FGOAA :: Volume #41

#4012: 500,000 meters statue!

When Shao Xingru such talent young girls destroy in Li Tianming, means that these seven 6th-Rank talent Universe God, the group in the face of the Li Tianming three people have extinguished! 少星汝这样的天才少女都毁在李天命手里时,更意味着这七个六阶天才宙神,已然在李天命三人面前团灭! This regarding Eight Departments Gods, is quite hard to accept. 这对于八部神众而言,是相当难以接受的。 Ten Desolate Star Furnace high and low, in major Star Source World, innumerable Eight Departments Gods incomparably depressed looks at the sky, scolded the sound to history the most resounding degree! 十荒星炉上下,各大恒星源世界中,无数八部神众无比郁闷的看着天空,骂声更是到了有史以来最响亮的程度! Before Eight Departments Gods fought, they scolded at most at heart, did not affect friendly, but now they show no external differences on the contrary, did not fear to offend the person. 以前八部神众内部争锋,他们顶多心里骂骂,不影响和气,而现在他们反倒是一致对外,也不怕得罪人。 Naturally, they not only scolded Li Tianming, occasionally also scolded these so-called talents, lost the Eight Departments Gods face. 当然,他们不但骂李天命,偶尔也骂这些所谓的天才们,丢了八部神众的面子。 Was too waste, made into this!” “太废了,被人打成这样!” Changes my grandmother to come up, hitting is better than them!” “换我姥姥上去,打得都比他们好!” This also on the Kings Bloodlines talent? By person, when the dog same plays jokes upon!” “这也就王众血脉天才?被人当狗一样戏耍!” Once forms the class contradictions, they scolded the person on one's own side to come more ruthless. 一旦形成阶级矛盾,他们骂起自己人来更狠。 Without means that most Eight Departments Gods basic units, had been bullied by Kings Bloodlines a lot, therefore then takes advantage of this opportunity, in everyone asks for in the situation of scolding, anger at heart will also divulge. 没办法,大多数八部神众的基层,也没少被王众血脉欺压过,因此便趁此机会,在人人讨骂的情况下,将心里的怒火也宣泄了出来。 But is quick, they saw Li Tianming goes toward that Sword Cave directly. 而很快,他们就看到了李天命直接往那剑洞而去。 „The goal of this boy is really this Sword Cave!” “这小子的目标果然是这剑洞!” He somewhat indulged in fantasy, five ten thousand Eight Departments Gods armies the round trip have killed, others study the place that several months did not have, his is must stroll, goes in swaggering?” “他是不是有些异想天开了,五万八部神众大军已经往回杀来,别人研究了几个月都没进去的地方,他这是要闲庭信步,大摇大摆进去?” The Ten Desolate Star Furnace innumerable eyes gather on Li Tianming, various expression have, but majority want to take a look, how he will then make a boner. 十荒星炉无数的眼睛聚集在李天命身上,各种眼神都有,但大多数都想看看,他接下来会怎么出丑。 Corrupt, he did not have.” “贪,他就无了。” Even if the Myriad Universe Rank world, that Universe God basic vision gloomy and cold, is carefully examining Li Tianming, simultaneously calculates the time that 50,000 people are killing. 哪怕是万宙级世界,那一个个宙神基本目光阴冷,审视着李天命,同时计算着那五万人杀回来的时间。 He does not even have the quarter of an hour.” “他甚至连一刻钟都没有。” Therefore, Eight Departments Gods naturally is relaxed, the eye meaning of withering is fuller. 因此,八部神众们心情当然很放松,眼里的肃杀之意更足。 Under is a focus of public attention, Li Tianming confiscates Eastern Sovereign Sword, arrives at that Sword Cave entrance directly. 万众瞩目之下,李天命没收起东皇剑,直接来到那剑洞入口。 Too many people are staring, first does not use Heaven-Stealing Hand, tries with Eastern Sovereign Sword.” “太多人盯着,先不用窃天之手,拿东皇剑试试。” Obviously obviously, this Sword Cave looks like the golden vortex sea, above has several tens of thousands of heavy barrier to ban, this is Li Tianming sees has blocked the most solid place! 