li Tianming has not thought that Eastern Sovereign Sword becomes this sharply, many somewhat loves dearly. 李天命没想到东皇剑锋利成这样,多少有些心疼。 The next instance, that Eastern Sovereign Sword by the might of riot, cuts to kill luckily on this Taiyin Yuan the body of Universe God, this heavy hand will destroy the sword of flower with irresistible force, a Illusion Spirit Cultivator sword will cleave in two directly on this day! 幸好下一个瞬间,那东皇剑以暴乱之威力,斩杀在这太阴媛宙神之体上,这辣手摧花的一剑势如破竹,直接将这天才幻神修炼者一剑劈成两半! Bang! 轰隆! During the Taiyin Yuan pitiful yell, the body explodes at the scene, changes to the brilliant fireworks, then condenses a 70 meters in diameter black Universe God source, pounds loudly on the ground! 太阴媛惨叫之中,身体当场爆开,化作绚烂烟花,而后凝聚成一个直径70米的黑色宙神本源,轰然砸在地上! My Illusion Heaven......” Taiyin Yuan to this degree, as if also has Illusion Heaven God Clan steamroll all thoughts at heart. “我幻天……”太阴媛到这程度,似乎心里还有一种幻天神族碾压一切的意念。 What a pity, what she bumps into is Li Tianming! 可惜,她碰上的是李天命 Is imaginary your head!” “幻你个头!” Li Tianming both hands grip that golden great sword, toward a that black Universe God source thorn! 李天命双手握住那金色巨剑,朝着那黑色宙神本源一刺! This so firm Universe God source, ordinary Universe God Item is not good to hold, has not thought, Li Tianming this Eastern Sovereign Sword such as the blade enters the flesh to be the same unexpectedly, titters one, pierces this Universe God source directly! 这如此刚硬的宙神本源,普通宙神器都不好捅进去,万万没想到,李天命东皇剑竟然如刀入血肉一样,噗嗤一声,直接将这宙神本源洞穿! "ge?" “呃?” Taiyin Yuan has a dream has not thought, his Eastern Sovereign Sword, unexpectedly firm to this degree, she remembered Miracle Mountain suddenly. 太阴媛做梦都没想到,他的东皇剑,竟然刚硬到这种程度,她忽然想起了神迹山 „......” “难道……” When she has this crazy idea, that is the Bai Ling (white rise) soul strength to erupt, in addition the dream bubble bombardment of Bai Ye (white night), a wave extinguishes loudly kills, Taiyin Yuan that incomplete spirit body died out at the scene! 就在她心里生出这个疯狂想法的时候,那属于白凌的灵魂力量爆发出来,加上白夜的梦幻泡影轰击,一波轰然灭杀,太阴媛那本就残缺的灵体当场寂灭! She, death! 她,死! The Li Tianming flash has not stayed, installed her Universe God source corpse! 李天命一瞬间都没停留,就将她的宙神本源尸体装了起来! He is a competitive fellow, is the girl struggle, instead cares, after all the grown man, in the face cannot lose...... 他是个争强好胜的家伙,越是和女孩子争,反而更在意,毕竟大男人,面子上不能丢…… Fortunately! 还好! He won! 他赢了! This benefits from the promotion of Eastern Sovereign Sword, making the homicide injure oneself through over-heavy labor or over-exertion rises dramatically! 这得益于东皇剑的提升,让他杀伤力飙升! This time Zi Zhen, has not made into the Universe God source that Taiyang Zhao (sun shine). 这时候的紫禛,还没将那太阳炤打成宙神本源。 However looks at this situation, was obviously quick! 不过看这情况,明显快了! Other Illusion Heaven God Clan, although became the Universe God source, but has not died!” “其他幻天神族虽然成了宙神本源,但是没死!” Li Tianming eyes one cold, starts doing to let all Illusion Heaven God Clan angry and frightened matters. 李天命双眼一冷,紧接着就开始做让所有幻天神族愤怒、恐惧的事。 No! No!” “不!不!” Over a thousand Universe God sources angry roar. 上千个宙神本源怒吼。 But Li Tianming same has swept from their side like gust, each sword gets down, pierces a Universe God source with ease, lets their pitiful yells and cursing angrily, the twinkling nulling operation! 李天命如同一阵风一样从它们身边扫过,每一剑下去,轻松洞穿一个宙神本源,让他们的惨叫和怒骂,瞬息归零! The entire battlefield, becomes at the terrifying speed is peaceful. 整个战场,以恐怖的速度变得安静下来。 Lin Zhaoge they are killing, Li Tianming is making up the blade, regarding having Little Six Eastern Sovereign Sword, these step was too simple, such as cuts the melon to cut the vegetable/dish to be the same! 林朝歌他们在杀,李天命则在补刀,对于有小六东皇剑来说,这一步太简单了,就如砍瓜切菜一样! They cannot move, probably was executed, can only wait for death! 他们都动弹不得,像是被处决似的,只能等死! These Illusion Heaven God Clan, clamored a moment ago fiercely, now desperate, their first discovery, the status of their talent, Illusion Heaven God Clan great family background, suddenly no matter used! 这些幻天神族,刚才叫嚣得多厉害,现在就有多绝望,他们第一次发现,他们天才的身份,幻天神族的伟大出身,一时间都不管用了! Rips these covers, they also treat the lamb that butchers! 剥去这些外皮,他们也只是待宰的羔羊而已! Even if Taiyang Zhao (sun shine), is so. 哪怕是太阳炤,也是如此。 