FGOAA :: Volume #41

#4018: half-step Universe God!

After Immemorial Permanent Sand Universe God depart, in this cavern was only left over Li Tianming their three. 太古恒沙宙神们离去后,这洞窟内就只剩下李天命他们三个了。 Naturally, 1 million small beast balls. 当然,还有百万小兽球。 Very lively! 十分热闹! That......” they look to Li Tianming. “那……”她们俩看向李天命 Watches changes quietly , to promote itself!” Li Tianming said. “静观其变,提升自己吧!”李天命说道。 Temporarily, no matter the Ye Lingfeng matter, is the struggle of that Nine Lives Fruit, was in the lag phase. 暂时而言,不管是夜凌风的事,还是那九命果之争,都进入了停滞阶段。 Huang Qi/Sovereign Seven is still saying things just to frighten people, she said many, Li Tianming more is disinclined to respond her. 皇七还在危言耸听,她说得越多,李天命越是懒得搭理她。 He trusts Ye Lingfeng from the bone, this boy supports by hard and stubborn effort now, person who is not easy to lose. 他从骨子里信任夜凌风,这小子硬撑到现在,就不是容易输掉的人。 Was at this time, among the brothers more must have the tacit understanding, more cannot be chaotic! 越是这种时候,兄弟之间越是要有默契,越是不能乱! Small beast ball restores usefully to Zi Zhen, is useless to the small fish.” “小兽球对紫禛恢复有用,对小鱼没用。” They calculate rebirth, but distinguishes here. 她们俩都算‘重生’,但区别就在这里。 Naturally, is not also useless to Weisheng Moran, she can comprehend slowly, but the speed is too slow, was far less than that she gobbles up Order directly. 当然,对微生墨染也并非没用,她可以慢慢领悟,但速度太慢,远不如她直接吞吃秩序 Is picking Nine Lives Fruit, opens barrier to require the time, I seize the chance to wallop one wave!” “都在采摘九命果,打开一个个结界都需要时间,我趁机猛冲一波!” Li Tianming calms the mind, sits cross-legged to sit down. 李天命静下心来,盘腿坐下。 He comprehends Star Sea Rank Order, while increases neutron particles by Nine Lives Fruit, again auxiliary Derivation Ruins! 他一边参悟星海级秩序,一边以九命果增加中子微粒,再辅助衍生墟 If can break through, is the half-step Universe God boundary, is this step, the whole body?” “若能突破,就是半步宙神的境界,这一步,就是全身?” In Companion Beast, is only left over Ji Ji not to have tenth Universe God. 伴生兽之中,只剩下姬姬还没成宙神 But World Creation Order, in whole body. 创世秩序,就在全身之中。 Properly speaking, if the whole body becomes neutron particles, that is Universe God, what a pity I and others are different, lacked most essential star organ only!” “按理来说,若是全身都成中子微粒,那就已经是宙神了,可惜我和别人不同,唯独缺了最关键的星脏!” Li Tianming looked down one, wanted to cry but have no tears simply. 李天命低头看了一眼,简直欲哭无泪。 His that own Emperor and life tribulation two big Order, in brain and one in seventh star organ. 他那属于自己的帝皇命劫两大秩序,一个在大脑、一个在第七星脏 Because brain star organ also has Life Spirit Order, already first a complete transformation, after that this wave, remaining seventh star organ. 大脑星脏因为其中还有生灵秩序,已经先一步完全蜕变,那这一波后,就剩下一个第七星脏了。 Solemn half-step Universe God, lacks this, if were discovered, must to smile......” “堂堂半步宙神,就缺这一块,若是被发现,得让人笑死……” Li Tianming cannot bear look to Zi Zhen. 李天命忍不住看向紫禛 Has saying that she had the feeling more and more. 不得不说,她越来越有感觉了。 She knows the Li Tianming's progress! 她是知道李天命的进展的! Does not have the means that can only before her, shamefacedly arrive at last.” “没办法,只能在她面前,羞愧到最后一步了。” Now has that heart, is useless. 现在有那心,也不中用。 Li Tianming regardless these trains of thought that concentrates on during the promotion of World Creation Order, this Order walks randomly in the whole body together, is very mysterious, Li Tianming is quite shallow to its understanding, therefore light/only depends on the Derivation Ruins words, is very obviously unstable. 