FGOAA :: Volume #41

#4019: two big Sword Princess!

This strength, is really strong! Ji Ji person the strength of Universe God, withstood/top Ying Huo (Firefly) directly their four!” “这股力量,真强啊!姬姬一个人的宙神之力,直接顶荧火它们四个了!” Most of the time, Ji Ji has not participated in the fight, does not have too many magical powers methods, but it to the supplement and contribution of Li Tianming boundary strength is biggest, has it not to have it, the difference is big. 大多数时候,姬姬都没参与战斗,也没太多神通手段,但它对李天命境界力量的补充和贡献是最大的,有它没它,区别非常大。 Buzz! 嗡! It comes out, that pink spirit body sits on this crystal stars, curls the lip said to Li Tianming: „The Annihilation strength turned many times, had the quite exaggerating change, do you want to try? I ensure explodes the trash you.” 它又重新出来,那粉色灵体坐在这水晶星辰上,撇嘴对李天命道:“湮灭的力量翻了很多倍,有了比较夸张的变化,你要不要试一下?我保证把你炸成渣渣。” No, the good thing to leave the opponent.” Li Tianming said with a smile. “别,好东西要留给对手。”李天命笑道。 To know with the knee, its this stars collapse this, once erupts definitely goes against heaven's will! 用膝盖想都知道,它这星辰坍缩成这样,一旦爆发肯定逆天! Has Ji Ji, had in the extreme condition maintaining life ability.” “有姬姬在,算是有了极端情况下的保命能力了。” This is very essential! 这很关键! half-step Universe God, only missed last......” 半步宙神,只差最后一步了……” Li Tianming lowers the head, the look is blazing, is impatient. 李天命低头,眼神炽热,早已经迫不及待。 Then is also left over two big Order. 接下来还剩下两大秩序 Outside Eight Departments Gods has not picked, I continue to clash.” “外面的八部神众还没摘完,我继续冲。” Li Tianming attempted for several days, discovered that this two big Order a little never feeling, he has to change the idea, plans first to promote another three types of things , to promote the fight method! 李天命尝试了几天,发现这两大秩序有点遥遥无期的感觉,他不得不改变想法,打算先提升另外三样东西,提升一下战斗手段! These three types come quite quickly. 这三样来得比较快。 First: Universe God Tribulation Sea that in ancestor remains Shao Xingru leaves behind! 第一:少星汝留下的先祖遗体里的宙神劫海 Second: Yanhuang Nether Clan sword art last sword! 第二:炎黄冥族剑诀的最后一剑! Third: In Eastern Sovereign Sword own Chaos Sword Princess! 第三:东皇剑里亲混沌剑姬 These three ways, the first time are shortest, therefore Li Tianming makes the best use of the time, opened these Consciousness Spirit Cultivator remains Universe God Tribulation Sea directly, by the Ten Sides Beginning of An Era Divine Sword crazy absorption. 这三种方式,第一种时间最短,于是李天命抓紧时间,直接打开了那些识神修炼者遗体的宙神劫海,以十方纪元神剑疯狂吸收。 Visible, this Consciousness Spirit Pseudo Shape continually promotes! 肉眼可见,这识神拟象不断提升! The Shao Xingru status is very high, but her not possible unlimited measuring tape the ancestor remains to be running everywhere, after Li Tianming absorbs all Universe God Tribulation Sea, discovered that own Consciousness Spirit Pseudo Shape has transformed 40-Layer, is very satisfied! 少星汝身份很高,但她也不可能无限量带着先祖遗体到处跑,所以当李天命吸收完所有宙神劫海后,发现自己的识神拟象已经蜕变到了四十重,就已经很满意了! Although cannot compare Shao Xingru 68-Layers, but Li Tianming this is Ten Sides Beginning of An Era Divine Sword! 虽然比不上少星汝六十八重,但李天命这是十方纪元神剑 40-Layer Pseudo Shape Ten Sides Beginning of An Era Sword Princess?” 四十重拟象十方纪元剑姬?” After the success, Li Tianming looks ten goddesses that at present Consciousness Spirit transforms are in a daze! 