FGOAA :: Volume #41

#4011: Consciousness Spirit nightmare!

Yu Hui(afterglow)!” 余晖!” 6th-Rank Universe God talent Beast Master, made into the Universe God source directly! 一个六阶宙神天才御兽师,被直接打成宙神本源! Bang! 轰隆! Zi Zhen is disinclined to use energy to kill him, but sweeps a leg fiercely, kicked it directly, a spheroid angrily roars is tumbling Miracle Mountain, leaves this battlefield by far! 紫禛懒得费劲杀他,而是猛扫一腿,直接将其踢飞了出去,一个球体怒吼着滚落神迹山,远远离开这战场! In the enemy eyes, Zi Zhen this whole body covers the purple fog the Ghost God ominous demon, is crueler than Heaven-Fighting God Clan, that type as sincere as the meat visual impact strength, lets not excel at the starry sky clan of close combat, at heart is one thump! 于敌人眼中,紫禛这浑身笼罩紫雾的鬼神凶魔,已然比战天神族都还要残暴,那种拳拳到肉的视觉冲击力,让不擅长近战的星空氏族,心里都是一咯噔! This female Ghost God what's the matter?” “这个女鬼神怎么回事?” 5th-Rank Universe God, is not Heaven-Fighting, is not Virtue Gods, supernatural power where comes?” 五阶宙神,不是战天,不是道德神众,哪来的神力?” 9-Layer Hell Star wait/etc Eight Departments Gods Ghost God, clamored, the appearance was annoyed, the look was indignant. 九重地狱星等等八部神众鬼神,纷纷喧哗起来,面目恼火,眼神激愤。 Jin Mo(golden desert) is one of the Heaven-Fighting God Clan strongest Kings Bloodlines, felt inferior to her. This Ancestral World does Ghost God have to endure compared with that Princess Youyou Emperors natural talent?” 金漠已经是战天神族最强王众血脉之一,感觉还是不如她。难道这祖界鬼神有堪比那沋沋公主帝众天赋?” Is impossible! The Emperors bloodlines, only belong to my Eight Departments Gods!” “不可能!帝众血脉,只属于我八部神众!” After this is Heavenly Dao Arena launches the first war, currently speaking, this gadget besides understanding clearly Ten Desolate Star Furnace Eight Departments Gods again and again broken against, probably does not have other uses. 这是天道竞技场展开后的第一战,目前来看,这玩意儿除了然十荒星炉八部神众一次次破防外,好像也没其他用处。 Has not waited for them to respond that opened Zi Zhen of seven palace eyes, on battle strength almost rose dramatically the 7th-Rank Universe God boundary, she under the cover of Weisheng Moran Illusion Spirit, a foot stepped on that Doomsday Forbidden Beast violence on the ground! 没等他们反应过来,那开了七个宫眼的紫禛,战力上几乎飙升到了七阶宙神的境界,她在微生墨染幻神的掩护下,一脚将那末日禁兽暴力踩在地上! Bang! 轰隆! That Doomsday Forbidden Beast angrily roars, erupts golden starlight, like the Star Source explosion! 末日禁兽怒吼一声,一声爆发出金色星光,如同恒星源爆炸! Goes back!” “回去!” Zi Zhen stretched out the arms, formed a purple big net, pressed on the body of Doomsday Forbidden Beast, probably a scale piled up one on top of another space that became, suppressed the magical powers eruption of Doomsday Forbidden Beast! 紫禛张开双臂,形成了一张紫色大网,压在了末日禁兽的身上,像是一个鳞片堆叠而成的空间,压住了末日禁兽的神通爆发! Bang-! 轰隆-! Doomsday Forbidden Beast this magical powers erupt, was pressed, sends the corpse blood that but explodes oneself flies horizontally. 末日禁兽这神通爆发,被生生压回去,发而把自己炸的尸血横飞。 Until now, the discerning people discovered, Zi Zhen is stronger, present she and just she of battle time, is not a concept! 直到现在,明眼人都发现,紫禛是越强越强,现在的她和刚开战时候的她,根本就不是一种概念! Puff! 