FGOAA :: Volume #41

#4022: The fly wasp shakes the tree, overreaches oneself

This crowd of Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Star Illusion Heaven God Clan, obviously knows Li Tianming and the others will soon arrive! 这一群天帝阴阳星幻天神族,是明显知道李天命等人即将到达的! They have had the defense formation, facial colors are indifferent, the stance is extremely high, waits for Li Tianming they to fight a hopeless battle! 他们已经结出了防御阵型,正一个个面色冷漠阴森,姿态极高,坐等李天命他们上来以卵击石! Illusion Spirit, moves barrier! 幻神,就是移动结界 They said that is over a thousand people, is actually 2000, has more than 2000 Illusion Spirit, most excels is the defensive war. 他们的说是上千人,其实是两千,拥有两千多幻神,最擅长的就是防御战。 In the middle of Eight Departments Gods, positional warfare strongest is Illusion Heaven God Clan, they overwhelm with numerical strength, does Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Mirror, what fear? 八部神众当中,阵地战最强的就是幻天神族,他们人多势众,还有天帝阴阳镜,怕什么? Their Ten Desolate Star Furnace elders know Li Tianming this action, while informing their, has made above Nine Lives Cave Eight Departments Gods set out certain powerhouse to support! 他们十荒星炉的长辈都知道李天命这次行动,在通知他们的同时,也已经让上面九命窟八部神众出动一定强者支援下来! Wants the achievement sometime, we can with the reinforcements around converging attack!” “只要成果一小段时间,我们就能和援军前后夹击!” Everyone does not use anxiously, these fleas died.” “大家不用紧张,这些跳蚤死定了。” This is they fleeing before Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Mirror counter-attacks, these fellows knew to fear death finally, haha.” “这是他们在天帝阴阳镜前的亡命反扑,这些家伙终于知道怕死了,哈哈。” If not for the brain has the pit, does not want to oppose with our Eight Departments Gods!” “若不是脑子有坑,就不会想和我们八部神众作对!” This crowd of Illusion Heaven God Clan tie to protect each other, is truly fearless. 这一群幻天神族结阵互相保护,确实无所畏惧。 This has victory in the hand the bureau! 这是胜券在握之局! Said a good news to everyone.” In the crowd, that pure white Illusion Heaven God Clan talent Taiyang Zhao (sun shine) sound is broad, but the righteous qi, he is staring at Li Tianming and the others, coldly said: That side them, has decided to attack Nine Lives Cave synchronously, therefore now, the decisive battle has fired.” “向大家说一个好消息。”人群之中,那一身纯白色的幻天神族天才‘太阳炤’声音恢弘而正气,他凝视着李天命等人,冷冷道:“他们那边,已经决定同步进攻九命窟,所以现在,决战已经打响了。” Haha!” “哈哈!” Such remarks, these Illusion Heaven God Clan smiled to smile. 此言一出,那些幻天神族都莞尔笑了起来。 Sets out the powerhouse to rob Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Mirror? Idea is right, but this must establish in the absolute strength advantage, if they have the strength advantage, but also needs to hide in Nine Lives Cave?” “出动强者来抢夺天帝阴阳镜?点子是对的,但这要建立在绝对的实力优势上,他们要是有实力优势,还需要躲藏在九命窟?” This truth, is very simple. 这个道理,很浅显。 Had the two big battlefield. Nine Lives Cave that battlefield, the opposite party strength is weak, the powerhouse lacks, losing is inevitable. But here the person were many, day of Suppressing God Level Universe God Item, the reinforcements quickly, the issue is not in addition big!” “如此就有了两大战场。九命窟那个战场,对方实力薄弱,强者缺少,输是必然。而我们这里本就人多,还有天镇神级宙神器,加上援军很快就到,问题不大!” Everyone adds carefully, cannot have a low opinion of the enemy, Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Mirror is important, so long as transports/fortunes, can make us reduce many personnel to lose.” “大家多加小心,不能轻敌,天帝阴阳镜事关重大,只要运上去,就能让我们减少很多人员损失。” The Illusion Heaven God Clan essence is arrogant, but their is good to be familiar with, that is meticulous, particularly in the battlefield, they despises the enemy essentially, but will actually try to fight, despises, but does not despise! 