FGOAA :: Volume #41

#4010: Instead army!

Demon Heaven God Clan has the merit, there is a weakness...... this matter to be well-known! 魔天神族有优点,也有弱点……这事众所周知! Many opponents want to hold their weakness, but this is not easy, for example the Dugu Yao powerful Heavenly Demon Eye ability often can instead kill by the soul, moreover his side also has massive war beasts. 很多对手想抓住他们的弱点,但这并不容易,比如独孤妖强悍的天魔眼能力往往都能靠灵魂反杀,而且他身边也还有大量战兽。 Because of this, he was killed by Li Tianming one sword second, will cause the stir. 正因为如此,他被李天命一剑秒杀,才会造成轰动。 A sword puts on that moment of head, Ten Desolate Star Furnace over a thousand Star Source World resounds trembling starry sky the sound of clamoring suddenly! 一剑穿头的那一刻,十荒星炉上千恒星源世界陡然响起一阵震颤星空的喧哗之声! Innumerable Eight Departments Gods like worked as the skull a palm of the hand, sees stars! 无数八部神众如同被当头盖了一巴掌,眼冒金星! Dugu Yao has not even changed the Universe God source, this explained that his brain star organ spirit body was exterminated instantaneously!” 独孤妖甚至没变化出宙神本源,这说明他的大脑星脏灵体被瞬间诛灭了!” But Demon Heaven God Clan strongest, the itself/Ben is the state of mind......” “可魔天神族最强的,本就是神魂……” Trillion clamored, immediately resounded in the middle of major Star Source World. 亿万喧哗,当即在各大恒星源世界当中响起。 Routs the Demon Heaven God Clan weak point, is not anything. 击溃魔天神族的短处,不算什么。 By say/way of steamroll its strong point state of mind, truly shouted the Great Darkgreen Emperor Demon Star and other stars on the Demon Heaven God Clan faces not to save! 以神魂之道碾压其长处,确实叫太苍帝魔星等星辰上的魔天神族脸面无存! Suddenly, the evil thought that over a thousand Star Source World, the endless High Star Ruins people form congeals the heavy/thick dark cloud, camouflages the sky, making each Star Source World extremely depressing. 一时间,上千个恒星源世界,无尽上星墟民众形成的恶念凝结成厚重的乌云,遮蔽天空,让每个恒星源世界都变得极其压抑。 However in many corners, there are lots of Yan and Huang descendants, deeply remembered that together purple form. 然而在许多角落之中,也有大量的炎黄后裔,深深记住了那一道紫色身影。 This is most Ten Desolate Star Furnace Yan and Huang descendants sees Li Tianming's first, they do not even know how to call this person. 这是多数十荒星炉炎黄后裔见到李天命的第一面,他们甚至都不知道如何称呼此人。 But, they deeply have carved this together steamroll Eight Departments Gods shadow! 但,他们心里已经深深刻下了这一道碾压八部神众的影子! Whish!” “哗!” The death of Dugu Yao, is only flash's matter! 独孤妖之死,只是一瞬之间的事! Three fought seven to turn into three to fight six! 三战七变成了三战六! Either one has not grasped said, oneself won certainly this fight. 任何一方都没把握说,自己一定赢下了这场战斗。 Li Tianming is not good! 李天命也不行! He kills Dugu Yao again time, the has several attack bombardment in its back, is Ying Huo (Firefly) behind them keeps eyes open luckily, helped Li Tianming withstand with the major magical powers. 他再杀独孤妖的时候,已经有数道攻击轰击在其背部,幸好是荧火它们背后长眼,用各大神通帮李天命顶住了。 Luckily! 幸好! Dugu Yao dies, these Soul Devouring Star Beast the rebellion, periphery no difference attack, instead was the Li Tianming three people reduces and solves urgent matter immediately temporarily! 独孤妖一死,那些噬魂星兽立刻暴动,无差别攻击周围,反而为李天命三人暂时化解了燃眉之急! Their three do not fear the soul attack very much, but in the opponent, except for that Illusion Heaven God Clan sisters, other basically feared! 他们三个都不是很怕灵魂进攻,但对手之中,除了那幻天神族姐妹,其他基本都怕! Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Soul Devouring Star Beast sends out to absorb the scream of person heart and soul, the purple black soul storm covers the audience, they dashed everywhere, increased a lot of uncertainty! 噬魂星兽发出摄人心魄的尖叫,紫黑色灵魂风暴笼罩全场,它们到处冲撞,增加了很多不确定性! Arrived me side! Do not wander about aimlessly!” Zi Zhen suffered several times of attacks, crawled to shout one to Weisheng Moran. “到我身边!