FGOAA :: Volume #41

#4014: Black Sword Cave?

Visible, entire Miracle Mountain became thin! 肉眼可见,整个神迹山变瘦了! It is the golden part, in the unceasing melting, gradually suction. 它属于金色的部分,在不断的融化,被逐渐吸走。 Only is left over the black part! 只剩下黑色的部分! As the matter stands, Miracle Mountain completely changed the appearance, it no longer is the standard sword-shaped, but becomes crooked, bumpy! 这样一来,神迹山完全改变了模样,它不再是标准的剑形,而是变得歪七扭八,坑坑洼洼! By far toward going, instead probably rockery! 远远往去,反而像是假山! Its this change, that five ten thousand Eight Departments Gods talent Universe God means do not have, can only look at dumbly same place. 它这种变化,那五万八部神众天才宙神们一点办法都没有,只能呆立原地。 That mask person, his Miracle Mountain how?” “那面具人,他到底把神迹山怎么了?” Just passed on a message, he enters Sword Cave by that sword! Very possibly Miracle Mountain this super Universe God Item and his sword had the response!” “刚传讯说,他是靠那一把剑进入剑洞的!很可能神迹山这超级宙神器和他的剑产生了反应!” This certainly is the peerless heavy treasure, do we want to look like this dry/does?” “这一定是绝世重宝,我们要这样干看着么?” How can?” “能怎样?” They are in great confusion, pull Liangba is at heart cool, innermost feelings naturally extremely envious hatred. 他们乱成一团,心里拔凉拔凉的,内心当然万分嫉恨。 But in the Ten Desolate Star Furnace angle of view, then looks is more obvious, trillion Eight Departments Gods is similar to is hit being swollen face, the air/Qi does not hit one, cries out strangely everywhere, cannot cover envy at heart completely! 而在十荒星炉的视角,则看的更加明显,万亿八部神众都如同被打肿了脸面,气得不打一处来,到处怪叫,完全掩盖不住心里的嫉妒! This is our Eight Departments Gods thing!” “这是我们八部神众的东西!” They psychologically, have just like possessed of it, who seizes, snatches! 他们心理上,俨然已经将其占为己有,谁来夺,就是抢! Also is gawking doing? Finds that mask person quickly, the seizing of treasure killing!” “还愣着干什么?快找那个面具人,杀之夺宝!” They see clearly, may be in the Eight Departments Gods talents in mountain, at present the strong gold/metal fog, complete pitch darkness, can only wait for Miracle Mountain to change! 他们看得清楚,可身在山中的八部神众天才们,眼前还是浓重的金雾,完全一抹黑,只能等神迹山变化完毕! Arrived finally, this Miracle Mountain thorough thin half, is only left over the crooked black part completely! 到最后,这神迹山彻底瘦了一半,完全只剩下歪歪扭扭的黑色部分! What is that?” “那是什么?” Many people notice, after the Miracle Mountain golden color part vanishes, many vines, tree roots and branches and leaves exposed. 很多人注意到,在神迹山金色部分消失后,有很多藤蔓、树根、枝叶暴露了出来。 Should be Nine Lives Ancestral Tree!” “应该是九命祖树!” Also really!” “还真是!” Before Nine Lives Cave, they had also seen the part of Nine Lives Ancestral Tree, but absolutely does not have to expose now a lot. 之前在九命窟内,他们也见过九命祖树的部分,但绝对没现在暴露得多。 Looking into the distance, everywhere is! 放眼望去,到处都是! Everyone looks quickly!” “大家快看!” Many Nine Lives Fruit......!” “好多九命果……!” Suddenly, five ten thousand Eight Departments Gods glisten at present. 一时间,五万八部神众都眼前闪亮。 They at present, Nine Lives Fruit appear, even golden Nine Lives Fruit, although most Nine Lives Fruit have the barrier exposition, but at least, they reveal outside, so long as the time is abundant, can always take! 