明显可见,这剑洞就像是金色的漩涡沧海,其上有着数万重的结界禁制,这是李天命见过封锁得最为严实的地方! These talent Universe God several months cannot go in no wonder, this level, they cannot go in these over a hundred years.” Li Tianming coldly said. “怪不得那些天才宙神几个月进不去,就这水平,他们在这上百年也进不去。”李天命冷冷道。 Your line?” Ying Huo (Firefly) despises to say. “那你行?”荧火鄙视道。 Hehe.” “呵呵。” Li Tianming both hands grip this golden-black Eastern Sovereign Sword, dark secretly thought/passage: Miracle Mountain, although is big, but after all female, you Duke, should conquer it inborn, but do not recognize instigates the brothers!” 李天命双手握住这金黑色东皇剑,暗暗道:“神迹山虽然大,但毕竟是母的,你是公的,天生应该征服它,可千万别认怂啊兄弟!” Recognizes instigated that ended! 认怂就完了! That Eastern Sovereign Sword as if can hear his words, exudes sound of the intermittent sword cry unexpectedly. 东皇剑仿佛能听到他的话,竟发出一阵阵剑鸣之声。 Obviously is a confident appearance. 显然是一副信心十足的样子。 Withstand/Top?” “这么顶的吗?” Li Tianming is flabbergasted secretly, is a little not self-confident about oneself this Eastern Sovereign Sword, after all in front of this mountain, was too smaller. 李天命暗暗咋舌,对自己这东皇剑还有点不自信,毕竟在这山面前,太小了一些。 Does not have idea! 没辙! He clenches teeth, holds the sword proceeding puncture to go directly, that golden-black heavy sword has several hundred meters long, generous boundless, that heavy/thick sword punctured sharp directly fully in that is on golden vortex Sword Cave of barrier shackles! 他咬了咬牙,持剑直接往前穿刺而去,那金黑色重剑已经有数百米之长,宽厚磅礴,那厚重的剑尖直接刺在了那满是结界枷锁的金色漩涡剑洞上! Li Tianming has completed the plan that had been shaken flies! 李天命已经做好了被震飞的打算! This time, he also bumps purely tries one's luck. 这一次,他也是纯粹碰一碰运气。 Be not flown too on the line.” He said to Eastern Sovereign Sword secretly. “别被飞得太远就行。”他暗暗对东皇剑说。 Has not thought, the miracle happened! 万万没想到,奇迹发生了! Li Tianming looks like from the waterfall falls, fell into the middle of that golden vortex directly, the water splash crash-bang a splash, Li Tianming has vanished in Zi Zhen and Weisheng Moran at present. 李天命就像是从瀑布上摔下来似的,直接掉进了那金色漩涡当中,水花哗啦一声飞溅,李天命就已经消失在了紫禛微生墨染眼前。 Naturally, he also disappeared in the gaze of entire Ten Desolate Star Furnace people. 当然,他也消失在了整个十荒星炉民众的注视当中。 „Did he go in?” Zi Zhen asked. “他进去了?”紫禛怔怔问。 Entered.” The Weisheng Moran nod said. “进了。”微生墨染点头道。 Zi Zhen looked at her one eyes, sips to purse the lips saying: I also have not asked you.” 紫禛看了她一眼,抿抿嘴道:“我又没问你。” I did not reply you.” Weisheng Moran said. “我也不是回答你。”微生墨染道。 They separate immediately two sides, defends in this Sword Cave entrance, looks down to the mountain, that direction was raising the great unrest, several tens of thousands of Eight Departments Gods talents that kills are noisy. 她们当即分开到两边,就守在这剑洞门口,低头看向山下,那个方向正掀起了轩然大波,重新杀回来的数万八部神众天才非常吵闹。 If Li Tianming is not very quick, their situations will be dangerous. 李天命如果不够快,那她们的处境就会非常危险。 Do not look that now does not cope, wait a while, if the coordination hits, that is suitable tacit and supplementary. 别看现在不对付,等一会儿要是配合打起来,那是相当的默契和互补。 They do not know actually, Li Tianming enters Sword Cave this, has made Ten Desolate Star Furnace all Eight Departments Gods at the scene dumbfounded. 她们倒是不知道,李天命剑洞这一幕,已经让十荒星炉所有八部神众当场傻眼了。 They were still taunting. 原本他们还在嘲讽。 The next instance, saw that Li Tianming is direct the golden vortex that falling into that their Eight Departments Gods talent wants to enter, facial colors are stiff, lose the sound, looked for a long time for a long time. 