噗噗! Her head that purple hair erupts, like trillion blood-color steel needles, this moment that Virtue Gods Man Yueling just kills, was embezzled by this purple hair! 她头上那紫发爆发出去,如同亿万血色钢针,此刻那道德神众曼月菱刚好扑杀上来,就被这紫发吞没! The continual explosive, the blood light splash, the Man Yueling magical powers and flesh defend are broken through thoroughly, the whole person was punctured the screen immediately! 连续爆响,血光飞溅,曼月菱的神通和血肉防御被彻底攻破,整个人当即被刺成了筛子! "geh!" “呃!” The vision that she to shock looked at Zi Zhen one. 她以震撼的目光看了紫禛一眼。 Bang! 轰隆! The next instance, she blasted out the stars smoke and fire! 下一个瞬间,她就炸开成了星辰烟火! When she congeals the Universe God source, had been kicked by Zi Zhen, the short time could not affect the war...... not to have the means that Li Tianming this time goal not to kill several people again, but was Sword Cave! 当她凝结成宙神本源的时候,就已经被紫禛踢飞了出去,短时间再也影响不了战局……没办法,李天命这次的目的并不是杀几个人,而是剑洞 This is most important! 这是最重要的! Admitting defeat of Man Yueling this rout and Doomsday Forbidden Beast, is to make Virtue Gods and Sunset Gods all hold anger, more looks more is angry! 曼月菱这一溃败、末日禁兽的吃瘪,更是让道德神众落日神众全体憋火,越看越生气! Under the going against heaven's will performance of Zi Zhen, the balance of both sides battle strength more collapses is quicker. 紫禛的逆天表现下,双方战力的平衡越崩越快。 Man Yueling and Yu Hui(afterglow) this waste, is only left over that Primordial Wings Clan Yushen Gui one person alone cannot save the situation. 曼月菱余晖这一废,只剩下那元翼族雨神诡独木难支。 Quick, his soaks the blood wasp day wing also to be torn by Zi Zhen, the Human Race flesh and blood also makes Zi Zhen prick the body of his Universe God by the sharp claws, rips to explode it! 很快,他那浸血蜉天翼也被紫禛撕裂开来,人族的血肉之躯也让紫禛以利爪刺入他的宙神之体,将其生生撕爆开来! You......” “你……” In a short time, three Eight Departments Gods talent comprehensive rout that is responsible for constraining the opponent, but another side Heaven-Fighting, Illusion Heaven and meteor three parties, although is strong, does to Li Tianming to fly to escape by the Immemorial Chaos Giant Beast magical powers to go, except for was so angry, anything has not been fishing. 在极短的时间内,三个负责拖住对手的八部神众天才全面溃败,而另外一边战天幻天、陨星三方虽强,奈何李天命太古混沌巨兽神通飞遁而去,除了被气得半死,什么都没捞着。 When they give up the Li Tianming round trip pursuing, does not have the opportunity, once Yushen Gui and the others the rout, then mean that they cannot block Li Tianming to enter Sword Cave again! 等他们放弃李天命往回追的时候,已经没机会了,一旦雨神诡等人溃败,便意味着他们再也挡不住李天命杀入剑洞 This female is Ghost God so strong?” That Illusion Heaven God Clan Tianhai Yifeng and Tianhai Yixue are the complexion big changes. “这女鬼神这么强?”那幻天神族天海伊风天海伊雪都是脸色大变。 Now knows that feared?” Li Tianming appears in them suddenly at present, coldly says with a smile. “现在才知道怕了?”李天命猛然出现在她们眼前,冷冷笑道。 Thing of bullying the weak by relying on powerful connections, they, with your what does/works?” That Heaven-Fighting God Clan Jin Mo(golden desert) ferocious sound said. “狐假虎威的东西,她们强,与你何干?”那战天神族金漠狞声道。 „Did you say what does/works?” Li Tianming said, beckons to Zi Zhen and Weisheng Moran, said: These two gave you. Compared with the match.” “你说何干呢?”李天命说完,对紫禛微生墨染一招手,道:“这俩交给你们了。比个赛呗。” Zi Zhen and Weisheng Moran one hear, the effort bursting, two people looked at each other one mutually, then curls up two purple fog kills toward this Illusion Heaven sisters and Jin Mo(golden desert) violent. 紫禛微生墨染一听,好胜心爆棚,两人互相对视了一眼,便卷起两道紫雾朝着这幻天姐妹和金漠暴杀而来。 They are so obedient, will only make the surplus opponents look that the Li Tianming's look is more depressed! 她们这么听话,只会让剩余的对手看李天命的眼神更郁闷! They know, at this moment some inevitably countless people are paying attention to them! 他们都知道,此刻必然有无数人在关注他们! Therefore, they do not have the escape route! 所以,他们没有退路! Bang! 轰! In an instant, Weisheng Moran two big Illusion Spirit and that Illusion Heaven sisters clash directly, the purple fog sea, grinding pan and ice crystal, the pearl bombardment and engaging in factional strife, four world are colliding probably! 刹那之间,微生墨染两大幻神和那幻天姐妹正面对撞,紫雾沧海、磨盘和冰晶、珍珠轰击、倾轧,像是四个世界在碰撞! Another side, Zi Zhen such as a wild animal hit on the body of that golden three heads and six arms Ghost God, the purple scales and its collision, dislodged sparks/Mars to splash! 另外一边,紫禛则如一头野兽般撞在了那黄金三头六臂鬼神的身上,紫色鳞甲和其碰撞,撞出火星飞溅! Clearly, they were on the real bars. 很明显,她们是真的杠上了。 Un?” That talent young girl Shao Xingru discovered impressively, this moment Li Tianming's opponent only then she! “嗯?”那天才少女‘少星汝’赫然发现,此刻李天命的对手只有她! slave clan......” Shao Xingru deeply knits the brows to look at Eastern Sovereign Sword on his hand, although this wound around by the purple fog the sword, but can actually see, not only above has Consciousness Spirit, Consciousness Spirit Pseudo Shape. 奴族……”少星汝深深皱眉看他手上的东皇剑,虽然这把剑被紫雾缭绕,但却能看出,上面不但有识神,还有识神拟象 What's wrong?” Li Tianming asked. “如何?”李天命问。 „The thing of weird creature. The bloodlines are more mixed, can only explain that more not purebred, explained that the women of your ancestor, has been conquered by foreign clan. Your men cannot protect the woman.” Shao Xingru coldly said. “四不像的东西。血脉越杂,只能说明越不纯种,更说明你们祖上的女人,一直都被外族征服。你们的男人保护不住自己女人。”少星汝冷冷道。 Hehe.” “呵呵。” Li Tianming without delay, the hand grasps Eastern Sovereign Sword, the whole body winding thunder storm, kills suddenly at present. 李天命二话不说,手握东皇剑,浑身缠绕雷霆风暴,猛然杀到了眼前。 Buzz! 嗡! During Shao Xingru is a focus of public attention , to promote Consciousness Spirit again. 少星汝在万众瞩目之中,再度提升识神 68-Layers Pseudo Shape Myriad Layered God State! 六十八重拟象万重神国 Humming sound! 嗡嗡! Her that God State Heavenly Goddess Consciousness Spirit, conducts the 68-Layers change, under one transforms layer upon layer, ten Consciousness Spirit transform suddenly is the innumerable heavy space world, forms over ten thousand heavy space prisons! 她身上那神国天女识神,进行第六十八重变化,一层层蜕变之下,十个识神猛然幻化为无数重的空间世界,形成上万重空间牢狱! This female has the energy of space unexpectedly, makes Li Tianming hold in high esteem actually. 这女子竟有空间之能,倒是让李天命刮目相看。 Pseudo Shape is high, truly good......” 