李天命抛开这些思绪,全神贯注于创世秩序的提升之中,这一道秩序在全身游走,十分玄乎,李天命对其理解比较粗浅,所以光靠衍生墟的话,明显很不稳定。 He can only set one's mind at ease, step by step come, attacks and captures this together Order with single-hearted devotion, placed the achievement Universe God last step Emperor and life tribulation! 他只能沉下心来,一步步来,专心攻克这一道秩序,将帝皇命劫放在了成就宙神最后一步! Creation and destruction, unexpectedly is a body two-sided, the World Creation Order creation universe stars myriad things, can destroy all these. Was born, dies in the world in Annihilation.” “创造与毁灭,竟是一体双面,创世秩序创造宇宙星辰万物,亦能毁灭这一切。生于天地、死于湮灭。” neutron particles of this World Creation Order correspondence, is actually most, even exceeded the Seven Star Organs sum total. Therefore Li Tianming this taking Nine Lives Fruit inevitably is most, is golden Nine Lives Fruit. 创世秩序对应的中子微粒,其实是最多的,甚至超过了七星脏的总和。所以李天命这一次服用的九命果必然是最多的,全是金色九命果 „The Immemorial Permanent Sand person, gains the Nine Lives Fruit speed to be slower than Eight Departments Gods, waits for Eight Departments Gods almost to handle 100 million, they estimated that attains about 50 million?” 太古恒沙的人,获取九命果的速度比八部神众要慢一些,等八部神众差不多搞定一亿,他们估计才拿到五千万左右?” Words that Li Tianming must pick, will be actually quicker, a person compares 30,000 people strongly, but he is not wants to give Immemorial Permanent Sand all Nine Lives Fruit, after all he and their relations, are not quite steady. 李天命要去采摘的话,倒是会快很多,一个人比三万人都强,但他不是很想把所有九命果都给太古恒沙,毕竟他和他们的关系,还不太稳。 Only if Jiang Feiling really passed the Nirvana, appears in him at present. 除非姜妃棂真的度过涅槃,出现在他眼前。 Outside, both sides like a raging fire pick Nine Lives Fruit. 外面,双方如火如荼采摘九命果 Li Tianming carefully, is attacking and capturing World Creation Order, more sinks to this field of endeavor, more was discovering does in haste meets the misdemeanor. 李天命则一步一个脚印,在攻克创世秩序,越是沉入此道,越是发现着急就会坏事。 Therefore, his practice, is primarily healthily comprehends Heavenly Soul Order. 所以,他这次修行,还是以最健康的参悟天魂秩序为主。 The time passes day-by-day. 时间一天天流逝。 Zi Zhen one step has first arrived at the boundary of 6th-Rank Universe God, there are close to the body of 600 meters Universe God. 紫禛已经先一步到达六阶宙神之境界,也有接近六百米的宙神之体了。 Her purple pupil monster flatters, tender body tender and beautiful, although wears the spacious clothing, but is difficult to cover spicy of Ghost God, although the small waist is small, but strong powerful, has to seize the strength of life. 她紫眸妖媚,娇躯‘娇艳’,虽身穿宽大的衣物,但难掩鬼神之辣,小腰虽小,但强劲有力,有夺命之力。 As for Weisheng Moran, she is 6th-Rank Universe God, the promotion is very slow. 至于微生墨染,她还是六阶宙神,提升很慢。 Finally! 终于! Li Tianming do not know how long, his World Creation Order had the transformation in some moment finally, is born pink stars Order! 李天命自己都不知道过去了多久,他的创世秩序终于在某一刻发生了蜕变,诞生出一个粉色星辰般的秩序 Became! half-step Universe God!” “成了!半步宙神!” Li Tianming eats golden Nine Lives Fruit crazily, its body again drastic change, bodies of the 700 meters Universe God, naturally, are incomplete! 李天命狂吃金色九命果,其身躯再度剧变,已有七百米的宙神之体,当然,是不完整的! Lacked inherited that. 缺了传承那一块。 Is equal to me now, is Universe God that cannot inherit?” Li Tianming moves at heart, smiles to say with a smile. “等于我现在,是一个不能传承的宙神了?”李天命心里一动,莞尔笑道。 You are beautifying yourself forcefully, you are only court eunuch Universe God.” Ying Huo (Firefly) came one suddenly. “你在强行美化自己,你只是一个太监宙神。”荧火忽然来了一句。 This word makes Li Tianming almost spurt the blood. 