FGOAA :: Volume #41

#4015: Chaos Sword Princess regiment!

„A great strength of weapon, the degree of hardness and sharp is an aspect, depends on the material quality, strength that its interior contains, no matter Universe Heavenly Yuan or Universe God strength, very important......” “一件兵器的强大,硬度和锋利是一方面,取决于材质,其内部蕴含的力量,不管是宇宙天元还是宙神力量,也很重要……” Universe God Item is strong , because the material quality is more fearful, and exceeds the Universe Heavenly Yuan strength to exist. 宙神器之所以强,就是因为材质更可怕,且还有超越宇宙天元的力量存在。 All Universe God Item, Emperor Heaven Rank World is unable to forge, was the antiquity leaves behind, mystique that obviously they originated. 所有宙神器,帝天级世界都无法锻造,都是上古遗留,可见它们来源的神秘性。 „Does this gadget have the supplementary strength?” Ying Huo (Firefly) could not feel. “这玩意儿有附带力量吗?”荧火感觉不到。 At present looks, hard! 目前看,就只是硬! Should have, but was it is estimated that same as former that nine Order barrier Universe Heavenly Yuan, needed the unlocking...... my Heavenly Soul to go to have a look.” Li Tianming sits cross-legged, in the hand holds this Eastern Sovereign Sword, Life Soul is resting, Heavenly Soul escapes into the sword! “应该有,但估计和之前那九个秩序结界宇宙天元一样,需要解锁……我天魂进去看看。”李天命盘坐而下,手里抱着这东皇剑,命魂休憩,天魂遁入剑中! Buzz! 嗡! He arrived at a golden world. 他来到了一个金色世界。 First what heaves in sight is that colorless front door! 首先映入眼帘的乃是那一座无色大门! It was still unlatched, pushed motionless. 它仍然是虚掩着,推不动。 With Heaven-Stealing Hand, can see that in the gate has incomparably huge golden-black Emperor Star, the waterdrop of that Emperor Star splash, derives Star Source World, has hit around this colorless front door. 窃天之手,可以看到门内有一个无比巨大的金黑色帝星,那帝星飞溅的水滴,衍生出一个个恒星源世界,在这无色大门周围撞过。 „The secret of this gate, is temporarily the non-solution......” “这一座门的秘密,还是暂时无解……” Li Tianming shook the head to smile. 李天命摇头笑了一下。 Although curious, but does not worry. 虽好奇,但不着急。 He comes to look at other Eastern Sovereign Sword changes. 他是进来看东皇剑其他变化的。 Chaos Sword Princess, pays a visit the Emperor......” 混沌剑姬,拜见帝君……” At this moment, gently beautiful sounds are resounding behind. 就在这时,一道道柔美的声音在身后响起。 It is not together, but is the innumerable say/way gathers in the together sound! 不是一道,而是无数道汇聚在一起的声音! Is the nice girl voices. 都是动听的女孩声音。 Li Tianming is startled slightly, then has turned around. 李天命微微一怔,然后转过身。 "fuck!" “靠!” He dumbfounded. 他呆住了。 His at present, presented the innumerable females, they are wearing the golden mail-armor and helmet, the simultaneously arrangement before themselves, the quantity little said that has over a hundred million! 他的眼前,出现了无数的女子,她们都身穿着金色的甲胄,齐齐排列在自己面前,数量少说都有上亿! Even continues! 甚至不止! The rear golden mist, he did not see clearly. 后方的金色雾气,他都看不清楚了。 The key is, although they put on the same golden armor, so long as careful looked, will discover their five senses, facial features, figure and physique have nothing in common, is the capitals of beautiful woman. 关键是,她们虽然穿着相同的黄金铠甲,但只要仔细一看,会发现她们的五官、面容、身段、体态都各不相同,都是美人之资。 Most nearby over ten thousand, a redundant feeling does not have actually. 最附近上万个,硬是一个重复的感觉都没有。 This makes Li Tianming have to admire the good fortune of creator, really pinches a problem not to have. 这让李天命不得不佩服造物主的造化,真是捏得一点毛病都没有。 Who are you?” Li Tianming asked. “你们是谁?”李天命问。 He does not make clear them is what form existence, does not seem like the person, is not the beforehand that statue, seem like a soul, but is impure, is very special, because their bodies are more like a strength. 他搞不清楚她们是什么形式的存在,不像是人,也不是之前那雕像,倒像是一种魂,但又不纯粹,很特殊,因为它们的身体更像是一种力量。 Heavenly Soul, additional strength?” 天魂,加力量?” Therefore, their tender bodies, bring a very warm feeling to Li Tianming's Heavenly Soul. 因此,她们的娇躯,给李天命的天魂带来一种非常温暖的感觉。 We, are Chaos Sword Princess.” “我们,是混沌剑姬。” Over a hundred million golden armor females, raise slightly to Li Tianming slightly, is respectful and nimble and resourceful, suddenly makes Li Tianming even think that they have the living person of thought. 上亿金甲女子,微微向李天命欠身,恭敬而灵动,一时间让李天命甚至认为她们都是有思维的活人。 Then? Do you choose to represent to speak? Otherwise was too noisy.” Li Tianming said. “然后呢?你们选个代表出来说话?不然太吵了。”李天命道。 He said, these Chaos Sword Princess smile looks at him gently beautifully, did not speak. 他说完,那些混沌剑姬都微笑柔美的看着他,却不说话。 