FGOAA :: Volume #41

#4004: The scenery of peak!

Peak. 峰顶。 In that dark corner, that shadow appears floating. 那一处阴暗角落中,那一道黑影又飘然出现。 He in, right?” That purple right eye shook for quite a while, finally stops, asked that shadow by the ghosts and demons sound again. “他在附近,对吧?”那紫色右眼晃了半天,最后停住,再以鬼魅般的声音问那黑影。 Not.” Shadow sound slightly cold. “不在。”黑影声音微冷。 Not in? I and you had emphasized in the price in front of me lying, right?” Purple right eye Yin sound said. “不在?我与你强调过在我面前撒谎的代价,对吧?”紫色右眼阴声道。 Dies. Your my what? This Ancestral World is not your domain.” The shadow vision looks at the front profoundly. “一死而已。你奈我何?这祖界可不是你的地盘。”黑影目光深远看着前方。 Words that you spoke like this, he definitely in nearby.” That purple right eye smiled. “你这样说的话,他肯定就在附近了。”那紫色右眼笑了起来。 Dark silent did not say. 黑暗沉默不言。 Why? So long as you choose to put down, anything had.” The purple right eye sneers to say. “何必呢?只要你选择放下,就什么都拥有了。”紫色右眼冷笑道。 Puts down?” “放下?” The shadow repeated this two character, then said: Your anything does not understand, hehe.” 黑影重复了一下这两个字,然后道:“你什么都不懂,呵呵。” Is your anything does not understand. What you shoulder is the Bizarre World mission, rather than High Star Ruins and Ancestral World mission. Your this coming to understand, defends the present this to inherit, careless and wasteful use of nature's products.” The purple right eye grins fiendishly. “是你什么都不懂。你肩负的是异度界使命,而不是上星墟祖界的使命。就你这点觉悟,守着现在这传承,暴殄天物罢了。”紫色右眼狞笑。 Pitifully, even if wastes, without me nods, you cannot take away.” The shadow regret said. “可惜了,就算浪费,没我点头,你也拿不走。”黑影遗憾道。 You!” “你!” The purple right eye becomes incomparably cold and gloomy. 紫色右眼变得无比森冷。 Ye Lingfeng, you are waiting.” 夜凌风,你等着。” ...... …… Appeared?” “又出现了?” Sees Soul Demon some responses, Li Tianming makes Miao Miao go into action directly, conducts the back their one male and two female to dash about wildly to go toward the peak position, lets the community speed maximization. 看到魂魔又有反应,李天命直接让喵喵出马,驮着他们一男二女朝着峰顶位置狂奔而去,让群体速度最大化。 Soul Demon is very excited. 魂魔还是很激动。 When excited, is somewhat anxious. 激动之余,又有些不安。 „, Eight, Gods, interception, you.” Yin Chen (silver dust) directly with Miao Miao mind communication, spoke, while directed the direction for it, the person who missed some interceptions as far as possible, reduced mounts the time of peak. “很多,八部,神众,拦截,你们。”银尘直接和喵喵心灵沟通,一边说话,一边为它指引方向,尽量错过一些截杀的人,减少登上峰顶的时间。 Has the interception quickly? Does the person in this Ancient Yanhuang Vestige have the global field of view?” Weisheng Moran asked. “这么快就有截杀的?这古炎黄遗迹内的人也有全局视野吗?”微生墨染问。 No. Only then outside person can see all pictures, after they see, then disseminates the vestige entrance, after letting the young people enter Ancestral World, to pass on message stone to pass on a message, then, surely needs the time dissemination news. Therefore inside person can know that our general positions, actually do not know our concrete are.” Li Tianming said. “没有。只有外面的人能看到所有画面,他们看到后,再传播到遗迹入口,让年轻人进入祖界后再以传讯石传讯进来,如此一来,肯定需要时间传播消息。所以里面的人能知道我们的大概位置,却不知道我们的具体所在。”李天命说道。 This is better......” Weisheng Moran to relax slightly. “这还好一些……”微生墨染微微松了一口气。 