FGOAA :: Volume #41

#4016: 1 million small beast balls!

Li Tianming just reorganized, Zi Zhen and Weisheng Moran arrives. 李天命刚整理了一下,紫禛微生墨染就到了。 They while Miracle Mountain thin mist and dust counter chaotic, escapes from that Eight Departments Gods talent Universe God encirclement ring, sneaks under. 她们趁着神迹山‘消瘦’的烟尘逆乱,逃出那八部神众天才宙神的包围圈,一路潜行而下。 These Eight Departments Gods are busy picking Nine Lives Fruit, suddenly could not attend to them. 那些八部神众忙着采摘九命果,一时间也顾不上她们了。 All right?” “没事吧?” Although the Yin Chen (silver dust) report was excessively safe, Li Tianming greeted, is taking a fast look around them whole body up and down, thorough examination. 虽然银尘报过平安了,李天命还是迎接了上去,扫视着她们一身上下,仔细检查。 No, all right.” “没,没事。” They looked at the whole body to be scared, said hastily. 她们被看得浑身发毛,连忙说道。 Your sword how?” Zi Zhen asked. “你的剑怎样了?”紫禛问。 Stiffened, but should have room for half growth.” Li Tianming said with a smile. “变强了,不过应该还有一半成长空间。”李天命笑道。 That is good......” “那就好……” They looked at outside, Weisheng Moran wrinkles the beautiful woman saying: Presented many Nine Lives Fruit, what to do? They have been clinching.” 她们看了看外面,其中微生墨染皱着娥眉道:“出现了好多九命果,怎么办?他们已经在摘走了。” Li Tianming also knows that early this matter, he said lightly: All right, making them first pick, finally is anyone, but also perhaps.” 李天命也早知道这事了,他淡淡道:“没事,让他们先摘,最后属于谁,还说不定呢。” We then what to do?” Weisheng Moran asked. “那我们接下来怎么办?”微生墨染问。 First goes to and Immemorial Permanent Sand partners met with. Eight Departments Gods is insatiably greedy, sooner or later will attack Nine Lives Cave, words that both sides one fight finally, we first and allies mix familiar.” Li Tianming said. “先去和太古恒沙的伙伴们会面吧。八部神众贪得无厌,迟早会进攻九命窟,双方终有一战的话,我们先和战友们混熟悉一点。”李天命道。 Un un.” “嗯嗯。” They nod. 她们两人点头。 Li Tianming looked at a cavern outside situation, at the present the mist and dust gradually disperses, the Nine Lives Ancestral Tree exposition, these Eight Departments Gods also dispersed. 李天命看了一眼洞窟外面的情况,而今烟尘逐渐散开,九命祖树暴露,那些八部神众也散开了。 100 million? 300 million?” “一亿?三亿?” Quantity that the opposite party estimate, cannot escape from the ear of Yin Chen (silver dust). 对方估算的数量,逃不出银尘的耳朵。 So many Nine Lives Fruit, Li Tianming somewhat is also jealous. 这么多九命果,李天命也有些眼红。 He and Zi Zhen, Weisheng Moran embarks to go to Nine Lives Cave, but, is actually also worrying about a matter at heart. 他和紫禛微生墨染出发前往九命窟,不过,心里却还记挂着一件事。 Breeze has not come from Bizarre World, he in that side, I have had no way......” “小风还没从异度界过来,他一直在那边,我没法过去啊……” Has a headache very much. 很头疼。 This matter he has said with Li Qingyu. 这事他已经和李轻语说过了。 Did not say fortunately, after saying, she was also more anxious. 不说还好,说完之后,她也更紧张了。 An emperor shadow, covers in their two brothers top of the heads, but Huang Qi/Sovereign Seven is still teaching with skill and patience, wants to make Li Tianming put her to come out. 帝一的阴影,笼罩在他们两兄弟头顶上,而皇七还在循循善诱,想让李天命放她出来。 Li Tianming must be worried about Ye Lingfeng, but is a method does not have, he can only make Yin Chen (silver dust), Bai Ye (white night) and Bai Ling (white rise) find the opportunity. 李天命不可能不担心夜凌风,但就是一点门路都没有,他只能让银尘白夜白凌一直找机会。 These Eight Departments Gods so-called talent Universe God, but also is really disgusting.” “这些八部神众的所谓天才宙神,还真令人厌恶。” They arrogant and arrogant, look disdainfully, are full of the prejudice! 