Emperor, to visit Chaos Sword Princess, may attain ‚the strength of Chaos Sword Princess.” They look at Li Tianming spookily, said with one voice. “帝君,以临幸混沌剑姬,可获‘混沌剑姬之力’。”她们幽幽看着李天命,又是齐声说道。 Li Tianming: „...... What ghost?” 李天命:“……什么鬼?” Emperor, to visit Chaos Sword Princess, may attain ‚the strength of Chaos Sword Princess.” They repeated. “帝君,以临幸混沌剑姬,可获‘混沌剑姬之力’。”她们又重复了一遍。 „?” “啊?” Li Tianming was startled. 李天命怔住了。 „The Emperor governing entire world, rubs the column of inheritance by Chaos Sword Princess, derives hundred generations, the inheritance is eternal.” Chaos Sword Princess traded a few words, but also was everyone said together, heard Li Tianming scalp tingles. “帝君御寰宇,以混沌剑姬磨传承之柱,方衍生百代,传承万古。”混沌剑姬们换了一句话,但也是所有人一起说,听得李天命头皮发麻。 This does, how visit the law?” Li Tianming weak say/way. “这个,怎么临幸法?”李天命弱弱道。 Without the means! 没办法! Over a hundred million women! 上亿个女人! Who can withstand...... 谁能顶得住…… Soul passes, then empathize.” “魂通,则神会。” At this time, frontline Chaos Sword Princess went forward, solved battle armor lightly, waits on Li Tianming at present. 这时,最前方一个混沌剑姬上前,轻解战甲,侍在李天命眼前。 „Do you come really?” Li Tianming scalp tingles asked. “你来真的?”李天命头皮发麻问。 He recalled before , Heavenly Soul enters Illusion Heaven Realm time, that feeling is very real, but now enters Eastern Sovereign Sword, all are unreal, will not have that having a dream feeling. 他回想起以前天魂进入幻天之境的时候,那感觉无比真实,而现在只是进东皇剑,一切都是虚幻的,并不会有那种做梦的感觉。 After all, the Heavenly Soul essence, has half to belong to the world, in addition generally is itself. 毕竟,天魂的本质,有一半属于天地,另一般才属于自己。 Generally speaking, Heavenly Soul comes practice, communicates with the world. 一般来说,天魂都是来修炼的,和天地沟通的。 Even so, the Li Tianming feeling is strange. 就算如此,李天命感觉还是怪怪的。 Only is the empathize, the Emperor must misunderstand not.” That Chaos Sword Princess said. “仅是神会,帝君莫要误会。”那混沌剑姬道。 Li Tianming a little does not make clear, she was anything. 李天命都有点搞不清楚,她到底是个什么了。 He has not complied, that Chaos Sword Princess then went forward to come, to hug him. 他还没答应,那混沌剑姬便上前而来,拥抱着了他。 Incense stick|Fragrant lip water. 香唇点水。 "ge?" “呃?” Li Tianming has not responded that Chaos Sword Princess melted on him, but Eastern Sovereign Sword suddenly blessing a golden strength! 李天命还没反应过来,那混沌剑姬就融化在了他身上,而东皇剑猛然加持了一道金色力量! Kissed on the line? Fortunately......” “亲一下就行了?还好……” Otherwise really has a scare him. 不然真把他吓一大跳。 That kisses/intimate!” Li Tianming stretches out the arms, „, but before the trouble kisses/intimate, do not surrender, making one misunderstand.” “那就亲吧!”李天命张开双臂,“但是麻烦亲之前,你们别解甲了,让人误会。” Chaos Sword Princess are smiling happily, lines up to go forward, but will surrender...... 混沌剑姬们怡然笑着,排队上前,但还是会解甲…… Eyes cannot take it all in that Li Tianming looks , the eye quick was blind, at present is one piece of shiny golden. 李天命看的目不暇接,眼睛都快瞎了,眼前都是金晃晃的一片。 Outside! 外面! „Is eldest child this is doing? Some dream traceless, looked that this blushes smartly.” Ying Huo (Firefly) said. “老大这是在干啥?某梦了无痕啊,看这俏脸红的。”荧火啧啧道。 Has the situation meow!” Miao Miao jumped, trampled a foot toward the Li Tianming body, said surprisedly: This Eastern Sovereign Sword came out of the sheath!” “有情况喵!”喵喵跳了下去,往李天命身下踹了一脚,惊奇道:“这东皇剑出鞘了!” fuck!” 我擦!” Li Tianming awakened to jump suddenly, looked angrily at them saying: „Do you do?” 李天命猛然惊醒跳了起来,怒视它们道:“你们干啥啊?” Asked you, did you do in the sword?” The Ying Huo (Firefly) chicken asked. “问你呢,你在剑里干什么?”荧火鸡笑问。 Closes your trifling thing!” In Li Tianming grasps to stop Eastern Sovereign Sword, brandished gently brightly, the eye one: „Is this strength of Chaos Sword Princess? Very special......” “关你屁事!”李天命握住手里东皇剑,轻轻挥舞了一下,眼睛一亮:“这就是混沌剑姬之力?很特殊啊……” He kissed more than ten temporarily. 他暂时才亲了十几个。 This own also very uses energy, although is Heavenly Soul, but the mouth has the feeling of type of quick bare skin. 这亲的还挺费劲,虽然是天魂,但嘴巴还是有种快秃皮的感觉。 Ok, has the time to kiss again slowly, over a hundred million, who knows that must kiss lord knows when!” “算了,有时间再慢慢亲吧,上亿呢,谁知道要亲到猴年马月!” Li Tianming also has to stop, after all Zi Zhen and Weisheng Moran drew near. 李天命也不得不停,毕竟紫禛微生墨染快到了。 Must make them see itself to hold a sword squish, that person supposed destroys...... 要让她们看到自己抱着一把剑吧唧,那人设就毁了……
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