FGOAA :: Volume #41

#4024: Nine Stars Great Black Hole!

This is the time of unexpectedly finding a way out! 这是绝处逢生的时刻! Li Tianming this king Zha, explodes Illusion Heaven God Clan that these let success go to the head ignorant at the scene, lets entire Ten Desolate Star Furnace Eight Departments Gods direct was scared! 李天命这一王炸,当场炸懵了这些得意忘形的幻天神族,也让整个十荒星炉的的八部神众直接傻眼了! That dozens people ready dead from Immemorial Permanent Sand, under a Li Tianming acoustic shock roar, at the scene the both eyes hyperemia, the brain is hot blooded! 那数十位来自太古恒沙的死士们,在李天命一声震吼之下,当场双目充血,脑子已经全是热血! Buzz! 嗡! When Li Tianming charges into that Taiyang Zhao (sun shine) and Taiyin Yuan two 7th-Rank Universe God again, people ready dead simultaneously headed by Lin Zhaoge angrily roars, enters that already in collapse leisurely/scatter the Illusion Heaven God Clan community! 李天命再度冲向那太阳炤太阴媛两位七阶宙神的时候,以林朝歌为首的死士们齐齐怒吼,杀入那已然崩散的幻天神族群体之中! Ji Ji this explosion, showed its this to be seventh completely birth the fearfulness of Immemorial Chaos Giant Beast, even if it were usually inferior that probably Ying Huo (Firefly) they were comprehensive, did not use Little Six lethality, but this Annihilation skill, can help Li Tianming solve many problems. 姬姬这一爆炸,完全展现出了它这属于‘第七只’出生的太古混沌巨兽之可怕,哪怕它平时好像不如荧火它们全面,更不用小六杀伤力强,但这湮灭一招鲜,都能帮助李天命解决很多问题了。 Annihilation, over a thousand pairs of Illusion Heaven God Clan, were rumbled at the scene the Universe God source enough more than 50%, they, although has not died, but also lost the battle efficiency! 一次湮灭,上千对幻天神族,被当场轰成宙神本源的就足足有一半以上,他们虽然没死,但也失去了战斗力! The remaining half, basically have the wound! 剩下一半,基本也都是有创伤的! Lin Feng......!” 林枫……!” Lin Zhaoge followed on the heels to shout, the eyes full were scalding hot. 林朝歌跟在后面大喊了一声,双眼满是灼热。 You help me process other, this two gave us to be good!” Li Tianming has not turned head, but also knows that Lin Zhaoge is thinking anything. “你帮我处理其他,这两个交给我们就行了!”李天命没有回头,但也知道林朝歌在想什么。 Understood!” In the middle of the team of Lin Zhaoge return rush, enters in this crowd of being off their feet Illusion Heaven God Clan by the 7th-Rank Universe God strength. “明白!”林朝歌回归冲杀的队伍当中,以七阶宙神的实力杀入这一群人仰马翻的的幻天神族之中。 This time, does not have 2000 heavy Illusion Spirit Formation again! 这一次,再没两千重的幻神大阵 They push directly into, easily accomplished, its single body battle strength advantage shows, facing one group of wounded person, sees one to kill one simply! 他们长驱直入,摧枯拉朽,其单体战力的优势展现出来,面对一群伤员,简直见一个杀一个! Actually they obtain Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Mirror, has achieved the strategic goal, should retreat, but Li Tianming this. 其实他们已经得到了天帝阴阳镜,已经达到了战略目的,理应撤退,但李天命并没有这样做。 For kills Illusion Heaven! 为的,就是杀幻天 Beats severely don't hit a person when he's down, the efficiency will be very high. 痛打落水狗,效率会很高。 As for time matter, giving Yin Chen (silver dust) controlled was good, Li Tianming can kill till Yin Chen (silver dust) to say retreating the two character! 至于时机的事情,交给银尘来把控就行了,李天命可以一直杀到银尘说出‘撤退’两个字为止! But others, only need to follow Li Tianming blindly then. 而其他人,只需要盲目追随李天命即可。 This is Immemorial Chaos Giant Beast in the place of convenience in this battlefield brings. 这就是太古混沌巨兽在这战场上带来的便利之处。 Damn......” “该死……” That pair of Illusion Heaven God Clan 7th-Rank Universe God incomparable vexed fire. 那一对幻天神族七阶宙神无比怄火。 