Reinforcements!” “援军呢!” Taiyang Zhao (sun shine) puts out a golden pass on message stone, solemn second talent, sees his Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Star over a thousand talent tragic deaths, in the sound brings the weeping voice. 太阳炤拿出一个金色传讯石,堂堂第二天才,看到他天帝阴阳星上千天才惨死,声音里都带着哭腔。 Excuse me, we killed quickly, the reinforcements were far!” Li Tianming sweeps, extinguishes to kill, then loads in the middle of the Universe God source corpse Xumi Ring completely spare. “不好意思,我们杀得太快了,援军还远呢!”李天命一路扫荡,灭杀过去,然后将一个个宙神本源尸体全部装入须弥之戒当中备用。 All commodities that on them carry, Li Tianming also received, including Nine Lives Fruit that part has not transported. 他们身上携带的一切物资,李天命也收了起来,包括一部分还没运出去的九命果 His last few words, let the Taiyang Zhao (sun shine) radical collapse! 他这最后一句话,让太阳炤彻底崩溃了! Bang! 轰! Zi Zhen passes through his body by the sharp claws, long hair and long-tail, tears into shreds him, exploded the Universe God source. 紫禛以利爪、长发、长尾贯穿其身体,将他生生撕碎开来,爆成了宙神本源。 You will die a tragic death......” Taiyang Zhao (sun shine) to roar desperately. “你会死得很惨……”太阳炤绝望咆哮。 The next instance, Li Tianming that Eastern Sovereign Sword passed through his Universe God source. 下一个瞬间,李天命东皇剑就贯穿了他这宙神本源。 Taiyang Zhao (sun shine) , the vitality in the despair exterminates. 太阳炤,亦在绝望之中生机灭绝。 From now on, these over a thousand pairs of Illusion Heaven God Clan, almost die completely certainly, few of escaping. 自此,这上千对幻天神族,几乎全部死绝,逃出去的寥寥无几。 Never may break the fortress, to they were massacred by Li Tianming, the middle only missed Ji Ji! 从不可破之堡垒,到被李天命他们乱杀,中间只差了一个姬姬 Temporarily lost Ji Ji, Li Tianming battle strength dropped much, but coped with 7th-Rank Illusion Heaven, had the Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Mirror help again, was enough! 暂时失去了姬姬,李天命战力下降不少,不过对付一个七阶幻天,再有天帝阴阳镜帮助,还是足够的! Taiyang Zhao (sun shine) dies, looking into the distance, this battlefield makes Li Tianming tidy up cleanly! 太阳炤一死,放眼望去,这个战场让李天命收拾得干干净净! Walks!” “走!” He beckons, these Immemorial Permanent Sand juniors facial features were in abundance frantic, gather at his side. 他一招手,那些太古恒沙的子弟纷纷面容狂热,聚集在了他的身边。 Lin Feng! You are our gods!” Lin Zhaoge blazing say/way. 林枫!你是我们的神!”林朝歌炽烈道。 Pitifully Piao Lingyi still publicizes in Nine Lives Cave, you were betrayed.” Li Tianming sneers to say. “可惜朴令逸还在九命窟内宣扬,你们被背叛了呢。”李天命冷笑道。 He will endure hardships for the stupidity!” Lin Zhaoge said. “他会为愚蠢而遭罪!”林朝歌道。 Said again, first kills!” “再说吧,先杀回去!” Li Tianming said, turned round to look at Weisheng Moran, in the eye full was the color of applause. 李天命说完,回身看了一眼微生墨染,眼里满是赞许之色。 This mirror how?” Li Tianming asked. “这镜子怎样了?”李天命问。 Ok! The might that although I can play are not many, but should be able to apply...... the future to unearth slowly.” Weisheng Moran said. “还可以!虽然我能发挥的威力不多,但应该能派上用场……未来慢慢挖掘吧。”微生墨染道。 She can help, at heart is very happy, that is the feeling that a life significance realizes. 她能帮上忙,心里还是很高兴的,那是一种人生意义实现的感觉。 In this mirror also the special spaces, I can go, swallows the Illusion Heaven Universe God source in inside, in this case, will not be seen by Heavenly Dao Arena.” Weisheng Moran said near the Li Tianming ear low voice. “这镜子里面还有一个特殊空间呢,我可以进去,在里面吞掉幻天宙神本源,这样的话,就不会被天道竞技场看到了。”微生墨染小声在李天命耳边道。 „Is this good?” Li Tianming is joyful. “这都行?”李天命欣喜。 Troubles you to lift it, returns to the way, I strive to strengthen some.” Weisheng Moran said. “麻烦你来抬它吧,回去路上,我争取强化一些。”微生墨染道。 Good!” “好!” Li Tianming throws into that Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Mirror the Universe God source that these just killed directly, but Weisheng Moran quietly, entered inside. 李天命直接把那些刚杀的宙神本源扔进那天帝阴阳镜中,而微生墨染悄然之间,也进了里面。 She is kills absolutely greatly! 她绝对是个大杀器! Although lost Ji Ji temporarily, but there are stronger her, the blood gains. 虽然暂时失去了姬姬,但有了更强的她,还是血赚的。 Moreover, the Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Mirror crisis also reduced and solved. 而且,天帝阴阳镜的危机也化解了。 Kills!” “杀回去!” Li Tianming turn head looks to the Nine Lives Cave direction, the look is hot. 李天命回头看向九命窟方向,眼神火辣。
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