FGOAA :: Volume #41

#4017: The say/way of guest!

But that side, the people of many Immemorial Permanent Sand, this 1 million small beast balls, have been regarded as them first to discover! 而那边,不少太古恒沙之人,已经将这百万小兽球,当做是他们先发现的了! Yin Chen (silver dust) guides, Li Tianming and the others go through in this Nine Lives Cave, downward. 银尘带路,李天命等人在这九命窟穿行,一路往下。 Is the small beast ball appears, that woman named Mushan Xue, how is also hiding?” Ying Huo (Firefly) said on the Li Tianming's right arm. “又是小兽球出现,那个叫暮山樰的女人,怎么还藏着?”荧火李天命的右臂上说道。 Even I take Miracle Mountain, she has not appeared, Nine Lives Fruit and small beast ball, should not appear.” Li Tianming said. “连我拿下神迹山,她都没出现,九命果和小兽球,应该更不会出现了。”李天命道。 These two types of things, are her, no matter Eight Departments Gods and Immemorial Permanent Sand, or are you take away, she should not be feeling well is also thinking this issue to......” Ji Ji. “这两种东西,都是她的吧,不管是八部神众太古恒沙,或者是你拿走,她应该都会不爽才对……”姬姬也在想这个问题。 She, since does not come out to prevent, perhaps some certainly her considerations, she can't use so many small beast balls and Nine Lives Fruit? No matter how said, the Nine Lives Fruit aspect, I cannot make Eight Departments Gods take away at least.” Li Tianming said. “她既然不出来阻止,一定有她的考虑,也许她用不上这么多的小兽球和九命果?不管怎么说,九命果方面,我起码不能让八部神众拿走。”李天命说道。 That small beast ball?” Ying Huo (Firefly) said. “那小兽球呢?”荧火道。 This gadget is full of wisdom, if they are not willing with the Immemorial Permanent Sand juniors, I unable to make them play rough to the small beast ball forcefully.” Li Tianming said. “这玩意儿有智慧,它们若是不愿意跟太古恒沙子弟,我也不能让他们强行对小兽球动粗。”李天命说道。 Nine Lives Fruit were too many, Li Tianming cannot manage, therefore does not have idea, but this small beast ball, cannot act unreasonably. 九命果太多了,李天命管不过来,所以没辙,但这小兽球,还是不能乱来的。 At this point the time, Li Tianming has heard the familiar cry of chicken and chicken. 说到这里时候,李天命已经听到鸡、鸡的熟悉叫声了。 Just entered a profound channel, the front was glittering. 刚进入一条幽深通道,前方就金光闪闪。 First what heaves in sight is a cavern, in that cavern has the innumerable small beast balls. 首先映入眼帘的正是一个洞窟,那洞窟内有着无数的小兽球。 But near this cavern entrance, about over a thousand Immemorial Permanent Sand young Universe God, their height varies, was blocking this entrance, by far toward going, seeing only their whole face is excited, is using some Heavenly Yuan Divine Item, catches the one by one small beast ball. 而在这洞窟入口附近,大约有上千个太古恒沙年轻宙神,他们高矮不一,正堵住了这个入口,远远往去,只见他们满脸兴奋,正在动用一些天元神器,捕捉一只只的小兽球。 Although their movements do not have Eight Departments Gods is so crude, but this is also the quite malicious behavior, frightens these small beast ball chickens and chickens to randomly call! 他们的动作虽然没八部神众那么粗暴,但这也是比较恶意的行为,吓得那些小兽球鸡、鸡乱叫! They shrink one group, hides to go toward behind in a panic, to that over a thousand Immemorial Permanent Sand young Universe God cursing, looked that the expression is very uncomfortable. 它们缩成一团,仓皇朝着后面躲藏而去,冲着那上千太古恒沙的年轻宙神‘咒骂’,看表情已经很是不爽了。 Approximately over ten thousand small beast balls are held, they were stranded in these Heavenly Yuan Divine Item , is crying, grief and indignation! 大约已经有上万的小兽球已经被抓住了,它们被困在那些天元神器内,也是嗷嗷哭着,悲愤不已! Shouted that some people come!” “多喊些人来!” Million Star Sea Rank Order? Too crazy, how many powerhouses can this make our Immemorial Permanent Sand be born?” “百万星海级秩序?