FGOAA :: Volume #41

#4023: king Zha!

This was equal to just making war, he and Zi Zhen hit on the sheet iron! 这等于是刚刚开战,他和紫禛就撞在铁板上了! Another side is worse! 另一边更糟糕! Lin Zhaoge leads more than 50 people from killing on, all makes that two thousand Illusion Spirit shake to fly unexpectedly, vitalities tumble, the waste rolls out! 林朝歌带着五十多人从杀而上,竟全让那两千幻神震飞出来,一个个气血翻滚,浪费滚了出去! Two fronts, the opening collapsed! 两条战线,开局就崩了! This does not have the means that Li Tianming to bring more people, but the Immemorial Permanent Sand juniors population is truly insufficient. 这没办法,李天命本想带来更多人,但太古恒沙子弟确实人数不够。 Troubled in a big way!” “麻烦大了!” He and Lin Zhaoge, underestimated these over a thousand Illusion Heaven God Clan Illusion Spirit cooperation abilities. 他和林朝歌,还是低估了这上千个幻天神族幻神协作能力。 2000 Illusion Spirit, formed one to defend Illusion Spirit ultra-large! 两千个幻神,结成了一个超大防御幻神 They hide in this Illusion Spirit, sneers to look at these dozens people, in the eye, only then despises. 他们藏在这幻神内,冷笑看着这数十人,眼中只有鄙夷。 Immemorial Permanent Sand barbarian, Ancestral World indigenous, wants to break of our Illusion Heaven?” 太古恒沙的蛮夷,祖界的土著,也想破我们幻天之阵?” They indulge in fantasy, haha......” “他们真是异想天开,哈哈……” Sees not to have, these idiots flustered. Nine Lives Cave was attacked, they also despaired.” “看到没有,这些蠢货慌了。九命窟被进攻,他们也要绝望了。” Over a thousand Illusion Heaven God Clan, even if the single body strength were inferior that these dozens people, depended on at this time tie, solid show a superiority feeling. 上千幻天神族,哪怕单体实力不如这数十人,这时候靠着结阵,实实在在秀了一把优越感。 Although this defense having no way wound opponent, but Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Mirror! 虽然这种防御没法创伤对手,但是天帝阴阳镜可以啊! Moreover, our some are time walking with dog.” “而且,我们有的是时间遛狗儿。” A while reinforcements arrived, kills to cry again they.” “一会儿援军到了,再杀哭他们。” One laughs intermittently, transmits from this super Illusion Spirit Formation, each makes people uncomfortable. 一阵阵哄笑,从这超级幻神大阵当中传来,每一声都让人难受。 Li Tianming attempted again several, he can kill actually with Zi Zhen, but destruction this Illusion Spirit Formation basis, once is thorough, will only be besieged thoroughly, deeply during falls the acceptance to kill! 李天命再尝试了几下,他倒是能和紫禛杀进去,但破坏不了这幻神大阵的根本,一旦再深入,只会被彻底围攻,深深陷入围杀之中! He raised the head suddenly, the double pupil and that Taiyang Zhao (sun shine) and Taiyin Yuan collide together. 他猛然抬头,双眸和那太阳炤太阴媛碰撞在一起。 They are preparing Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Mirror next one strikes, simultaneously looks at Li Tianming by the vision of looking disdainfully. 他们在准备天帝阴阳镜的下一击,同时以睥睨的目光看着李天命 Yan and Huang descendant? Your ancestor by the slaughter completely, was left behind incompetent you, had been eliminated by the history.” The Taiyin Yuan sweet and delicate voice said with a smile, ridicule that on that shiny black elegant face, was not forgiving completely. “炎黄后裔么?你祖先被屠尽了,留下无能的你们,早就被历史淘汰了。”太阴媛娇声笑道,那黑黝黝的俏脸上,满是不留情的讥讽。 Do not struggle, waits for death. Not only you must die, these three ten thousand Immemorial Permanent Sand flies, must die. You died, this lower-level vestige thorough was peaceful.” Taiyang Zhao (sun shine) talked about with interest. “你别挣扎了,等死吧。不但你要死,还有这三万太古恒沙的苍蝇们,也得死。你们死了,这下层遗迹就彻底安静了。”太阳炤乐道。 Obviously, they defend successfully, had the enormous advantage. 很显然,他们防守成功,占据了极大的优势。 These two thousand Illusion Spirit Formation, like a mountain in Li Tianming at present, make their dozens individuals not gasp for breath horizontally without doubt. 这两千幻神大阵,如同一座大山横在李天命眼前,无疑让他们几十个人都喘不过气来。 