他们自大、傲慢、睥睨,充满偏见! Li Tianming crossed the surveillance of these Eight Departments Gods with ease, before arriving at Nine Lives Cave . 李天命轻松越过了这些八部神众的监视,来到了九命窟前。 At this time, has the elder to discover they three positions outside, but was useless, waited for the news to pass to Miracle Mountain, Li Tianming is not in-situ. 这时,已经有长辈在外面发现了他们三个的位置,但没用,等消息传到神迹山,李天命早就不在原地了。 Miracle Mountain removes most, even Nine Lives Cave also had/left many entrances, that 50,000 talent Universe God cannot seal up completely. 神迹山去掉大半,连九命窟也多出了不少入口,那五万天才宙神也完全封不住。 Li Tianming first is Jiang Lincheng passes on a message, informed own arrival, after that enters in the middle of Nine Lives Cave. 李天命先是和姜临城传讯,告知了自己的到来,此后再进入九命窟当中。 Has existence of Yin Chen (silver dust), he in all assurances to Nine Lives Cave, may compared with the Immemorial Permanent Sand juniors probably, that Jiang Feifei and Lin Zhaoge comes out to greet, Li Tianming knows. 银尘的存在,他对九命窟内一切的把握,可比太古恒沙子弟们要强多了,那姜妃妃林朝歌出来迎接,李天命都知道。 Quick, both sides on meet in Nine Lives Cave somewhere. 很快,双方就在九命窟内某处碰面。 Li Tianming altogether three people, but Jiang Feifei Lin Zhaoge brought dozens Immemorial Permanent Sand top talents, having much the first time is saw Li Tianming, in the eye has the curious color. 李天命一共三人,而姜妃妃林朝歌带来了几十个太古恒沙顶尖天才,有不少是第一次看到李天命,眼里都有好奇之色。 Brother Lin, you entered Sword Cave, swallowed half Miracle Mountain?” A Lin Zhaoge face shocks, comes up then to ask. 林兄,你进了剑洞,吞了半个神迹山?”林朝歌一脸震撼,上来便问道。 Yes, Brother Lin.” The Li Tianming smile nods. “是的,林兄。”李天命微笑点头。 Lin Zhaoge is also surnamed Lin, hears Li Tianming this name, he cannot bear smiles, in the eye is very shocking. 林朝歌也姓林,听到李天命这称呼,他忍不住一笑,眼里还是十分震惊。 Does not use surprisedly, this is the thing of my clan, I take the ease.” Li Tianming said modestly. “不用惊讶,这本就是我族之物,我拿之轻而易举。”李天命谦虚说道。 Does not know that this super Universe God Item, what effectiveness currently does have?” The Jiang Feifei smile asked. “不知这超级宙神器,目前有什么效用?”姜妃妃微笑问。 Temporarily has not used greatly, but also unlocking slowly.” Li Tianming speaking of this point, is some headaches, but also some Chaos Sword Princess, when can this kiss? “暂时没大用,还的慢慢解锁。”李天命说到这一点,也是有些头疼,还有的混沌剑姬,这得亲到什么时候? Brother Lin was certainly modest.” Lin Zhaoge said with a smile. 林兄一定是谦虚了。”林朝歌笑道。 Does not have modestly, but, if then I and you fight side-by-side, certainly makes best effort.” Li Tianming earnest say/way. “谦虚倒没有,但,接下来若我与你们并肩作战,一定尽最大努力。”李天命认真道。 „The meaning of Brother Lin is, the opposite party picks outside Nine Lives Fruit, certainly will attack reckless?” Jiang Feifei asked in a low voice. 林兄的意思是,对方采摘完外面的九命果,一定会不顾后果攻进来?”姜妃妃低声问。 This is the affirmation, after all, they not only overwhelms with numerical strength, and has not paid attention to you, how can the ignores you take away three hundred million Nine Lives Fruit?” Li Tianming cold sound said. “这是肯定的,毕竟,他们不但人多势众,且还没把你们放在眼里,怎会放任你们拿走三亿九命果?”李天命冷声道。 300 million? So many?” Jiang Feifei and Lin Zhaoge had a scare. “三亿?这么多?”姜妃妃林朝歌被吓了一跳。 They do not know, the Nine Lives Fruit total in Nine Lives Cave are unexpectedly many to this degree. 他们自己都不知道,九命窟内的九命果总数竟多到这种程度。 Some, where they do not even know. 还有一部分,他们甚至都不知道在哪里。 Now has the global field of view, is Li Tianming and Heavenly Dao Arena. 