成功后,李天命看着眼前识神幻化的十个女神发呆! Consciousness Spirit of his sword, Pseudo Shape became Heavenly Consciousness Spirit, is ten eternal goddesses of glow sparkles, for example Eastern God Great Sky Sword, the change is whole body raging fire and forehead has the goddess of sun, for example that Great Void Universe King Sword, the change is one illusory such as the goddess of time...... 他的剑之识神,拟象成了天之识神,是十个辉光闪耀的永恒女神,比如东神太昊剑,变化为一个浑身烈火、眉心有日轮的女神、比如那太虚宙王剑,变化为一个虚幻如时光的女神…… In their bodies, has the Ten Sides Beginning of An Era Divine Sword source attribute strength, 40-Layer Pseudo Shape, making their might promote, its interior constructed incomparably complex. 她们的身体里,也都有十方纪元神剑的本源属性力量,四十重拟象,让她们的威力提升了很多,其内部构造无比复杂。 But what lets the Li Tianming delay is, they and 6th-Layer Pseudo Shape Beginning of An Era Sword Princess is the same, is the appearance of paternal aunt aurora, therefore styles are different, but gentle same. 但让李天命呆滞的是,她们和第六重拟象纪元剑姬’一样,都是姑姑极光的样子,所以一个个风格不同,但温柔相同。 From Beginning of An Era Sword Princess to Ten Sides Beginning of An Era Sword Princess, obviously is the same type promotion. 纪元剑姬十方纪元剑姬,明显是相同类型的提升。 Why called Sword Princess? This Beginning of An Era Sword Princess and do Chaos Sword Princess, what have to relate? Is the waiting on concubine of big shot?” “为什么都叫剑姬?这纪元剑姬混沌剑姬,有什么联系吗?都是大佬的侍妾?” Li Tianming had many questions at heart. 李天命心里产生了很多疑问。 No matter they once were anyone, now, on Consciousness Spirit, on Eastern Sovereign Sword, belongs to Li Tianming in any case. 不管她们曾经属于谁,反正现在,一个在识神上,一个在东皇剑上,属于李天命 But these two, happen to are the powerful combinations. 而这两者,正好又是强悍的组合。 When Li Tianming displays this 40-Layer Pseudo Shape, blessing on Eastern Sovereign Sword, he discovers on this Eastern Sovereign Sword, two strength gatherings of Sword Princess, side is the aurora, side is the golden armor females...... 李天命施展这四十重拟象,加持东皇剑上的时候,他发现这东皇剑上,两种剑姬的力量汇聚,一边是极光,一边是金甲女子…… This sword kills, suddenly had the feeling of leading a befuddled life as if drunk or dreaming. 这一剑杀出,忽然就有了醉生梦死的感觉了。 Mysterious isn't this?” “神奇了这不是?” Consciousness Spirit strengthens, Li Tianming then makes Heavenly Soul enter in that Eastern Sovereign Sword, did the machinery, but numb matter. 识神加强,李天命便让天魂进入那东皇剑中,干起了机械而麻木的事。 Process, although is arid, but has the progress at least every time.” Li Tianming comforts itself. “过程虽然枯燥,但最起码每时每刻都有进度。”李天命安慰自己。 How I saw, not arid......” Ying Huo (Firefly) rolls the eyes to say. “我怎么看,都不枯燥……”荧火翻白眼道。 Arid, you can the corners of the mouth bring back slightly, kisses the air in the sleep?” Miao Miao spits the mortise. “枯燥,你能嘴角微微勾起,在睡梦中亲吻空气?”喵喵吐槽道。 This is the setting of Chaos Divine Emperor, what relations has with me? I also want to use over a hundred million Sword Princess strengths directly.” Li Tianming speechless say/way. “这是混沌神帝的设定,和我有什么关系?我还想直接动用上亿剑姬的力量呢。”李天命无语道。 His time sped up the efficiency. 他这次加快了效率。 About several months later, finally absorbed the Chaos Sword Princess 1% might! 大约几个月后,终于吸收了混沌剑姬百分之一的威力! On his Eastern Sovereign Sword the Chaos Sword Princess strength of carrying/sustaining, achieved 1 million. 东皇剑上承载的混沌剑姬力量,达到了百万。 Consciousness Spirit adds Eastern Sovereign Sword, additional Bai Ling (white rise), this kills again the lethality, raised finally.” 识神东皇剑,再加白凌,这一杀器的杀伤力,终于提上来了。” Although in the strength and 6th-Rank above Universe God has the difference, but on the lethality weapon, Li Tianming definitely surpasses! 