Brother Lin, the disparity was too big!” 林兄,差距太大了!” Lin Zhaoge looked anxiously, the doggedly sincere, now became dim. 林朝歌焦急看了过来,一腔热血,现在成了黯淡。 That dozens go to the person, in front of this Illusion Spirit Formation, felt desperate suffocation. 那数十个赴死之人,在这幻神大阵面前,也感受到了绝望的窒息。 Solemn Illusion Heaven God Clan, is known as the starry sky's first clan, more than ten times in the opponent, what to do actually the choice sticking together defense...... they can? 堂堂幻天神族,号称星空第一族,十多倍于对手,却选择抱团防守……他们能怎么办? As powerhouse, but also discrete slight...... this opponent is truly hard to deal with! 身为强者,还谨慎细微……这种对手确实难缠! In addition Nine Lives Cave had been attacked! 加上九命窟已经被进攻了! That Piao Lingyi is publicizing, Li Tianming this lured the enemy out of his stronghold has succeeded, during this made that 30,000 brothers also fall into despaired, does not trust Jiang Feifei! 朴令逸正在宣扬,李天命这调虎离山已经成功了,这让那三万兄弟也陷入了绝望之中,对姜妃妃已经不信任了! This bad apple, at crucial moments, will really only add to the chaos! 这种害群之马,在关键时刻,果然只会添乱! So during the hopeless situation, imagines Li Tianming is more difficult than! 如此绝境,比李天命想象之中还要困难! mother!” 玛德!” Li Tianming eyes one red. 李天命双眼一红。 Could not endure! 忍不了了! Just the card in a hand, he wants to hide a conceals again, where knows that came is the hell opening! 刚有一个底牌,他本来想再藏一藏,哪里知道一来就是地狱开局! Looks at opposite that over a thousand Illusion Heaven God Clan contented superior countenance, Li Tianming flies into a rage. 看着对面那上千幻天神族一个个怡然自得的优越嘴脸,李天命勃然大怒。 He from Companion Space, grasped a pink sparkle crystal star/celestial body suddenly! 他猛然从伴生空间内,抓出了一个粉色的闪耀水晶星体! What is this?” Lin Zhaoge they gawked, only felt that this gadget is very attractive. “这是什么?”林朝歌他们愣了一下,只感觉这玩意儿很好看。 Opposite over a thousand Illusion Heaven God Clan, does not know that this is anything. 对面的上千幻天神族,也不知道这是什么。 They continue to sneer. 他们继续冷笑。 Ji Ji, to father on!!” 姬姬,给老子上!!” Li Tianming lowers roars, the both arms are holding this pink crystal, the body( only misses seventh star organ) with Universe God meters, Ji Ji suddenly/violently cast off! 李天命低吼一声,双臂抱着这粉色水晶,宙神躯体(只差第七星脏),将姬姬暴甩而出! One group of pests!” Ji Ji cold snort/hum. “一帮讨厌鬼!”姬姬冷哼一声。 That pink crystal only flash, pounded in that Illusion Spirit Formation central location, below was Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Mirror is at! 那粉色水晶只一刹那,就砸在了那幻神大阵的中心位置,下面就是天帝阴阳镜所在! This fellow is comes funny?” Taiyin Yuan talked about with interest. “这家伙是来搞笑的么?”太阴媛乐道。 The next instance, that pink crystal stars explode suddenly. 下一个瞬间,那粉色水晶星辰猛然爆开。 Bang-!!!! 轰隆-!!!! Boundless huge First Beginning of An Era Ancestral Star, had once gotten together over a hundred meters diameter, the lethality that it contained could be imagined 曾经已经无边巨大的第一纪元祖星,聚合成百米直径,其蕴含的杀伤力可想而知 Absolutely is much stronger than Immeasurable Rank Neutron Star! 绝对比无量级中子星要强得多! This is World Creation Ancestral Star Source Power! 这是创世祖星源力 The name is world creation, is actually the destruction strength! 名字是创世,实则是毁灭力量! This pink color changes to the innumerable fragment disintegrations, blasted out the pink black hole, shells 1 on that Illusion Spirit Formation 这粉色化作无数碎片崩碎,炸开了粉色黑洞,轰击在那幻神大阵上一 Suddenly, that Illusion Spirit Formation is torn to pieces, innumerable Illusion Spirit twinkling collapse to extinguish! 一时间,那幻神大阵支离破碎,无数幻神瞬息崩灭! 2000 heavy Illusion Spirit, explode immediately, was raised earth-shakingly, the sound of deafening thundering makes Lin Zhaoge and the others suddenly both ears deaf! 