Un. But does not have many. For example, before today, Eight Departments Gods knows that the Immemorial Permanent Sand person also gathered, but does not know that has many specifically, has not dared to attack rashly, but now this Heavenly Dao Arena photo, sees clearly the Immemorial Permanent Sand brothers' population and position. When their people are many moves us is not convenient, therefore this Heavenly Dao Arena will be very big to their influences.” Li Tianming knits the brows to say. “嗯。但也没好多少。比如说,今日之前,八部神众知道太古恒沙的人也聚集了,但不知道具体有多少,还不敢贸然进攻,而现在这天道竞技场一照,把太古恒沙的兄弟们的人数、位置都看得清清楚楚。他们人多时移动没我们方便,所以这天道竞技场对他们的影响会很大。”李天命皱眉说道。 Therefore now, Eight Departments Gods of peak has been ready to make trouble, will ferment a war, if when the time comes Immemorial Permanent Sand Universe God run away, where no matter to escape, cannot escape the eye of Heavenly Dao, even if the news dissemination from outside to inside requires the time, to them is very troublesome. 所以现在,峰顶的八部神众已经蠢蠢欲动,将会酝酿一场大战了,到时候太古恒沙宙神们若是逃窜,不管逃到哪里,也逃不过天道的眼睛,哪怕从外到内的消息传播需要时间,对他们来说还是很麻烦。 Before the mixture of truth and deceit, now is solid. 之前虚虚实实,现在只有实了。 The key is, they do not know the Eight Departments Gods situation. 关键是,他们根本不知道八部神众的情况。 Is equal to one in clearly, is dark. 等于一个在明,一个在暗。 Does not know, this Heavenly Dao can illuminate arrives in that special space Mushan Xue?” “不知道,这天道能不能照到那一片特殊空间内的‘暮山樰’?” At present, Yin Chen (silver dust) has not listened to the Eight Departments Gods juniors to mention three people the matters beyond Yanhuang Divine Clan, therefore the Mushan Xue position, is beyond the Heavenly Dao! 目前,银尘并没有听八部神众的子弟们说起自己三人以外的炎黄神族的事,所以暮山樰的位置,还是在天道之外! Only can want them to be able credible......” “只能希望她们能靠谱了……” The Li Tianming intention these matters, are riding Miao Miao this temporary mount, cuts the lightning storm, around encircling killing racing line/traverse. 李天命心念着这些事,骑着喵喵这临时坐骑,划破闪电风暴,绕着围杀者一路奔行。 Because Zi Zhen and Weisheng Moran do not cope, Li Tianming can only in Zi Zhen in front, but Weisheng Moran in behind. 因为紫禛微生墨染不太对付,李天命只能在紫禛在前面,而微生墨染在后面了。 In this tense situation, bosom, back, was one in storm enjoys shortly...... 在这紧张的局势里,怀里一个,背后一个,也算是风暴之中的一种短暂的享受了…… Eldest child why a while makes me sharply accelerate, will one get on the brakes?” Miao Miao felt the person who conducts the back sways, obscure asking Ying Huo (Firefly). “老大为何一会儿让我急加速,一会刹车?”喵喵感觉背上的人前后摇晃,费解的问荧火 „After you grew up, understood.” The Ying Huo (Firefly) old god was saying. “等你长大后就懂了。”荧火老神在在道。 „Hadn't this several hundred meters, grown up?” Miao Miao indicated to refuse to accept. “本面都几百米了,还没长大?”喵喵表示不服。 Body grew up, the brain shrank.” Ying Huo (Firefly) despises, said again on the quiet: I suggested you, best quality goods mount.” “身体长大了,脑子畏缩了。”荧火鄙视完,再悄悄道:“我暗示一下你,极品坐骑。” Miao Miao remembers own best quality goods mount, the whole body shakes, finally understood. 喵喵想起自己的极品坐骑,浑身一震,终于明白了过来。 Old congress.” He deeply sighs with emotion, suddenly is then serious. “还是老大会。”他深深感慨,然后忽然一脸严肃。 What's wrong?” Ying Huo (Firefly) asked. “怎么了?”荧火问。 Miao Miao smiles: Was a little itchy, wants the long brain!” 喵喵会心一笑:“头有点痒,要长脑子了!” This rushes about with lightning speed, finally before Eight Departments Gods and Immemorial Permanent Sand cause the fatal conflict, Li Tianming reached the Miracle Mountain peak smoothly! 