Snatches Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Mirror quickly!” “快抢回天帝阴阳镜!” They are unable to imagine, if oneself really discarded this Suppressing God Level Universe God Item, perhaps that is what kind of loss...... will become their stains for a lifetime! 他们根本无法想象,自己要是真的丢掉了这镇神级宙神器,那是何等损失……恐怕会成为他们一辈子的污点! Two people stare at Weisheng Moran, will erupt, in the top of the head was two light Mant presses under! 两人盯上微生墨染,正要爆发,头顶上就是两道光芒镇压而下! Zi Zhen and Li Tianming! 正是紫禛李天命 Person of?” Li Tianming selects the eyebrow to ask Zi Zhen. “一人一个?”李天命挑眉问紫禛 Fears you?” Zi Zhen looked at his one eyes ill-humoredly, did not have the tenth Universe God fellow.” “怕你?”紫禛没好气的看了他一眼,“还没成宙神的家伙。” You are waiting to me......!” “你给我等着……!” Li Tianming clenches jaws. 李天命咬牙切齿。 The gentlemen may not kill the shame! 士可杀不可辱! Even missed most essential one step, cannot always take saying that is not...... 就算差了最关键一步,也不能老拿出来说不是…… He can only fall in torrents the anger on this two Illusion Heaven God Clan. 他只能将怒火倾泻在这两个幻天神族身上。 Ten Desolate Heavenly Universe List second? Your two gathers to crawl to second!” 十荒天宙榜第二?只是你们两个合起来才爬到第二而已!” So long as were defeated respectively, they also do have second? 只要被分别击破,他们还有第二吗? Before Li Tianming begins, Zi Zhen has changed to together the cruel purple light beam, shells on that white Taiyang Zhao (sun shine), hits to fly directly this Illusion Heaven God Clan man! 李天命动手之前,紫禛已经化作一道残暴的紫色光束,轰击在那白色的太阳炤身上,直接将这幻天神族男子撞飞出去! This couple, was divided directly. 这一对夫妻,直接就被分割了开来。 Is only left over that dark, but gorgeous Taiyin Yuan appears in Li Tianming at present. 只剩下那黝黑但艳丽的太阴媛出现在李天命眼前。 Has saying that this black beautiful woman also has the foreign land character and style beyond description, particularly after the body of achievement Universe God, she is also Small Universe. 不得不说,这黑美人也有着难以形容的异域风情,尤其是成就宙神之体后,她也是一个小宇宙 Between universe and universe, must collide! 宇宙和宇宙之间,也是要碰撞的! In the Li Tianming eye, she is only the nourishment of small fish. 只是在李天命眼里,她就只是小鱼的养料而已。 Heavenly Nine in my hand, really does not know your Illusion Heaven God Clan has something proudly......” 天九在我手上,真不知道你们幻天神族有什么可骄傲的……” Li Tianming sneers at heart! 李天命心里冷笑一声! You are really bold, must suicide!” “你真是胆大包天,非得寻死!” Taiyin Yuan looked at oneself husband one eyes, that ice-cold look locks Li Tianming stubbornly, this 7th-Rank Universe God sticks out suddenly suddenly, the body Illusion Spirit strength falls in torrents, suddenly dark starlight sparkle! 太阴媛看了自己夫君一眼,那冰冷的眼神死死锁定李天命,她这七阶宙神猛然暴起,身上幻神力量倾泻而出,一时间黑暗星光闪耀! Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Nine huge black vortex, appear around the body of its Universe God, this each vortex deathly stillness and darkness, have are swallowing the strength of attracting vastly, is even twisting in its all around space! 一个九个巨大的黑色漩涡,出现在其宙神之体四周,这每一个漩涡都死寂、黑暗,拥有着浩瀚吞吸之力,在其四周连空间都扭曲着! Li Tianming has understood, this is Nine Stars Black Hole Illusion Spirit, what evolved is the genuine universe black hole, when they launch, can swallow including all around ray, the might is truly astonishing! 李天命了解过,这叫‘九星黑洞幻神’,衍化的是真正的宇宙黑洞,当它们展开的时候,连四周的光芒都能吞噬,威力确实很惊人! This Illusion Spirit lethality, definitely above Siming Shengshi that Illusion Spirit. 幻神的杀伤力,肯定在司命生世幻神之上。 Pitifully is, Supreme White Hole Illusion Spirit of your husband has no way to coordinate with you!” “可惜得是,你夫君的太上白洞幻神没法和你配合!” Otherwise, black and white adding together, universe counter chaotic, but also is not really good to cope. 