别乱走!”紫禛遭受了数次攻击,爬起来对微生墨染喊了一声。 She just by the flesh and blood, was Weisheng Moran blocked that Heaven-Fighting God Clan Jin Mo(golden desert) long spear/gun to pass through! 她刚刚以血肉之躯,为微生墨染挡住了那战天神族金漠的长枪贯穿! Under Zi Zhen finishes speaking, she has under a giant stars grinding pan bang behind, suppresses that Primordial Wings Clan Yushen Gui, pounds that peak sword sharp sparks/Mars to scatter. 紫禛话音刚落下,她身后就有一个巨大的星辰磨盘轰下,将那元翼族雨神诡镇压下去,砸得那峰顶剑尖火星四溅。 Knew!” “知道了!” Weisheng Moran said one unemotionally. 微生墨染面无表情说了一声。 Two people rescued mutually one time, do not look that they do not cope mutually, but coordinates is very tacit...... 两人互救了一次,别看她们互相不对付,但配合起来还挺默契…… Feeling with bad karma! 感觉就跟孽缘似的! Saw that they can also shield mutually, Li Tianming felt relieved! 看到她们还能互相掩护,李天命就放心多了! Defeats respectively!” “分别击破!” Stands firm this male!” “稳住这个男的!” Remaining six side Duishou saw the Dugu Yao pitiful condition, has felt to dread after Li Tianming's cuts ability, they branch out half of people to cope with him directly! 剩下六方对手见了独孤妖的惨状,已经对李天命的‘切后’能力感到忌惮,他们直接分出一半人来对付他! Respectively is Heaven-Fighting God Clan Jin Mo(golden desert) and Illusion Heaven sisters Tianhai Yixue and Tianhai Yifeng, as well as Consciousness Spirit Cultivator Shao Xingru! 分别是战天神族金漠幻天姐妹天海伊雪天海伊风,以及识神修炼者少星汝 Is quite strong! 都是比较强的! Remaining Yushen Gui, Yu Hui(afterglow) as well as Ghost God Man Yueling, then three dozens two, sphere Zi Zhen and Weisheng Moran! 剩下的雨神诡余晖以及鬼神曼月菱,则三打二,围住紫禛微生墨染 They have the strategy! 他们是有战略的! Obviously, they can look, Li Tianming is these three people of pillars, extinguishes the killer section, so long as takes Li Tianming, the balance of victory will side with them! 显然,他们看得出来,李天命才是这三人的主心骨,还有灭杀手段,所以只要拿下李天命,胜利的天平就会倒向他们! Another battlefield, mainly diverts the function. 另一个战场,主要就是牵制作用。 Man Yueling diverts Zi Zhen, Yu Hui(afterglow) and Doomsday Forbidden Beast diverts Weisheng Moran, about that Primordial Wings Clan socializes, toward being far away from the Li Tianming's direction compels this two female! 曼月菱牵制紫禛余晖末日禁兽牵制微生墨染,还有那元翼族左右周旋,将这两个女子往远离李天命的方向逼去! So, Li Tianming fell into during the encirclement of tripartite powerhouse directly! 如此,李天命直接陷入了三方强者的包围之中! The Illusion Heaven God Clan sisters is two people, is actually four. 幻天神族姐妹算两人,其实就是四个。 They lock Li Tianming one on the left and other on the right, reduces Illusion Spirit to without delay directly only limits the Li Tianming's width, the single body lethality will be so stronger. 她们一左一右锁定李天命,二话不说直接将幻神缩小到只限制李天命的宽度,如此单体杀伤力会更强。 Bang- 轰- That Tianhai Yifeng whole body sparkle white starlight, she brandishes, hits to come toward Li Tianming like the peral-like star point innumerably loudly, number by trillion! 天海伊风浑身闪耀白色星光,她挥舞之间,无数如同珍珠般的星点朝着李天命轰然撞击而来,数以亿万之多! Pearl sea! 珍珠海洋! Each pearl, has terrifying the strength of piercing! 每一枚珍珠,都有恐怖的洞穿之力! This is Jade Sea Pearl Illusion Spirit, it is not only only the seemingly brilliant, lethality in fact is also Ten Desolate Star Furnace peak one! 此乃‘玉海珍珠幻神’,它不仅只是看起来绚烂,实际上的杀伤力亦是十荒星炉最顶尖的一种! Rumbling! 轰轰轰! The pearl like the sea, the bang breaks to pieces all. 珍珠如海,轰碎一切。 But another side, that Tianhai Yixue cold air, her Illusion Spirit is Snow World Ice Heart Illusion Spirit, is extremely brilliant Illusion Spirit, this Illusion Spirit decorates the cold snow and ice country this side world, the innumerable freezing points congeal the ice crystals of heart shape, when these ice crystals have the sharp edge, everywhere dances, looks like the innumerable bits! 