幻天神族本质是傲慢的,但他们却有一个好习惯,那就是缜密,尤其是在战场上,他们本质上鄙视敌人,但却会尽全力战斗,鄙视,但不轻视! Therefore obviously obviously, their these two thousand Illusion Spirit Formation, simply like world iron bucket! 所以明显可见,他们这两千幻神大阵,简直如同天地铁桶! They have the time advantage, waits at ease for an exhausted enemy, is not worthwhile with the Li Tianming dying war, only needs to base the defense, can win the victory. 他们掌握时间优势,以逸待劳,根本犯不着和李天命死战,只需要立足防守,就能赢得胜利。 Then in Taiyang Zhao (sun shine) and Taiyin Yuan of most central location, indifferent such as two statues, is directing other talents! 那在最中央位置的太阳炤太阴媛,冷漠如两座雕像,指挥着其他天才! Humming sound! 嗡嗡! Two thousand Illusion Spirit, form the single layer the defense of single layer, that Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Mirror like iron bucket protection. 两千幻神,结成一重又一重的防御,将那天帝阴阳镜如铁桶般保护。 Petty people.” “鼠辈。” On Taiyin Yuan that black palm, emerged the vast Universe God strength, the strength of these black stars flooded into that Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Mirror, in that mirror surface the black part started to surge. 太阴媛那一只黑色的手掌上,涌现出了浩瀚的宙神力量,这些黑色星辰之力涌入那天帝阴阳镜,那镜面上黑色的部分开始涌动。 Another side, that Taiyang Zhao (sun shine) also at own strength, actuates Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Mirror! 另外一边,那太阳炤也以自身力量,驱动天帝阴阳镜 They have the advantage, actually must use in a big way kills, obviously discretion and meticulousness of their Illusion Heaven, this is the inherent training. 他们占据优势,却还要使用最大杀器,可见他们幻天的谨慎和缜密,这是与生俱来的修养。 Rumbling! 轰轰! On this Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Mirror the pattern rotation of that Primal Chaos Yin-Yang Fish, the black and white two-colors hit, emerged a black and white star sea, forms clashes unceasingly, erupts thundering of universe collision, the terrifying might suppresses the audience! 天帝阴阳镜上那太极阴阳鱼的图案旋转了起来,黑白双色撞击,涌现出了一片黑白星海,其中形成不断对撞,爆发出宇宙碰撞之轰鸣,恐怖的威力镇压全场! Two thousand Illusion Spirit defense, Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Mirror attack! 两千幻神防守,天帝阴阳镜进攻! They are truly impregnable! 他们确实无懈可击! The Li Tianming's interception difficulty, is hard the last blue sky! 李天命的截杀难度,难于上青天! Fly wasp shakes the tree, overreaches oneself.” A Taiyang Zhao (sun shine) white light, facial features satire. “蚍蜉撼树,不自量力。”太阳炤一身白光,面容讽刺。 „The generation of Immemorial Permanent Sand can live on dishonorably, always thinks that is they suffices to be strong, was the universe natural moat protected them actually, otherwise, this endless universe, all was the national territory of Eight Departments Gods, where had their habitat?” Taiyin Yuan shakes the head to sigh. 太古恒沙之辈能苟活,总以为是他们够强,实则是宇宙天堑保护了他们,否则,这无尽宇宙,全是八部神众之国土,哪里有他们栖息之地?”太阴媛摇头叹气。 When they spoke, still gathered that Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Mirror strength, clashing of mirror surface black and white stars has shocked the world, erupted to suppress thundering of audience! 他们说话时,依然汇聚了那天帝阴阳镜的力量,镜面黑白星辰之对撞已经震撼天地,爆发出压制全场的轰鸣! Bang-! 轰隆-! This mirror surface erupts together black-and-white starlight suddenly, passes through two thousand Illusion Spirit suddenly, kills by the terrifying speed bang to Li Tianming that and the others that kills. 这镜面陡然爆发出一道黑白色星光,猛然贯穿两千幻神,以恐怖的速度轰杀向那杀来的李天命等人。 Li Tianming witnessed this Suppressing God Level Universe God Item might with own eyes! 李天命算是亲眼见证了这镇神级宙神器威力! Very terrifying! 很恐怖! Make way!” “闪开!” Their dozens people are not the fools, has been ready! 