FGOAA :: Volume #41

#4005: Brothers reunion day!

Latrine pit is occupying, wants to draw? No way.” “茅坑占着了,就想拉出来?没门。” Li Tianming does not despise these Ten Desolate Heavenly Universe List Eight Departments Gods talents, but is Eastern Sovereign Sword this thing, from Chaos Divine Emperor, this not by the thing that natural talent can carry off. 李天命不是轻视这些十荒天宙榜八部神众天才,而是东皇剑这东西,来自混沌神帝,这不是靠天赋就能带走的东西。 Therefore this sword hole, he does not worry. 所以这剑洞,他是一点都不着急。 At present Eight Departments Gods Universe God, gathers at this sword Dongqian......” Li Tianming takes a broad view to look, sees only that side to have tens of thousands talent Universe God at least! “目前八部神众宙神,都聚集在这剑洞前……”李天命放眼望去,只见那边起码有几万个天才宙神 Entire Ten Desolate Star Furnace Universe God under 500 years old, basically entire! 整个十荒星炉500岁以下的宙神,基本上全来了! Altogether more than 50,000! 一共五万多! But Immemorial Permanent Sand that side talent Universe God, about 30,000 people, they in the peak, however in other aspect fold place, do not dare to approach, actually does not want to give up, even also completed plan that kicks the sword hole. 太古恒沙那边的天才宙神,大约有三万人左右,他们也在峰顶,但是在另一面的褶皱处,没太敢靠近,却又不想放弃,甚至也做好了攻进剑洞的打算。 Reason that the Immemorial Permanent Sand juniors have not worried, is because they looked at for quite a while, discovered that this group of Eight Departments Gods juniors do not have idea. 太古恒沙的子弟们之所以也没着急,也是因为他们看了半天,发现这群八部神众子弟根本就没辙。 What is that anxious? 那还急什么? Before was to refuse to compromise, now Heavenly Dao Arena gets down, should have the variable.” “以前是僵持住了,现在天道竞技场下来,应该有变数了。” Li Tianming looked at an aspect, has known how things stand at heart. 李天命看了一眼局面,心里已经有数。 He does not have anxiously and Immemorial Permanent Sand convergence, but said to Bai Ye (white night) and Bai Ling (white rise): Soul Demon can also induce to his existence, explained that he in this, you help me look.” 他没急着去和太古恒沙汇合,而是对白夜白凌道:“魂魔还能感应到他的存在,说明他在这,你们帮我找找。” Is looking.” “在找了。” Their two people are dispersing soul seed, same scatters like the dandelion, touches surpasses the soul fluctuation of common sense, even if spirit body, cannot escape from their sensations. 它们两人正分散着灵魂种,如同蒲公英一样飘散,去触摸一些超出常理的灵魂波动,哪怕是灵体,都逃不出它们的感知。 The Li Tianming itself/Ben thinks that must wait to be very long, without thinking of these two Little Six just searched for less than ten breath time, gave the Li Tianming feedback: Found him!” 李天命本以为要等很久,没想到这俩小六刚搜寻不到十息时间,就给了李天命反馈:“找到他了!” Such quickly?” The Li Tianming appearance is joyful. “这么快?”李天命面目欣喜。 Here.” “这边。” He following the direction of Bai Ye (white night) instruction, goes toward that side suddenly, position that Ye Lingfeng is in sword point with the Miracle Mountain intersection point, some there many mountain Ku, truly are quite suitable to hide, many Immemorial Permanent Sand juniors also in this place. 他顺着白夜指示的方向,猛然往那边而去,夜凌风所在的位置在剑尖和神迹山的交界处,那里还有不少山窟,确实比较适合藏身,不少太古恒沙子弟也在这种地方。 In this cavern.” Bai Ye (white night) hehe said. “就在这洞窟内。”白夜嘿嘿道。 Un!” “嗯!” The Li Tianming potential like the thunder, breaks in suddenly, only in a flash, his eyes locked a darkness shadow. 李天命势如雷霆,猛然冲入其中,只一瞬间,他的双眼就锁定了黑暗处一道阴影。 First heaves in sight, is his chest that dark vortex. 首先映入眼帘的,是他胸口那黑暗漩涡。 