FGOAA :: Volume #41

#4013: Chaos Sword Princess!

500,000 meters statue, truly is a terrifying number. 五十万米的雕像,确实是一个恐怖的数字。 After all, the body of kilometer Universe God is very terrifying. 毕竟,千米宙神之体就已经很恐怖了。 My reasonable doubt, this statue has exaggerating element, is not true Universe God 1 : 1 carves......” “我合理怀疑,这个雕像有夸大成分,并不是真正的宙神一比一雕刻出来的……” Li Tianming is saying, while flies toward the above. 李天命一边说着,一边往上方飞去。 His present position, approximately in the position that below this golden female war-god neck cannot be described, appearing some are not polite, therefore he such as ant flies upward, finally, his presents a golden mouth at present. 他现在的位置,大约在这金色女战神脖子以下不可描述的位置,显得有些不礼貌,所以他就如一只蚂蚁似的往上飞,终于,他的眼前出现了一张金色的嘴。 Shining! 金灿灿的! Does not know that is what material quality. 不知道是什么材质。 „It is martial-looking movingly .” “还挺英武、动人。” Li Tianming has not thought, this Miracle Mountain really also really has a female statue. 李天命没想到,这神迹山内部竟然还真有一座女雕像。 „It is not right, I should now in this Eastern Sovereign Sword fragment interior......” “不对,我现在应该在这东皇剑碎片内部……” Therefore, this statue should also be a part of Eastern Sovereign Sword! 所以,这雕像应该也是东皇剑的一部分! Li Tianming is still thinking that what to do should , in its hand that Eastern Sovereign Sword actually respond automatically. 李天命正还在想该怎么办呢,没想到,它手里那东皇剑竟然自动反应了。 Buzz humming sound! 嗡嗡嗡! His Eastern Sovereign Sword holds up high, was separated from the Li Tianming's body suddenly, speeds along to go toward that hundreds of thousands of meters high statue unexpectedly! 他的东皇剑高高举起,猛然脱离了李天命的身体,竟然朝着那数十万米高的雕像飞驰而去! Its goal, is its mouth section. 它的目标,正是其嘴部。 Although Eastern Sovereign Sword several hundred meters, but this also picks the teeth almost. 东皇剑虽然有几百米,但这也更剔牙差不多。 Ok.” “可以啊。” Li Tianming then does not manage, he is holding the both arms, works as an observer in the nearby honestly. 李天命便不管了,他抱着双臂,就在边上老老实实当一个旁观者。 When! 当! That Eastern Sovereign Sword punctured from the lips slit of this golden female war-god statue directly, submerges mostly, is only left over the sword hilt also outside. 东皇剑直接从这金色女战神雕像的双唇缝隙当中刺了进去,大部分没入其中,只剩下剑柄还在外面。 Overreaches oneself?” “不自量力?” While Li Tianming thinks like this time, that golden statue shakes loudly, then that golden face shivers unexpectedly slightly, regaining consciousness feelings. 正当李天命这样想的时候,那金色雕像轰然一震,然后那一张金色脸面竟然微微颤动一下,有一种正在苏醒的感觉。 Buzz! 嗡! Also is a sound moves, she opened that heavy eyelid unexpectedly, this flash, two golden dazzling light shone on Li Tianming, making his whole body gold cover! 又是一声响动,她竟然张开了那沉重的眼皮,就这一瞬间,两道金色的炫光照耀在了李天命身上,让他浑身黄金笼罩! „...... Fortunately, is not an honorable person.” “……还好,不是真人。” Li Tianming just also had a scare. 李天命刚还被吓了一跳。 Can discover, this pair of giant double pupil , like its body material quality, is not the body of Universe God. 可以发现,这一双巨大的双眸,和其身体材质相同,并不是宙神之体。 Opens eyes, then?” “睁开眼,然后呢?” Li Tianming just had this idea at heart, he has not thought that giant statue opens mouth unexpectedly slightly, to be very solemn and respectful, the sound of respect saying: Emperor, Chaos Sword Princess, when you are many......” 李天命心里刚冒出这个想法,他万万没想到,那巨大的雕像竟然微微张嘴,以无比肃穆、敬重的声音道:“帝君,混沌剑姬,等你多时……” What?” “啥?” Li Tianming was shaken the ear to sound by this sound, suddenly was indistinct heard Chaos Sword Princess these four characters, behind statue should have is meditating something, but a Li Tianming face was ignorant. 