拟象高,确实好啊……” Li Tianming present Eastern Sovereign Sword, Ten Sides Beginning of An Era Divine Sword 30-Layer Pseudo Shape insufficiently looked in addition radically, depends entirely on the Bai Ling (white rise) lethality to support! 李天命现在的东皇剑,加上十方纪元神剑三十重拟象根本不够看,全靠白凌的杀伤力撑着! Life Soul brings, when Consciousness Spirit, but also shakes before me?” 命魂拿来当识神,还在我面前晃?” Bai Ling (white rise) restrains Demon Heaven God Clan, restrains Consciousness Spirit Cultivator, this is the non-solution of Immemorial Chaos Giant Beast! 白凌克制魔天神族,也克制识神修炼者,这是太古混沌巨兽之无解! Although this Myriad Layered God State is the space force, but the essence is Consciousness Spirit Earth Soul, but Bai Ling (white rise) is most terrifying Consciousness Spirit! 万重神国虽是空间力量,但本质就是识神地魂,而白凌则是最恐怖的识神 Li Tianming basically disregards this Myriad Layered God State, a that Eastern Sovereign Sword thorn, white sword glow with irresistible force, tore into shreds this Myriad Layered God State suddenly directly! 李天命基本无视这万重神国,那东皇剑猛然一刺,白色剑芒势如破竹,直接撕碎了这万重神国 Ah--” 啊——” Shao Xingru looks deathly pale, Life Soul and Earth Soul same were ripped open like the tofu, Consciousness Spirit strength that she is proud in Heavenly Dao Source Ancestral Soul front frail, strong Pseudo Shape stack, could not block the achievement Universe God Little Six! 少星汝脸色惨白,命魂地魂被如豆腐一样撕开,她引以为傲的识神力量在‘天道本源祖魂’面前脆弱至极,再强的拟象堆积,都挡不住成就了宙神小六们! ! 噗! Li Tianming routs the opponent, is Sword Cave puts on. 李天命击溃对手,又是一剑洞穿。 Stated differently, others have the opportunity of Universe God source, no matter Heavenly Demon Child or Shao Xingru, return to the western paradise at the scene, spirit body completely extinguishes, leaves behind the corpse! 不同的是,别人还有宙神本源的机会,而不管是天魔子还是少星汝,都是当场归西,灵体尽灭,留下尸体! This cause of death, Universe God lifespan dries up actually dies same. 这种死法,倒是宙神寿元枯竭’而死相同。 Right!” “对了!” After Li Tianming extinguishes killed her, conveniently took her Xumi Ring, carefully looked, inside leads ancestry's Universe God corpse unexpectedly directly, its forehead position also has Universe God Tribulation Sea. 李天命灭杀了她后,顺手拿了她的须弥之戒,仔细一看,里面竟直接带着祖辈的宙神尸身,其眉心位置就还有‘宙神劫海’。 It seems like the status is really high, has the qualifications to promote Pseudo Shape...... Li Tianming is not impolite anytime, received, although are not many, but is at least useful. “看来身份真是高,随时都有资格提升拟象……”李天命不客气,直接收了起来,虽然不算多,但起码有用。 After he solves the opponent, turn head looked, Zi Zhen has killed, but Weisheng Moran that side...... she truly also almost, made Zi Zhen be inferior. 他解决对手后,回头一看,紫禛已经杀完了,而微生墨染那边……她确实还差点,又让紫禛比下去了。 You make the best use of the time to go in quickly, some people came, we first keep off.” Zi Zhen said. “你抓紧时间快进去吧,有人来了,我们先挡。”紫禛道。 Li Tianming asked a Yin Chen (silver dust) aspect. 李天命问了一下银尘局面。 The reply of Yin Chen (silver dust) is: Hurries!” 银尘的回答是:“赶紧!” Informs, the annual writer conference, will also one day renew tomorrow normally ~ 告知,年度作家会议还有一天,明天正常更新了~
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