他们眼前,一枚枚九命果出现,甚至还有金色九命果,虽然大部分九命果都有结界暴露,但最起码,它们是显露在外面的,只要时间充裕,总是能够拿下! Could not find the words of that mask person, first occupied Nine Lives Fruit.” “找不到那面具人的话,先把九命果占了。” Takes these Nine Lives Fruit, our Ten Desolate Star Furnace Universe God quantity promotes several times at least, many people of cards were too long in the half-step Universe God boundary.” “拿下这些九命果,我们十荒星炉宙神数量起码提升几倍,好多人都卡在半步宙神境界太久了。” Five ten thousand Eight Departments Gods talents, majority were attracted by this Nine Lives Fruit, other Ten Desolate Heavenly Universe List front rows, then is still searching high and low Li Tianming. 五万八部神众天才,大多数都被这九命果吸引,余下一些十荒天宙榜前列的,则还在四处寻找李天命 As for Zi Zhen and Weisheng Moran, had just taken advantage to run all over the place. 至于紫禛微生墨染,刚刚已经趁乱跑了。 Outside passed on a message! Said that upper half of Nine Lives Fruit are more, we first all occupied this Miracle Mountain upper half, huge number of this Nine Lives Fruit, minimum over a hundred million! The elders said that must first pick to carry off!” “外面传讯来了!说上半部分的九命果多一些,我们先把这神迹山上半部分全占了,这次九命果的数量巨大,起码上亿之多!长辈说务必要先采摘带走!” Such remarks, they burst with joy. 此言一出,他们内心沸腾了。 Over a hundred million! 上亿! That three mask people with many Nine Lives Fruit, nothing to be afraid, is mainly the Immemorial Permanent Sand waste has 30,000, we must guard against them to come out to snatch from Nine Lives Cave.” “那三个面具人拿不了多少九命果,不足为惧,主要是太古恒沙废物有三万,我们得防备他们从九命窟里出来抢。” The people talked at once, make noise one group. 众人七嘴八舌,喧闹成一团。 Although lost super Universe God Item temporarily, but clearly, the appearances of massive Nine Lives Fruit, took to their considerably large pleasant surprises. 虽然暂时失去了超级宙神器,但很明显,大量九命果的出现,带给了他们相当大的惊喜。 Part of Ten Desolate Heavenly Universe List talents continue to wait for the mask person's position report, others have started to attack and capture Nine Lives Fruit barrier! 只有一部分十荒天宙榜天才继续等待面具人的位置报告,其他人已经开始攻克九命果结界了! However! 然而! Shortly , the outside elder also has the news to transmit. 就在不久后,外面长辈又有消息传来。 „The Nine Lives Cave structure also disintegrated, was better than to attack and capture before?” 九命窟的结构也瓦解了很多,比之前更好攻克了?” The most important thing is, that Nine Lives Ancestral Tree has very major part in Nine Lives Cave, this causes Nine Lives Fruit that in Nine Lives Cave presents more! The elders are counting sketchily!” “最重要的是,那九命祖树还是有很大部分在九命窟内,这导致九命窟内出现的九命果更多!长辈正在粗略统计!” How many?” “多少?” Suddenly, Eight Departments Gods talents vision cold and gloomy several points. 一时间,八部神众天才们目光都森冷了几分。 Originally was also worried that they come out to snatch. 本来还担心他们出来抢呢。 Finally, are they more? 结果,他们更多? That is uncomfortable! 那就不舒服了! Quick, the estimate data of elders transmitted. 很快,长辈们的预估数据就传来了。 At least has 300 million......” “起码有三亿……” Such remarks, 50,000 people were silent. 此言一出,五万人都沉默了。 They collect 100 million, the opposite party hides, direct 300 million! 他们收集完毕才一亿,对方躲藏起来,直接三亿! This also? 这还了得? How that side Heavenly Demon Palace to say?” 天魔殿那边怎么说?” They gather together, waits for the news. 他们聚在一起,等待消息。 They said, making us pick outside Nine Lives Fruit as soon as possible completely, after transporting, again attacks Nine Lives Cave! Now Nine Lives Cave is full of loopholes, beforehand is easier than to hit! However, before attacking, we must first sphere Nine Lives Cave, cannot make them carry off Nine Lives Fruit. Moreover they added that if certainly wants the means to make clear the matter of that three mask people, quick will have the Emperor Heaven Rank talent to process them!” “他们说,让我们尽快将外面的九命果全部采摘,运送之后,再进攻九命窟!现在九命窟漏洞百出,比之前好打很多!不过,在攻打之前,我们要先围住九命窟,不能让他们带走九命果。