下一个瞬间,看到李天命直接‘掉进’了那个他们八部神众天才想进的金色漩涡,一个个面色僵硬,失去声音,看了许久许久。 Arrived finally, them look at each other in blank dismay, but also in the wipe eye, expressed that does not believe. 到最后,他们面面相觑,还在擦拭眼睛,表示不太相信。 Is Heavenly Dao Arena has problems?” “是不是天道竞技场出了问题?” „Did picture catch?” “画面卡住了是吗?” Cannot......” “不会吧……” Because he is Ancestral World indigenous? But this super is Universe God Item not possible is his?” “就因为他是祖界土著?但这超级宙神器也不可能就是他的啊?” All Star Source World, discuss spiritedly, extremely worries. 所有恒星源世界,议论纷纷,万分着急。 They may be anxious! 他们可急死了! If by some chance this super Universe God Item, what to do were obtained by this boy?” “万一这超级宙神器,被这小子得到了怎么办?” Relax, cannot.” “放心吧,不会。” „But if was really attained?” “但要是真被拿到了呢?” That is also all right, the weapon eventually is a weapon, but also looks with its person, he again is also a child, when the support of our Emperor Heaven Rank World arrives, he is a sweetie pie, who kills whose blood gains.” “那也没事,武器终究是武器,还的看用它的人,他再强也就是个小孩,等我们帝天级世界的支援一到,他就是一个香饽饽,谁杀谁血赚。” In the tension-filled atmosphere, they also can only comfort itself like this. 紧张的气氛之中,他们也就只能这样来安慰自己了。 ...... …… Buzz! 嗡! Li Tianming grips that Eastern Sovereign Sword, the person hustles in the golden vastness, by the final flash, he transferred seven meat eight elements, fell from this golden vastness. 李天命握住那东皇剑,人在金色的汪洋当中撞来撞去,到最后一瞬间,他已经被转的七荤八素,才从这金色汪洋当中掉了出去。 Here is......” “这里是……” Li Tianming stands firm the figure suddenly, looks toward the surroundings, sees only position that he is, should be a mid-hill, just started, he also feels somewhat dark, but is quick, the entire mid-hill as if revives, the sparkle golden color started to fill up the Li Tianming's eyes. 李天命猛然稳住身形,朝着周围看去,只见他所处在的位置,应该是一个山腹,刚开始进来,他还感觉有些黑暗,但很快,整个山腹仿佛苏醒了过来,闪耀的金色开始填满了李天命的双眼。 This is-!!” “这是-!!” Eastern Sovereign Sword in Li Tianming feeling is somewhat excited, he turns around suddenly, a golden brilliance shines like the solar ray on his body, splendid, making him somewhat unable to open the eye suddenly unexpectedly. 李天命感觉手里的东皇剑有些激动,他猛然转身,一阵金色的光辉如同太阳光芒般照耀在他的身上,熠熠生辉,让他一时间竟有些睁不开眼睛。 After a period of time, the present all reveal slowly at present, Li Tianming then gradually saw clearly. 过了一段时间,眼前的一切才慢慢显露在眼前之中,李天命这才逐渐看清楚了。 In this mid-hill, presented a giant statue! 这山腹之内,出现了一个巨大的雕像! This is a human form statue, is wearing the heavy/thick whole body armor, from the helmet to chest armor, shoulder pad, the war skirt, the war boots, cloak wait/etc, had it all! 这是一个人形雕像,身披着厚重的全身铠甲,从头盔到胸甲、护肩、战裙、战靴、披风等等,一应俱全! From top to bottom, is the golden color. 从上到下,全是金色。 „Is this female statue? Female war-god?” “这是一个女雕像?女战神?” Li Tianming from the outline of this statue, judged this point. 李天命从这雕像的轮廓,判断出了这一点。 Shining, is really big.” “金灿灿的,着实好大。” Li Tianming looks at this statue, some looked necks are sore. 李天命看这雕像,看的有些脖子酸疼。 He analogied! 他类比了一下! Having to plant me is Xu Realm time, looks up to the feeling of kilometer giant! Now my several hundred meters, according to this proportion, the height of this statue should be close to 500,000 meters!” “有种我还是垿境的时候,仰望千米巨人的感觉!现在我都几百米了,按照这个比例,这雕像的身高应该接近五十万米!”
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