他们几十人也不是傻子,早就做好准备了! Before then, some brothers first disperse, but Li Tianming their several strongest, work as the bait voluntarily, the goal of going to to become this Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Mirror aiming! 在这之前,就有一部分兄弟先散开,而李天命他们几个最强的,自愿当诱饵,去成为这天帝阴阳镜瞄准的目标! Only by doing so, can protect slightly the brothers of weakness! 只有这样,才能保护稍微弱点的兄弟! This black and white starlight quickly is too too fierce, in the instance of its eruption, Li Tianming holds on several people by Miao Miao Thousand Sides Thunderbolt, staggers suddenly! 这黑白星光太快太猛,在其爆发的瞬间,李天命喵喵千方奔雷拉住几人,猛然错开! That black and white starlight almost kills from his top of the head, almost rumbled quickly half his hair! 那黑白星光几乎从他头顶上杀过去,把他的头发几乎都快轰掉了一半! Obviously if the hit body, the ruination should strong. 可见若是命中身体,毁灭性该有多强。 This is also only the strength that two Illusion Heaven God Clan actuates, once they have the time to gather several thousand Illusion Heaven God Clan strengths, this Heavenly Emperor Yin-Yang Mirror truly can pass through Nine Lives Cave!” “这还只是两个幻天神族驱动出来的力量,一旦他们有时间去聚集几千个幻天神族力量,这天帝阴阳镜确实能贯穿九命窟!” That scene, it is estimated that really like fills the molten iron toward the ant hole. 那场面,估计真的如同往蚂蚁洞里灌铁水。 Fright make way! 惊魂闪开! „Is everyone all right?” Lin Zhaoge asked anxiously. “大家没事吧?”林朝歌紧张问。 Behind him has pair of huge Primordial Wings, 67 Yuan small Primordial Wings, were the Immemorial Permanent Sand top talents! 他背后有一对巨大的元翼,有六十七元的小元翼,乃是太古恒沙顶级天才了! All right!” Li Tianming swept, collides with the eyes of Lin Zhaoge together. “没事!”李天命扫了一圈,和林朝歌的双眼碰撞在一起。 According to plan!” “按照计划!” Ok!” “行!” Two people in this instant, developed the new movement. 两人在这电石火光之间,开展了新的动作。 Li Tianming brings Zi Zhen, attacks that Taiyang Zhao (sun shine) and Taiyin Yuan this pair of Ten Desolate Heavenly Universe List second accurate Emperors talent! 李天命带着紫禛,去进攻那太阳炤太阴媛这一对十荒天宙榜第二的准帝众天才! Lin Zhaoge leads Brother Immemorial Permanent Sand who he is familiar with, disrupts the Illusion Heaven God Clan formation, making them not support Taiyang Zhao (sun shine) they, encircled unable to kill Li Tianming! 林朝歌则带着他熟悉的太古恒沙兄弟,去打乱幻天神族的阵型,让他们支援不到太阳炤他们,围杀不了李天命 Weisheng Moran also helps them. 微生墨染也帮助他们。 Their opponents over a thousand! 他们对手上千! The attack of two direction, is actually not easy, but does not have the means that can only spell! 两个方向的进攻,其实都不容易,但没办法,只能拼! Lin Zhaoge wants with the Li Tianming same place, but Li Tianming made him go to another front the management general situation! 林朝歌本是想和李天命一起的,但李天命还是让他去另一条战线上主持大局了! Without him, light/only by more than 50 brothers, where can suppress over a thousand Illusion Heaven? 没有他,光靠五十多个兄弟,哪里能压住上千幻天 Li Tianming and Zi Zhen speed is fast! 李天命紫禛速度快! He is half-step Universe God, but Zi Zhen is 6th-Rank Universe God, their horse current, one on the left and other on the right, kills in the middle of that Illusion Heaven crowd from the flank directly! 他是半步宙神,而紫禛已经是六阶宙神,两人一马当前,一左一右,直接从侧方杀去那幻天的人群当中! Rumble! 轰隆隆! The Li Tianming person has not arrived, its body dozens Immemorial Chaos Giant Beast thunder shell in that 2000 heavy Illusion Spirit. 李天命人还没到,其身体数十种太古混沌巨兽雷霆就轰击在那两千重幻神当中。 He thinks that can open a gap, however the fact actually came as a surprise to his! 他本以为能打开一个缺口,然而事实却出乎了他的预料! These magical powers, truly the bang broke to pieces some Illusion Spirit, however the gap also has new Illusion Spirit to withstand/top immediately. 那些神通,确实轰碎了一些幻神,然而缺口马上又有新的幻神顶上。 „Have they in the group war, coordinated this degree Illusion Spirit?” “他们已经在群战中,将幻神配合到这种程度了吗?” Li Tianming shakes at heart. 李天命心里一震。
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