不然的话,黑白相加,宇宙逆乱,还真是不好对付。 Ding! 叮! The Taiyin Yuan cold pupil flashes, grasps a black fan, that fan has spurs, the terminal is very sharp, on the covering of fan full is the beast shadow, the floor is celestial charts! 太阴媛冷眸闪动,手持一把黑色的扇子,那扇子有着一根根骨刺,末端十分锋利,扇面上满是兽影,底层则是一张张星图! Without a doubt this is also Universe God Item, although cannot compare that Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Mirror, but was also quite sufficient. 毫无疑问这也是一件宙神器,虽然比不上那天帝阴阳镜,但也相当够用了。 Suffers to death!” “受死!” Taiyin Yuan drinks one coldly. 太阴媛冷喝一声。 She knows, if oneself constrain Li Tianming, when the reinforcements arrive, the opportunity of turning defeat into victory, Li Tianming did not retreat at this time, but also wants to extinguish greedily kills them, this instead is their opportunities! 她知道,若是自己拖住李天命,等到援军到来,还有反败为胜的机会,李天命这时候不撤退,还贪心想要灭杀他们,这反而是他们的机会! Bang! 轰隆! Under her inspiring, that nine diameters have the several kilometers black hole vortex look like on the big mouth, from bites to nip to come toward Li Tianming in all directions, almost blocked Li Tianming all directions. 在她的引动下,那九个直径有数千米的黑洞漩涡就像是就血盆大口,从四面八方朝着李天命噬咬而来,几乎封锁住了李天命所有的方向。 But this Taiyin Yuan oneself, is hidden in the middle of this Nine Stars Black Hole Illusion Spirit, does not know that which stars black hole her murderous intention hides. 而这太阴媛本人,则隐没在这九星黑洞幻神当中,根本不知道她的杀机藏在哪一个星辰黑洞之中。 Under swallowing of this black hole, space and storm, even several Universe God sources were eaten directly, vanished instantaneously, formed the feeling of fatal distortion! 在这黑洞的吞噬下,空间、风暴,甚至有几个宙神本源被直接吃掉,瞬间消失,形成了致命的扭曲之感! Level is really high!” “水平真高!” Li Tianming both hands grip that golden Eastern Sovereign Sword, the eyes narrow the eyes. 李天命双手握住那金色的东皇剑,双眼一眯。 Has saying that strength that this Taiyin Yuan shows, the feeling is much stronger than beforehand Siming Shengshi. 不得不说,这太阴媛表现出的实力,感觉是比之前的司命生世要强得多。 He is preparing on hardly! 他正准备硬上! At this moment, the back hears one to thunder suddenly. 就在这时,背后忽然传来一声轰鸣。 Li Tianming astonished , the black and white light beam passes through to come together at a loss, tearing world bombardment on this Nine Stars Black Hole Illusion Spirit! 李天命惊愕之间,一道黑白光柱茫然贯穿而来,撕裂天地轰击在这九星黑洞幻神上! Bang! 轰隆! An burst, ray splash! 一声震爆,光芒飞溅! Visible, that Nine Stars Black Hole Illusion Spirit demolishes loudly, nine vortex were torn into shreds by this black and white light beam most, but that Taiyin Yuan called out pitifully, flew upside down at the scene, pounded ruthlessly in the ground, she spouted blood of the stars, the body of chest big piece Universe God cracks, that Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Mirror might surged in within the body like dragon snake, blows out intermittent starlight! 肉眼可见,那九星黑洞幻神轰然爆破,九个漩涡被这黑白光柱撕碎大半,而那太阴媛惨叫一声,当场倒飞出去,狠狠砸在地面上,她喷出一口星辰之血,胸口大片宙神之体崩裂开来,那天帝阴阳镜的威力如同龙蛇在其体内激荡,爆出阵阵星光 She is how possible......” “她怎么可能……” The Taiyin Yuan grieved vision, looks at a space slender mask person! 太阴媛惨然的目光,看着天上一个窈窕的面具人! Illusion Spirit Cultivator! 一个幻神修炼者 Small fish?” Li Tianming turns head, saw that Weisheng Moran has controlled this Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Mirror, he is very certainly pleasantly surprised. “小鱼?”李天命回头,就看到微生墨染已经掌控了这天帝阴阳镜,他当然十分惊喜。 Has not acted, Weisheng Moran helped itself cause heavy losses to the opponent! 还没出手呢,微生墨染又帮助自己重创对手了!
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