FGOAA :: Volume #41

#4006: ancient ancestor descendant!

At this moment, almost entire Ten Desolate Star Furnace all living things, are paying attention to the matter of this Miracle Mountain peak. 这一刻,几乎整个十荒星炉的众生,都在关注这神迹山峰顶的事。 When several tens of thousands of Eight Departments Gods talent Universe God accumulations, after having unified mixing, a talent exploration had turned into the talent war completely, blood and iron, order and other factors, has injected in the middle of the innermost feelings of Eight Departments Gods talents! 当数万八部神众天才宙神聚集,有了统一的调配后,一场天才探险已经完全变成了天才战争,铁血、命令等因素,已然注入了八部神众天才们的内心当中! Under Heavenly Dao Arena, all exposures of opponent, are equivalent to Fang Ming. 天道竞技场下,对手的一切曝光,相当于一方明牌。 Grasps the position of opposite party large unit momentarily, naturally can encircle accurate kills! 随时把握对方大部队的位置,自然能精准围杀! Therefore, Eight Departments Gods this time attack, actually was also under the order from elder. 所以,八部神众此时的进攻,其实也是得到了来自长辈的命令。 The sword hole may not conquer temporarily, but takes the Immemorial Permanent Sand person, imminent. 剑洞可暂时不征服,但拿下太古恒沙的人,迫在眉睫。 The Heavenly Dao Arena might infiltrates unceasingly, Immemorial Permanent Sand juniors by threat, once his elder orders to withdraw troops, next time also wants to extinguish one time kills so many people, did not have such good opportunity! 天道竞技场威力不断渗透,太古恒沙的子弟饱受威胁,一旦其长辈命令撤军,下次还想一次性灭杀这么多人,就没这么好的机会了! Indeed, will have to pay today surely with the casualties, if forms the advantage, utterly destroys the opponent, may destroy Immemorial Permanent Sand one generation, in the future will take this territory, is easier!” “诚然,今天必定会有付出与伤亡,但一旦形成优势,将对手斩尽杀绝,就可摧毁太古恒沙一代人,往后拿下这一块疆土,也更加容易!” This is the High Star Ruins highest honor!” “这是上星墟至高荣誉!” Our Ten Desolate Star Furnace is Eight Departments Gods goes to battle, when the merit becomes, brings honor to ancestors, the name shakes the entire world!” “我们十荒星炉八部神众出战,功成之时,光宗耀祖,名震寰宇!” That 50,000 many Universe God has completely gathered, has various systems, the inter-combination, the arrangement forms an army, the faith is extremely strong. 那五万多的宙神已全然聚集,拥有各种体系,相互组合,排列成军,信念极强。 „, Under Heavenly Dao Arena, this is only a meeting engagement, is our wars of attack, does not need to consider that any terrain, conspiracy and other factors, the strength is the basis of only decision result!” “诸位,在天道竞技场下,这只是一场遭遇战,更是我们的出击之战,不用考虑任何地形、阴谋等因素,实力就是唯一决定胜负的根本!” However the good news is, the elder through the Heavenly Dao Arena survey, our strengths has been close to two times in the opposite party, basically in any small battlefield, can achieve two dozens one. Then, seems like 50000 games 30,000, may in fact hit, even if the opposite party dies certainly, our losses are also not necessarily able 3000!” “而好消息是,长辈已经通过天道竞技场测算,我们的实力接近两倍于对方,基本在任何一个小战场,都能做到二打一。如此一来,看似50000战三万,可实际上打起来,对方哪怕死绝,我们的损失也未必会过三千!” Such calculates, everyone did not feel oneself so will be hapless, will become in 50,000 3000. 这样一算,大家都不觉得自己会那么倒霉,会成为五万中的三千。 Eight Departments Gods 50,000, except for Disorder Reflection, other seven clans, them altogether were divided into seven talent Universe God armies, three big Heavenly God Clan team without doubt strongest! 八部神众五万,除了无序倒影,其他七族都在,他们一共分成了七只天才宙神大军,其中三大天神族的队伍无疑最强 But in three big Heavenly God Clan, calculates by the war ability, naturally is Demon Heaven God Clan strongest, they do not even need to fear that fought the beast death, can definitely work as the first Polish leading troops, to Immemorial Permanent Sand juniors severe warning. 