FGOAA :: Volume #41

#4009: You are the fruit cake!

Because the respective method is different, when begins, some people of advanced, some people in the future! 因为各自手段不同,动手时,有人超前,有人往后! For example Demon Heaven God Clan Dugu Yao, Sunset Gods Yu Hui(afterglow), two people put to go to battle with the beast and Companion Beast, went toward the rear area directly, prepares to vanish in this battlefield. 比如说魔天神族独孤妖,落日神众余晖,两人放出战兽和伴生兽,就直接往后方而去,准备消失在这战场中了。 But that two Illusion Heaven God Clan sisters and Weisheng Moran are the same, does not need to work as the front in this chaotic war, their lethality will be stronger in the middle position! 而那两个幻天神族姐妹和微生墨染一样,也没必要在这乱战中当前排,她们的杀伤力在中间位置会更强! The forefront is Heaven-Fighting God Clan Jin Mo(golden desert) and Virtue Gods Man Yueling two Ghost God, behind them is Evil Gods Yushen Gui and meteor Consciousness Spirit Cultivator Shao Xingru. 最前面是战天神族金漠道德神众曼月菱两个鬼神,他们后方则是罪恶神众雨神诡和陨星的识神修炼者少星汝’。 The attack level one came out! 进攻层次一下就出来了! This formation, called 2212 reluctantly, but Li Tianming, was 111, Zi Zhen and Weisheng Moran, clamped the middle him! 这阵型,勉强叫‘二二一二’,而李天命这边,就是‘一一一’,紫禛微生墨染,把他夹中间了! In opposite party formation, Dugu Yao and Yu Hui(afterglow), although in finally, but their war beasts Soul Devouring Star Beast as well as Companion Beast Doomsday Forbidden Beast actually loudly, after one left one, rushes to the front, almost keeps pace with Ghost God! 对方这阵型中,独孤妖余晖虽在最后,但他们的战兽‘噬魂星兽’以及伴生兽末日禁兽’却轰然而出,一左一后奔向前方,几乎和鬼神并驾齐驱! Li Tianming felt instantaneously, the front is not seven people, but is a regiment! 李天命瞬间感觉,前方不是七个人,而是一个军团! That Dugu Yao Soul Devouring Star Beast the quantity achieved 40, remaining more than 20 are only other Universe God Beast, but basically is also Soul Beast. 独孤妖噬魂星兽’的数量达到了四十只,剩下二十多只是其他宙神兽,但基本也都是灵魂兽 Although they only have Beast Soul, but does not affect them to have the soul striking power, after all Little Six of previous generation does not have the three spirits, in the same old way is Immemorial Chaos Giant Beast. 虽然它们只有兽魂,但也不影响它们有灵魂攻击力,毕竟前世的小六也没三魂,照样是太古混沌巨兽 Soul Beast......, but my breakthrough, Bai Ye (white night) and Bai Ling (white rise) transform, strongest is the state of mind......” 灵魂兽……而我这次突破,白夜白凌蜕变,最强的就是神魂……” Front, the land thunders! 前方,大地轰鸣! Zi Zhen and opposite party two big Ghost God, at the scene dashing in one! 紫禛和对方两大鬼神,当场冲撞在了一起! That Jin Mo(golden desert) incarnation is yellow golden three heads and six arms Ghost God, the shape actually and Yanhuang Great Demon is somewhat similar, but appears is uglily roguer, in the middle of its 6-Layer Hell Wheel summoned one Golden Tongue Ghost, this tongue like the long spear/gun, attacking to kill the ability to be very strong! 这其中,那金漠化身为一个黄金色三头六臂的鬼神,形态倒是和炎黄大魔有些相似,只是显得丑陋凶恶一些,其身上六重地狱轮当中召唤出了一个‘金舌鬼’,这舌头就如长枪,攻杀能力很强! Under contrast, Virtue Gods Man Yueling, although one is the animal mask totem, but must appeared more attractive! 对比之下,道德神众曼月菱虽然一身都是兽面图腾,但要显得好看多了! Their two Ghost God collaborates, first puts in an appearance the Zi Zhen bang on the ground! 他们两个鬼神联手,第一个照面是将紫禛轰在地上的! Mediocre!” Jin Mo(golden desert) sneers. “不过如此!”金漠冷笑。 Bang! 轰! The next flash, Zi Zhen raised the head suddenly, that palace eye quantity has arrived at six, the blood-color had started to spread on her, but his body also started to erupt the sound, the body of that Hell Ominous Demon is still inflating! 下一瞬间,紫禛猛然抬头,那宫眼数量已经开到了六个,血色已经在她身上开始蔓延,而其身体亦开始爆发出了噼里啪啦的声音,那地狱凶魔之躯体还在膨胀! Ka ka ka! 