太疯狂了,这能让我们太古恒沙多诞生多少强者?” Neutron Star Ruins came three Star Sea Rank Order initially, can make there talent struggle the red eyes. 要知道,当初中子星墟来了三道星海级秩序,都能让那里的天才争红双眼。 But here has 1 million! 而这里有百万! Li Tianming locked in these thousand people are of head. 李天命一眼就锁定了这千人之中为首的一位。 That is 7th-Rank Universe God, obviously is Ancient List talent, he wears the dark green armor, the both eyes dark green, the body is slender and elegant, starlight blooms, like forest Small Universe, full of vitality, is very magnificent. 那是一个七阶宙神,显然是古榜天才,他身穿暗绿色的铠甲,双目墨绿色,身躯修长而飘逸,一身星光绽放,如同一个森林小宇宙,生机勃勃,十分瑰丽。 His body contains extremely strong Universe God strength, 700 meters body stands tall and erect palatially, the chilly facial features are very outstanding. 他的身体蕴含着极强的宙神力量,七百米的身躯巍峨高耸,清冷的面容很是俊逸。 This is?” Li Tianming asked Jiang Feifei. “这位是?”李天命姜妃妃 Piao Lingyi.” Jiang Feifei introduced. 朴令逸。”姜妃妃介绍道。 Just speaking of this, that wore green armor youth Piao Lingyi to notice their arrival, his corners of the mouth brought back a smile slightly, said: Feifei, you come just right, I discovered a huge celebration......” 刚说到这,那身穿绿甲的青年朴令逸就注意到了他们的到来,他嘴角微微勾起一丝笑容,道:“妃妃,你来得正好,我发现了一件天大的喜事……” Just at this point, he saw Li Tianming and other people, then leaned slightly the head, asked: Has the guest?” 刚说到这里,他才看到李天命等三人,便微微侧了侧脑袋,问:“有客人?” This is the Miracle Mountain Yan and Huang later generation, named Lin Feng.” The Jiang Feifei speech matter, had arrived in front of Piao Lingyi, then to its introduced. “这位便是神迹山的炎黄后人,名为林枫。”姜妃妃说话事,已经到了朴令逸面前,然后向其介绍道。 Brother Lin.” Piao Lingyi puts out a hand, be with smile on the face. 林兄。”朴令逸伸手,面带微笑。 Li Tianming then grasped with him, then said: plain brother, please first stop.” 李天命便和他握了一下,然后道:“朴兄,请先住手。” The Piao Lingyi smile stiffens suddenly, he received the smile, the low eyebrow inquired: What do you mean?” 朴令逸的笑容忽然僵住,他收起了笑容,低眉询问道:“什么意思?” Small beast ball is the thing of my clan, is the intelligent life, has Heavenly Soul of Order my clan ancestor, is the sustenance of ancestry, please don't them like cargo captivity and transporting.” Li Tianming referred to outside, urgent matter, everyone can pick Nine Lives Fruit.” “小兽球是我族之物,是智慧生灵,藏有我族先祖之天魂秩序,乃是祖辈的寄托,请别将它们如货物般囚禁、运送。”李天命指了指外面,“当务之急,各位可以采摘九命果。” After Piao Lingyi hear , the knitting the brows head, said: You should know, the value of this small beast ball above Nine Lives Fruit. Nine Lives Fruit can only achievement Universe God, but the small beast ball may the achievement throughout the ages powerhouse.” 朴令逸听完后皱了皱眉头,道:“你应该知道,这小兽球的价值远在九命果之上。九命果只能成就一个宙神,而小兽球可成就万代强者。” Although this is what is said that but here is the domain of my clan, you go to the friend home, on the tree picks some fruits to be good, can you repose the ancestors Heavenly Soul small beast dragging away others?” Li Tianming asked earnestly. “话虽这样说,可这里是我族的地盘,你去朋友家里,树上摘一些果子还行,你能把人家寄托先人天魂的小兽给拖走么?”李天命认真问。 Piao Lingyi hears word was silent. 朴令逸闻言沉默了。 Just now these full of enthusiasm over a thousand Immemorial Permanent Sand young Universe God, the complexion also becomes some is not unattractive. 方才那些兴致勃勃的上千太古恒沙年轻宙神,面色也变得有些不好看。 