FGOAA :: Volume #41

#4008: Seven big talents!

The real-time change of this Miracle Mountain peak, authority will have the lag, however entire Ten Desolate Star Furnace observing is clear. 神迹山顶峰的实时变动,当局者会有滞后,然而整个十荒星炉的观战者却清清楚楚。 They personally see, is these three mask people appears, after the Immemorial Permanent Sand juniors spoke in detail, these talents change over to the Nine Lives Cave defense, making the Eight Departments Gods talents miss the fine situation of slaughter! 他们亲眼所见,是这三个面具人出现,和太古恒沙子弟详谈后,那些人才转入九命窟防守,让八部神众天才们错失了屠杀的好局! This drama, looks uncomfortable! 这场大戏,看得不爽! They naturally all hates, blame on Li Tianming's! 他们自然将所有的怨恨,怪罪在李天命的身上! Entire Ten Desolate Star Furnace Eight Departments Gods, looked that his expression is getting angry. 整个十荒星炉八部神众,看他的眼神都在冒火。 At this moment, they discovered that these three mask people, bold go toward Sword Cave unexpectedly. 就在这时,他们纷纷发现这三个面具人,竟还胆大包天朝着剑洞而去。 This act on such as held the hornet's nest, Ten Desolate Star Furnace major Star Source World, all scolded. 此举就如捅了马蜂窝,十荒星炉各大恒星源世界,全骂开了。 This goods court death!” “这货找死!” Goes to his Sir!” “去他大爷的!” This people's live broadcast, the sprayer are innumerable, each Star Source World basically scolded sound one piece, what a pity this sound could not pass to Li Tianming. 这种全民直播,喷子无数,每个恒星源世界基本骂声一片,可惜这声音传不到李天命这边来。 All right, their three bump into Dugu Yao their seven 6th-Rank Universe God, absolute dead end!” “没事,他们三个碰上‘独孤妖’他们七个六阶宙神,绝对死路一条!” Insatiably greedies greedily, even this does Universe God Item dare to attempt?” “贪心不足蛇吞象,连这宙神器都敢图?” Fears behind them also some people......, but, if acts, has Heavenly Dao Arena, also calculates exposes ahead of time, enemy in bright, is always better than because of the hidden place.” “就怕他们背后还有人……不过,若是出手,有天道竞技场在,也算提前暴露,敌人在明,总比在暗处好。” At present Heavenly Dao Arena has almost covered all lower-level vestige scopes, don't I believe have the corner to hide the cockroach?” “目前天道竞技场几乎已经覆盖了所有下层遗迹范围,我就不信还有角落能藏蟑螂?” In the Eight Departments Gods world, these blazing vision fell on the body of that seven young Universe God, each, was the pride of Eight Departments Gods, had trillion crowding around in Ten Desolate Star Furnace! 一个个八部神众的世界里,那些炽热的目光都落在了那七位年轻宙神的身上,他们每一位,都是八部神众的骄傲,在十荒星炉拥有亿万簇拥! Seven clans, keep one person respectively, mutual supervision! 七族,各留一人,互相监督! Demon Heaven God Clan, that named Dugu Yao youth, is the child of Great Darkgreen Demon Lord, is the Heavenly Demon Child elder brother, he has 60 eight Heavenly Demon Eye, are more than Heavenly Demon Child! 魔天神族这边,那名为‘独孤妖’的青年,也是太苍魔主之子,是天魔子的兄长,他有六十八天魔眼,比天魔子还多! Illusion Heaven God Clan that two sisters, two female paragenesis, the popularity is much higher. They as the unorthodox Illusion Heaven God Clan combination, can enter Ten Desolate Heavenly Universe List first ten, was quite terrifying.” 幻天神族那两姐妹,两女子共生,人气高得离谱。她们作为非正统的幻天神族组合,能杀入十荒天宙榜前十,也相当恐怖了。” Probably called Tianhai Yifeng and Tianhai Yixue?” “好像是叫天海伊风天海伊雪是吧?” Right! Golden Heaven-Fighting God Clan that named Jin Mo(golden desert) is also very fierce.” “对!黄金战天神族那个叫‘金漠’的也很厉害。” „The Sunset Gods talent Yu Hui(afterglow), Evil Gods Yushen Gui, Virtue Gods Man Yueling and Meteor Gods wonderful female Shao Xingru, basically was the children of our Ten Desolate Star Furnace ten Myriad Universe overlords!” “还有落日神众天才‘余晖’,罪恶神众雨神诡’、道德神众曼月菱’和陨星神众的奇女子‘少星汝’,基本都是我们十荒星炉十位万宙霸主的子女了!” Most higher Eight Departments Gods Kings Bloodlines! 