而另外一边,那天海伊雪则寒气袭人,她的幻神为‘雪界冰心幻神’,亦是极其绚烂的幻神,这幻神将这一方天地装点成寒冰雪国,无数冰点凝结成一枚枚心形的冰晶,这些冰晶有着锋利的边缘,漫天起舞时,就像是无数的刀片! Buzz! 嗡! First has the pearl sea, latter has the ice crystal storm, pair of Illusion Heaven sisters, under the converging attack, the Li Tianming twinkling fall into extinguishing of Illusion Spirit to kill in the circle, there is a world, although has no place to go greatly the feeling! 前有珍珠海洋,后有冰晶风暴,一双幻天姐妹,前后夹击之下,李天命瞬息陷入幻神的灭杀圈之中,有种天地虽大无处可逃的感觉! But that Heaven-Fighting God Clan Jin Mo(golden desert) and Consciousness Spirit Shao Xingru also close combat kills one on the left and other on the right, no matter this golden three heads and six arms Ghost God or the incarnation God State Heavenly Goddess talent Consciousness Spirit young girl, brought the fatal murderous intention! 而那战天神族金漠识神少星汝亦是一左一右近战杀来,不管是这黄金三头六臂鬼神还是化身神国天女的天才识神少女,都带来了致命杀机! They are truly hard to deal with! 他们确实很难缠! What to do?” Miao Miao asked. “咋办?”喵喵问。 Runs!” Li Tianming shouts. “跑啊!”李天命喊道。 The enemies are not good to cope, how could to resist hardly? 敌人不好对付,岂能硬抗? ga? 嘎? Miao Miao also thinks that what means that must depend on itself finally! 喵喵还以为有什么办法呢,结果还是得靠自己! Bang! 轰隆! In this extinguishes kills under the invincible might, Li Tianming displays Thousand Sides Thunderbolt, with lightning speed, a sword cuts to kill a channel, escaped from the two big Illusion Spirit bang to kill the range directly. 在这灭杀神威下,李天命施展千方奔雷,风驰电掣,一剑斩杀出一通道,直接逃出了两大幻神的轰杀范围。 „Are you a coward?” Jin Mo(golden desert) sneers, pursues with Shao Xingru behind Li Tianming. “你是懦夫?”金漠冷笑一声,和少星汝追在李天命后面。 Right, you said right.” Li Tianming looked that does not visit them, a hurricane. “啊对对对,你说得对。”李天命看都不看他们,一顿狂飙。 „The face of man lost completely to you.” Shao Xingru shakes the head to say. “男人的脸都给你丢尽了。”少星汝摇头道。 She a little cannot comprehend, just now this fellow is after cutting, guts that the appearance that a hero, stampede, even meets head-on now directly? 她有点搞不懂,方才这家伙还是一副切后英雄的样子,现在怎么狼狈逃窜,连正面迎战的胆量都没有? Actually the reason is very simple! 其实理由很简单! They treat as the breach Li Tianming, wants to establish the advantage here, Li Tianming, so long as does not make them establish the advantage, was actually equal to winning! 他们把李天命当做突破口,想在这边建立优势,李天命只要不让他们建立优势,其实等于就赢了! In turn, Li Tianming can let that side Zi Zhen and Weisheng Moran, becomes own breach! 反过来,李天命可以让紫禛微生墨染那边,成为自己一方的突破口! Underestimates their two, that is must pay the price!” “小看她们两位,那是要付出代价的!” Li Tianming leads behind the tripartite powerhouse, spread out, making them have no way to rescue! 李天命带着身后三方强者,也拉开了距离,让他们没法回去救援! But at this time, that side has transmitted has shaken the place heavenshaking the sound of fierce struggle! 而就在这时候,那边已经传来了震天撼地的激斗之声! Un?” “嗯?” Li Tianming and Jin Mo(golden desert) and the others turn head look, sees only that Zi Zhen to open seven palace eyes, with the Illusion Spirit coordination of Weisheng Moran, the head of that Beast Master Yu Hui(afterglow) twisting! 李天命金漠等人回头看去,只见那紫禛开着七个宫眼,在微生墨染幻神配合下,将那御兽师余晖的脑袋给拧了下来! Also waste! 又废一个! The people tremble! 众人心里一颤! When they see Zi Zhen that fierce look, realized impressively, this three pairs of seven tangled warfare, the balance completely had been broken! 当他们看到紫禛那凶恶的眼神时,赫然意识到,这一场三对七的混战,平衡已经彻底被打破! Good!” “牛!” They, to Li Tianming growing up face! 她们,给李天命长大面子了! ...... …… The brothers, were holding the writer annual meeting over the two days, the renewal is possibly unstabler, please excuse me. The dwelling male go out one is not easy once a year, please forgive! 兄弟们,这两天在开作家年会,更新可能不稳定些,请见谅哈。宅男们一年一度出门一趟不容易,请谅解!
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