而三大天神族之中,以战争能力来算,自然是魔天神族最强,他们甚至都不用怕战兽死亡,完全可以当第一波先头部队,给太古恒沙子弟当头棒喝。 Demon Heaven God Clan, the itself/Ben is the High Star Ruins war machine! 魔天神族,本就是上星墟的战争机器! By quantity Human Race that becomes three big Heavenly God Clan! 一个靠数量成为三大天神族人族 In the mobilization, these in talent Universe God that Ten Desolate Heavenly Universe List is the top position, has met the secret order of elder, starts to plan the attack level! 在动员的时候,那些在十荒天宙榜排名前列的天才宙神们,已经接了长辈的密令,开始规划进攻层次! They when the content that this mobilization presents, is truly terrifying. 他们在这动员时呈现出的内容,确实很恐怖。 Li Tianming looks from afar, cannot see the detail, but Yin Chen (silver dust) told him, at present Eight Departments Gods and condition of Immemorial Permanent Sand juniors, differs very in a big way! 李天命远远看去,看不到细节,但银尘却告诉他,目前八部神众太古恒沙子弟的状态,相差非常大! Eight Departments Gods, backs on Heavenly Dao Arena, initiates an attack, such as the group wolf ambushes, systematic! 八部神众,背靠天道竞技场,主动出击,如群狼伏击,井然有序! But Immemorial Permanent Sand juniors, but also hits the stage of tangled warfare at the street, each Ancient List talent leads own person, hides in Jianfeng and Miracle Mountain intersection point, has not realized opposite party the meaning of extinguishing killing decidedly. 太古恒沙子弟,还处在街头打混战的阶段,各个古榜天才带着自己的人,藏在剑峰和神迹山的交界处,还没意识到对方的灭杀之意何等决然。 This way is bad.” Li Tianming deeply knits the brows. These Eight Departments Gods, although is only Star Furnace talent juniors, but goes on an expedition starry sky too long them, has Heavenly Dao such taking advantage, as natural intruder, what completely familiar and easy...... is most essential, they have the elder outside, through Heavenly Dao Arena, makes the strategic arrangement to them!” “这样下去要糟糕。”李天命深深皱眉。“这些八部神众,虽然只是一个星炉的天才子弟,但征战星空太久的他们,拥有天道这样的依仗,作为天生的入侵者,完全轻车熟路……最关键的是,他们有长辈在外面,通过天道竞技场,给他们做战略安排!” This is not the battle strength issue, but is the issue of clan essence. 这已经不是战力的问题,而是氏族本质的问题。 Reviews Immemorial Permanent Sand, ruling in one corner of the kingdom, the defense is a lord, without Heavenly Dao Arena, one group of young people does not have the experience. 反观太古恒沙,偏安一隅,防守为主,没有天道竞技场,一帮年轻人没经验。 Once then engages in hand-to-hand combat, inevitable casualty serious......” “接下来一旦短兵相接,必然死伤惨重……” Li Tianming just listened to Yin Chen (silver dust) to say this matter, has been acting. 李天命刚听银尘说这事,就已经在行动了。 He related Jiang Datou and Jiang Lincheng with the pass on message stone directly. 他直接用传讯石联系了姜大头姜临城 „Related to your 30,000 lives dead, looks for Lin Zhaoge to come out, I and he said face to face.” Li Tianming sinking sound said. “事关你们三万人生死,找林朝歌出来,我和他当面说。”李天命沉声道。 Other can Ancient List talent come?” Jiang Lincheng asked hastily. “其他古榜天才能来吗?”姜临城连忙问。 Can!” Li Tianming nods. “能!”李天命点头。 These Immemorial Permanent Sand juniors, have found out by secret inquiry the Eight Departments Gods attack intention, the present is they most chaotic time, several Ancient List talent gather together, has the idea respectively, at present who has no way to convince anyone. 这些太古恒沙子弟,已经探知到八部神众的进攻意图,现在正是他们最为混乱的时候,几个古榜天才聚在一起,各有想法,目前谁也没法说服谁。 Li Tianming's appears, truly gave them a new way of thinking. 李天命的出现,也确实给了他们一条新思路。 Quick, Jiang Lincheng brings two top talent Universe God to come, they obviously are Siming Shengshi that character, there are more than 700 meters Universe God bodies. 