这个词让李天命差点喷血。 mother......” “尼玛……” Although is very coarse, but to be honest, truly vivid image. 虽然很难听,但说实话,确实生动形象。 The whole body is neutron particles, is equal to the silver spear/gun, but that seventh star organ, was equivalent to the wax head, synthesizing was the silver spear/gun wax head. 全身都是中子微粒,等于银枪,而那第七星脏,相当于配了蜡头,综合起来就是银枪蜡头。 This word do not let Zi Zhen hear, otherwise must shame dies I.” Li Tianming dark secretly thought/passage. “这词千万别让紫禛听见,否则得羞辱死我。”李天命暗暗道。 Everyone can tease, but Zi Zhen is not good. 谁都可以调侃,但是紫禛不行。 She was strong, as the man, how can be insipid? 她太有劲了,身为男人,怎能没劲? Li Tianming casts off from the brain this speechless matter forcefully, simultaneously concentrates on the change of Ji Ji. 李天命强行把这无语之事从脑子里甩开,同时专注于姬姬的变化。 In Companion Space, Ji Ji that boundless huge pink color Star Source continues to expand...... 伴生空间内,姬姬那无边巨大的粉色恒星源继续扩张…… Suddenly! 忽然! It starts to collapse! 它开始坍缩! Becoming smaller! 越变越小! Arrived finally, was equally quick and Sun Mortal Rank world giant she, suddenly turned into a diameter to only have hundred meters pink stars! 到最后,原本都快和阳凡级世界一样巨大的她,忽然变成了一个直径只有百米的粉色星辰! Li Tianming makes it arrive at itself at present! 李天命让它来到自己眼前! Carefully looked, although this pink stars are small, but when it presses in the Miracle Mountain ground last time, entire Miracle Mountain shivered. 仔细一看,这粉色星辰虽然小,但当它压在神迹山的地面上时候,整个神迹山都颤抖了一下。 Compares a Divine Ruins Rank world to be heavy simply! 简直比一个神墟级世界还要沉重! Then, its density was in the scary situation inevitably......” “如此一来,它的密度必然到了骇人的地步……” Carefully looked, it not only reduced, but also changed essentially probably, is unspecific pink Star Source, but now looks like pink star diamond, is very small, but very dazzles very much! 仔细一看,它不但缩小了,而且本质上好像也改变了,原先是一个空泛的粉色恒星源,而现在就像是一个粉色的星钻,很小,但很酷炫! But its spirit body, that pink little miss, pours has not grown up, it sits on this pink crystal stars barefoot, is showing the whites of the eyes to look at Li Tianming, said: What looks at to look?” 而它的灵体,那个粉色小姑娘,倒还是没长大,它光着脚丫坐在这粉色水晶星辰上,翻着白眼看李天命,道:“看什么看?” You and Ling'er truly relate great, her Nirvana time, turns into golden crystal stars, but you now are also the crystal.” Li Tianming says with emotion slightly. “你和棂儿确实关系不浅,她涅槃的时候,变成一颗金色水晶星辰,而你现在也是水晶。”李天命微微感慨道。 Hehe.” Ji Ji curls the lip, it as if became last is quite not unsatisfied to oneself. “呵呵。”姬姬撇嘴,它似乎对自己成了最后一个相当不满意。 Younger sister is a younger sister.” Bai Ye (white night) and Bai Ling (white rise) ridiculed simultaneously. “妹妹就是妹妹。”白夜白凌同时嘲笑道。 Rolls to the father. two stimulated idiot.” Ji Ji bah. “给老子滚。两个亢奋的白痴。”姬姬呸了一声。 Younger sister, hehe.” Smiling that they are not concerned about face. “妹妹,嘿嘿。”它们不要脸的笑了。 Rolls rolling.” “滚滚滚。” Waits for them to get angry mutually spurts, Li Tianming asks: What key has to change?” 等它们相互怒喷一顿,李天命才问道:“有什么关键改变吗?” His voice falls, that diameter hundred meters pink color crystal stars banged into his body, at that moment pink World Creation Ancestral Star Source Power floods the whole bodies of other Companion Beast suddenly, fuses in Li Tianming's World Creation Ancestral Star Source Power together, this made on him spread out a pink crystal, seemingly brilliant incomparable! 他话音落下,那一个直径百米的粉色水晶星辰就撞入了他的身体,那一刻一股粉色的创世祖星源力猛然充斥其他伴生兽的全身,和李天命的创世祖星源力融合在一起,这让他身上铺上了一层粉色水晶,看起来绚烂无比!
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