咔咔咔! She sticks out suddenly suddenly, six palace eye sparkle rays, that loud roaring vocal cord hits the feeling of snoring to a Li Tianming beautiful young girl, really some contrasts. 她猛然暴起,六个宫眼闪耀光芒,那粗重的咆哮声带给李天命一种美少女打呼噜的感觉,着实有些反差。 Bang! 轰! This time is one's turn that two Ghost God to be rumbled by her on the ground, the flesh explodes flies! 这次轮到那两个鬼神被她轰在地上,血肉爆飞! This lets Ten Desolate Star Furnace all vibrations immediately, in addition 9-Layer Hell Star, altogether three Myriad Universe Rank Star Source World that belongs to Ghost God, all Universe God at the scene delay! 这一幕当即让十荒星炉全体震动,加上九重地狱星在内,一共三个属于鬼神万宙级恒星源世界,全体宙神当场呆滞! 5th-Rank Universe God Ghost God, suppresses 6th-Rank Universe God Ten Desolate Heavenly Universe List first 20 talent Ghost God, her bloodlines Emperors?” “一个五阶宙神鬼神,压制六阶宙神十荒天宙榜前二十天才鬼神,那她的血脉岂不是帝众?” When they clamored, a confusion fired suddenly! 在他们喧哗时,一场混乱猛然打响! No matter Zi Zhen or Weisheng Moran, actually in manufacture confusion! 不管是紫禛还是微生墨染,其实都是在制造混乱! So long as the scene great disorder, were the Li Tianming's opportunity to come. 只要场面大混乱,属于李天命的机会就来了。 His Thousand Sides Thunderbolt, has the absolute speed, during self-preservation throws off to chase down own opponent, penetrates the back row of opposite party directly! 他的千方奔雷,有着绝对的速度,在自保的同时甩掉追杀自己的对手,直接突入对方的后排! This is the training of top assassin! 这是顶尖刺客的修养! Naturally, while cutting, certainly after must prevent the enemy cuts, Weisheng Moran is their back rows, when Li Tianming stares at Dugu Yao and Yu Hui(afterglow), actually Yushen Gui, Shao Xingru of opposite party wait/etc, is staring at her! 当然,在切后的同时,肯定要防止敌人切后,微生墨染就是他们的后排,当李天命盯上独孤妖余晖的时候,其实对方的雨神诡少星汝等等,也盯着了她! This Primordial Wings Clan, Consciousness Spirit Cultivator, in addition two sides Soul Devouring Star Beast and Doomsday Forbidden Beast, kill toward Weisheng Moran that side! 这一个元翼族,一个识神修炼者,加上两边的噬魂星兽末日禁兽,都往微生墨染那边杀去! Obviously, the threat that Weisheng Moran encountered at this time, may compared with high that Li Tianming can make! 显而易见,微生墨染这时候遇到的威胁,可比李天命能制造的高多了! First the first wave, that came from the soul rush of Soul Devouring Star Beast to come on sweeping, 40 shapes such as the beasts of spheroid are roaring, forms a black wave, hit loudly on Weisheng Moran! 首先第一波,那来自噬魂星兽的灵魂冲杀就扫荡而来,四十只形如球体的兽类咆哮着,形成一波波黑色浪潮,轰然撞在了微生墨染身上! "geh!" “呃!” She aimed in the middle of the storm, the whole person was embezzled by the soul storm! 她在风暴当中被针对,整个人被灵魂风暴吞没! This is killing of Demon Heaven God Clan Dugu Yao incurs, the might is certainly terrifying. 这算是魔天神族独孤妖的杀招,威力当然恐怖。 Does not die also waste!” Dugu Yao in the rear area sneers. “不死也得废!”独孤妖在后方冷笑。 However the next quarter, he noticed that young girl shook the head, returns safe and sound unexpectedly probably. 然而下一刻,他看到那少女晃了晃脑袋,竟好像毫发无伤。 Crack a joke! 开玩笑! She piled up minimum 500 Illusion Spirit in the head, including part of ranks are also very high, piles up one on top of another layer upon layer, where easy broken? 她堆积了起码五百个幻神在脑袋里,其中有一部分级别也挺高,层层堆叠,哪里容易破? Over a thousand Illusion Spirit protect the body, she now is the human form fortress! 上千幻神护体,她现在就是人形堡垒! „Does her within the body have other to protect body Illusion Spirit?” “她体内还有其他护体幻神?” Yushen Gui, Shao Xingru and Doomsday Forbidden Beast realized this issue! 雨神诡少星汝末日禁兽都意识到了这个问题! Their three have not stayed, left, middle, and right pressure on Weisheng Moran, that Doomsday Forbidden Beast 68 animal mask totem, its body has is Yu Hui(afterglow) most battle strength! 他们三者没有停留,左中右压向微生墨染,其中那末日禁兽有六十八个兽面图腾,它身上拥有的就是余晖绝大多数的战力 But in that Yu Hui(afterglow) a long whip, even across the battlefield, passes through toward Weisheng Moran! 