最高等的八部神众王众血脉 Without Princess Youyou that bloodlines that exceeds Kings, but their age is bigger, has experienced many fighting and fights. 哪怕没有沋沋公主那种超越王众的血脉,可他们岁数都更大一些,经历过很多的争锋和战斗。 Li Tianming also knows that these people are fierce! 李天命也知道这些人厉害! But today, this Sword Cave, he must not be possible! 但今天,这个剑洞,他非得进去不可! During trillion focuses attention on, after this is Heavenly Dao Arena opens, first lets the contest that the person pays attention. 万亿瞩目之中,这是天道竞技场开启之后,第一场让人关注的较量。 Originally should be the talent big tangled warfare, finally makes Li Tianming hold down, changed the focus to oneself on. 本来应该是天才大混战,结果让李天命生生按住,把焦点转移到自己身上了。 Stood in this Sword Cave before Ming, his eyes swept, to these seven opponents, has some understanding! 站在这剑洞明前,他一眼扫过去,对这七个对手,已然有了一些了解! Comes between Dugu Yao, is the Heavenly Demon Child elder brother, the appearance and its similar, the figure is lankier, this person gloomy such as the abyss crawls. 居中一位独孤妖,乃是天魔子的兄长,长相和其相似,身形更瘦长一些,此人阴森如深渊爬出。 „It is not as expected the words, his Order and soul are related, belong to study Demon Heaven God Clan of road of soul.” “不出预料的话,他的秩序和灵魂相关,属于专攻灵魂之路的魔天神族。” Moreover, like Heaven-Fighting God Clan that the gold casts, before has not changed the body, he gives the Li Tianming's feeling and Yu Qing is equivalent, two people are Heaven-Fighting God Clan, battle strength should almost. 另外,还有一个如同黄金铸就的战天神族,没变身前,他给李天命的感觉和狱擎相当,两人都是战天神族,战力应该差不多。 Most noticeable, naturally that pair of Illusion Heaven God Clan sisters! 最引人注目的,自然还是那一对幻天神族姐妹! The twins of homogeneous sex, can arrive this step on practice, is quite rare, they should be the Illusion Heaven God Clan heavy ritual, the position are possibly higher than ordinary Mr. and Mrs. Illusion Heaven God Clan with natural talent! 同种性别的双胞,在修行上能到这一步,还是相当罕见的,她们应该算是幻天神族的重礼,身份地位可能比同天赋的普通幻天神族夫妻还高! Two people appearance is exactly the same, duplicates to resemble. 两人长相一模一样,就复制出来似的。 However, the Li Tianming side has 50 sisters, to this everyone's rare pediatrics, he is an interest does not have at present. 不过,李天命身边有一个五十姐妹,对眼前这人人稀罕的小儿科,他是一点兴趣都没有。 Finally is four big Gods! 最后则是四大神众 A golden armor youth Yu Hui(afterglow), a man who wears the blood robe Yushen Gui, the two female, one is Virtue Gods Ghost God, the golden hair blue pupil, the physique is slender, named Man Yueling, another is a young girl of star robe Shao Xingru. 一个金甲青年‘余晖’,一位身穿血袍的男子‘雨神诡’,还有两个女子,一个是道德神众鬼神,金发蓝眸,身姿修长,名为‘曼月菱’,另一个则是一身星袍的少女‘少星汝’。 Seven peak Kings Bloodlines talents! 七个巅峰王众血脉天才! On them, reposing the Ten Desolate Star Furnace trillion Eight Departments Gods war to read, sees with own eyes Li Tianming to appear, their vision are cold and gloomy, stood directly! 他们身上,寄托着十荒星炉万亿八部神众的战念,眼见李天命出现,他们一个个目光森冷,直接站了出来! This Ancestral World indigenous does slave clan, only have your three worthless people?” The Dugu Yao vision sweeps from the Li Tianming three people. “这祖界土著奴族,只剩下你们三个歪瓜裂枣?”独孤妖的目光从李天命三人身上扫过去。 Universe God battle strength, is generally very obvious. 宙神战力,一般都很明显。 They seven main bodies have 600 meters god body. 他们七个的本体都有六百米神躯。 But Li Tianming, is obviously worse, and quantity are also small. 李天命这边,明显差一些,且数量也少。 Sufficed to take you.” “够拿下你们了。” The time is urgent! 