两千重幻神,当即爆炸开来,被掀得天翻地覆,震耳欲聋的轰鸣之声让林朝歌等人一时间都双耳失聪! What......” “什么……” That two thousand Illusion Heaven God Clan complexion big changes, the twinkling are at the scene pale, looks helplessly that pink destruction strength pounds like the judgment day in their top of the head! 那两千幻天神族当场脸色大变,瞬息惨白,眼睁睁看着那粉色的毁灭力量如同世界末日般砸在他们头顶上! They approached, has no way to dodge! 他们太靠近了,根本没法闪避! Rumble! 轰隆隆! The complementary waves bombardment of that explosion, embezzled the black Miracle Mountain ground, just also during contented Illusion Heaven God Clan pitiful yell collapse extinguish into smoke and fire, then formed the Universe God source! 那爆炸的余波轰击而下,吞没了黑色神迹山的地面,一个个刚刚还怡然自得的幻天神族惨叫当中崩灭成烟火,然后再形成了宙神本源! The place of pink destruction strength scrap, is the Universe God source! 粉色毁灭力量炸碎之处,全是宙神本源! Weeps bitterly the sound of pitiful yell, passes on the sound everywhere! 痛哭惨叫之声,到处传响! Be careful!!” “小心!!” That Taiyang Zhao (sun shine) and Taiyin Yuan two people bear the brunt, immediately was shaken to fly, they first can only protect the whole body with Illusion Spirit, still exploded vitality tumbling, pounded ruthlessly in the crowd, crushed several Universe God! 太阳炤太阴媛两人首当其冲,在第一时间就被震飞出去,他们第一时间只能用幻神保护全身,仍然被爆的气血翻滚,狠狠砸在人群之中,压碎了好几个宙神 Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Mirror!” 天帝阴阳镜!” In the burst, even that Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Mirror lets go to shake to fly, from the sky turns circle, has humming sound the loud sound! 震爆之中,连那天帝阴阳镜都脱手震飞出去,在空中转圈,发出嗡嗡巨响! The pink mist and dust embezzles all! 粉色烟尘吞没一切! This explosion in the past, only remained the pain to call. 这爆炸过去,只剩痛叫。 „His is what method!!” “他这是什么手段!!” This domestic animal......” “这畜生……” Numerous Illusion Heaven God Clan, becomes the Universe God source either, either the whole body is the wound, the complexion grieved...... 一众幻天神族,要么成宙神本源,要么浑身是伤,面色惨然…… They suddenly brain blank! 他们一时间脑子空白! Is hard to accept this fact completely! 完全难以接受这事实! Not to mention this, takes to entire Ten Desolate Star Furnace what kind of vibration. 更不用说这一幕,带给整个十荒星炉何等震动。 Close Lin Zhaoge and the others, were such as silly generally, dull looks at Li Tianming! 近在咫尺的林朝歌等人,更是如傻了一般,呆呆的看着李天命 Too good......” “太牛了……” This inevitably is collapsing explodes, their dozens go to the dead, is moved to tears at the scene! 这必然是破局的一炸,他们数十位赴死者,当场热泪盈眶! Believes Li Tianming, right! 相信李天命,没错! At this moment, even a female who has the inking green long hair, caught Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Mirror suddenly! 就在这时,甚至还有一个有着墨绿色长发的女子,忽然接住了天帝阴阳镜 The people look, is Weisheng Moran...... 众人一看,正是微生墨染…… That Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Mirror to her hand, was unexpectedly motionless. 天帝阴阳镜到了她手里,竟然一动不动。 „Is she Illusion Heaven God Clan?” “难道她是幻天神族?” Lin Zhaoge trembles at heart. 林朝歌心里一颤。 Naturally, no matter what he likes! 当然,不管怎样他都是欢喜的! Reviews these Illusion Heaven God Clan, saw again Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Mirror was grasped, the innermost feelings collapsed at the scene. 反观那些幻天神族,再看到天帝阴阳镜都被拿住,当场内心崩了。 Taiyang Zhao (sun shine) and Taiyin Yuan two people, the face almost tears! 太阳炤太阴媛两人,脸面几乎撕裂! Killed them!!” “杀了他们!!” Two people angry roar! 两人怒吼! Li Tianming looked, because he acts decisively, time also enough! 李天命一看,由于他出手果断,时间还够! Therefore, his sword refers to the opposite party, coldly announced: These words should say by me, everyone is listening-” 所以,他剑指对方,冷冷宣告:“这句话应该由我说,大家听着-” He charges into these Illusion Heaven God Clan suddenly! 他猛然冲向这些幻天神族 Butchered them!” “宰了他们!”
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