另外他们还说,一定要想办法搞清楚那三个面具人的事,很快就会有帝天级天才来处理他们!” Got it!” “明白了!” Had the elder long-distance to mix outside, they actually did not serve as what decision, listened to the outsider on the line. 有了长辈在外面远程调配,他们其实并不用做什么决策,听局外人就行了。 This is their big advantages. 这才是他们的大优势。 „Hadn't Heavenly Dao Arena found these three people?” 天道竞技场还没找到这三个人?” Currently also has the mist and dust, the waiting a while mist and dust diverges, they have no place to go!” “现在还有烟尘,等一会儿烟尘散去,他们也无处可逃!” ...... …… In the Miracle Mountain internal black cavern, Li Tianming final golden color mighty current gathering starts in Eastern Sovereign Sword! 就在神迹山内部一处黑色洞穴之中,李天命身边最后的金色洪流汇聚入手里的东皇剑内! From now on, in the sword of this golden color except for the hand, looking into the distance, all around mountain wall and sky, turned into the black completely! 自此,除了手上这金色之剑,放眼望去,四周的山壁、天空,全部变成了黑色! Eastern Sovereign Sword, became the golden color thoroughly......” 东皇剑,彻底成金色了……” Li Tianming is staring on the sword hilt a tiny sunspot, somewhat does not know whether to laugh or cry. 李天命盯着剑柄上一个渺小的黑点,有些哭笑不得。 This does Miracle Mountain have half?” Ying Huo (Firefly) hangs on his shoulder, looks everywhere randomly. “这神迹山还有一半?”荧火挂在他的肩膀上,到处乱看。 This showing should also black Sword Cave, inside should have a black statue, if I absorbed it with Eastern Sovereign Sword, can swallow the other half Miracle Mountain, integrates in this Eastern Sovereign Sword the sword thoroughly.” Li Tianming deeply said. “这说明应该还有一个黑色的剑洞,里面应该有一个黑色雕像,我若用东皇剑吸收了它,就能吞下另一半的神迹山,将这东皇剑彻底融入剑中。”李天命深深道。 He also thinks that will reach one's goal instantly, has not thought that also divides two steps. 他还以为会一步到位呢,没想到还分两步。 But, this is also the good deed.” “不过,这也是好事。” In the Li Tianming tight handshake Eastern Sovereign Sword, he has felt its terrifying to transform. 李天命紧握手中东皇剑,他已经感受到了它的恐怖蜕变。 Even now is so astonishing, explained obtained the black part, perfection...... does not only know, that black Sword Cave, where can also? Perhaps is not Sword Cave, but is other forms?” Li Tianming guessed. “连现在都如此惊人,说明把黑色部分得到,只会更强更圆满……就是不知道,那黑色的剑洞,又会在哪里?或许不是剑洞,而是其他形式?”李天命猜测。 This sword what might? Strange.” Ying Huo (Firefly) has not looked suddenly, it cuts with the sharpest feather suddenly on the golden sword blade. “这剑到底啥威力?奇奇怪怪的。”荧火一时间没看出来,它用自己最锋利的羽毛猛然切在金色剑刃上。 When! 当! The feather of its this Eternal Purgatory Phoenix, if unexpectedly the tofu shut off with ease. 它这永恒炼狱凤凰之羽翎,竟然如豆腐般被轻松切断了。 Fused half Miracle Mountain, became sharp, firm?” Ying Huo (Firefly) curls the lip to say. “融合了半个神迹山,就只是变得锋利、刚硬了?”荧火撇嘴道。 Truly sharp......” “确实锋利……” Li Tianming has attempted Great Emperor Heaven Rank Heavenly Yuan Divine Item, this stemming from Emperor Heaven Rank World Emperor Heaven ore, collapses at the first blow in front of present golden Eastern Sovereign Sword, cuts breaks! 李天命大帝天级天元神器都尝试过了,这种出自帝天级世界帝天矿,在现在的金色东皇剑面前不堪一击,一斩就断! It is estimated that is Universe God Item, in degree of hardness on sharp, is far less than it.” Li Tianming can affirm this point. “估计是宙神器,在硬度锋利上,都远不如它。”李天命可以肯定这一点。 Is much harder! 硬得离谱! After all swallowed half mountain! 毕竟吞了半座山! Present Eastern Sovereign Sword, which puts which broken, can only put down putting, otherwise this Miracle Mountain ground, cannot even support its sharpness. 现在的东皇剑,放哪哪碎,只能平着放,不然连这神迹山的地面,都撑不住它的锋利。
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