时间紧急! That Nine Lives Cave nearby Eight Departments Gods, will kill momentarily, Li Tianming is naturally disinclined with they rubbish. 九命窟附近的八部神众,随时都会杀回来,李天命自然懒得和的他们废话。 Meets, begins directly! 一见面,直接动手! How as to hit, before he comes, reached an agreement with Zi Zhen and Weisheng Moran. 至于如何打,他来之前就和紫禛微生墨染说好了。 Sticking together presses!” “抱团压上!” Li Tianming and Zi Zhen before, Weisheng Moran. 李天命紫禛在前,微生墨染在后。 She is 6th-Rank Universe God, the boundary not compared with the opposite party seven difference, stimulates majority the Siming Shengshi two big Illusion Spirit might sufficiently, has formed certain jumping the ranks ability! 她已经是六阶宙神,境界不比对方七个差,足以将司命生世两大幻神的威力激发出大部分,已然形成了一定的越级能力! Rumbling! 轰轰! Heaven Controlling Life Sealing Forbidden Sea Illusion Spirit and that Three Lives Three Generations Heavenly Wheel Illusion Spirit kill immediately, under the strong purple fog embezzles, formed a side purple world, does not see clearly this Illusion Spirit detail completely! 司天封命禁海幻神和那三生三世轮天幻神当即杀出,在浓重的紫雾吞没之下,形成了一方紫色天地,完全看不清楚这幻神的细节! After Illusion Spirit controls the field, she grasps Three Lives Love Sword to follow Li Tianming and Zi Zhen, main self-preservation! 幻神控场后,她手持三生恋剑跟着李天命紫禛,主要自保! She swallowed over a thousand Illusion Spirit, only used two, other Illusion Spirit cover the tender body completely, this causes her flesh and blood, at this moment must surpass Zi Zhen by the degree of hardness, even also has certain mortal body attack ability! 她吞了上千个幻神,只用了两个,其他幻神则全部覆盖娇躯,这导致她的血肉之躯,此刻论硬度还要超过紫禛,甚至也有一定的肉身进攻能力! In brief, all added the defense! 简而言之,全加防御了! Kills! You divert, I attack!” “一个个杀!你牵制,我进攻!” Li Tianming and Zi Zhen looked at each other one, words that wants to speak, all wrote in the eye. 李天命紫禛对视了一眼,想说的话,全写在眼睛里了。 Zi Zhen also only has the two character to the Li Tianming's response: Relax!” 紫禛李天命的回应也只有两个字:“放心!” Bang! 轰! She is smallest, but once changes the body, immediately can cover presses Li Tianming, that Chinese redbud mask and her perfect conjunction, ominous flame dreadful Hell Ominous Demon is born suddenly, purple fog surrounds! 她原本是最小的,可一旦变身,马上就能盖压李天命,那紫荆花面具和她完美契合,一个凶焰滔天的地狱凶魔猛然诞生,一身紫雾环绕! ! 呼! Before she rushes to the Li Tianming body, suddenly! 她猛然冲到李天命身前! You, if cannot be angry, thinks oneself defend the matter of spatial boudoir...... Li Tianming to blush with shame to say in Eternal Divine Territory alone. “你要是生气不起来,就想想自己在万古神畿独守空闺的事吧……”李天命汗颜道。 Also really let alone, she thought of this matter, on the mouth says does not have the meaning, is suppressing an anger at heart. 还真别说,她一想到这事,嘴上说没意思,心里憋着一股火气。 Saw only her turn head to stare Li Tianming one, the anger braved randomly, one opened four palace eyes, the foundation striking power came up directly! 只见她回头瞪了李天命一眼,火气乱冒,一下就开启了四个宫眼,基础攻击力直接就上去了! But opposite seven people, all fell into under the suppression of Weisheng Moran two big Illusion Spirit, facial colors are ugly! 而对面七个人,全陷入了微生墨染两大幻神的镇压之下,一个个面色难看! Kills?” “杀?” Can seize to be captured, cannot kill again.” “能擒就擒,不能再杀。” Everyone, entire Ten Desolate Star Furnace is looking, we cannot opening disgraced.” “各位,全十荒星炉都在看着,我们可不能开局丢人。” Do not have a low opinion of the enemy!” “别轻敌!” Begins!” “动手!” Seven person vision are cold and gloomy, begins directly! 七个人目光森冷,直接动手!
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