李天命被这声音震得耳朵鸣叫,一时间隐约就听到了‘混沌剑姬’这四个字,后面这雕像应该还有在默念一些东西,但李天命一脸懵。 The entire mid-hill, is reverberating this loud sound. 整个山腹,都在回荡这巨响。 However without the relations, this giant statue in speech, starts such as the golden melting to be the same, her these hundreds of thousands of meters body thorough incarnations are golden sea, but Eastern Sovereign Sword is similar to opens the big mouth, is absorbing greedily, restores own great strength truly! 不过没关系,这巨大雕像在说完话后,就开始如黄金融化一般,她这数十万米的身躯彻底化身为一片金色海洋,而东皇剑则如同张开血盆大口,贪婪的吸收着,真正恢复自己的强大! Eastern Sovereign Sword is mature day after day, Taiyi Tower did not have the sound!” 东皇剑日渐成熟,太一塔这边还没动静呢!” The Li Tianming eyes are blazing, patient looks, simultaneously makes Yin Chen (silver dust) report outside situation synchronously. 李天命双眼炽热,耐心的看着,同时让银尘同步汇报外面的情况。 At present also a little time! 目前还有一点时间! Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Contrasts golden sea that statue melts, Eastern Sovereign Sword was too small, Li Tianming went forward to grip it, at that moment, had the vast golden strength to swamp into his body suddenly, broke to its Seven Star Organs most neutron particles. 对比那雕像融化的金色海洋,东皇剑还是太小了,李天命上前去握住它,那一刻,就有浩瀚的金色力量猛然涌入了他的身体,冲入到其七星脏大部分的中子微粒之中。 This strength, endures to compare the strength of Universe God!” “这股力量,堪比宙神之力!” This feeling, is a little similar to beforehand Eastern Sovereign Vortex, but Li Tianming felt that possibly is stronger. 这个感觉,和以前的东皇漩涡有点相似,但李天命感觉可能更强。 Dark, he realized suddenly, this possibly is the Chaos Sword Princess strength. 冥冥之中,他忽然意识到,这可能就是混沌剑姬的力量。 But Eastern Sovereign Sword like the hungry wolf , to continue to gobble up, it were also having the earth-shaking transformation. 东皇剑如同饥饿的狼,继续吞吃着,它自身也在发生了翻天覆地的蜕变。 Un?” “嗯?” Li Tianming sees impressively, golden-black two colors Eastern Sovereign Sword, that black part was pressed a dot probably! 李天命赫然看到,原本金黑双色东皇剑,那黑色部分好像被压成了一个小点! Except for that dot, entire Eastern Sovereign Sword became the golden color! 除了那小点,整个东皇剑都成了金色! It had been embezzled by this golden Beginning of An Era Sword Princess. 它已经被这金色的纪元剑姬所吞没。 Black part? Where? The second statue?” “黑色部分呢?哪里去了?难道还有第二座雕像?” Does not wait for Li Tianming to confirm this issue, this golden Beginning of An Era Sword Princess the total has blended Eastern Sovereign Sword, Eastern Sovereign Sword is still conducting the big transformation! 不等李天命去验证这个问题,这金色的纪元剑姬就已经全数融汇进东皇剑,东皇剑内部还在进行大蜕变! Right! This Beginning of An Era Sword Princess is only the statue in mid-hill, previously was entire Miracle Mountain brought the attraction to Eastern Sovereign Sword, outside also had the peak to become the sword to be sharp, should this entire mountain, be part of fragment?” “对了!这纪元剑姬只是山腹内的雕像,此前是整个神迹山东皇剑带来了吸引力,外面还有峰顶成了剑尖,这整座山,更应该是碎片的一部分吧?” Li Tianming just thinks like this, then sees the surrounding that golden mid-hill hole wall, starts to melt unexpectedly, with that Chaos Sword Princess same toward the Eastern Sovereign Sword gathering! 李天命刚这样想,便看到周围那金色的山腹洞壁,竟然也开始融化,和那混沌剑姬一样朝着东皇剑汇聚而来! The entire endless mid-hill is melting. 整座无尽山腹都在融化。 „Does that have the possibility, is Miracle Mountain is melting?” “那有没有可能,是神迹山正在融化?” This is the big event that causes a stir in! 这可是更轰动的大事件! The fact on such that such as Li Tianming thinks. 