A pair of purplish red unusual look eye attracted the Li Tianming's attention. 紧接着,一对紫红异色的眼睛吸引了李天命的注意。 Li Tianming oneself eyes are golden-black, but his eyes saw that purple eye pupil is not quite right! 李天命自己的双眼是金黑色,可他一眼就看出,那紫色眼瞳不太对劲! Breeze original pupil color is the dark-red!” “小风原本的瞳色都是暗红色!” Sees own first, in that dark-red eye emerged all sorts of mood, had, affection, respect and anxiety surprisedly, but the look of that purple eye pupil, was excited and sneers! 看到自己的第一眼,那暗红色眼睛里涌现出了种种情绪,有惊讶、深情、敬重、紧张,而那紫色眼瞳的眼神,只有兴奋、冷笑! Is he!” That purple eye pupil made the sound suddenly. “就是他!”那紫色眼瞳忽然发出了声音。 Breeze?” Li Tianming puts out a hand, goes toward his side. “小风?”李天命伸出手,往他那边而去。 Do not look for me!” “别找我!” Buzz! 嗡! That shadow severe howl, will hit suddenly suddenly in the future, when he hits behind had a Bizarre World vortex unexpectedly, his whole person submerged suddenly. 那黑影忽然厉吼了一声,猛然往后一撞,他撞击时背后竟然产生了一个异度界漩涡,其整个人陡然没入了其中。 You court death!” That purple eye pupil transfers to look at his left eye, the exceedingly indignant said. “你找死!”那紫色眼瞳转过去看他的左眼,无比愤怒说道。 But that dark red left eye looked at Li Tianming one finally, was embezzled by the vortex. 而那暗红左眼最后看了李天命一眼,就被漩涡吞没了。 Buzz! 嗡! The shadow vanishes in Li Tianming directly at present. 黑影直接消失在李天命眼前。 What situation?” “什么情况?” Li Tianming on the spot. 李天命愣在原地。 He wants to break the head, has not thought that the reunion can be such picture unexpectedly. 他想破脑袋,都没想到重逢竟会是这样的画面。 At present all are empty. 眼前一切都是空荡荡的。 That purple eye......” in Li Tianming total sensory memory has appeared. “那只紫色眼睛……”李天命总感觉记忆里出现过。 Wū wū! 呜呜! Soul Demon moves restlessly very much, really cried loudly, scurries about in side, worries serious. 魂魔很躁动,果然嚎哭了起来,在旁边上蹿下跳,着急得不得了。 Saw Soul Demon, Li Tianming remembered a that Bizarre World sun-blocking boundless great eye suddenly! 看到魂魔,李天命猛然想起了那异度界一个遮天蔽日的无边巨眼! Emperor one?” “帝一?” Ye Lingfeng was once held by him. 曾经夜凌风就被他抓住了。 That is in Moon of Divine Realm! 那还是在月之神境的时候! Li Tianming has not thought, it unexpectedly and Ye Lingfeng involved one! 李天命万万没想到,它竟然又和夜凌风牵扯到了一起! Li Tianming remembers at that time, as if Illusion Heaven God Clan and emperor between one have the relation...... 李天命当时记得,似乎幻天神族和帝一之间还有联系…… Truly, is the emperor one.” In the ring, Huang Qi/Sovereign Seven that spooky sound conveys suddenly. “确实,是帝一。”戒指内,皇七那幽幽的声音忽然传来。 „Do you know him?” Li Tianming coldly said. “你认识他?”李天命冷冷道。 Naturally knew that wasn't and you says? One of nine eternal lives.” Huang Qi/Sovereign Seven hehe said. “当然认识啊,不是和你说了嘛?九个永恒生灵之一。”皇七呵呵道。 Your safe/without matter does not open the mouth, said.” Li Tianming said. “你无事不开口,说吧。”李天命道。 I told the facts, your brothers by an emperor parasitic, the life had been pinched by it in the hand, if did not solve as soon as possible , he will definitely die, will be seized the shed, dying a tragic death was very miserable.” The Huang Qi/Sovereign Seven regret said. “我实话实说,你这兄弟被帝一寄生,命已经被它捏在了手里,如果不尽快解决的话,他呢,肯定是会死的,而且会被夺舍,死得很惨很惨。”皇七遗憾道。 „Can you save him?” Li Tianming knits the brows to ask. “你能救他是吗?”李天命皱眉问。 