而那余晖手里一长鞭,甚至穿过战场,朝着微生墨染贯穿而来! Left that Yushen Gui, the back gives birth to one pile of bloody pair of wings, the fluttering flying! 左侧那雨神诡,背后生出一堆血腥双翼,振翅飞天! This soaks the blood wasp day wing! 此乃浸血蜉天翼! 68 Yuan! 六十八元! Contains 68 small Primordial Wings, like two blood-color sky! 内含六十八只小元翼,如同两片血色天空! Right that Shao Xingru, then ten big Consciousness Spirit, one obviously is Life Soul Consciousness Spirit, direct blessing in its. 右侧那少星汝,则有十大识神,其中一个明显是命魂识神,直接加持在其身上。 Her is Heavenly Consciousness Spirit, named God State Heavenly Goddess, around each Consciousness Spirit has a sphere to protect the shield, should be the so-called god country. 她这是天之识神,名为‘神国天女’,每一个识神周围都有一个球形护盾,应该就是所谓神国。 Although glances in a hurry, but the great strength of these seven fellows can be inferred! 虽然都是匆匆一瞥,但这七个家伙的强大可见一斑! This time Weisheng Moran and Zi Zhen, were almost Li Tianming recruit the most opponent! 这时候的微生墨染紫禛,几乎为李天命吸收走了大半的对手! Helps her!” Li Tianming shouts. “帮一下她啊!”李天命喊道。 Said with you?” “用你说?” Saw that of this fellow eyes only has Weisheng Moran, Zi Zhen was more annoyed, her that seventh palace eye opens loudly, a courage vigor tumbles, directly strikes to fly Jin Mo(golden desert) and Man Yueling, turns round to rescue Weisheng Moran suddenly at present, threw the ground that Doomsday Forbidden Beast directly, pounded everywhere the blood of sparks/Mars and splash! 看到这家伙眼里只有微生墨染,紫禛更恼火了,她那第七个宫眼轰然开启,一身血气翻滚,直接将金漠曼月菱打飞出去,猛然回身救到了微生墨染眼前,直接将那末日禁兽扑到地上,砸出满地火星和飞溅的鲜血! But Weisheng Moran also took back two big Illusion Spirit, strongly on nearby opponent! 微生墨染也收回了两大幻神,集中在了附近的对手身上! Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Killing of altogether five opponents, the Soul Devouring Star Beast soul storm, has not taken them in addition suddenly! 一共五个对手的袭杀,加上噬魂星兽的灵魂风暴,一时间都没拿下她们! These two do not fear the soul attack very much!” Dugu Yao of that distant place then realizes this issue! “这两人都不是很怕灵魂进攻!”那远处的独孤妖这才意识到这个问题! This means that after they want to cut fast plan fail! 这意味着,他们想要快速切后的计划失败了! These two girls, imagined them want is too more than hardly! 这两姑娘,比他们想象中要硬太多了! Un?” “嗯?” Dugu Yao raised the head suddenly, the space thunder sparkle, a mask person appears in its top of the head suddenly. 独孤妖猛然抬头,天上雷霆闪耀,一个面具人猛然出现在其头顶。 You, when I am the fruit cake?” “你当我是软柿子?” Dugu Yao cold sound smiles, lifts both hands, in the middle of its two Heavenly Demon Eye passes through two bunches of black soul death rays, suddenly thorn to Li Tianming! 独孤妖冷声一笑,抬起双手,其两个天魔眼当中贯穿出两束黑色灵魂死光,猛然刺向李天命 Li Tianming without delay, Eastern Sovereign Sword cuts suddenly, most outer layer is Bai Ling (white rise) soul sword aura! 李天命二话不说,东皇剑猛然斩下,其中最外层乃是白凌的灵魂剑气 This is the strength by neutron particles being erupted! 这是由中子微粒爆发出的力量! This sword, Heaven Seizing Star Chart! 这一剑,夺天星图 Purple starlight falls loudly, but Dugu Yao that soul death ray such as likes a stone dropped into the sea, simply has not injured to the Li Tianming slightest. 紫色星光轰然落下,而独孤妖那灵魂死光则如石沉大海,根本没伤到李天命分毫。 Clearly, he was restrained! 很明显,他被克制了! "ge?" “呃?” Dugu Yao gawked. 独孤妖就愣了一下。 The next instance, Eastern Sovereign Sword passed through his forehead! 下一个瞬间,东皇剑就贯穿了他的脑门! Excuse me, you are the biggest fruit cake!” “不好意思,你就是最大的软柿子!” Rips! 撕拉! Li Tianming pulls out the sword. 李天命抽出剑。 But Dugu Yao has not changed to the Universe God source, but is straight falls to the ground...... 独孤妖没有化作宙神本源,而是直挺挺的倒地……
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