很快,姜临城就带着两个顶尖的天才宙神过来,他们明显都是司命生世那种人物,有七百多米的宙神躯体。 The left man, Jiang Lincheng they said several times Lin Zhaoge, this is young people who wears sky-blue battle armor, the appearance is very handsome, with Jiang Lincheng is the same style youngster talent, but the obvious family background is higher, bringing high-rank makings, but also a little air of scholarly refinement. 左边一个男子,正是姜临城他们说了好几次的林朝歌,这是一个身穿蔚蓝色战甲的年轻人,长相十分英俊,和姜临城算是同一个风格的少年天才,但明显出身更高,自带上位者气质,还有一点书卷气。 But the right is a young girl, she is elusive, but the dust, wears a floating long skirt, packages the tender body like the white brilliant galaxy, the skin white/in vain pretty, sweet and pretty person, is a nimble and resourceful starry sky goddess. 而右边则是一个少女,她空灵而出尘,身穿一身飘飘长裙,如同白色绚烂星河包裹娇躯,肤白貌美,娇美可人,乃是一位灵动的星空女神。 Brother Lin Feng. This is Lin Zhaoge, but this is Jiang Feifei.” A Jiang Lincheng person leads them to come, introduced hastily. 林枫兄弟。这位是林朝歌,而这位是‘姜妃妃’。”姜临城一人带他们来,连忙介绍。 Jiang Feifei......” 姜妃妃……” This name makes Li Tianming almost bite the tongue. 这名字让李天命差点咬到舌头。 She is ancient ancestor descendant.” Jiang Lincheng reminded in a low voice. “她是古祖后裔。”姜临城低声提醒道。 oh oh.” Li Tianming said that no wonder this attire style and makings look like that person, originally is our posterity. 哦哦。”李天命就说,怪不得这装束风格、气质那么像那个人,原来是咱子孙后代。 This is Brother Lin Feng, he is this Ancestral World Yan and Huang descendant.” Jiang Lincheng introduced Li Tianming directly like this, gave his new status. “这位是林枫兄弟,他是这祖界的炎黄后裔。”姜临城直接这样介绍李天命,给了他新的身份。 At this time said that he is the companion star small clan, definitely no one believed that the companion star small clan is not so absolutely strange, so will not be more intrepid. 这时候说他是伴星小族,肯定没人相信了,伴星小族绝对没有这么古怪的,更不会有这么强悍的。 Forest brother, the time is urgent, please say.” The Lin Zhaoge vision sinks, obviously is still worried about that side matter. “林兄,时间紧急,请说。”林朝歌目光微沉,明显还在担心那边的事。 Behind them is the Immemorial Permanent Sand hiding place, if no change, waits for Eight Departments Gods to attack, here is the bloody battlefield that the talent falls from the sky. 他们背后就是太古恒沙的藏身之处,如果再不有变化的话,等八部神众攻下来,这里就是天才陨落的血腥战场。 My proposition is very simple, you whole staff retreat as soon as possible, enter Nine Lives Cave, meets head-on by the Nine Lives Cave terrain, may reduce the population advantage of opposite party, waits at ease for an exhausted enemy, fights the protracted war.” Li Tianming comes straight to the point to say. “我的提议很简单,你们尽快全员撤退,进入九命窟,以九命窟的地形迎战,可削减对方的人数优势,以逸待劳,打持久战。”李天命开门见山道。 Hears this saying, behind that Jiang Feifei opens the mouth in a soft voice, said to Lin Zhaoge: Worthily surnamed Lin, his idea and you are exactly the same.” 听到这话,那后边的姜妃妃轻声开口,对林朝歌道:“不愧姓林,他的想法和你一模一样。” Is it possible that ginger miss wants to flaunt for a while the spirit, with Eight Departments Gods in the wilderness of this no terrain, conducting one is impossible the death war that wins?” Li Tianming knits the brows to ask slightly. “姜姑娘莫非想逞一时意气,和八部神众就在这无地形的旷野之中,进行一场不可能赢的死战?”李天命微微皱眉问。 Young Master Lin thought too stupid me.” Jiang Feifei shakes the head, as we all know, to the loyalty, fight with the opposite party under the monitoring of this Heavenly Dao Arena for a while, loses one's life in vain.” 林公子把我想得太蠢了。”姜妃妃摇了摇头,“大家都知道,为了一时义气,在这天道竞技场的监控下和对方一战,都是白白送命。” Therefore?” Li Tianming asked. “所以呢?”李天命问。
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