这一路奔波风驰电掣,终于在八部神众太古恒沙引发致命冲突之前,李天命顺利登上了神迹山的峰顶! That is-!” “那是-!” Has listened to them saying that by this time, Li Tianming saw finally this transforms into the giant sword sharp peak! 一直听他们说,到这时候,李天命才终于看到了这蜕变为巨大剑尖的峰顶! Even if he currently several hundred meters high body, still has tiny in this world like the ants feeling. 哪怕他现在几百米高的身躯,在这一天地之中仍然有渺小如蝼蚁般的感觉。 Looks up, above seeing is only again rockless, only then golden color black boundless sword blade, its golden color portrays the mountains rivers, the black portrays the stars, such as landscape state, like starry sky vast sea! 抬头看去,只见上方再无岩石,只有一面金色一面黑色的无边剑锋,其金色一面刻画山川河流,黑色一面刻画日月星辰,一面如江山社稷,一面如瀚海星天 A sword is sharp, brilliance trillion zhang (3.33 m). 一个剑尖,光耀亿万丈。 The invincible might, is it may be said that soul-stirring. 其神威,可谓惊心动魄。 Li Tianming felt that Eastern Sovereign Sword has vibrated, presents a very exciting feeling, but in this is excited actually a little feels inferior. 李天命感觉东皇剑有所震动,呈现出一种非常兴奋的感觉,但这兴奋里竟然有点自卑。 Well, this feeling, how is a bit like me for the first time time of seeing Huang Qi/Sovereign Seven?” “咦,这种感觉,怎么有点像我第一次见皇七的时候?” At that time has not known that Star Sea Giant is what gadget, looked she is the female, moreover huge boundless, was supplementary in the sex, however in the size and level, has the boundless disparity. 那时候还不知道星海巨人是什么玩意儿,看的出她是雌性,而且巨大无边,在性别上互补了,但是在大小和层次上,存在着无边差距。 But present Eastern Sovereign Sword, obviously it is the superior side, because this Miracle Mountain this fragment was too big, it also had this type to be excited and incompetent embarrassed feeling. 而现在的东皇剑,明明它是优势方,但因为这神迹山这碎片实在太大了,它也有了这种又兴奋又无能的窘迫感。 Existence of this Miracle Mountain, seemed saying to Eastern Sovereign Sword: Is how your, you are useless. 神迹山的存在,仿佛在对东皇剑说:是你的又怎样,你不中用啊。 mother!” 玛德!” Li Tianming has not thought, oneself one day will have with the feeling that the sword has same problem, this was also too aggrieved. 李天命万万没想到,自己有一天会有和剑同病相怜的感觉,这也太憋屈了。 Relax, I help certainly you conquer it.” “放心,我一定帮你征服它。” Like this comforted, Eastern Sovereign Sword in hand subsided, seemed saying: Today you look cold and indifferent to me, another day I make you unable to seek friendships...... 这样安慰一下,手里的东皇剑才平息了下来,仿佛在说:今日你对我爱答不理,他日我让你高攀不起…… That is the sword hole.” “那个就是剑洞。” Li Tianming narrows the eyes goes shortly, sees only that peak highest place, the cavern, it looks like a golden-black primal chaos, has the innumerable Heavenly Divine Mark circulations, prevents others to go. 李天命眯眼看去,只见那峰顶最高处,有一个洞窟,它就像是一个金黑色的太极,有着无数天神纹流转,阻挡着他人进去。 According to the common sense, the place that more does not let, more has the good thing. Therefore now entire High Star Ruins is passing on, who entered this sword hole, who can grasp Miracle Mountain this super Universe God Item! 按照常理,越是不让进的地方,就越有好东西。所以现在整个上星墟都在传,谁进了这剑洞,谁就能掌握神迹山这超级宙神器 At present, that sword hole had died of suffocation by Eight Departments Gods, they occupied that domain, simply has not made Immemorial Permanent Sand Universe God approach, good long some time, is Eight Departments Gods talent Universe God is studying. 目前,那剑洞已经被八部神众堵死了,他们占了那一块地盘,根本没让太古恒沙宙神靠近,好长一段时间以来,都是八部神众的天才宙神在研究。 Very obvious, they have not succeeded temporarily. 只是很明显,他们暂时没成功。
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