事实就如李天命想的那样。 Li Tianming goes in shortly, stands in that Sword Cave entrance, has almost been able to see that several tens of thousands of Eight Departments Gods talents have drawn near! 李天命进去没多长时间,站在那剑洞门口,几乎已经可以看到有数万八部神众天才已经快到了! What is most troublesome, several 7th-Rank Universe God had realized that Sword Cave was the big deal, was separated from the team, accelerates toward here. 最麻烦的是,有好几个七阶宙神已经意识到剑洞这边出了大事,正脱离了队伍,加速往这边而来。 They did not worry, thinks that Li Tianming cannot enter Sword Cave. 他们本来并不着急,认为李天命进不了剑洞 Now obviously was to obtain the news! 现在显然是得到消息了! Ominous reactionary forces in the ascendant! 黑云压城! Weisheng Moran and looked at each other one. 微生墨染和自身对视了一眼。 Although two people have not spoken, but had prepared fight silently. 两人虽然都没有说话,但已经默默做好了战斗的准备。 In their dictionaries, has not as if run away this character. 她们的字典里,似乎都没有逃这个字。 Takes them.” “拿下她们。” This crowd of Eight Departments Gods several leaders, are the Ten Desolate Star Furnace true sustenance, its battle strength is Ten Desolate Star Furnace below 500 years old first several, each one is the monsters! 这群八部神众的几个领军人物,才是十荒星炉真正的寄托,其战力位列十荒星炉五百岁以下前几名,个个都是怪物! Princess Youyou 7-Layer Hell Wheel, is only natural talent third! 沋沋公主七重地狱轮,也才只是天赋第三! natural talent is strong, battle strength is also strong, has plenty of such people. 天赋强,战力也强的,大有人在。 They see the Sword Cave mutation from afar, killing the heart is bigger. 他们远远就看到剑洞异变,杀心更是大起。 Heavenly Dao Arena opened, they are not instead smooth, how to endure patiently? 天道竞技场开了,他们反而不顺利了,怎么忍耐? Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Their people have not arrived, kill to incur have drawn near. 他们人没到,杀招已经快到了。 At this time! 就在这时候! What?” “什么?” Everyone looks up, was silly! 所有人抬头一看,都傻了! From this Miracle Mountain peak, that has formed the sword sharp mountain peak, starts to melt the liquid unexpectedly, wells up to fall toward internal collapse, probably was swallowed by anything! 从这神迹山的峰顶开始,那已经形成了剑尖的山峰,竟然开始融化成液体,朝着内部塌陷涌落而下,好像被什么东西吞掉了! This causes, Sword Cave did not have directly! 这就导致,剑洞直接就没了! Rumbling! 轰轰轰! The speed that the summit melts exceeded the imagination of people, in a short time, the surroundings all emptied, even barrier of these limit actions dissipated! 山顶融化的速度超出了人们的想象,就这么短时间内,周围全空了,甚至连那些限制行动的结界都消散了! A mountain, has gathered in the golden sea most probably, contracts unceasingly, obviously that golden sea center, there is a bottomless pit! 一座山,已然大半汇聚成金色海洋,不断收缩,显然那金色海洋中央,有一个无底洞! He succeeded.” “他成功了。” Zi Zhen and Weisheng Moran look at each other one, immediately while running all over the place. 紫禛微生墨染对视一眼,当即趁乱跑了。 Is goes in that mask person!” “是进去那个面具人!” He, melted Miracle Mountain in the quarter of an hour......” “他,在一刻钟内融化了神迹山……” Insane! 疯了! That five ten thousand Eight Departments Gods talent Universe God, dull looks at the present all! 那五万八部神众天才宙神,呆呆的看着眼前的一切! Miracle Mountain big, they are certainly clear. 神迹山有多大,他们当然清楚。 But now, with the time passing, it was getting more and more short, speed of that reduction, before them the speed of climbing a mountain is faster than! 而现在,随着时间了流逝,它越来越矮了,那缩小的速度,比他们之前爬山的速度还要快! „, Super Universe God Item, did not have......” “是不是,超级宙神器,没了……” Suddenly, everyone looks to several leaders. 一时间,所有人看向几个领导者。
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