Difficultly is very very difficult, must dig that eye, but this eye has implanted your brothers bloodlines, really must pull out forcefully, your brothers will also die. Therefore, needing me concentrate on to operate the line...... you to listen personally, I did not seize the chance to make you put my, but gave you a choice. This matter truly only then I can achieve, I must come out to save others. How as to choose, but must look at yourself, I, do not demand.” Huang Qi/Sovereign Seven talked about with interest. “很难很难,必须要将那只眼睛挖出来,可这眼睛已经植入了你兄弟一身血脉,真要强行拔出来,你兄弟也会死。所以呢,必须要我自己全神贯注亲自操作才行……你听好了,我可不是趁机又想让你放我的,而是给你一个选择。这事确实只有我能做到,我也必须出来才能救人。至于怎么选择,还得看你自己,我呢,不强求。”皇七乐道。 The appearance that this takes pleasure in others' misfortunes, owes really flatly. 她这幸灾乐祸的样子,着实非常欠扁。 How I know that you said all these, isn't flickering I? If I put you to come out, you killed me directly, then ran, I what to do?” Li Tianming asked. “我怎么知道你说这一切,不是在忽悠我呢?我若放你出来,你直接把我杀了,然后就跑了,我怎么办?”李天命问。 I don't know either? Looks at your luck, if I am a pure good person? The good person you can not believe that but is chaste you to believe.” Huang Qi/Sovereign Seven giggle said with a smile. “我也不知道呢?看你运气吧,万一我是个纯洁的好人呢?是不是好人你可以不相信,但纯洁你是必须要信的。”皇七咯咯笑道。 You first shut up.” Li Tianming looks at the direction that Ye Lingfeng departs, coldly said. “那你先闭嘴吧。”李天命看着夜凌风离去的方向,冷冷说道。 Yo? Brothers' life, aren't you willing to take risk? Changes into a beautiful woman, did you plan to spell? It seems like you are only a selfish smelly man.” Huang Qi/Sovereign Seven ridicules to say. “呦?兄弟的命,你都不愿意冒险?换成个美人,你是不是就打算拼了?看来你就只是个自私的臭男人罢了。”皇七揶揄道。 You little taunted two, I can also believe you. You add inflammatory details more, more can explain you to come out to resort to all means that why do I believe you?” Li Tianming sneers to say. “你少嘲讽两句,我还能信你。你添油加醋越多,越能说明你为了出来可以不择手段,我凭什么相信你呢?”李天命冷笑道。 You take your brothers' life , to continue to bet.” The Huang Qi/Sovereign Seven sweet and delicate voice is smiling. “那你就拿你兄弟的命,继续赌呗。”皇七娇声笑着。 Li Tianming sets one's mind at ease, has not received her disturbance again. 李天命沉下心来,并没有再受她的干扰。 Truly, the difficult problem appeared! 确实,难题出现了! But, the only solution that Huang Qi/Sovereign Seven gives, is not really able to judge, if bet at this time blindly, will only make the matter worse. 但,皇七给的唯一解决办法,是不是真的无从判断,如果这时候盲目去赌,只会让事情更糟糕。 I must try to find the solution first and breeze have the contact, can ask the real situation from his there. Clearly, that emperor pair of I have the idea......” “我得想办法先和小风取得联系,才能从他那里问出真的情况。很明显,那个帝一对我有想法……” Li Tianming deeply knits the brows, simultaneously looked to that above sword hole. 李天命深深皱眉,同时看向了那上方的剑洞。 Ye Lingfeng departs now, suddenly cannot find out the means of communication. 夜凌风现在又离去了,一时间也想不出沟通的办法。 Hopes that the small wind energy has the idea......” “希望小风能有点子……” Li Tianming and he has the tacit understanding. 李天命和他是有默契的。 This tacit understanding, making him be able to stand firm! 这种默契,让他稳得住! Misfortune never come singly. 一波未平一波又起。 The Ye Lingfeng matter just got up, Yin Chen (silver dust) told him: That side Eight Departments Gods has prepared to encircle the Immemorial Permanent Sand juniors. 夜凌风的事刚起,银尘就告诉他:八部神众那边已经准备围剿太古恒沙子弟了。 Couldn't wait?” “等不及了?” Li Tianming takes a broad view to look, sees only that five ten thousand Eight Departments Gods, has been tying. 李天命放眼望去,只见那五万八部神众,已经在结阵了。
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