Jiang Feifei access road/simply said: Brother Lin said is, this truly inappropriate...... Piao Lingyi, we first pick Nine Lives Fruit.” 姜妃妃便道:“林兄说得是,这确实不合适……朴令逸,我们先去摘九命果吧。” Piao Lingyi watches several that small beast ball games again, he looks suddenly to Li Tianming, asked: You said are reasonable, but the issue is, how you showed that you are a host family?” 朴令逸再看几眼那小兽球,他忽然看向李天命,问:“你说得有道理,但问题是,你怎么证明你就是主人家呢?” Li Tianming had not replied, but proceeds several steps, arrived in front of these small beast balls, he puts out a hand, a group of small beast ball chicken and chicken are calling, crowds around in its side, seems very affectionate. 李天命没回答,而是往前几步,来到了那些小兽球面前,他一伸手,一大群小兽球鸡、鸡叫着,簇拥在其身边,显得非常亲昵。 Like this suffices?” Li Tianming asked. “这样够吗?”李天命问。 Piao Lingyi clenches teeth, just now excitement, all made basin cold water sprinkle. 朴令逸咬了咬牙,方才的兴奋,全让一盆冷水泼了下来。 Piao Lingyi, please revere the guestship.” Lin Zhaoge said. 朴令逸,请尊作客之道。”林朝歌道。 They spoke together, Piao Lingyi silent a while, he smiled suddenly, said: Brother Lin, was just now disrespectful, you said reasonable.” 他们两人一起说话,朴令逸沉默了一会儿,他忽然笑了,道:“林兄,方才失礼了,你说得有道理。” Li Tianming then said submissively: Doesn't matter, plain the brother previously did not know the circumstances of the matter, this is the way things should be.” 李天命便拱手道:“没关系,朴兄先前只是不知情,此乃人之常情。” Un. Hopes should not be offended.” Piao Lingyi said. “嗯。希望别见怪。”朴令逸道。 After saying, he lets hand/subordinate over a thousand people, the small beast ball that will just catch, lets out completely. 说完之后,他就让手下上千人,将刚刚抓到的小兽球,全部放了出去。 Then, can Brother Lin resist Eight Departments Gods with us jointly?” Piao Lingyi asked. “接下来,林兄是要和我们联手对抗八部神众吗?”朴令逸问。 Right.” Li Tianming nods. “对。”李天命点头。 That was good.” Piao Lingyi to Jiang Feifei and Lin Zhaoge, two may probably entertain our good friends well.” “那太好了。”朴令逸面向姜妃妃林朝歌,“两位可要好好招待我们的好朋友。” That was natural.” Lin Zhaoge, before „, if not for Brother Lin reminded, we and Eight Departments Gods dying war, lost absolutely big, where has picks the Nine Lives Fruit opportunity now?” “那是自然了。”林朝歌顿了顿,“之前若不是林兄提醒,我们和八部神众死战,绝对损失不小,哪里有现在采摘九命果的机会?” Said is.” Piao Lingyi greeted next over a thousand brothers, then said: In view of this, I first led them to pick Nine Lives Fruit.” “说得是。”朴令逸招呼了一下上千兄弟们,然后道:“既如此,我就先带他们采摘九命果去了。” Bye.” Li Tianming said. “再会。”李天命道。 These over a thousand people dare not to walk away, is indignant, discussed in a low voice. 这上千人敢走不远,就愤愤不平,低声议论了起来。 Do not quarrel!” Piao Lingyi scolded one, the people shut up. “别吵了!”朴令逸呵斥了一声,众人才闭嘴。 But another side, Jiang Feifei said: Brother Lin please forgive.” 而另一边,姜妃妃道:“林兄请多包涵。” All right.” Li Tianming referred to small beast ball cavern, I kept this, you went busily, had the situation words, I will inform momentarily.” “没事儿。”李天命指了指小兽球这洞窟,“我就留在这了,你们去忙吧,有情况的话,我会随时通知。” Good......” “好……” Jiang Feifei smiled, hopes the small beast ball the matter, will not affect us to relate.” 姜妃妃微微笑了一下,“但愿小兽球的事,不会影响我们双方关系。” Relax, so long as your people do not make the monster, my absolute heart and soul.” Li Tianming talked about with interest. “放心吧,只要你们的人不作妖,我绝对全心全意。”李天命乐道。 ............ …………
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