现在拥有全局视野的,是李天命天道竞技场 Brother Lin looks carefully in all directions to be vigilant, is truly fierce, without you, we resists with this Heavenly Dao Arena, if the headless fly is common, does not know eats many to owe.” Jiang Feifei feels grateful in a soft voice said, in that pair of beautiful pupil full is the curious color. 林兄眼观六路耳听八方,确实厉害,若是没有你,我们和这天道竞技场对抗,就如无头苍蝇一般,不知道得吃多少亏。”姜妃妃轻声感激道,那一双美眸里满是好奇之色。 If just now does not retreat, must lose seriously.” Lin Zhaoge says with emotion. “方才若是不撤退,现在就得损失惨重了。”林朝歌感慨道。 After this cooperation, they truly trust Li Tianming, two people are intelligent, pouring to omit Li Tianming to be many. 经过这一次合作,他们对李天命确实信任有加,两人都算是聪慧,倒省去了李天命不少麻烦。 Otherwise, if bumps into Jiang Yulian that person again, bothersome dies bothersomely. 不然,要是再碰上姜玉涟那种人,烦都烦死。 Li Tianming hears word smiles, said: You're welcome, we accord to his need, if in the future I will go to Immemorial Permanent Sand to mix, will also need two to take care.” 李天命闻言莞尔一笑,道:“不用客气,我们各取所需,往后我若去太古恒沙混,还需要两位多照应。” Brother Lin please feel relieved. We entertain surely quite.” The Jiang Feifei politeness said. 林兄请放心。我们必定好生招待。”姜妃妃礼貌道。 Un!” Li Tianming also comes straight to the point, that if then the opposite party attacks, but also asked two to listen to my opinion, I can see their action paths.” “嗯!”李天命也开门见山,“那接下来若是对方进攻,还请两位多听我的意见,我能看到他们的行动轨迹。” Jiang Feifei thinks, looks at each other one with Lin Zhaoge again, then said: „Our several 7th-Rank Universe God, are Ancient List talent...... we will also convince as far as possible their!” 姜妃妃想了想,再和林朝歌对视一眼,然后再说:“我们这还有几个七阶宙神,都是古榜天才……我们会尽量说服他们的!” The meaning is, their two does not dare to vouch, also with all ideas. 意思就是,他们两个也不敢打包票,也拿不了所有主意。 All right, believes that Immemorial Permanent Sand fellow brothers, is the wise people.” Li Tianming said submissively. “没事,相信太古恒沙各位兄弟,都是明智之人。”李天命拱手道。 At this moment, Yin Chen (silver dust) said suddenly: Nine lives, in hole, discovery, a lot, beast balls.” 就在这时,银尘忽然道:“九命,窟里,发现,大量,兽球。” How many?” Li Tianming asked. “多少?”李天命问。 1 million.” “百万。” By......” “靠……” Li Tianming has a scare. 李天命吓了一跳。 How many? 怎么多? Hurries, in the past. Also there are, other, antique, innumerable, person, discovery, they.” Yin Chen (silver dust) urged to say. “赶紧,过去。也有,其他,太古,恒沙,之人,发现,它们。”银尘催促说道。 Obviously , because Miracle Mountain changes, causing a lot of small beast balls to appear. 很显然,是因为神迹山变动,导致大量小兽球出现了。 Immemorial Permanent Sand person discovery words......” 太古恒沙的人发现的话……” Li Tianming thinks, then said to Jiang Feifei and Lin Zhaoge: Had/Left a situation, two please walk with me.” 李天命想了想,便对姜妃妃林朝歌道:“出了点情况,两位请和我走一趟。” Walks? Where goes to?” Lin Zhaoge asked. “走一趟?去哪里?”林朝歌问。 Li Tianming had not first said that but first goes into action, they also can only follow on the heels. 李天命先没多说,而是先行动起来,他们也只能跟在后面。 „Do you hear the too small beast ball the matter?” Li Tianming asked. “你们听说过小兽球的事吗?”李天命问。 Jiang Feifei eye slightly bright, said: Had only heard, probably each has Star Sea Rank Order Heavenly Soul, is mysterious. Heard that you are in front of many Eight Departments Gods, carried off them!” 姜妃妃眼睛微亮,说道:“刚听说过,好像每一只都有星海级秩序天魂,非常神奇。听说你当着不少八部神众的面,把它们带走了呢!” The words that they know, showed that all Immemorial Permanent Sand juniors knew. 他们知道的话,就说明所有太古恒沙子弟都知道了。
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