虽然力量上和六阶以上的宙神有区别,但在杀伤力武器上,李天命肯定有超出! !” “呼!” He ponders over again that Universe God Dao/said last sword. 他再琢磨一下那宙神道的最后一剑。 Eight, Gods, 100 million, the fruit, was quick.” Yin Chen (silver dust) said suddenly. “八部,神众,一亿,果子,快了。”银尘忽然道。 Is so quick?” “这么快么?” The Li Tianming vision is quiet, looks to outside. 李天命目光幽冷,看向外面。 Mushan Xue, you in? What can arrange?” 暮山樰,你在么?可有什么安排?” Li Tianming was saying to the spacious surroundings. 李天命对着空旷的周围说道。 No one replied! 没人回答! Ok, I first support.” “行,那我先撑。” A fight, inevitable. 一场战斗,不可避免。 Luckily, he had stepped the achievement Universe God last step. 幸好,他已踏上了成就宙神的最后一步。 ...... …… In Nine Lives Cave, somewhere. 九命窟内,某处。 One crowd of Immemorial Permanent Sand young Universe God gather at this. 一群太古恒沙年轻宙神聚集在此。 That wears green battle armor Piao Lingyi to back in the hole wall, but he has an orange skirt young girl at present, she then such as maple leaf nebula, is floating the dust. 那身穿绿色战甲朴令逸背靠在洞壁上,而他眼前有一个橙裙少女,她便如一片枫叶星云,飘然出尘。 Ji Lin, Eight Departments Gods soon acted.” The orange skirt young girl of Piao Lingyi to just arrival said. 纪琳,八部神众快要出手了。”朴令逸对刚刚到来的橙裙少女道。 Only heard, they stare in Nine Lives Cave Nine Lives Fruit, must take risks.” That is Ji Lin young girl Universe God Dao/said. “刚听说了,他们盯上九命窟九命果,要铤而走险了。”那叫‘纪琳’的少女宙神道 Also stared at our life.” Piao Lingyi sinking sound said. “也盯上了我们的命。”朴令逸沉声道。 You how?” Ji Lin looks at him looking pensive, doesn't want to hit? This is not your style , we do not have the escape route.” “你怎么了?”纪琳若有所思看他,“不想打么?这可不是你的风格,要知道,我们都是没有退路的。” How can not want to hit?” Piao Lingyi shakes the head, I felt, they a little believed this Ancestral World person.” “怎会不想打?”朴令逸摇头,“我只是觉得,他俩有点太相信这祖界的人了。” „The Ancestral World person, is the Yan and Huang.” Ji Lin said. 祖界的人,是炎黄。”纪琳道。 Right, is the Yan and Huang. But historically, was the Yan and Huang implicated us, can only rule in one corner of the kingdom.” Piao Lingyi lowers the head, look some are not happy. “没错,是炎黄。但从历史上看,就是炎黄连累了我们,只能偏安一隅。”朴令逸低头,神色有些不痛快。 That was the past matter, at the present Eight Departments Gods is strong, we except for union, has not chosen.” Ji Lin said. “那是过去的事了,而今八部神众强势,我们除了联合,也没有选择。”纪琳说道。 Such long time, if the Yan and Huang did change? The historical association/will changes...... for example now, this Lin Feng may once tell us, how many people does his back have? If only their three, is useful? Moreover did you discover? That two female was needless saying that that Lin Feng, did not seem like legitimate Yanhuang Divine Clan.” Piao Lingyi coldly said. “这么长的时间,万一炎黄变了呢?历史总会改变的……比如现在,这林枫可曾告诉过我们,他背后有多少人?如果只是他们三个,又有什么用?而且你发现了吗?那两个女的就不用说了,那林枫自己,也根本不像是正统的炎黄神族。”朴令逸冷冷说道。 You whether is because the matter of small beast ball is discontented?” Ji Lin asked. “你是否是因为小兽球的事不满?”纪琳问。 I consider the matter and of itself! Without understanding Yan and Huang, we and he fights side-by-side, who knows that what will have? Believed others, was not the good deed......” Piao Lingyi deeply said. “我只是就事论事!在不了解炎黄的情况下,我们和他并肩作战,谁知道会发生什么?太相信别人了,不是什么好事……”朴令逸深深道。 Good.” Helpless Ji Lin nods. “好吧。”纪琳无奈点头。 Piao Lingyi said assuredly: Look, if Jiang Feifei acts willfully, certainly will have an accident!” 朴令逸笃定道:“看着吧,如果姜妃妃一意孤行,一定会出事!” I reminded her.” Ji Lin said, turns around to depart. “那我去提醒她。”纪琳说完,转身离去。
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